Time flies like a flash, and many years have passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period of time, Altin developed at an unimaginable speed.

If anyone comes now, they will never believe that Altin, many years ago, turned out to be a position where he would not stay here too much unless necessary.

At this time, Xia Heng, who is the lord of the city, was staring at an unexpected visitor in his exclusive office.

If this guy hadn't shown up, Xia Heng might have forgotten that such a person existed.

Ansair sat across from Xia Heng, waiting for his reaction.In the end, Xia Heng didn't agree to his request, let alone, and looked at him with a very strange look.

Don't think he didn't see the meaning in his eyes.

If you want to know the reason for his departure from the upper world, dream him!

Ansair thought about it, and unconsciously reached out and rubbed his old waist.Recalling what happened before the world left, Ansair felt his scalp tingling.

xx is actually by his side, and he has endured it for so many years.

No wonder he was so generous in asking him to spend his power of faith, it turned out that he was just trying to please him!

So, Xia Heng watched the silver-haired young man in front of him helplessly, and began to perform his face-changing skills on the spot.It seemed that he had thought of something extraordinary, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Hide in the crowd and spread the cards? Isn't that enough now?" Xia Heng asked back.

He felt he was doing pretty well.

At least slightly reversed the status of card masters in people's hearts.The concept has always been too deep-rooted, and it is easy for a card master to get started, but if you want to make something, you can't do it by hard work. Talent accounts for the vast majority of this matter.

"Yes!" Ansair gritted his teeth and said a word, remembering his wallet containing the power of faith that was cleaner than his face.

"I can exchange the secret method of time-space jump with you. You have to open as many schools as possible on the mainland that belong to card masters, or allow card masters to enroll."

After hearing the words 'jump in time and space', Xia Heng's eyes flashed.

Is that what he imagined?

"Don't guess, your experiment was successful. I intercepted you halfway and threw you to this plane."

Xia Heng: "..."

Xia Heng didn't know whether to cry or laugh at this moment.

He had guessed something a long time ago, but when he actually got the answer, he still felt a little disappointed.

"Okay, I promise you." Xia Heng readily agreed.

Some of his older apprentices have already hinted explicitly and secretly that he wants to build a school for card masters.But he felt it was still too early, so he never let go.

Now that Master Ren Card God has spoken in person, if his apprentices know, they don't know how excited they will be.

But before again, he had to do a very important event first.


Sunset Empire, Imperial Palace.

The emperor, who was once in his prime, had faintly stepped into old age. He frowned slightly after looking at a letter from Altin and a filled space ring in his hand.

The content is of course the issue of Altin’s independence, and the space ring is also filled with various resources that Altin needs to turn over when he goes out independently according to the laws of the empire.

Originally, he sent this son out just out of sight and out of mind. After so many years, all kinds of complicated things in the empire occupied all his mind. In addition, he has many children, and he will forget Xia Heng's existence as time goes by.

"It's been hundreds of years in the Sunset Empire that the city has not been divided into independent cities." A man who seemed to be highly respected spoke up.

He is the person responsible for coordinating the balance among the various cities in the Sunset Empire, and he is considered one of the emperor's confidantes.So after this happened, the emperor decisively called all his cronies over.

Selfishly, he didn't want to draw out the city.

After all, although Altin is small, it still belongs to their territory.Now rowing out, no matter how you think about it, it feels very delicate.

However, the imperial law stipulates that as long as the subordinate city wants to be independent and has handed over sufficient resources, the ruler cannot stop it for any reason.

In short, it is quite tangled. After all, even if he is the emperor, it is impossible to openly treat the laws of the empire as nothing.

"Since the application has been sent to the Sunset Palace, it must mean that the Lord of Altin has made up his mind. You haven't noticed any changes in recent years. The source of all this is Altin. It can be said that Altin is now Although it still belongs to the Sunset Empire in name, in the eyes of those adventurers, it may have long been an independent and complete country."

Another emperor's newly promoted confidant said.

He is young, although his experience is not as good as these seasoned politicians, but in terms of flexibility of thinking, it is not comparable to others.

"Furthermore, City Lord Ordin is His Majesty's son. He said that he went out independently, but in fact he still belongs to the royal family of the Sunset Empire. There is not much difference in essence."

When the emperor heard this, he thought it was reasonable.

Anyway, if he goes out independently, his son will be the emperor, and his bloodline is here. It is impossible to build a new country and not recognize him as an old man.

Thus, His Majesty the Emperor of the Sunset Empire waved his hand and happily approved Xia Heng's application for independence.

Xia Heng didn't expect to get a reply so quickly, he thought he would have to chat with the emperor for a while before he could succeed, but he didn't expect him to be so easy to talk to, it really saved him a lot of trouble.

When the decree of formal independence and the city deed of the area where Ortin was located were sent to Xia Heng, the first thing Xia Heng did was to change Ortin's name.

This time, Xia Heng decided to carry some private goods, and did not engage in any activity to vote for the name of the new city. No one informed him and directly changed the name of Oulting to 'Flower Planter'.

When Xia Feng heard this name, he wanted to complain, but under Xia Heng's eyes that he dared to say a bad word, and he wanted to let him know what it meant to be cruel, he silently swallowed back the disgusting words he was about to blurt out. inside.

And the matter of agreeing to Ansair to build a school was finally put into progress after the city became independent.

This is not something that can be accomplished overnight. It took many years to achieve the scenario Ansair expected.

There is no way to verify the exact time. Anyway, when the laboratory of the City Lord's Mansion welcomed another unexpected visitor, Xia Heng was teaching his little disciple how to play cards.

Of course, the child belonged to the bluffing kid Alice and Letterman, and his talent was still a card master. Even though both parents had the talent of light knight, in the end, the professional talent of the card master prevailed.

"you are?"

Xia Heng picked up his little disciple and grandson, and held it between his arms to prevent the little guy from messing up his laboratory.

This little guy perfectly inherited the attributes of his father who used to be a bear child, allowing him to fully experience the sadness that Clark had experienced.

"Adrian, paladin." Adrian showed his identity blankly, and then added, "I'm here to pick up Ansair."

Xia Heng understood, "He's not in Altin, he slipped out to play half a year ago."

After so many years, if Xia Heng couldn't dig out the reason why he escaped from the upper world from Ansair's silly and sweet mouth, it would be an insult to his IQ.

However, he always felt that Ansair's coming down was somewhat inexplicable, and now with Adrian's explanation, he finally sorted out the causal relationship before and after.

He didn't expect that the gods in the upper world would still be fighting each other like the humans on the mainland, but after thinking about it, these gods were all ascended from humans, and he lost that idea.

The only thing that made him feel aggrieved was that because of a prophecy that 'the card master will become the lord of the gods', these people removed the ability of all creatures on the mainland to manipulate cards in a subtle way.

And the ones they couldn't get rid of evolved into the well-known card masters on the continent.

They aimed at Ansair, but not at this person, but at the card god.

But now the upper world has been leveled by Adrian. In addition to recreating the "Twilight of the Gods", he even re-established the rules.

Directly establish Ansair's position as the Lord of the Gods, so as to save someone from the mainland from getting the opportunity to come to the upper world to fill the vacancy of the god position, and then have some small ideas to make him a moth.

"Thank you for helping Ansair cover up his whereabouts all these years." Adrian's expression remained flat, but Xia Heng could still see sincere gratitude in his eyes.

Xia Heng smiled and said nothing.

The secret method of time and space travel that Ansair gave him was completely beyond the value he was asking for.He more or less guessed something, so he has been using the power of chaos to confuse everyone.

This affects not only ordinary people, but also the gods of the upper world.

"I know what you are studying, this is a thank you." Adrian suddenly said such a sentence.

Then he raised his hand, and a ray of light-colored light gathered at his fingertips, and then it turned into a ray of light, which directly flowed into Xia Heng's spiritual sea.

"I'm leaving, see you by fate."

Adrian walked away as silently as when he came, Xia Heng looked calm, and continued to tease his little disciple, as if nothing had happened.

As for whether the little guy will tell about Adrian's arrival, Xia Heng is not worried at all.As a god in the upper world, it is not difficult to block and modify memories.

It wasn't until the little guy was taken back by Alice that Xia Heng dragged his no longer young body up to the highest observation deck of the City Lord's Mansion.

He looked around the territory developed by himself, and the corner of his mouth curled into an extremely shallow arc.

In the next second, an extremely mysterious silver-gray light spread from all over Xia Heng's body. They began to gather, twist, and spin in front of Xia Heng, and finally formed an entrance to the four-dimensional space that Xia Heng constructed from his mind countless times.

"I don't know whether to go back to the original world or come to a strange field again. Thinking about it, I really look forward to it..."

He muttered in a low voice, uttering the last words in this world.

He glanced again at the City Lord's Mansion where he had lived for many years, and then stepped into the 'gate' leading to the high dimension without any nostalgia.


In the empty space, there is no concept of time and space, only boundless darkness remains.

Xia Heng opened his eyes... No, maybe it can't be said that he opened his eyes.There is no entity, only consciousness, and the movement of thought is like the wind piercing through the whole nothingness.

"Higher dimensions..." The voice was hollow and distant, like a hallucination.

After two seconds, the void suddenly burst into dazzling light.Immediately afterwards, a large number of light spots emerged and gathered together to form a complete human figure.

"Hmm..." Xia Heng looked down at the energy-mimetic body he had created by relying on the power of chaos, and muttered, "It's a little different from what I imagined..."

He shook his head, pulling out the law of time and space that Adrian had driven into his mind.

Breaking away from the shackles of the timeline, Xia Heng now has the illusion that as long as he wants to see, he can know the whole process of something from birth to death.

And he did.

A piece of ancient land suddenly gathered in the void. It was barren at first, and then all kinds of life began to appear.Because of the different directions of life evolution above, the only piece of land at the beginning began to be mirrored and copied, forming a new plane that developed in different directions.

parallel space.

Such a vocabulary was suddenly born in Xia Heng's brain.

His eyes flashed, controlling the flow of time to speed up its development process.

The world in front of me flickered, and the entire space was instantly occupied by countless parallel spaces—or sub-planes—slowly.

Some planes are very different, while others are infinitely close to the same one.At this time, even Xia Heng couldn't figure out which one was the most original plane, or whether all of these were the original plane.

The two planes closest to him, one is the one he was in in his previous life, and the other is the one he just left.

"The two planes were still the same in the prehistoric period. They didn't separate until they fell into the Dharma-ending Era, when one's spiritual energy was revived and the other's supernatural power was completely cut off." Xia Heng muttered in a low voice, feeling extremely inconceivable.

"Good guy, if you didn't see this with your own eyes, who would know that the creatures on these two planes are actually the same ancestor."

Think about the social animals in modern society, and compare them with the adventurers who are in charge of supernatural powers and call the wind and rain, hiss—I don’t dare to think about it, I don’t dare to think about it, no one would think that they have any connection!

There was only Xia Heng in this place, so he had no choice but to suppress the desire to complain crazily, and then looked down.

He set up some nodes to filter key factors, starting from the birth of the Xuanbing ancestor, to the birth of the first elf from the elf mother tree, to the birth of human beings and the appearance of various professions.

Xia Heng has seen the historical changes of the entire continent, from its birth to his coming to this world.

That's another split node.

At this moment, Xia Heng also knew the prophecy about the time-traveler from the high priest of the night elves, that is, Teacher Tiffany, which is the key to the continuation of a civilization dominated by supernatural forces.

The prophecy is a node, Tiffany's going out to the elf forest is a node, her encounter with the Emperor of the Sunset Empire is a node, the birth of the shell of 'Xia Heng' is a node, and whether he successfully came to this world is a node.

These are only filtered out by the key factors set by Xia Heng, and there are various planes that have been split due to different choices in the middle. You can see how many planes are around him, and you can’t tell how many planes there are. These may be simply There are too many to count.

With so many development directions, only the one that Xia Heng personally experienced can pass on the civilization that belongs to supernatural power.

"So... in fact, the most fundamental reason is not that guy Ansair lacks the power of faith, but the self-salvation of world consciousness?"

With a wave of his hand, Xia Heng cleaned up all the densely stacked planes in front of him. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Forget it, this kind of thing beyond the normal command level can't be studied in a short time." He sighed and decided not to worry about the brain-burning things for him now.

Anyway, more time has passed, he will study it slowly in the future, let's go back to the genuine flower grower who gave birth to him and raise him to have a look.

Many of his follow-up projects have not been completed. He was busy building Altin before and didn't care about these things. Now that he came to this void and watched the development of the plane where the flower planter is located, he remembered that he had nothing but high-dimensional theory. In addition, there are still a lot of projects that have not been completed.

It's not his character to do half of this kind of work, no, he has to go back quickly and end all the projects he participated in!

Xia Heng slapped his head, broke up his body condensed by relying on energy, turned into a stream of light and merged into the time node he selected.

——End of full text——

The author has something to say: (Added a short section of unwritten settings)

It's over, it's indeed over, the outline is so long (a lot more than expected...

This article is a new theme that has never been written before. According to the outline, it will end in 15--18w, and the main line has only four plot points.

After testing the waters, I found that I was really not good at this kind of subject matter, and I was seriously out of control in the middle... Honestly go back and write orz (I want to write 100W! (bushi!

To prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination review, the next article will be published after December 12 or during the winter vacation. The pre-received article is in the author column, so it will not be posted. If you are interested, you can go and have a look

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