[Western Fantasy] Magic Chef

Chapter 45 To the mainland

When Moore woke up, it was still dark, and it had been a night and a day.I really want to eat in my heart, my body has been cleaned up, except for a little soreness, Moore doesn't feel anything else, and admires the strength of the mermaid's physique.

Adair woke up early to prepare for the next trip. The continent has undergone earth-shaking changes, the weather has changed drastically, and the arctic cold is everywhere. The clothes made of firefox fluff, Adair knew that Moore woke up, The meat of sea animals is fresh, firm and delicious.

Moore didn't feel disgusted when he ate it. It seems that his sense of taste has also changed. The two of them sat together by the window in a peaceful night. Moore read a book and ate fish, while Adair looked at him with his chin resting , Moore fed him a few slices, Adair chewed it, and found it very delicious.

"When will we return to the mainland, and how is my cafeteria?" Moore asked. On the day of the wedding, when he saw Stanley, he really wanted to ask, but he didn't find the opportunity.

Adair said: "The changes in the past two years were really unexpected. Stanley dealt with it in time, and the cafeteria was saved, but there have been great changes. The situation of the magic vine network is not good, and the weather has suddenly become cold. Now..." He Everything comes from analysis, and the specific situation is unknown.

Moore understood, "It's okay, I was already prepared to fail," and said with a smile: "Forgive my immaturity, I know what to do now, and I will definitely be able to adapt to the mainland next time."

Adair nodded, thinking about various forces, he decided on a plan.

"I hope that with my efforts, I can buy the items in the westernmost part of the mainland at home; I hope that with my efforts, I can know the world's affairs at home; I hope that we want to go to a place, be able to go right away, and spend the least amount of money.” Moore displayed great ambition.

"This is also the price of my existence," his ambition was stimulated, he didn't know how much he could succeed, how much modern society and the world could integrate.

Moore looked at Adair expectantly, "What do you think, what will you do?"

Adair's eyes became serious, "Your wish is my direction. I think that in the next 200 years, we will realize your wish. Now my goal still needs us to complete it."

Moore chuckled, and said haha: "I actually forgot, I really forgot, we still have a lot of time," and then said: "What time is not good to wake up, what can we do at night?" He was full of energy.

Adair didn't think it was very good, he could see everything about Moore clearly, "Of course we have something to do, meditate," he said as he closed his eyes, his soul became more condensed, giving him more Further possibilities, but it is not easy to condense the godhead, the water god sits high on the throne, once he has the heart to peep, the main god can't stop him, he must have another method.

Moore described his changes as unbelievable. Now he doesn't have the heart to use his strength, and he has all the strength in his body. He puts training on the plan.

In ten days, they wandered around the surrounding sea area. Under the recommendation of Adair, they tasted a lot of sea animal meat. He no longer feels repulsive to fish meat. The magic plants brought from the bottom of the sea gave Moore a lot Inspiration, practicing around them, can gather more elements, and can strengthen the circulation. The magic plants are equivalent to a collection of elements.

Moore also saw his own island, covered in green, with complex terrain, and other things that he needs to build. Moore has no idea now, and his heart is all on the mainland.

Life at sea is very comfortable, you don’t have to think about anything, you feel like a vacation in the sea, and when you come to the mainland, he seems to wake up from the illusion, and come to the real world, covered with ice and snow, blowing the cold wind, Moore listened Speaking of the change in the weather, I didn't expect it to be so cold, the green that can be seen everywhere disappeared, the trees died in large areas, and all the leaves fell off, forming a rotten layer on the ground.

"How could this be?" He didn't feel a lot of cold now, they still put on thick clothes, and occasionally saw the bones of animals, the further inland, the bones, and the people who were about to die, everything made heaven become hell.

Continental countries fought frequently, and the emperor of the Third Reich wanted to inherit the achievements of future generations before he died, so he accepted the suggestion of the favored minister, made the war buried below clear, and provoked a war across the entire continent.

The Emperor of the First Empire was young, just at the age of enthusiasm, and he didn’t want to fall behind. The Second Empire contacted small countries and hid them behind their backs. Half a year ago, the Treasure Incident caused them to explode. Leonard and Moses also participated in the Treasure Incident. They Most of the things were obtained in secret, but no one knew that the conflicts among the personnel of the three empires also made them avoid, thus missing the undercurrent of princes and dignitaries.

Moses was deeply trusted by the emperor and was assigned many tasks. The two of them saw many ruins and knew a lot of royal secrets.

Adair has been closed for the past two years. He has learned about these situations in the past two days. He observed everything secretly and evaluated the strength of the two people. His plan is to help them build power and make them deeply trusted by human beings. The prophecies he issued gave them confidence, and when powerful conditions from the outside world came before them one after another, they would strengthen their confidence and believe that the prophecies were true.

Moore quickly adapted to the cold winter wind. The people on the mainland did not adapt. They were suffering from hunger and cold, and there was no food everywhere. They took up weapons, hunted low-level monsters, and barely survived. However, the increasing tide of monsters, To make life worse, people in the wild have no time to come back.

In half a year, the tide of monsters has formed a strange relationship with humans. People are looking forward to the tide of monsters, which means that food and powerful people are used as an opportunity to exercise, and human beings grow again.

Emerald City, a city close to the forest, many human beings came to seek refuge, more and more human beings, and refugees also joined. The city lord, Vesuning, gave full play to his wisdom, and the elves cultivated cold-resistant plants. He was taken out and arranged for the refugees to work. Meals, lodging, and reasonable arrangements for mercenaries to resist the tide of monsters allowed the Emerald City to develop further and become a famous city on the mainland.

In half a year, a solid wall was built outside the Emerald City, which can withstand most beast tides. Moore didn't know him a little bit. When he and Adair went in, the people passing by were in a hurry, and their faces were full of energy. , They find a sense of belonging from the bleakness.

"It's Boss Moore!" Moore was puzzled by the passionate and adoring expression. Adair knew it and led him to Moore's cafeteria. Er's cafeteria became a real cafeteria, and a larger building was built behind it.Moore walked in, cauldrons, rows of tables, chairs, at least hundreds of people were eating, and the time they came back was eating.

"Boss," Selicia flew out wearing a small skirt, full of excitement, and threw herself at Moore's chest, "You haven't seen each other for two years, do you have a baby?" All complained, wrinkling their noses.

Moore was shocked, and said helplessly: "How can there be a baby, don't think about it, I'm a man." Glaring at Adair, Adair held back his laughter and shook his shoulders.

He put his arms around Moore's shoulders, and walked into the cafeteria together. The change was a little unfamiliar. In the kitchen, the employees were members of the Magic Kitchen Association. Excited, and full of expectations for my master.

Seeing Moore coming, Stanley said to the apprentices in the kitchen: "I tell you a piece of good news. Your master is back. If you can officially become a master, then you are also my disciples!"

The apprentices were eager to move and waited proudly for the master to inspect. Moore naturally heard it, and deeply felt that it was no wonder that Stanley let people work hard for him, and the trainers were like chicken blood.

"Not bad, all good!" Hearing that the master is satisfied and seeing the master, they are all very honored. They have heard about the master's deeds for more than a year. He is young, talented, and dedicated all his enthusiasm to food.

Moore observed for a while and found a few special ones. Stanley said proudly: "Apprentice, see what I have done for you. I have lived up to your trust!"

"No," Moore was very satisfied. The current appearance is exactly what he imagined. It is down-to-earth and brings more happiness to people.

"By the way, where is Vivier?" Vivier said that it was his contract elf, but he didn't stay by his side. Stanley pointed the direction to Moore, "He is in the magic restaurant, where he is needed more," Vivier said. Make magical food as a hobby. "The needs of mercenaries are still different. They still want to eat our special magic food."

Moore thought about the magic plants in the water polo and gave Vivier a surprise.

A tomato held a large spoon, stirred it skillfully, added magic power, and then went in and rolled around. Moore had an idea, did he take a bath?

"Vivier, I'm back." Vivier put down the spoon, jumped onto Moore's shoulder, and sniffed everywhere, "It's all the smell of Adair~" Winking at Adair, Moore wanted to chew it for a while Taking a bite of the tomato, he awkwardly changed the subject.

"I brought you a few friends." He took out the fish tank, the root shape inside was called a fake dead person, and the seaweed covered with night pearls, the name was Pearl Tree, the two of them were the most intelligent, and the rest It is also their companion magic plant.

As expected, Weiwei was attracted, the pearl tree likes the smell the most, the root was planted in a bowl, the soup was absorbed completely, and he burped.Sorry to hide behind fake dead.

Moore got to know the cafeteria and admired Stanley's wisdom very much. Cooperating with Vesuning, it would be invincible in Emerald City at any time. The magic vine net is now used to transmit weapons, news, and food. Play a huge role in the tide of Warcraft.

They don't intend to stay here. The matter of Adair is the most important thing. Moore also wants to see with his own eyes the changes of the protagonists. Everything is changing, and the initial advantage no longer exists.

The author has something to say: Looking back at how long I wrote, I feel so happy, I have made a breakthrough

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