After bringing back the Son of God

Chapter 39 Various Struggles (3 more) "Extraordinary soldiers, use non...

"Presumptuous! How dare you curse the Holy One!"

"Your Excellency is really from the future?" Lu Xingyun was very happy when he saw him, but soon calmed down. It is an indisputable fact that there will be no mainland in the future.

"For you, my world is the future, but for me, this is the world before the birth of the universe," said the young man named Wu Hai, "I come from the earth of China, and He Xindeng is a friend from beyond the sky. "

"This man is messing around, maybe he is here to cheat Xindeng, don't listen to his nonsense!" Mu Zhi and the others suddenly thought of the Kingdom of God that has been sealed by the Heart Lamp so far, and the Kingdom of God is like a nightmare to him In case this person came from the Kingdom of God, he used a trick to teleport here, deliberately creating the illusion of a visitor from outside the sky.If it was a spy of the Kingdom of God, everyone in the room would be wiped out the moment he got the heart lamp!

Lu Xingyun didn't think it would be all soldiers, they were not blind, and they were cheating in front of the most holy, even the Kingdom of God didn't have this ability: "But he did walk out of the gate of time and space, and he also knows the heart lamp, Doesn't it mean that the heart lamp does exist in the future world..."

"The heart lamp can exist in the future, but it cannot exist in the present. If the heart lamp is not destroyed, the entire continent will still be destroyed. They will survive, and we will all be wiped out. Do you want to?"

"Yes, people are mortal, and the mainland is not eternal." Seeing that Lu Xingyun was protective of the people who came, Zhou Tianyuan helped him, "But the heart lamp is an absolute masterpiece. It's strange to be able to walk out of such a calm monk, what kind of realm is he?"

The young man named Wu Hai followed the prestige, let out a light snort, and joked, "I think you have a good face, if you want to know, I'll tell you!"

Zhou Tianyuan asked: "It looks like you came prepared, could you be an immortal?"

"I shouldn't be considered a fairy."

Everyone showed disdain.

"My realm is above that of immortals." Wu Hai stepped out of the gate of time and space, and his body fell straight. The gravity here is different from where he was before. He looked up at the sky, and the sun was in the sky, but it seemed to have no entity, just like the law This world is really ancient like never before, he murmured, "Is this the perfect world from eternity?" He looked around at these ancient people who, if placed in the primordial universe, might be able to ascend to the heavens by inhaling immortal energy. The early masters showed a burst of respect for no reason. After landing, they looked straight at it and said truthfully, "In our universe, there are many immortals and true immortals."


"Where is the lunatic, he said that there are many undead immortals, but he came to find the heart lamp, haha, I almost believed it." The person who said this quickly restrained his smile.

Because the man traveled through the void and appeared in front of the most holy and others.

The picture is very strange. The visitor passed by the most holy, but walked towards Lu Xingyun without looking sideways, and said, "Where is the founder of Xindeng? I have other things to look for him, not just for Xindeng."

Yi Mingjing was about to speak.

Holding a heart lamp, Lu Xingyun stood in front of the Holy Spirit calmly, and said calmly, "It's me."

Wu Hai continued without blinking his eyes: "I have heard for a long time that you are superb at refining weapons. I want to ask for a flawless weapon for my sweetheart. I will provide the magic material. If you agree, you can just open your mouth for anything I can do. I am obliged."

Everyone was dissatisfied: "Why are people in the future so greedy? They just want a heart lamp, but they want other benefits!"

But Lu Xingyun was not annoyed, and said: "The heart lamp depends on the heart, if you are really suitable, it would be a good thing to let you take the heart lamp to end this catastrophe. Refining weapons is just a matter of effort. It's just that I don't know you, how If I can entrust the heart lamp to you, you must at least let me know what kind of person you are."

He, the craftsman of Qi Village, glanced at him. What is crafting? It's just a matter of raising one's hand. Why is he so displeased with the future head of Qi Village? He said: "The heart lamp is too dangerous. It caused very serious consequences, we don't know what kind of person you are, how dare you entrust your heart lamp to you."

"Wow, your ideological awareness is so high, you are going to destroy the heart lamp, and you don't care what kind of character the person who wants the heart lamp is." Although Wu Hai replied like a crane, his eyes never left Lu Xingyun, It can be felt that this is the only one here who has so much kindness towards him, and it really is a big picture.

Is this the founder of Xindeng who has been obsessed with it for a long time and is said to have no desires and desires? Is this the person who Xindeng wants to save even if it is destroyed? It is true that there is something about the wishing Xindeng.

He coughed and said: "Letting the heart lamp stay in this place will lead to the destruction of the world. Shouldn't you ask me to take the heart lamp away and take it to another time and space, so as to avoid disasters?"

The people present were at a loss for words, and they pointed to each other, no matter who this person is, whether it is the big devil or the savior, as long as they can take away the heart lamp, wouldn't they solve their current problems? What will happen to the future? ,does it matter?It doesn't matter at all!

There are still people who say: "But if you let your heart light go, follow someone with a bad intention, and go to other places to cause trouble for the world, it will be a greater disaster."

"It's hard for you to protect yourself, why do you care about the floods in other places?" Wu Hai smiled, and gradually couldn't laugh again, "No way, you all think so?"

The craftsmen in Qi Village couldn't bear it any longer: "My lord, this man's tricks are not right, let him go back and forth from wherever he came from!"

Wu Hai couldn't tell what kind of leaders there were, and what kind of team they had under their command.

The people here, even ordinary little monks, have a heart of worrying about the world and a desire to protect the common people. It can be seen that the founder of Xindeng is such a person.

He thought of the future leader of the human race, and couldn't help but feel ashamed of his cheap master.

"So, you don't plan to discuss it, you just want to grab it." Lu Xingyun said.

"If you don't want to think about it, you can solve the problem through discussion. Why not do it, I don't like to fight and kill, can you take a step to talk." Wu Hai said earnestly, "I really came here for the heart lamp, although I see it because of the heart lamp I don’t like me, but I am dead set on those who abandon it like a shoe, thinking that Xindeng is worthless, but this does not affect my admiration for the founder of Xindeng.”

He looked at Lu Xingyun, and unconsciously glanced over Yi Mingjing from the corner of his eye, but he didn't seem to care. He seemed to believe whatever Lu Xingyun said.

"If you are alive, there will be no such thing as the ruler of the human race who thought he was great and the refiner. I really hope that the person who can refine such exquisite tools as the heart lamp can live. I must be the future One of the few people in the world who knows your existence and sincerely hopes that you can live forever."

There was a different kind of emotion in the boy's eyes, revealing some indescribable vicissitudes.

Lu Xingyun said: "Let me take the liberty to say something, where do you have the confidence to think that you are qualified to be with the heart lamp? You know, the heart lamp cannot be placed in the space to accept the ring. If you hold it tightly with your bare hands, you can guarantee that you will never leave your body." No. Not what kind of person can hold a heart lamp, once there is a murderous thought in the heart, it will be out of control, can you guarantee that you can always clean up the mess for it?"

"Can't clean up is the reason it can't exist? A joke."

Wu Hai raised his hand, and a small round ball appeared on his palm, saying: "Use an extraordinary sheath for an extraordinary soldier. This thing is called a fairy seed, and there is a world inside. I use a whole world to Put it on."

It wasn't until this moment that everyone present was shocked, and had the real feeling that the other party was an existence above the undead immortal.

There is a whole world in a fairy seed!If this is the norm, what kind of world is this person in.

"Immortal species, a common thing, holy, please wait a moment. I came across the galaxy from the big universe, and I'm here to meet the founder of the heart lamp!" Suddenly, another voice came from the circular gate of time and space.

Wu Hai had a strange expression on his face, unexpectedly he was able to find this place, the Lord Buddha is also persistent enough for the Heart Lamp.

Everyone only felt dazzling, after getting used to the brilliance.

At the circular gate of time and space, a bald man in a cassock standing on a lotus platform raised a hand on his chest. The Buddha's light illuminated the earth, and he said kindly: "I am the Lord Buddha, and the 'heart lamp' is an old saying of my Buddha. It was supposed to be the treasure of my Buddhism, but the most holy handed over the treasure of the heart lamp to me, and I will offer it to the third heaven of Buddhism No.30."

It's too flashy, what is this thing, this person has nothing wrong with his mind!Mu Zhi and the others are used to the most low-key demeanor of the strongest people here, and they are not used to this overly ostentatious apparition.

"You are not kind, I saved you, and you repay me by taking love with a horizontal knife," Wu said with a startled smile, "Heart lamp and heart doctor are a perfect match, I am the only heart doctor in the world, heart lamp It's because I like the natal weapon, and it complements me, so don't think about it."

The Buddha said: "The words of the genius doctor are wrong. The lamp of the heart is suitable for Buddhism, and it should enter my Buddhism."

"It's a donkey, you have to cross into Buddhism."

"Genius doctor?" Lu Xingyun read the name.

"You are a miracle doctor!" Zhou Tianyuan was amazed, "I really don't see it, can you save people?"

"Of course, I'm good at what I do." Wu Hai said, "From wounds on the great path, hidden dangers in cultivation, to difficult and miscellaneous diseases, I can cure everything. I am also a doctor of the mind. If there is a heart lamp to expand the state of mind, curing diseases and saving people is like adding wings to a tiger."

"The one who killed all races on the plane battlefield is you, the genius doctor." Lord Buddha broke the stage.

"Don't mention the courage of the hero, it's all in the past. Now I am just like what you see."

"Monks don't lie."

Fine.Wu Hai had been alone in the sky for many years, and it was rare to see so many people. He was in a very good mood, even though he didn't like the Buddha to make things difficult, he still smiled.

Lu Xingyun saw that his mentality was aloof, and said: "Having a sheath doesn't mean you can use it, and putting it in the church doesn't mean it's done once and for all. If you can't control the heart lamp, you will be bewitched by it until you lose yourself. , become the greatest evil, and the desires in your heart will turn into reality, which will not only swallow you, but also everything you care about."

"My Buddha is merciful. I have already escaped into the door of Buddhism. The four elements are all empty, and the six sense organs are pure." The Lord Buddha said to Amitabha.

"..." If Wu Hai wasn't out of his duty as a doctor, he would have wanted to dig into his long dark history of being healed by himself.

He is also very clear that reasoning with the Lord Buddha will only lead to inferior vehicles, and the heart lamp is not something that can be possessed by reasoning well, it still depends on the heart.

Furthermore, unlike the Lord Buddha who takes it for granted that he is absolutely competent, Wu Hai took a look at the center lamp, just like the master at the time, who was repeatedly rejected by the heart lamp. In fact, very occasionally, he would ask himself what if he is really not It's suitable.

Xin Deng avoids him not only because he doesn't trust him, but also to protect him.

But no matter how he behaves, Xindeng keeps his eyes above the top and remains unmoved. If the most pleasing founder of Xindeng thinks he is a person worthy of entrustment, then no matter how twitchy Xindeng is, he will try to adjust it. Bar.

It is better to follow him than to follow the Lord Buddha.

After all, it is an old friend whom I haven't seen for many years. For the same goal, in terms of the things I want, I can barely be of the same kind. I can't be a partner of the heart lamp, so I also want to go to the palm of the hand, whether you can do it or not, you have the final say."

Lu Xingyun asked on behalf of the Holy Spirit: "Can both of you control the desire to kill, or do you not want to kill?"

"I don't kill." Lord Buddha said naturally.

"It's good not to kill. No wonder the merits are immeasurable. What about him?"

Wu Hai thought for a while, and said truthfully: "It may sound a little heartless to say this, but I have my own experience. If I get the heart lamp, once I have a murderous thought in my heart, my master will probably be the first to die suddenly. .”

Lord Buddha couldn't help but fell into deep thought. If he had the chance, he would actually want to kill the other party's master.

Lu Xingyun: "..."

Mu Zhi: "..." These words sound so familiar.

The boy said again: "It's fine if my master dies, but he is the ruler of the human race. If he is gone, the human race in the entire universe will be in dire straits because of his fall, so he cannot die."

Zhou Tianyuan: "Hahaha." It's a unique way to not be tempted to kill.

Old Taoist Mu Zhi was also a master who was abused by evil disciples, and he didn't like people who bullied their masters and exterminated their ancestors. What this man said was very Lu Xingyun, which made him feel like someone who is proficient in the art of deduction. Looking good, he raised his eyes and said, "What happened to you, Master?"

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