father - home

Chapter 15 Yier (5)

It was dawn, and the nurse came in to do the morning ward rounds. I retreated to the corridor, and the Gestapo standing guard at the door stood up from the chair where he had curled up all night.I took out the cigarette case and opened it in front of him. He stared at the cigarettes in the case for a full minute, neither refusing nor accepting it.I waited patiently. During this period, I picked up one and lit it with the other hand. Finally, he couldn't resist the temptation and took one to smoke.

"Thank you! How is she?"

I understood that he was referring to Yu in the ward, but I didn't know how to answer, so I could only smile inexplicably.

He was not very old, so it could be said that he was still childish, and he was the lowest-level clerk in the Gestapo, otherwise he would not have been sent to watch the night.During those days when Yu was in the basement, he probably yelled at Yu, abused, threatened, and even made a move, but now, he is asking: "How is she?" This kind of contradiction is not even hypocritical. , how to explain it?Is it just because of smoking one of my cigarettes?

When the nurse left, she said that Yu had woken up.The Gestapo looked in the door, and I didn't close it right away because that would be rude, then he shook his head, smiled shyly, sat back in the chair in front of the door, and did his duty.

The bright sun shines on the hospital bed, and Yu is bathed in the sun, which is extremely beautiful.

"Good morning!"

Yu turned her head and smiled at me, her face was still pale and haggard, but her spirit improved a lot.

"How is it? Did you sleep well?" I walked over to pour water, thinking it was funny.I stayed with her all night without closing my eyes. Didn't I know if she slept well and was safe?

I pretended to be calm, free and easy, and had nothing to say. This is almost an embarrassing process that must be experienced every time we meet again.No matter how many times, every time I have to experience the embarrassment of a few minutes or ten minutes, it seems that I can never change it.Because of our identities and positions, we are rivals in love. Even if we were close before, we still go back and forth. The basis of our intimacy is our love and longing for Zhao. This kind of love and longing for the same person makes our relationship very delicate. We are close, and it is what we are today. Such a situation brought infinite harm to Yu.When I was thinking alone at night, thinking about the cause and effect before and after, I regretted it very much. Why didn't I insist on taking jade back to the manor?Zhao entrusted me to protect Yu, I really didn't do enough, I wasn't active enough, I wasn't firm enough, it was all because of selfishness.If I didn't take good care of them and failed Zhao's entrustment, how could I have the face to see him again?Thinking of this, fear seized my heart, I want to save her!At any cost!I want to save her from here, and never let her go back to that hell on earth.But what should I do?Is what Schulenburg said true?Should I trust him?How should I carry out the task entrusted by Schulenburg, the result is unpredictable, will it be detrimental to Yu?

"Marty! . . . Marty!"


Yu's cry woke me up from my contemplation, and when I saw Yu was about to get out of bed, I hurriedly stopped her. "Don't move, just lie down, what do you want to do?"

Yu lay down obediently. "I don't have a fever anymore, Marty, but I'm having a hard time sleeping."

"Then you turn over slightly. Werner said that the child is saved, but you can't be careless. You must stay in bed and observe for a few days before talking."

"Warner? Has he been here?" During this period of time, full trust has been established between Yu and Werner.

"He came yesterday, with Professor Lütjens, don't you remember?"

Yu shook his head. "I don't remember, I was always groggy."

"Thanks to them, the baby is all right. Werner will be here today, maybe in a while."

Yu looked out of the window again. "The weather outside is so nice. Does it mean that even if I can go to the ground, I can't leave this ward?"

"I'm afraid so."

Professor Werner and Lütjens insisted that Yu stay in bed to rest in order to buy me time, otherwise Yu would be taken back.

Breakfast was delivered, and Yu had no appetite. I advised her to eat as much as possible, and said a bunch of stupid things for the sake of the child, which made Yu's eye circles red and my own nose sore.

"Yu, when this is over, come back to Caesar Manor with me?" I peeled off a piece of apple and handed it to her.

Jade hummed, looked at me, and frowned at the slice of apple.

"Everyone misses you very much. If you were in the manor, Mrs. Reininger would definitely cook a lot of delicious food for you, and my mother would also cook for you. Of course, her cooking skills are really unsatisfactory." I continued to work hard, one after another Peel one piece at a time, and Yu can't keep up with eating hard.

"In the manor, you won't be bored. You can draw pictures and take a walk. Remember the vegetable patch? Now the weather is warm and sunny, and the vegetables are growing fast. Mr. Reininger is already an expert at growing vegetables. "


Only then did I realize that Yu had stopped eating and was holding the apple in his hand, looking at me suspiciously.

She really should be suspicious, I know how strange I am, I talk too much today, I am not the original me at all, but what can I do!I wanted to know the truth, but I couldn't ask her directly.Even if that's true, I still can't do it.I am not qualified to question Yu, just like I am not qualified to question Zhao.

I don't know if it was aroused by my words, or because I was too smart. Seeing my predicament, Yu finally said, "I should really go to the manor with you. It's too boring to be here alone. That day, I was idle. I was in a panic and wanted to watch a movie. I remember the time when the filming schedule was scheduled, but it was already a quarter of an hour before I got there. I probably missed the time because of my limited mobility. Waited an hour and a half for the next show. I bought a ticket and went across the road to the Hansel Bauer Cafe. After drinking a cup of coffee, I felt urgent to pee and wanted to go to the bathroom, so I stood up and asked the waiter Where is the toilet? Unexpectedly, instead of answering, he kept urging me to pay the bill, as if I was going to rely on him for money. I was already in a bad mood that day, but now I couldn't control it and quarreled with him. "

Gieselbrechtstrasse is not close to your house, so why would you think of going to a movie there instead of the cinema near your home?You answered a phone call before you went out, who was it?Does it have anything to do with you going out?Is that the phone call for you?Do you really go out just to watch a movie to relieve boredom?Going to a coffee shop just to pass the time with a cup of coffee?These questions swirled in my head, and probably also in Schulenburg's.Schulenburg wanted me to ask for the answer, but I couldn't ask, not only because I couldn't question Jade, but because I wasn't sure if I really wanted to know the answer.In this ward, every word we say will be monitored, so I am always on tenterhooks, worrying that my question or Yu's answer will be inappropriate and that Schulenburg will catch the loophole.

"Then the police arrested you?"

Yu nodded and looked at me wronged like a little girl.

"And then taken to the Gestapo?"

Jade stopped talking and just nodded.I saw fear in her eyes, what made the brave and strong jade feel afraid?

"Did they bully you?"

"They have rough hands and feet, but they may not be considered bullying." Yu's eyes were red.

"Did you tell them?"

"Well, but they didn't believe it. They kept asking, asking repeatedly, and didn't let me rest... Later, I had cramps in front of them and lost control of my urine, so they let me go and didn't care about me anymore." Yu choked up and burst into tears. full face.I couldn't help but reach out and wrap her in my arms. "... I'm scared, Marty, I'm getting more and more scared... I'm bleeding, and I'm still ignored. All I can do is pray, pray that you come quickly. If something happens to the child, how can I feel sorry for Zhao... Zhao said you can count on You, he wants me to listen to you. I regret that I didn’t listen to you to go to the manor. From now on, I will listen to you in everything. I will follow you to the manor. I will definitely listen to you, and I will definitely..." Yu lay in my arms Weep loudly.I was at a loss and felt like a knife was twisting my heart.

I can't ask any more questions.Don't ask, the truth is not important, the important thing is to let Yu get rid of this matter as soon as possible.

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