Back at the Les Tavern, Moore resigned to the boss of Les. He was going to study on Monte Island. The boss of Les gave him a hundred gold coins. Moore picked up the heavy bag. He was very grateful to the boss of Les.

He remembered how to make jerky and taught it to Boss Les. He found that the jerky from the mainland, which was bestowed by the gods, used magic to extract the water inside, and simply pickled it with salt. His method can have more flavor and taste better.

Moore came to the backyard to bid farewell to Master Upton. Upton already knew that he was about to leave, so he took out a knife from the room without saying anything. The knife seemed to be newly made, and he used it with Nice pattern, as wide as his kitchen knife, just much longer.

"Thank you!" Moore picked up the knife and followed Upton's pace. The feeling is very different now. The feeling of the knife slicing through the flesh seems to touch the hand. He seems to have entered a strange realm. One knife is faster than one knife, and one knife is faster. A knife saves effort, and the body and state enter the highest coordination.

Stopped, panting, "I was hesitating at the beginning whether to teach martial arts, but now you have learned it. Although your magic aptitude is advanced, but the space system does not have strong attack power, now you have no problem cutting monsters."

There is a black line on Moore's head, but he still has to learn magic. No matter how successful he is, his favorite food will always be food.

Moore has speed and power in mind, the essence of it.

"See you later, Master Upton," Moore thanked him sincerely. Upton smiled and continued to work. Now that there are too many guests, five are not enough, and he has to notify the boss to recruit people.

Back in the room, there was only a simple bed. I took out the original apron, which could only be used as a souvenir. I took out one hundred and five gold coins from my pocket, took out a needle and thread, and sewed a small bag. I put it next to my body and prepared some Items travel far.

Knowing that there are space items, Moore wanted one very much, but a small item cost 56 gold coins, which cost half of the money, but now he gritted his teeth and bought it. It is a golden armband, which costs about two A square square, clothes are put inside.

Small space objects have been used extensively. This flood is not aimed at ordinary people, but Moore has never met a real ordinary person. Compared to him, 1 copper coin = 1 yuan, 1 silver coin = 1 thousand yuan, and 1 gold coin = 1 yuan, so that you can think of the value of space items.

Half of the money was spent at once. The common sense that Moore learned, more than 40 gold coins, is not enough to learn magic. The big deal is to set up a street vendor to make money. Moore put this matter aside.

Five bags of flour, pots and pans, necessary seasonings, and bought some new ones, he plans to use them to try the taste, and some shelf-stable foods, such as potatoes, nuts, and Moore also prepared some meat To eat on the road, two jars of pickles are also prepared, and the empty jars are convenient for collecting some things on the road.

With one day left, Moore came to the gate of the city with a basket. People were in a hurry, and there were many people lying under the trees on both sides of the road.

"Brother Guard, how is the situation now? Why are there so many refugees?" Moore was very worried. War is closely related to life.

"Hey! I'm afraid the country will be destroyed. The two countries have joined forces to attack Saint Vasa, and there is also a monster riot. They regard Saint Vasa as the crystal nucleus of monsters. We don't understand what happened above."

"I'm leaving St. Vasa. Say goodbye and thank you, or I'll starve to death."

The guard looked at the food and started to eat, "Let's go, go outside to see and experience, and avoid the war. Our ancestors have been here for generations, and we have feelings." There is another sentence that the guard didn't say, there are wars everywhere, you can go to Where is it, it is better to stay.

What happened recently, Moore always has a familiar feeling. He has all his luggage on him and has no place to stay tonight. He is going to the Water God Temple to find Mr. Adair, because he found one very important thing, He didn't know the characters here, so he was lucky to be able to understand them. He was completely illiterate here.

If only Adair could teach him how to read, he could learn more from books.

Moore was really embarrassed. He lowered his head and said in a low voice. Adair laughed secretly in his heart. What's the matter? Some people don't know how to read all their lives.

"No problem, it's just that sometimes I'm very busy. I'll recommend someone who will definitely help you. Come out, Binbin!" A cat appeared out of thin air, it was the monster I saw a few days ago, and Binbin came out to greet you enthusiastically. Jumped on top of Adair and licked his face.

Could it be that cats are monsters above level seven?

Moore took the Binbin cat. It has very comfortable fur. There are silver and white patterns on the black fur. "What kind of monster is Binbin? How can you teach me?" Adair picked up a book from the table and taught Binbin Bin, "It's enough to practice with it every day, and it won't waste your time. You will know it at night."

When he went to bed and didn’t see Binbin, Moore nodded his head a little bit. He couldn’t stand it. He seemed to have come to the school somewhere. The teacher on the podium was replaced by a funny cat, and he was the only student. .

"Stand up in class!"

Moore stood up reflexively and shouted: "Hello, teacher!" Then he realized that it was a dream, and he couldn't help following the teacher's train of thought. Moore experienced the feeling of learning English once, and the teacher took out a thick book , Recite it, Teacher Bin Bin has a plan, and the class ends after every day's study.

People only realize their potential when they need it.

Remembering the words and sentences learned today, when he woke up, it happened to be the gathering time and the gathering place. When Moore saw Adair with a beard, he suddenly felt embarrassed. The nobles have luxurious one-horned horse-drawn carriages. They came directly with luggage, he forgot to prepare the means of transportation.

At this time, the teacher should arrange it!Moore was looking forward to waiting for the teacher to announce something.

"The king and the queen donated ten unicorn carriages to us, one for three people, and set off ahead," the person brought by Adair was the leader, they should be their seniors, there were only two people in the car, and the noble students all had their own carriage.

The unicorn horse has good stamina and is faster than ordinary horses. It belongs to the second-level monster. I heard that there is also a seventh-level monster, commonly known as the one-horned Pegasus, and another name is the Holy Horse of Light.

The direction is east, through several principalities, through the Third Reich, and take a boat from Yujiao Port to Monte Island. I heard that Monte Island is a small continent, next to Dragon Island, and Moore feels like he is in heaven.

Withdrawing his thoughts, in the carriage, he and Leonard were assigned together, and there was also a strong young man who did not expect to be assigned together. This made Moore think of the dormitory. They talked to each other. Moore positioned the roles and talked about What kind of food is the best, summed up the meaning, eating ordinary food with unusual taste, this made the young man deeply agree, and Leonard looked at him with admiration.

The specific journey: exercising in the evening, eating Warcraft in the morning, preparing food for the day, and so on. Knowing that the mentor can train them, Moore is very passionate, and he takes the lead in cooking. As a result, everyone knows that Moore is very good at it. Cooking food, and gradually he also went hunting. Unexpectedly, Leonard's martial arts skills are so good, and the use of magic is also very good.

Moore came to Leonard's side and said, "Bring me a fire." Leonard was helpless, a fireball passed by, and the fire ignited.

Aristocrats know magic, and their martial skills are not bad. Commoners rely on their strength, and their instructors train deliberately. They did not encounter powerful monsters. Later, the instructor increased the difficulty. They worked together to fight fifth-level monsters for extra meals. Moore also felt the magic element .

Every night, Binbin came to Moore’s dream to teach him how to read and write. On the way, Moore went to the bookstore to buy some books about plants and animals, and he also bought a few books about medicine, and he had few gold coins. I didn't expect books to be so expensive.

One night, maybe the god of fate didn't want to see it, Moore went into a daze. He dreamed about the past. As a handyman, he read books to pass the time after work every day. What he loved to read were not books about killing treasures and picking up girls. I love reading books full of positive energy.

Moore is easily affected by emotions. What should he do if he can't read a good book? When he was searching for a book, he saw a book. A villainous, well-behaved western fantasy novel, the protagonist regards serving the people as his goal, unifies the mainland, marries Bai Fumei, and becomes a god.

When I read this book, Moore still had feelings, but now I have forgotten all of it, no wonder I feel a little familiar, Leonard is not the protagonist, he is now walking the map, thank you for his correct three-point view, and thank the protagonist for being a good person , he put the protagonist aside, it’s okay to be a friend, but the protagonist’s ideological consciousness is too high, well, if he comes to eat, he can give the protagonist a discount.

Moore has always felt that life is his own, and the protagonist has little to do with him. Anyway, the protagonist is a good person with normal views, but it is good to know the development of things in advance. For example, he suddenly realized that Adair’s Identity is the mentor of the protagonist, age is the most unreliable.

Adair hadn't slept for a long time, she opened her eyes suddenly in meditation, the breath was very familiar, it was God!Can't God wait, Adair knelt on the ground, "Adair welcomes the coming of my God," the white fluorescent light seemed to enter the kingdom of God, and Adair looked at the figure on the unreachable God's throne.

What is the Lord God's instruction?

"You have seen the surprise I gave you, what are you going to do?" Adair wondered what God meant.

He replied: "All follow my heart and live up to the expectations of the Lord God."

Fan got the news he wanted and left satisfied. He didn't want to force it. It would be best if the two could attract each other.

Adair stood up. He wanted to go and see Moore, but after hesitating for a long time, he returned to the carriage.

Moore woke up after figuring it out. Before it was time to get up, he opened his eyes and looked at Leonard. This is the protagonist. It doesn’t look any different. If he is full of ambition, he can follow the protagonist to go on an adventure together. Now. , He only wants the world to be peaceful. Moore sincerely supports the protagonist to unify the world. There are more than 200 countries. It seems that there are only more than 50 countries when the protagonist fights for hegemony. Thinking of this number, Leonard is really an idol.

Elves, dragon islands, dwarves, giants, orcs, mermaids, sea beasts, it is said that there are gods on them. Moore thinks that he must be prepared to practice for many years, and he has finally traveled through it. He has not eaten all the delicacies of various races, like an ordinary person A mediocre life, wouldn't it be disappointing to go through a journey? Moore now has a huge ambition, even greater than becoming a god. What is more motivated than fighting for his ideals!

What he needs is careful observation and hard work. From now on, everything around him has the possibility of becoming delicious food.

On the road for more than ten days, Moore carefully observed the scenery on the road, combined with more than 20 years of experience, and analyzed the possibility of cooking.

Along the way, Moore saw all kinds of wonderful scenery. Here is spring, and there may be winter. The climate is extremely complex, which is very conducive to the development of animals and plants. The richness of species makes Moore amazed.

Surrounded by the ocean on three sides, Yujiao Harbor is the closest place to Four Seasons Island. The road is full of hawkers, and they have half a day to visit here.

Moore took Leonard to buy some things. Seafood is the most indispensable thing in the sea. Maybe he needs tools, fishing rods, fishing nets, and some special seasonings for cooking seafood.

Leonard understood Moore, for the food, for the delicious food, exuded amazing power, and accepted Moore as a friend unconsciously.

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