father - home

Chapter 4 Getting along (15)

Today is February 1940, 2. Is there anything special?If you asked me in previous years, I must have racked my brains and couldn't answer.But this year, I know, what a special day it is, for Zhao, for Qiu, for that distant war-torn country, for the descendants of Chinese people living in every corner of the earth, it is the New Year's Eve of the Chinese New Year in 7, It is a day to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, and to reunite with the whole family.Traditionally, the most important festival of the year is the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar, that is, February 1940, the Lantern Festival.

These are not what Zhao told me, but what Qiu told me.Qiu is very concerned about Zhao's condition, and we have kept in touch.After Ellen's death, whenever I had a medical question, I was always the first to call Joe.

Early in the morning, Joe called and asked me to go to him this afternoon, no matter what.I didn't know what it was at first, but since Joe said so, I'll go.It turned out that Qiu asked me to get the dumplings made by him.He said that this was the first time he had made dumplings since he left the motherland.In previous years, he always went to the homes of classmates or other expatriates to eat.But this year, his hands suddenly itched, and he really wanted to make dumplings with his own hands.Now that it's packed, let me get some to bring to Zhao.

I understand in my heart.This is for Zhaobao from Qiu Te. Although they have not met, they are strangers in a foreign land, and Zhao is in such a desperate situation. Any kind of care is extremely precious, let alone from compatriots in their hometown.

I rushed up the stairs excitedly, stepping over the third step and stepping up the second step, with an uncontrollable smile hanging on the corner of my mouth, and looking down at the heavy baggage in my hand from time to time.


When this sudden cry and the subsequent stamping and saluting happened, I was stepping on the top step of the stairs, and I was really startled and staggered.

A hand grabbed my arm. "Careful, sir!"

"It's okay." I replied out of habit.After standing still, I saw clearly that there was an SS soldier standing at the top of the stairs. "What's going on?" I murmured in my heart, "Who is here? This soldier is very strange, could it be..."

"Sir, please hurry up, the commander has been waiting for you for a long time."

The soldier's cheek twitched, as if trying to laugh.Are you laughing at my embarrassment just now, or... Thinking of this, I gave the soldier a hard look.His expression immediately returned to seriousness, and his eyes avoided me, staring straight ahead.

Sure enough, I guessed right.My mind became more chaotic, and my heart became more tense. "Why did the commander suddenly come to my laboratory? He should tell me to go to the battalion headquarters. Could it be..." I thought to myself, not daring to stop, and walked quickly to the office.On the way, he put his bundle on a stool in the corridor, and when he passed the door of Zhao's ward, he glanced into the half-open door.Zhao is not on the bed, I did not see him.

"Report! Sir!" I called, and walked into the office.

I was surprised again. It turned out that waiting for me was not only Captain Alec Piolkovsky, but also my mentor, Professor Hubertus Straghold.

The professor sat comfortably on the sofa, crossed his legs, and was concentrating on looking at the medical records in his hand.From the thickness of the medical record, I could tell at a glance that it was Zhao's medical record.

The captain, on the other hand, faced the door and half leaned against his desk.With his hands in the pockets of his breeches, his legs in shiny leather boots crossed each other on the ground.

"Marty." The professor raised his head from the medical record in his hand and called me first.

"Ah! Professor." It was difficult for me to understand the situation in front of me for a while, and I had no time to think about what their sudden appearance might have to do with Zhao.

The professor glanced at the captain.The captain bowed with a smile, and made a respectful gesture, meaning: please first.

So the professor turned to me and asked kindly: "It is said that you have gone to Munich?"

The professor is a man of few words and serious expression, who has always treated me like a father and cared for me.Now his questioning can be regarded as saving me.

I quickly replied: "Yes, Professor. When did you come? You should tell me so that I can pick you up."

"Temporary, stop by to have a look. I heard from Ernst that you went to Munich, and I am regretting it. I should have told you earlier that I am here for a meeting at the University of Munich, and I will see Hans Bo Professor Renner's."

"Oh, I guess it was a local meeting."

"No, in your current capacity, it's not suitable, or I'll ask you to go with me." The professor put the medical records on his lap and looked at me intently. "Unexpectedly, you are already very familiar with Professor Borenna."

"It's Ernst's relationship. He asked the professor to revise his doctoral thesis." This is a fact, and I can't hide anything. "I am very familiar with Professor Borenner's assistant, and he has helped me a lot."

"About treating this patient?" The professor nodded at the medical records on his lap.

"Yes, Professor."

"Very good, Marty. You did a good job. I also wanted to tell you, don't be in a hurry, you should sum it up in time. Now you have done a good job." The professor smiled with satisfaction, and put his hands on top of each other. on the medical record. "You handled this patient very well. I believe you have learned a lot from it. You have largely made up for your lack of clinical experience. Very good, really good."

The professor nodded approvingly.What he said confuses me.I thought that he would question me for not conducting human trials for such a long time, which would slow down the progress of the trials.

"And, I believe, you have found a most suitable test subject."

There was a bang in my head, and I hurriedly denied: "No... no, professor..."

The professor waved his hand to me, and frowned slightly, but his amiable tone did not change at all. "It's really not easy. I was finally rescued by you. It would be a pity if he died at that time. Your judgment is right, Marty. Maybe this is the key, the will to survive. Those previous experiments failed, It is very likely that those test subjects simply have no will to survive. And this patient, being able to survive like this, shows that he has a strong will. The captain said that he is still a very special prisoner."

"I think the lieutenant knows what's special about him. The lieutenant has seen his file, hasn't he?" The captain took up the topic in time, as if it had been rehearsed in advance.

The captain turned around and brought a delicate blue box from the desk behind him—the Iron Cross, Second Class. "Did you borrow this from the archives?"

"Yes! Sir!" I stood up straight, feeling my throat tighten and my whole body stiff.I didn't see Zhao just now, he wasn't on the bed, the professor's words had obvious hints, and the captain knew something, they must have searched all over here, otherwise how would they find this medal.Search, I don't care, but how much impact will this have on Zhao?

"You brought this just out of curiosity, or do you want to arouse his will to save life?" The captain stared at me, and the professor.I don't feel guilty, but I'm sweating.

"Relax, Lieutenant, I just wanted to ask, did he tell you about the medal? I'm curious too."

I must have looked very ugly, even the captain noticed it.I swallowed and replied in a hoarse voice: "Yes, sir. It was during the battle to capture Lemberg (Note: or Lviv, now located in Ukraine), an important Polish town. Captured nearly a company of Polish defenders."

"Ah, very good. Really good." The captain nodded approvingly.But I only felt a chill down my spine, the captain's praise was definitely not just for Akira's military exploits.

With his square face, high cheekbones, broad forehead, thinning hair, and mild blue eyes, Captain Alec Piolkowski looked like a simple farmer or workman.He has a decent style and is meticulous. Wherever he is, he will be a good subordinate or a good leader.But now, he is a squadron leader (captain) of the SS [-]st Commando in a black uniform and a skull logo, and is the commander of the Dachau concentration camp, so everything he says and does is not just what it seems So easy.

"I think you made up your mind after reading his file and knowing that he is a member of the mountain army. He has received strict cold resistance training, has a tenacious will and a strong physique. If you can save him, then he is the best Appropriate test candidate. Congratulations, Lieutenant."

"But, sir..." I tried to open my mouth to explain, but it was in vain.

The captain put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it hard, his gentle blue eyes had a tinge of coldness at this moment. "My heart is finally at ease, Lieutenant. You know, I have always trusted and respected you. You have a noble surname, you are a precious asset to the country, and you voluntarily join us and become our brothers, and you deserve to be honored by your own people." Protection, I must not let the unfounded suspicions of some mortals or the malicious slander of some lowlife ruin you. I have heard about you and this prisoner for a long time, but I believe that you must have good reasons for doing this. I put everything down, don't you think these days are very peaceful?" The captain smiled, the smile was very pure and simple, and it was very touching on Fang Zheng's jaw. "But my heart is not at ease. If I don't get an answer for a day, my heart will not be at ease. I wanted to ask you, but I was afraid of offending you. Fortunately, I didn't do that." The captain breathed a sigh of relief, really relieved generally. "Those dirty and vulgar gossips are simply an insult to your personality. How can those dirty and secular thoughts be compared with your sacred duty of doing everything for science and the country? Now my heart is finally relieved, and I really You read that right, Mathias, you will not disappoint me and the professor."

I didn't listen to the professor and the captain's earnest teachings and sincere expectations; I tried to explain again and again, but they didn't give me a chance.In fact, I'm not determined enough, I don't know what I want to say.Saying anything is superfluous, which is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger.What can I say, when I sent the professor to the car, I had already made up my mind: Even if you are ever-changing, I have my own rules, as long as I have time.

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