Swimming in the world of elements, the silver-white light spots are close to his soul, and his whole body is refreshed. When he is pushed awake, he finds that the whole night has passed, and his magic has been upgraded!

"I'm a senior magician now, and I can experiment with more magic circles!" Moore said pleasantly.

Adair said, "My dear, there is another surprise, do you want to know?" He looked like he was waiting for Moore to jump in by himself.

Moore hesitated, "Either you say it yourself, or you don't need to know," sitting at the table, writing a work plan for the day.

"I will take you to the sea, the place where I was born, when the time comes..." The unspoken words are meaningful.

Moore immediately thought of the battle of attacking and receiving, "I'm not surprised at all," Adair looked thin, and they stood together, and he must be the receiving side.

"Okay, don't bother me. There is no such thing in today's work plan. There are still many things to be busy."

Adair smiled meaningfully at his back, he had better plans.

The lobby is beautifully decorated by flower elves, it looks like a teahouse, a coffee shop, not a restaurant at all.Moore apologized by hanging a rest sign at the door.

"It's full of floral scents, no one likes it except Miss Madam!" Only a few elegant flowers were left, and the hall was covered with green again. Moore took the opportunity to sort out the unreasonable places and re-plan the layout.

"Space painting can't have only one style. In the future, when the banquet is arranged, there can be flowers on the table at the beginning, but you have to take it off for a while." The space painting book is to pursue a variety of styles. The wild grassland will not be filled with flowers. It won't be all flowers, and the scent of flowers is too strong, which is not a good thing.

For the rest of the time, Moore went to revise the menu. The ratio of ordinary dishes to magic dishes is not appropriate. It should be mainly ordinary dishes, and there must be a few mainland dishes.

He relies too much on the elves. Mr. Stanley is right. In terms of innovation or human beings, write a letter to the Magic Kitchen Association?He said, I don't have enough people here, how about a few people to help me, he has such a great contribution?

Biting the tip of the pen and thinking hard, I feel that it is inappropriate, now I want to hire a chef?Loyalty cannot be guaranteed, and recipe leakage is also a serious problem. Apprentices are being cultivated now, but he is in a hurry to use them.

"Teacher——" Moore called out tentatively, a burst of light appeared, and ten handsome kitchen knives appeared, "Dear little apprentice, are you calling me?" He leaned over and saw what was written, "If you need anything from me, just say Come on! What's mine is yours!"

"I don't know what you can do?"

Stanley was thinking, looking at Moore's head nodding, he was about to fall asleep, the black breath was about to cover him, Stanley pulled out the kitchen knife, hacked all of them, and the blackness dissipated wildly.

Moore continued to ask: "I've been waiting for you for a while. Is it so difficult? I'm almost falling asleep." I used my brain too much today, and I feel dizzy and want to vomit.

"No, let me take a nap for a while."

Stanley leaned over, "It's afternoon, is the cafeteria busy?"

Moore was confused and justified: "Afternoon nap..."

It's really rampant, under his nose, hurting Moore, it's not safe here, "Adair—" Stanley looked for him in a panic, now it's time for Adair to decide, he felt that their feelings Sturdy enough that Moore can take it no matter what.

Adair asked Binbin to buy a wedding. In a place that Moore couldn't see, there was a shell carriage and flowers sprinkled on the road. The lavender elves were happy to help, so why not replace it with a winter melon carriage?Moore likes vegetables, so Binbin recruited his tribe.

"Evil has invaded Moore!" Adair trembled when he heard it, and Stanley murmured and reported the incident, "I told you a long time ago that we must act quickly. The Lord God is for you, not to force you."

"Let me think about it, there is still some time before the opening of the altar," Adair replied, and Stanley cheered secretly, as the mission had been completed.

"Tell me, how do you propose to Moore? Is it the old-fashioned marriage snatching, or a romantic night?" Stanley floated in the air, telling his own experience. Shredded, reassembled, "uncute little one."

"I heard that the mermaid has to endure for a while in the sea, waiting for Moore to transform?" Now the kingdom of God is full of gossip, and he also heard it from other mermaids.

Stanley winked, "Little Moore trusts me as a teacher the most, why don't you go and find out his hobbies for you, and I promise to let him follow you as soon as he sees you."

With a sullen face, Adair showed Stanley the half-modified winter melon carriage. Stanley smelled the green smell, slipped and fell in mid-air, and laughed loudly, "I'm laughing to death, hahaha——"

"Where did you get the wax gourd?" Adair asked uneasily, wiping away tears from laughter, "Will Moore like it? Or, paint it red?"

Stanley looked like someone who came over, and put his arms around Adair to teach, "Moore likes to cook, not winter melon. In life, you actually made winter melon. Tell me how you came up with it?"

Yesterday, Adair heard Moore boasting about the wax gourd in the vegetable garden for a long time.

"It's the most romantic way I've ever done it. Nine unicorns and flying horses pull a carriage made of flowers. By the way, you can make one made of vines. He likes it. Flowers are scattered in the sky, and there are tokens of love. You Are you ready?"

Adair raised the space ring in his hand, "I gave it to Moore a long time ago," Stanley praised, "he has a future, and he will definitely not refuse."

"What about the dowry? I've asked Moore a long time ago. The custom in my hometown is to have a dowry. This is the first step in marriage," Adair's eyes lit up, and he had an idea. He had a fief in the mainland. It's from an empire, I believe Moore will like it, let's build a cafeteria for him!

Adair prepared the carriage, sealed the land, and headed towards Moore's cafeteria with arrogance.

Stanley quickly pulled him back, "Moore is still sleeping, he doesn't know, he will take it away tomorrow morning, the timing is not right today."

"Has the Lord God informed you?" According to the speed of Pegasus, tomorrow is the wedding, and there must be a host. He understands what Stanley means.

"The lord god will know, he doesn't look at the mainland all the time," "Hush—" Stanley signaled him to stop talking, Fan's prestige is famous in the God Realm, "Knowing that he is here, and still saying that, be careful of him Fuck you." A bolt from the blue reached his feet, a warning to Stanley.

Adair bent down respectfully, "My God, I need you, please officiate my wedding!" Adair suddenly realized that the Lord God is his father, the closest person, the person he trusts.

Sensing the departure of the main god, Adair silently perfected the plan.

Tomorrow, let the nine cats go up first, and Moore couldn’t help but feel soft when he saw them. Binbin and the others are grabbing fluff balls. The master’s task, he is very big brother, and handed over to the monster with a bow. In terms of cuteness, discuss No one likes her more than her.

At night, the layout of the hall and the space painting is almost the same. The red, yellow and purple are all removed, the atmosphere is fresh, and the simple notation is restored. There are recipes on one wall, most of which are ordinary dishes, and the menu of magic dishes is on the table. Open the door and come in. The person in the room was a little surprised, but very kind.

Laughter and voices returned in the hall, and Moore smiled with relief.

Adair came over, "Have you arranged everything?"

"One more thing, the cafeteria needs apprentices, and I'm thinking about how to do it," Adair said, "Let Stanley do it, he must have a way, and leave everything he doesn't understand to him." You're messing with Moore, don't be lazy!

"It's a good idea!" Moore said with a smile on his lips, "The magic vine network has expanded nearby, and many people have come to talk about it and ask for it. This is a good sign."

Adair tentatively asked: "Then what are you worried about, I will help you solve it."

Moore thought for a while, "There are only these for the time being, nothing more." Adair was relieved, and planned to leave everything to Stanley in his heart.

early morning

Adair brought Moore to the window, flowers were scattered from the sky, nine flying horses pulled the carriage, and came to the window, Moore pinched his thigh, "A fairy came to pick me up?" With a look of disbelief, Adair's face turned black when he heard this, who is the god?Face to face, leaning against the forehead, "Honey, are you willing to come with me? You will have me for the rest of your time, sharing joy and overcoming difficulties with you!"

Moore's head was in a mess before he realized that this was a marriage proposal?unbelievable.

Adair took the opportunity to give him a fief and put a ring on him, "Honey, this is my dowry gift for you, just marry me!"

Moore was stimulated by the dowry and marriage, and immediately frowned, "Whoever gets married will pay the dowry, the water will tell you," he grabbed Adair's chest with both hands, and asked ferociously, it is unforgivable, all the face is lost!He doesn't mind being attacked, but it's in private, no one knows, how can he go out to meet people now! ! !

Adair felt that something was wrong, so he suddenly picked up Moore and jumped into the carriage with flowers. In the carriage, there was only Binbin with a bow tie. He leaned on Moore with a "meow-meow" and rubbed against Muir obediently and tenderly. Moore, Moore felt that his heart was melted, and most of his anger was gone.

Seeing the situation, Adair explained: "It's all Stanley's idea to me. I didn't know it at first." There was a smile in his eyes, innocent, and Moore saw the emotion in it, and his heart softened suddenly.

They have been together for a few years, and even those who are in a normal relationship are married. In this era of marriage at first sight, they have been together long enough.

"I can't trust him in the future, come and ask me about everything," Moore didn't look at what he gave, opened it, and saw a few words written in a place on the map, the fief of Adair, which was given to Moore, my partner.

"This is my fief. I earned it many years ago. If you want to expand the canteen and build a laboratory, it's up to you."

Moore leaned on the window with his head up, the blue sky could not see the edge, the soft ball on his body, and the person who accompanied him for a lifetime beside him, there was nothing he could not be satisfied with.

Looking into the distance, father, mother, sister, I have found a wife, even though I am a man, it is impossible for you to beat me up here.

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