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Chapter 3 Rebirth (9)

His body temperature seemed to drop a bit, and his exhaled breath was not so hot.I reached out and touched it, well, his hair was soaked, and his whole body seemed to be soaked in water.I quickly removed the ice packs that were placed on the side of his neck, armpits and groin.

At this moment, Ernst opened the door and came back.

"Why do you..." Before I finished asking, I was happy to see what Ernst was holding in his hand. "You're such a good man, Ernie, you always know what I want. Come on, put it down first, and get a basin of hot water."

I ordered, but I saw Ernst staring at me inexplicably, and then looked at the things in his hand.It turned out that what he brought was a white shirt, not the bed sheet I wanted.

"I don't understand..." I shook my head blankly, but Ernst understood it first.

Ernst put the shirt on the edge of the bed, and said helplessly, "This is for you. You sweated a lot just now, and you'll be fine if you catch a cold. I'll get the sheets right away."

Ernst seemed to sigh as he turned around.I'm not sure, he went to get the sheets anyway.

I had no choice but to pour a basin of hot water by myself, twist a hot towel, and wipe his body.

It was not easy to wipe his body, because the wounds had to be carefully avoided, and the wounds were reapplied after wiping.Movements must be extremely gentle.His body is too weak, and every time I turn him, I feel trembling. If there is a slight change in him, I will be terrified.Every once in a while, I have to check whether his breathing and heartbeat are still normal.

He was already very thin, even thinner than when he saw the doctor a few days ago.The original strong muscles were nowhere to be found, replaced by jagged bones everywhere: collarbone, ribs, Adam's apple is also particularly obvious.Maybe it's because I'm still young, and this excessive weight loss hasn't been reflected on my face, otherwise, I really dare not face him again.Every time I see his thin and scarred body, I feel so sad that I want to cry.

I lifted the blanket, and the yellow iodine traces and red needle holes on his chest were clearly visible. I touched his carotid artery involuntarily, and it was all right.His body trembled, and I was startled, so I quickly put on the stethoscope.Fortunately, although the heartbeat is weak and fast, it is still regular.

You're so stupid, don't you know he's cold?I scold myself.He was quite calm just now, but now he is dizzy again.Although there was heating in the room, it would of course be very cold to be naked like this, not to mention that he just broke out in a sweat.

I rewound the towel and warmly covered his chest.It's comfortable, I know.I wiped his neck, shoulders, chest, underarms and hands.I am very careful, when I encounter those bruises, I will gently press the towel on it, it will definitely not hurt and it is still warm; when I encounter a broken skin wound, I will avoid it.Most of the more serious wounds have already been bandaged with medicine. If the bandage is not soaked, wait until tomorrow to change it.

I want to turn him on his side so he can rub his back.Because the heart is too weak, the infusion speed is adjusted very slowly, so until now, the infusion on his right hand is still going on.So, I can only move him to the right, not to the left.In this way, if he wants to rub his entire back, he needs to turn sideways a lot, but his current situation is not suitable.I have never done nursing work before, and I am a bit at a loss in the face of such a situation.

"How is it? Do you want my help?"

Great, the savior is here!

"God, you want to freeze him to death!" Ernst rushed to the bed, put the blanket back on first, shook off the sheets he brought, and got ready on the left side of the bed. "Let me teach you, you young master, where have you ever done this job?"

"Of course the doctor doesn't do this, have you ever done it? Don't make a mess for me." I said hard, but I said in my heart, "It's up to you."

"That's natural. I came up from the grassroots, so I don't look like you. When I was a medical soldier, I didn't do anything. Now look, my young master, learn from it." Ernst was proud He raised his eyebrows at me and gestured for me to cooperate with him.

I gently supported his shoulders and back waist, lifted his left side a little, Ernst pushed the old bed sheet to the right as much as possible, then laid a new bed sheet, connected it with the old one, and twisted it again Use a hot towel to wipe his back.After that, put him down, cover the blanket, and we come to the right.Be careful here with the infusion needle in his hand, we did the same, Ernst removed the old soaked sheet, pulled the new sheet from under his body, and laid it out.After wiping his back, I wiped his lower body again.Ernst changed the pillow case, the blanket cover.Unfortunately, instead of the sun's scent, the sheets smelled faintly of disinfectant.Either way, he should be feeling dry and comfortable by now.

I measured his temperature, it was 38.9°C, and my heart was finally relieved.

"Now, go and change your clothes yourself, otherwise, you will catch a cold." Ernst picked up the shirt on the edge of the bed and stuffed it to me.

Fortunately, I shivered as if I wanted to confirm his words, so I had to obediently change my clothes.During this period, Ernst has been guarding him.

"Now, go to sleep, otherwise, tomorrow, no, today, you will suffer after dawn." I followed Ernst's tone and drove him away.

After Ernst left, I discovered that besides the shirt, he brought a booklet: "Nursing Handbook".I laughed, Ernst really knew me, so I read the book carefully and gently massaged his arm.Just now I noticed that his arm was very cold, probably because of the continuous infusion.Why didn't I notice it before? In fact, there is no need to pay attention at all. This is common sense.I'm such a young master. Thinking about it, I've never done such a thing as taking care of others. In the past, others took care of me.Joseph is a caring person, and Verma, Verma's parents.But it doesn't matter, I can learn, and I will definitely do well.When a loved one is sick, the child grows up all at once.It's time for me to grow up too.

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