Adair's life is quite comfortable. Mont Island is an environment he is familiar with. Looking for stone beasts to chat about the old days, there are meetings in the academy, contests and discussions in various aspects, and various plans require him to express his position. In addition, training Leonard and Silence Hughes.

It was quite interesting to train them. They found various reasons, turned to admire him, and obeyed him unconditionally.

Adair first showed his strength, the mermaid's physical strength and control over magic, he bullied them fiercely, the training arrangement, the advice Moore gave him was very useful, he tempered his will in the wind and rain, and sent it to the mouth of the monster to die Escaping, Adair observed secretly, and they encountered many adventures.

Half a year passed in the blink of an eye. Adair stroked his beard and looked at the two of them with relief. Leonard didn't know why the teacher asked him to come here. Today's training has not been completed yet, so he was a little puzzled.

Moses understood a little bit that the people sent by the family brought the situation, and the young emperor couldn't hold his breath. Their family was in a dilemma. The situation changes brought about by the war. Duke Hubert's attitude is very important. Whether it is war or not, There was a beast tide on their family's territory, and his father wanted him to go back.

"Teaching you for half a year, I have nothing to teach you. You have learned what you should learn. Now I will give you three suggestions!"

"Teacher, tell me, let's listen carefully." The two of them said together.

"The first way: to become a great magician and swordsman!

The second way: become a hero and warrior of the mainland!

The third way: a way to become a god! "

Leonard's expression was serious. It was related to the future. He wanted to say that he was not that great. These three paths...

Moses thought about it carefully. The strange prophecy at the beginning, becoming a god, was beyond human reach. Moses wanted to know, but how could Mr. Adair know.

Adair stopped them, "Listen to my analysis first, and then make a decision. The first way, relying on your talent, can be achieved without too much effort, which is what most magicians and swordsmen pursue; the second way , Now that the chaos in the mainland has begun, war makes heroes; the third road, a road full of bumps and thorns, I can only give you the method for reference."

"What do you think?" Adair glanced at the two of them.Leonard's expression was serious, his eyes were confused, but he had a firm direction, Moses was exuding indifference, and Adair saw the seriousness in his eyes.

Looking at the teacher's trusting and expectant eyes, Leonard felt ashamed. He was not as good as the teacher thought. He didn't dare to think about the third way. No one could do it. The deeds of countless predecessors prevented him from going think.

"Teacher, I'm not that good, but I'm willing to fulfill my responsibilities as a human being. Beast hordes and wars have created many refugees. I want to help them settle down. I choose the second path." After Leonard said this, he felt uneasy. Burden, this is what I want!

Moses believes in his character, and he has also witnessed everything about Leonard, "Teacher, my choice is also the second one. I still have a family and a responsibility as a child." At the same time, he admires Leonard, without any do what you want

Adair smiled, "I have great expectations for you, and I hope that after you choose, you will move forward as you expect."

He took out a huge map, Leonard and Moses looked at it in surprise, there was nothing more detailed than this, "This is when I was young, I traveled around the world and drew it, I gave it to you, and now I let you go It's time for you to go to the mainland and find your own direction in your travels."

Feeling a bit reluctant, touching the map, he looked at a location, which was the place where he was born, where the graves of his father and mother were. Moses saw the territory, his father's expectations, and the family's glory. He had to take on his own responsibilities.

Adair has completed an important task. He doesn't have to be confined to Mont Island. He hasn't seen Moore for a long time. What he does in his dreams is unreal. The combination of the spiritual world makes him very much looking forward to meeting him. Take him to the beach, which is not far from the sea anyway.

Binbin turned into a ferocious beast, carrying Adair on it, and walked leisurely on the main road. It had just rained, and he stepped on the mud, but Binbin's paws were not stuck to the mud.With a hood on his head, Adair covered his eyes, only his pointed chin was exposed, and he stood proudly. He was wearing a magician's robe, and the surrounding area was vacant, and the refugees on the road dared not approach.

This is the only way between the three cities. The carriage carrying the goods walked slowly, occupying a length of more than 100 meters. The caravan owner hired a mercenary group. The walking mercenaries looked at Adair from time to time, Guessing in my heart, it must be a beautiful woman, or a magician. Warcraft is the fastest Binstein beast, even if I am envious, I also love it.

When it was time to rest, the tent was pitched, and Adair leaned against Binbin, twisting the jerky with his fingers.

The head of the mercenary group walked over and said, "Dear Mister Magician, I am Telad and I am going to the Emerald City. I wonder where this lord is going?"

Adair said indifferently, "Emerald City."

Trade said happily: "We happen to be together, can we go together?" Then he said: "The road is not stable recently, there are robbers infested, for your safety..."

The next words were not uttered, Adair already understood, is the robber as powerful as him?Seeing his attentiveness made him frown.

"Call me sir."

After hearing this, Trade looked at his chin in disappointment. It was a refusal, and quickly regained his spirits, "Sir, you can avoid a lot of trouble with us, I mean, it's safer." Looking up His chin looked really white in the firelight.

Adair stood up, Trade stood up quickly, raised his head suddenly, and was about the same height as him.

Adair said grimly: "Call me sir, don't take me for a miss," Trade blushed with embarrassment.

Bending over, "I'm sorry, it's my fault," sincerely apologized, and stopped disturbing his rest.

Adair followed them, did not say to join, Trade acquiesced in his existence, because of his embarrassing stupidity, a few carefree swordsmen, full of curiosity about him, pulled him to chat, and learned that he was going to the Emerald City, First of all, I suggested that he go to Moore's cafeteria to taste the special delicacies, and even described it specially, which made people drool.

Across the Emerald City, there is also a Parmany City. There are no magic vines on the roadside, which is a pity for them.

Under the hood of Adair, there was a proud expression on his face, proud of Moore's achievements.

Entering the Emerald City, Adair looked at the magic vines on both sides of the road, and saw a few vines spreading into the distance in the sky, and the people passing by on the long street, he saw the Moore Cafeteria the most.

Adair kept silent, ordered a few dishes, looked at the surrounding environment, through the gaps in the flowers and plants, he saw the people in the hall, there were people of all races, he nodded with satisfaction, he was very curious about everything, and There are many changes when walking, and there are several paintings on the wall. After people enter, this is the magic of space.

Moore is not in the cafeteria now, and after Adair finished eating, he walked towards the Santo's Mansion.

The fluorescent flowers closed, and Adair jumped onto the big tree, and sang a song, which was a requiem for spiritual death. The sound waves spread wave by wave, and Adair controlled it within a certain range.

One by one vines aimed at Adair's throat, and the leaves on the tree turned into thin needles. Adair's body was covered with water vapor, and the vines changed into entanglements. An arrow went straight to the door, and Adair stopped making sound.

Wei Xuning stopped, "You went to the city lord's mansion to sing a requiem! How arrogant!" Adair took off his hood and looked at him indifferently, "Don't think that I will treat you better and forget the pain," With this appearance, Wei Xuning recalled the first time they met, he almost didn't wake up, and then Adair let him go, so he knew that mermaids are all weird-tempered guys.

Wei Xuning was always on guard, "You have been to Moore's cafeteria, and I helped a lot. He is really different, innocent, lucky, and cute!"

Adair looked at him dangerously, "Don't, don't, I didn't see him, I'm not in the mood to move," Wei Xuning quickly clarified.

To be honest, he still admires Moore very much. He is a good partner. Many elves have the opportunity to come out, and he is also a good friend. You will have different feelings when chatting with him.

In the words of Moore, think optimistically.

Moore's traits, as long as you get along with them, you will know them. At the beginning, they are inconspicuous and deeply attractive. Adair did not put down the coercion, which made Weixu feel uncomfortable. It is better to sit down in the room.

Wei Xuning is quite handsome, and his long green hair makes him gentle and makes people want to get close to him. Moore praised him more than once, but Adair didn't care about it. From today's point of view, Moore must not be attracted away. .

"Moore's actions are too naive and crazy. If it weren't for the lack of many beliefs in the Emerald City, he would have been sent to the gallows long ago. While creating benefits, he also harmed the interests of more people. Can you let him do it?" Wei Xu Ning tested Moore's status, and his sister was worried now. He understood and wanted to take the opportunity to invest.

"With more presence support, you don't have to worry, what Moore does is up to him, he is special, and everything about him attracts attention." There is a hint.

"Really!" Wei Xuning covered his face, he couldn't believe it, he was still too conservative, he didn't expect Moore to be so important, "Is this the master's intention?" Wei Xuning asked cautiously.

Adair nodded, "I represent the master." There were many speculations in Wei Xuning's mind, and now he expressed his attitude.

He asked: "Can you guarantee the interests of the elves?"

Adair looked at him, the elf's attitude was very important, and he was always under his control, "That person's thoughts are important, between them, we can't guess, I hope you are serious, I don't care about you s Choice,"

Because of the actions of Moore and Weishuning, Weisuning fell into a passive position, "I will persuade my sister," then remembered, "I invite Moore to the kingdom of elves, which you cannot object to."

No matter how much Adair reveals now, they are allies for the time being.

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