father - home

Chapter 1 Chapter Family (8)

Strange to say, in my apartment in Tokyo, there are often some small birds on the windowsill, but I rarely hear them chirping.It's not that the birds don't sing there, but it's too noisy there, during the day, at night, and in the morning, it's always noisy.

I listened intently, trying to distinguish them.At first glance, it sounds like a lot, at least four or five.After a while, two calls were distinguished. They might be the same bird, some females and some males, or maybe just two kinds. I don't know what they are, and I have never noticed them before.There is a large forest here, and there are many birds, nightingales, turtledoves, skylarks... Maybe you will know each other after meeting, but listening to the sound is not enough.Joseph has this ability. Just by the sound, he knows what kind of bird it is, male or female?Adult or juvenile?He could even hear the meanings: friendly, angry, sad and happy.

I pushed open the window, and the morning breeze hit, a little cool, and I felt refreshed.Looking around, the apple tree was even taller and towering, with reddish fruits hanging among the dense branches and leaves.On the white walls, several squirrels jumped from one windowsill to another, enjoying their breakfast leisurely.On the brick-red roof, a row of sparrows parked on the edge of the gutter.I'm a little disappointed, that must not be what I'm looking for, they won't sing so well.

"what are you doing?"

I turned around when I heard Joseph's voice.He was pushing the door open and coming in, still holding something in his hand.

"If Verma sees you shirtless like this, it's going to hurt your ears."

"I think it's your own ears that are going to suffer."

"Since you know you don't want to put on your clothes quickly, it's none of your business that I suffer from feelings." Joseph stared at me and threw the things he was holding over.

I stretched out my hand to pick it up, shook it off and looked at it.It was a brown calfskin jacket, a pair of beige calfsleeve breeches, and a pair of cowhide riding boots of the same color as the jacket.Although the things are old, they are originally made of high-quality materials, fine workmanship, and properly kept. It can be seen that they have only been cleaned and polished, so the leather is still soft and the color is uniform. It looks like high-end clothing.I recognize this riding suit, which my father ordered in Munich.I remember seeing my father wearing it, so handsome and unrestrained, I was so envious. My grandma said that when I grow up, she will also make a set for me. Unexpectedly, looking at it now, I feel a different feeling in my heart.

"What is this for?"

"Aren't you going to ride a horse? You must not be able to wear your previous riding clothes. It was my husband who asked me to bring them to you."

"Don't be so troublesome, I can wear jeans." I threw my father's riding clothes on the bed, curled my lips disapprovingly, and walked into the bathroom.

"That's up to you. But you have to hurry, Paul has the horse ready."

After a while, I heard Joseph close the door and leave.I knew he wouldn't be mad at me, and it was my fastidious father's idea.

I took a quick shower, shaved, and went back inside to find my riding clothes, still on the bed, neatly hung on a hanger, with my well-polished riding boots underneath.

I opened the suitcase, pulled out a white T-shirt to put on, and pulled out my jeans. After thinking about it, I still put the pants down.Anyway, he was kind.I put on my father's breeches and they fit pretty well, though the legs were a little short, but with the boots there was no problem.I wasn't going to wear a jacket, as soon as the sun comes out it gets hotter and riding is a sport.But if Verma sees me wearing only a short-sleeved T-shirt early in the morning... forget it, put it on.

I ran downstairs quickly, and sure enough, Paul was already waiting for me at the gate.With his back to me, he put his arm around Allemande's neck, talking to the horse.Hearing my footsteps, he didn't look back.

"Good morning, Paul." I greeted him, but he ignored me, still turning his back to me.

I had to walk over and stand in front of him. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

Paul glanced at me, his eyes suddenly widened.

"What's wrong? Paul!"

"Are you wearing sir's clothes?" he cried.

"Yeah." I looked down at myself subconsciously, maybe I shouldn't be wearing this outfit, but Paul's reaction was too big.So I looked at him and asked back, "Is there something wrong?"

He hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head, and murmured: "No, it's nothing."

"Do you recognize this dress?"

no answer.

"Did you see my father wear it?" I raised my voice and put my hands on his thin shoulders.

Unexpectedly, he shook his shoulders, threw me away, raised his head, and said in a louder voice than mine: "I haven't seen Mr. wear them, but I cleaned these boots. I cleaned them for Mr."

Seeing his aggrieved appearance, I was really speechless.Hey, is this father of mine really a "femme fatale" as Verma said?He can easily confuse others' minds and hurt others' feelings at will.Fortunately, Paul was still a child, and many things that are very important to a child become insignificant when he grows up.But if I can comfort that hurt young heart, I am still willing.

"If you are not happy, I can go and change the clothes, but you have to wait for me for a while."

"No! No need! Mr. must have asked you to wear it. You should listen to him."

It was finally over, I breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on my face, and wanted to coax him again. "Then let's go, it's my fault for keeping you waiting for so long!"

"I'm fine. It's right to wait for you. Besides, you have jet lag. It's normal to get up late. It's just that Alemande is a little impatient. He is spoiled and thinks he is the master, so he is not used to waiting for others." "Paul replied coldly, holding the rein with one hand and stroking the horse's back with the other, without giving me the rein at all.

Why is it not over yet?I have a big head.If he was only a little unfriendly yesterday, then he is obviously hostile now. Why is this?

"Paul, maybe it used to be, but now here, there is no one who is the master of the other. We are all family members and relatives."

"No! Mister is the master. Mister said that from now on, you are also the master of the manor, so I must also call you Mr., and I must respect and obey you absolutely."

I see.Damn it!I cursed in my heart.If not... I really doubt I should come back. "This is what my father told you? He also asked you to do this to him?"

Paul didn't answer, just looked at me with bold, defiant eyes.

I laughed secretly: I said that I was the master, but in fact it gave me a blow.So I said to him, "Paul, you know, my father was from a previous era, his life ended in 1945, and the world is completely different now."

"What's the difference? Maybe it used to be better?"

"You are still young, you don't understand many things, you will understand slowly."

"I'm not too young anymore."

"Don't act like a grown-up in front of me!" I yelled, not knowing what to do with such a half-grown child, and after he was deeply influenced by my father who was both an angel and a devil.I grabbed the child's arm, stared at him, and said word by word: "Paul, whether you understand it or not, you must firmly remember that you, me, my father, Joseph, Verma, we, all here We are all family members, relatives, we respect and love each other, but we don’t need to obey.”

"You mean, I don't need to listen to Mr.?" Paul began to hesitate, it seems that sometimes it is necessary to scare.

"You listen to him, and you listen to Joseph and Verma, it's all the same, just because what they say is right. They are older than you, know more than you, and have more experience than you, and they They all love you so much. But sometimes their words are wrong, that’s because the times are advancing, they are old, and some of them can’t keep up.”

Paul nodded slightly, as if he understood. "Then what is my relationship to you? What do you want me to call you?"

"Paul, I think our relationship is more complicated. According to seniority, Verma is the same generation as my father, and I was brought up by her, so I should be your uncle. But in terms of age, I don't want to make myself feel too old , I would rather be your elder brother. Don’t you call Joseph by his first name, then you can call me Heinz too.”

"This is what you said."

I smiled and nodded.Paul's tone became a little warmer, after all, he was a child.

"All right, Heinz." He finally handed me the reins. "I hope you won't be late in the future, sir said being late is a very bad habit."

I couldn't help but burst out laughing. "That's right. I will definitely correct it, and I will not make an example."

"I believe in you. However, I declare in advance that I will never let Allemande wait for you like this again. If you are late again, I can't guarantee that it will be obedient."

I agreed, laughing secretly in my heart: what a kid is talking big.At any rate, I have lived with Allemande for nearly ten years. Am I not as close to it as you are?

I threw the reins over the horse's head, grabbed the saddle, and tried to get on the horse.

Unexpectedly, the moment I lifted my leg, Allemande took a step back and shook his head lightly. I was dragged staggeringly. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and firmly grasped the mane on the horse's neck. fall.I didn't expect this, I was stunned there for a while, and suddenly came back to my senses: Yes, I haven't seen Alemande for seven years, even the closest relatives feel a little alienated, What's more, the horse doesn't know who this person suddenly appeared in front of him. I should get close to him before riding him, so that he can remember me.Just now I was only thinking about wits and courage with Paul, but I forgot about it.That's all right now, let's make fun of Paul. It seems that I can't be his big brother anymore.

Sure enough, when I was in a daze, Paul's laughter came from behind, from low to high, until he laughed indulgently.

It's over, don't be persuaded to obey, even getting his respect is no longer easy.

"Let go of your hands!"

It was only when I heard the cessation that I realized that I was still holding on to Allemande's mane, so I quickly let go.

Maybe it was because I was holding it tight, but Allemande seemed a little uneasy, kept turning his feet, and snorted from time to time.

Paul grabbed the bridle with one hand, and gently smoothed Alemande's messy mane with the other hand, muttering: "Good, hold on! Allemande! Hold on! Baby! Be good!" With his face pressed against the horse's neck, Allemand gradually calmed down, and his breathing became even.

"Is it all right?" I felt so stupid.

"It's all right. That's my Allemande. If it's an ordinary horse, it won't be strange if I don't kick you." Paul said, and went to untie the horse's girth.

I grabbed his hand. "Wait! Paul, are you sure you've got the saddle on?"

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