I rely on cards to build infrastructure

Chapter 50 050 Jinjiang Unique Hair

"My lord, the north gate has fallen! Russell brought a few members of the Flame Knights to help, but I'm afraid it won't last too long!"

"Mr. Chairman, only the last three weapons are left behind by the city lord. All the others are damaged and cannot be used anymore!"

"Master Chairman..."

One bad news after another kept coming to Xia Feng's ears. He had just come down from the frontal battlefield due to exhaustion of fighting spirit, and he was still not able to catch his breath when he was dealing with the wound.

"Cough cough - um..."

Xia Feng covered the wound caused by the violent cough, his face was extremely ugly.

"How long can it last?" He grabbed a decision maker in a think tank and spoke forcefully.

"At all costs...three hours."

"Three hours..." wiped the blood of the monster that splashed on his cheeks, "Enough! Inform all soldiers to hold on for another hour, our city lord of Ordin is coming back!"

He squeezed the communication talisman that suddenly lit up in his hand, and his eyes burst out with a light that had never been lit up since he received the news that the monster had gone berserk.


The decision maker also looked excited, completely lost his usual calm look, and rushed out to convey the news to everyone with his fastest speed.

Although Xia Heng's name can't be said to be deified, for the current Altin, it is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for all fighters.

The soldiers who were already slack and desperate, after hearing such news, almost instantly ignited the hope of defending the city.

"The Lord City Lord is coming back! We are saved!"

"One hour! Hold on for another hour! As long as the Lord City Lord returns, we will be saved!"

"Brothers, come on!"


At the north gate that had already fallen, the soldiers who had been beaten back steadily rushed forward desperately as if they had been injected with chicken blood. This ruthlessness made Russell jump.

However, he was stunned for only a moment. Russell quickly adjusted his mentality, stroked the red feather under him, and as a mobile member cleaned up the fish that slipped through the net and relieved the pressure on the ground combatants.

As time goes by, facing the continuous hordes of monsters, they have less and less influence on them.

There are not many members of the Flame Knights, and they are divided into various battlefields. Facing the huge group of monsters is really more than enough.

They didn't go over to the city that never sleeps. After parting with Xia Heng, they began to investigate the problem of drinking and drinking for the flame griffins, and they finally found something.

Feige wanted to go back and settle accounts with those people, but was stopped by Russell.

They are now looking for those people's troubles, unconsciously manipulating their own car, and killing themselves.It's better to hide and accumulate strength first, and then give them a fatal blow.

The two thought it over, and finally decided to come to Altin as Xia Heng said before.

After all, the previous alcohol supply chain was broken, and they couldn't find a reliable source of supply in a short time, and the ancestors of the flame griffins were out-and-out alcoholics.

To sum up, even if they may be slaughtered, they will have to buy from Altin later.

At least the safety is guaranteed, and this bar...it's really delicious!

Not to mention the flaming griffins, even they sometimes can't help taking it out and taking a few sips secretly, which also causes them, shit-shoveling officers, to stage a chase and escape scene with their own griffins from time to time.

"Akabane, the flames burn the sky."

Russell picked up the wine gourd and dangled it in front of Akabane.

The eyes of a certain flaming griffin who was addicted to alcohol suddenly turned into searchlights.It raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar, its wings burning with raging flames.

Without Russell's next instruction, Akabane flapped his wings and flew to a better sky. After finding a suitable position, he threw the flames gathered on the wings to the ground.

Groups of burning high-temperature fires fell from the sky like a meteor shower, pressing down on the group of monsters, causing one after another to howl.

The other members of the Flame Knights were startled when they saw the skill released by Akabane, and then looked at each other a few times to convey their inner shock.

This is a life-saving skill, so release it now?

They help defend Altin because Xia Heng gave them so many bamboo leaves, but if they can't defend, they will definitely choose to retreat.

Russell has released 'Burning Flame' now, has he thought about what to do if something happens and he can't retreat when they retreat? !

"Deputy regiment, you..."

After Russell returned to the ground after creating this thrilling scene, a member of the regiment followed closely and wanted to say something.

But before he could speak, he was blocked back by Russell's ancestral gesture of 'shut up'.

"I have my own considerations, don't worry about it. Try to defend until the city lord of Ordin returns, and if there is no turning point after that, retreat immediately."

"Okay... okay..." The member retreated reluctantly, and gave the order to continue attacking the griffin flying in the air from time to time to spit fireballs at the group of monsters.

"How long has it been?"

Russell stroked Akabane, who was resting on the ground, and hung the wine gourd he opened on Akabane's neck, adjusting the height to make sure that Akabane could drink it with his head down.

"Almost an hour."

The member threw out the spear in his hand, pierced through the head of a monster that rushed over through the defense line, and stabbed it hard to the ground.

Russell quickly made a decision, "Go to Feige and tell him to stay on guard for another half an hour. If no one comes back or the situation doesn't ease, retreat immediately."

"Okay, I'll just..."

"Xuan Bing, frozen thousands of miles!"

As soon as the sound in the air stopped, a large piece of ice crystals suddenly rose from the ground in the entire city of Altin.

These ice crystals spread like a plague, hardly giving anyone time to react, and the city in the flames of war fell silent in an instant, turning into a dead city covered in ice and snow.

The soldiers fighting on the ground were taken aback for a moment, and even the mages and priests who were still reciting spells seemed to be under a curse, unable to utter any sounds.

The monster that was roaring and biting them just now has turned into an... ice sculpture.

That's right, ice sculptures.

Not only the monsters, but even the ground where they stood, the buildings around them, and the city wall not far away were all covered in translucent black ice, emitting a biting cold air.

Different from the coldness of the freezing season, the temperature is so cold that the flames are completely frozen before they can be extinguished. The picture is extremely strange.


Xia Heng, who was sitting on Xuanbing, let out another sound. The frozen ice sculpture on the ground began to shatter into fine cracks from the middle, spreading to the surroundings, and getting bigger and bigger. Finally, the whole ice sculpture, together with the frozen monster inside, shattered into pieces. Cracked into pieces and scattered on the ground.

A real massacre, without screams or blood, silently harvested the names of all monsters within a radius of 500 meters from Ordin City.

Ice wrapped the remains of the body, and the sun happened to poke its head out of the dark clouds at this time.

The glare of the sun reflected on the corners of the ice cubes, causing people to shed physiological tears unconsciously.

The whole city was silent for a full minute, and it was unknown who started it, but the next second there was an uproar of voices.

"Master City Master—!"

Xia Heng let Xuan Bing come to the top of the city wall, he jumped off and landed on it questioningly.

"Thank you." Xia Heng touched Xuanbing's huge faucet, and took out a large pot of spicy crayfish that he promised, and put it on the city wall.

"I'm going to sleep for a while, and when I wake up, I want to see the one hundred and eight spicy dishes you mentioned earlier." Xuanbing's weak voice sounded in Xia Heng's mind, and it turned into a little one and hid it in the spicy food. In the crayfish's basin, there was no sound after that.

"City Lord..."

"Shhh—" Xia Heng put a finger in front of his lips, gesturing for the person who came over to keep quiet.

"Keep an eye on this. If you see Gris, give it to him. You don't need to look for it. If you can't find it, just keep it with you. After the war is over, send it to the City Lord's Mansion."

Xia Heng stuffed the spicy crayfish pot hidden by Xuan Bing into the man's hand, "What's your name?"

"My name is Lin En, and I promise to complete the task of Lord City Master!" Lin En looked excited. After seeing Altin just turned into an ice city and then restored to its original state in just a few seconds, his admiration for Xia Heng reached the peak. peak.

Xia Heng patted him on the shoulder and took out his messaging device to contact Xia Feng.

Relying on the power of Xuanbing's Xuanbing to release the Frozen Thousand Miles relieved Altin's current crisis to a certain extent.

This wave of monsters was almost wiped out by Xuan Bing at once, except for a few sporadic monsters attacking the city from farther away, no more monsters came out of the misty mountains.

Fortunately, these magical beasts attack in waves. Xuanbing's skills can only be released once in a short period of time, and after release, they will fall into a deep sleep and accumulate strength again.He didn't know how long Xuanbing would sleep this way, but he couldn't put all his hopes on it anyway.

"Xia Heng!"

Xia Feng rushed up, couldn't control his emotions and gave him a big hug.

"Your boy is finally back. Is the fucking Altin yours or mine? Do you know how stressed I am?!"

Xia Feng couldn't help but started complaining, but still couldn't hide the excitement and joy in his tone.

"Okay, now is not the time to reminisce about the past. Call a few flying pets to follow me. Time is running out, and the defense system must be deployed before the next Warcraft siege."

Xia Heng patted Xia Feng on the back, signaling that he was busy.

"Flying battle pet?" Xia Feng calmed down his excitement, "Can the flame knights work?"

"Flame Knights?" Xia Heng was taken aback, his first reaction was why they came here, no wonder he didn't see them in the city that never sleeps.

Xia Feng quickly explained, "Yes, even the Flame Knights with all the members of the Flame Griffin just arrived yesterday, and I don't know what gust of wind brought them here. They were of great help in the defense of the Warcraft siege. gone."

"I know, then you call five or six people like this, let them come with me."

Xia Heng didn't bother about why the Flame Knights came here, it was just the bamboo leaves he sent out.For the sake of their help in defending the city, if they come to buy wine in the future, it would be a big deal to give them a friendly price or a discount.

"Wait, I'll call them right away."

Xia Heng nodded, took out the six purple cards on his waist, closed his eyes and recalled all the details of the area where Altin was located, and quickly locked on the location of the hypothetical city defense equipment.

The person Xia Feng found was quite familiar to Xia Heng.

Fig, Russell, and Snow who gave him a jug of wine at first.The remaining two didn't know each other, but their griffins all made one move in unison—abandoning their master and surrounding Xia Heng.

Xia Heng: "..."

These drunkards have such a good memory?

But now is not the time to pay attention to these, Xia Heng distributed five of the cards to these people one by one, took the most important one and took out the flying carpet that had not been used for a long time.

"Let me first talk about the usage, location and method of these cards. They must be strictly in accordance with my standards. It doesn't matter if they are slower, but the positions must be accurate, and the error must not exceed 0.5 centimeters."

"Put it down after finding the position, and then start..."

It took Xia Heng a while to describe the things that need to be paid attention to in this operation and the details of the placement of the cards. After finally confirming that there is nothing missing, he stopped talking and prepared to go.

The few people in the Flame Knights were stunned when they heard it, but luckily they all knew the exact method of using it.

In order to be safe, Xia Heng even took out some useless practice scraps, let Fei Ge and others practice their hands first.

To be honest, if it wasn't because of time constraints, he actually didn't want others to interfere in this matter.But who makes the situation urgent now, if he is alone, who knows if all these can be installed before the next wave of monsters attack the city.

Judging from what Xia Feng told him before.

Ordin's side of Warcraft will have five waves every time they attack the city, and after the five waves, there will be a relatively long rest period.

However, Xia Heng doesn't think it's because these monsters are kind enough to give humans time to recuperate. It's probably because they died too much, and they need to stop for a while to slow down, lay eggs and give birth to cubs, and increase the population.

"No problem, remember to put it in the place I said. Use this to notify me after the placement is complete, please."

Xia Heng took a deep breath, shook the 'mobile phone' that was allocated to several people and only used it within the range of Altin, stared cautiously at the distant misty mountains that stretched thousands of miles away, and spoke solemnly.

"Okay, let's go now."

Russell nodded, and made a fool of those in his own mercenary group, ordering them to strictly follow what Xia Heng said.

The five griffins, which were as red as flames, soared into the sky, galloping away in five directions respectively.

The five-point two-two connection forms a standard five-pointed star.

Xia Heng looked up for two seconds, then sat on his flying carpet and flew towards where he should go.

The final core location is in the very center of Altin, which is where the City Lord's Mansion is located.

The equipment in his hand is a combination suit, which he completed while he was on his way, and even let Natalie put a series of boosts, attacks, and related runes that form the suit group on it.

Xia Heng named it 'Jiange', and finally got rid of the curse of naming it 'the xx'.

There is not much meaning, but at that time, a sentence suddenly crossed his mind, "Jiange is tall and Cui Wei, one man guards the gate, and ten thousand men cannot open it"①.He thought it fit the function of this thing, so he put it on.

Moreover, he has a name that is useless, so he really can't think of any lofty titles.

"My lord! You are finally back!"

The old butler had been waiting at the City Lord's Mansion for a long time, and Xia Heng was greeted by the old butler as soon as he landed.

"Well, I'm back. Time is tight now, and there is no time to catch up on the old days."

Xia Heng waved his hand, signaling the old butler to follow him.

"The equipment I'm going to place later is the core conversion hub of the 'Jiange'. You stay here first, and no one is allowed to approach it except me."

"'Jiange'?" The old butler didn't realize what it was for a moment.

"It's used to prevent monsters." Xia Heng explained to the old housekeeper while walking, "With it, even if all the monsters in the Misty Mountains are out, they can be stopped without any effort."

It sounds a little brash, but the old housekeeper was shocked by the power of the 'Jiange' just after hearing the description.

His heart began to beat, even though Xia Heng said the words, he unconsciously felt suspicious.

After all, it is not a trivial matter for Warcraft to attack a city. Can you really stop them all with a set of equipment?

Throughout the ages, which Warcraft siege was not based on human lives, and the role of equipment was too weak, even 5% of the battle rate was not enough.

But doubts are doubts, and the old housekeeper didn't say this.

If the city lord says he can stop it, then he can definitely stop it.

Anyway, there will be no worse situation than now, so why not write to me last time?

"Okay, then, does the Lord City Master need his subordinates to arrange some small teleportation arrays around?"

The old housekeeper followed Xia Heng, and while listening to him give various orders, he took the time to express his opinion.

"You know how to arrange a teleportation array?!" Xia Heng was startled, never expecting the old butler to have such a skill.

"Yes, Lord City Master, his subordinates are space mages. In the past six months, I have seen the food cards in the gourmet store successfully rise to lv40, and I can already arrange some small teleportation arrays." The old housekeeper explained.

Xia Heng's eyes were too bright, he reached out his hand excitedly and grabbed the old housekeeper's wrist, and ran straight away.

"Come on, you really helped me a lot!"

The old housekeeper was dragged away by Xia Heng fearfully, "My lord! You can't do it! You are a noble body, how can you touch an inferior person like me, it will insult your status!"

"Shut up! Didn't Xia Feng promulgate a policy of rewarding meritorious deeds before?! You are a great hero, I don't think anyone dares to say that you are an inferior person!"

Xia Heng yelled him back, then ignored his various 'disrespectful' remarks, and directly dragged him to an afternoon tea garden for leisure in the City Lord's Mansion.

Finally let him experience the feeling of being dragged instead of being dragged.

It seems to be... pretty good?

It seems that he is still so weak. Sure enough, the card master should sit in a row with the mage, the same as the chicken, no one should dislike the other.

The location chosen by Xia Heng in the garden is occupied by a small viewing fountain.Inside is stagnant water that needs to be replaced regularly, not pumped up from the underground river, so Xia Heng has no scruples at all, and directly asks the guardian No. 7100 to level him up.

The smoke and dust flying in the air made the old butler, who was unprepared for a while, take a sniff of ashes.

"My lord, are you...?"

The old butler coughed for a long time, and after Guardian No. 7100 used the vacuum function of its housekeeping system to suck up all the dust, he managed to open his eyes and stare dumbfounded at the ruined garden.

Did their city lord get some kind of stimulation when they went out?

Even if you want to install some equipment, you don't know that it will be mixed with the demolition of the house, right? !

"You'll find out later."

Xia Heng directed the guard No. 7100 to fill up the land in front of him, and finally came to the center of the turned over land, and put the purple fluorescent card in his hand there.

He stepped back a few meters with the bewildered butler, and released his mental power to trigger the card lying quietly there.

After the card was activated, it immediately turned into a ball of light emitting lavender ripples. The ball of light gradually grew larger and stretched, and finally grew into a regular object with a side length of two meters and a square base.

This thing is responsible for signal processing and forwarding, and has an inseparable relationship with the five cards he allocated.

With this thing as an intermediate device, it can cooperate with the five offensive and defensive sentry towers to completely surround the territory belonging to Altin.

More advanced, it can also automatically identify the identity of the species that wants to step into the territory.

At present, he only allows humans and battle pets to enter and exit. As for whether it will be changed in the future, that will be considered in the future.

"Sullivan, how big is the coverage area of ​​your small teleportation array?" Xia Heng, who had completed her task, clapped her hands and talked to the old housekeeper who was still confused.

"Probably...about half a meter."

The old butler Sullivan recalled the teleportation array he had set up when he was practicing his skills not long ago, and gave a fairly conservative answer.

"Round?" Xia Heng asked.


Xia Heng rubbed his chin, circled twice around the transponder he had just named 'Jiange No. 1', and finally came up with an idea that was unbelievable in Sullivan's eyes.

"Can you transform it into a ring? The ring is infiltrated with space magic."

Sullivan: "..."

"This...may be... a bit difficult..." Sullivan said dryly after being quiet for two or three seconds.

"It's okay, you study slowly, I trust you."

Xia Heng patted Sullivan on the shoulder, expressing high hopes for his old housekeeper.

Sullivan: Yali Shanda.jpg

"You set up a few of these positions now, and replace them when the new teleportation array comes out. There should be array mages in the city, and you can communicate with them."

Xia Heng pointed to eight locations around Jiange No. 1, signaling Sullivan to set up a teleportation array here.

This time, Sullivan was relieved. Fortunately, their city lord didn't come up with any weird ideas. He is a bit old at this age, and he can't bear to toss about it.

Among the flame knights who took Jiange No. 2 to Jiange No. 6, Russell was the first to give him the news.That person looked like a shrewd and capable person, and it was not in vain that Xia Heng handed over the second most important Jiange No. 2 to him.

The remaining four also sent back news one after another. It may be that he was a little alarmist before. These people are probably afraid of some mistakes, which caused the time to complete the task to be a little longer than he expected.

But it's nothing serious, after all, the next wave of monsters hasn't started attacking yet.

Xia Heng turned off the call from the last person, stood outside the encirclement of the teleportation array, and remotely activated the transponder of Jiange No. 1 with mental power.

It shows that something like the Eiffel Tower protrudes from the base, extending upwards until it reaches a certain height, and then the spherical object at the top slowly unfolds, forming a net that is not too large.

With Jiange No. 1 as the center, the signal wave transmits information in all directions like a stone smashing into the water.

The speed was very fast, it took less than three seconds to connect to Jiange 2 to 6 on the five points of Ortin.

After receiving the signal wave, the five sentry towers sent messages to establish connections with other sentry towers according to the previously set procedures.

This process was silent, except for the seven people guarding these devices, no one knew what happened.However, if someone can see the signal transmission path, they will definitely be able to see the densely packed lines completely covering and surrounding the entire Altin.

Half a minute later, a dazzling light burst out from the sky above Altin, and for just a moment, everyone couldn't open their eyes.

Naturally, this change could not be ignored by others. Even if the vision appeared suddenly, it hurt everyone's eyes even if it was dazzled.

"Look at the sky!"

The person who reacted first looked up at the sky. She opened her eyes wide and shouted, beckoning everyone around to look at the sky together.

"Fuck! What the hell is this?!"

"Hey guy, is this the Water Mage's water polo?!"

"Just dreaming! Which water mage can make such a big ball?! Unless the god of law came to the world... Bah, even the god of law came to the world, it is impossible to make such a big ball!"

"I don't know how big it covers...but is this thing useful?"

"Who knows, but I always have a feeling that this thing was made by the city lord..."

"Who else can make this thing except the city lord? Isn't this obvious!"

"Do you feel that this thing and the frozen city that the Lord City Master made when he returned to the city are a bit strong. With such a large area, let alone dealing with monsters attacking the city, you can walk sideways even if you go to the Misty Mountains?"

"That also depends on its function. If it's the same as the water polo of the water mage, isn't it just good-looking?"

"Don't guess, wait for the announcement. There is such a big commotion, it is impossible to explain it without an announcement."

"That's right, why don't you hurry up and take a rest if you have this time, get enough energy and continue to kill monsters to earn points. This battle achievement is real. I didn't expect that I would become a nobleman one day. This feeling is so cool!"

"Good guy, why did you get so many points without anyone noticing?"

"Kill monsters, the more you kill, the more you earn!"


The topic of the residents in the city shifted inexplicably, from a transparent layer of water-like thing that suddenly appeared in the sky to how to earn points.

It has to be said that since Xia Heng, the backbone, came back, it seems that Altin has already expelled all the monsters and won a big victory.


Sullivan also raised his head and looked at the sky in surprise. He had no idea that such an abnormal supernatural phenomenon would occur after the Jiange was activated.

Xia Heng just glanced lightly and then looked back.

It is really convenient for supernatural power to do things. If this kind of isolation membrane with filtering function is placed in a world dominated by the scientific system, he will not be able to explain its principle.

"I'm going to check the situation on the front line." Xia Heng looked around the teleportation array around Jiange No. 1 again, "You remember to make a mark to remind those people in the mansion not to approach here. If you accidentally step into the teleportation array I am not responsible for being sent to an inexplicable place."

Sullivan replied, and walked quickly to the warehouse of the City Lord's Mansion to find the raw materials for the reminder board.

The defense measures of the remaining five sentry towers don't need to be so strict. After all, they have a counterattack function. If they can be dismantled, it will be a slap in the face.

"Xia Heng, you made this up?"

Just when Xia Heng Dali finished everything and was about to go to the city wall to have a look again, Xia Feng's familiar bluffing way of calling people came into his ears with a somewhat deafening volume.


Xia Heng took two steps back indiscriminately, and put a distance between Xia Feng and prevent this guy from getting excited and touching him.

This guy is not what he was before he left.

Although the level has not been raised a few levels, the combat awareness and strength can be said to have improved a lot.

Xia Heng had no doubts that if he hadn't slapped him lightly, he might have performed a broken bone on the spot with his small body.

"What the hell is he? Is it really a protective shield? But can this block the hordes of monsters? Also, after this is built, how will any adventurers from the townspeople of Altin get out? Balabalabala..."

Xia Feng was just like Lianzhu Pao, he never stopped talking, and vomited a series of questions to Xia Heng.

The corner of Xia Heng's mouth twitched, "Come with me to the city wall and you'll know."

Really, this person is curious, but can you ask them one by one slowly?

After asking so many questions in a row, let alone asking him to answer him, now he can't even remember what question he asked in the first place.

Xia Feng scratched the back of his head, wanting to say that he came from the city wall.But he didn't say it out, after all, what he said was just a waste of tongue, Xia Heng would not change his decision just because of his words.

Apart from the patrolling people on the city wall, there are not many things.Clean and looks very neat.

For this phenomenon, Xia Feng contributed a lot.

One day after accepting the work of cleaning the city wall in a "happy mood", Xia Feng would come over to take a look whenever he had time. Although he wasn't the one who actually started the work, it didn't affect his coming to supervise the work every now and then.

Under this kind of high-intensity 'spur', the cleaning work of the city wall is naturally completed as perfectly as possible.

Xia Heng briefly glanced around, and nodded seriously to express his satisfaction.

He found a relatively high location and picked up a telescope. After simple focusing, he aligned the lens barrel in the direction facing the Misty Mountains.

"See for yourself, and then you'll know what it's for."

As Xia Heng said, she moved out of the way, and ordered a passing patrol soldier to move a small bench for Xia Feng.

Xia Feng looked suspiciously at Xia Heng for a few times, but in the end he couldn't resist his strong curiosity, and sat down with a small bench, imitating Xia Heng's way of putting his eyes directly in front of the eyepiece.

The distance... is quite clear!

And then that dark stuff...

Xia Feng frowned, lowered his head and rubbed his eyes, then moved closer to look again.

It's Warcraft!

Crowds of monsters were blocked outside, clamoring to rush in.But no matter what they do, they can't break through this barrier that looks like nothingness.


Half a minute later, Xia Feng stood up suddenly, as if he had been frightened by something, he took several steps back.He had a terrified expression, and looked at Xia Heng in disbelief.

"Is this really an enchantment barrier?!"

"Yes and no." Xia Heng thought for a while about the 'enchantment' that Xia Feng just proposed, and shook his head slightly, "You can call it a filter layer, and the enchantment is not allowed to enter or exit. This thing can be freely passed through identification. In and out."

Xia Feng stared at him with wide eyes, but didn't say anything.

After a while, as if he had organized his words, he gave Xia Heng a thumbs up with difficulty, "Strong. Maybe I really need to find a chance to study your brain. How did it grow!"

Xia Heng: "..."

I worked so hard to defend Altin, and it took me a few months to make these things, but you actually want to dissect my brain? ? ?

"Isn't this crisis resolved?" Xia Heng said casually, patted Xia Feng on the shoulder, "Caller, start a meeting."


"Fishing...a fishing contest???"

Gris was so surprised that his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

At this critical juncture, if you don’t pack up and prepare to face the fifth wave of the upcoming Warcraft, what kind of fishing competition will be held, ah, a fishing competition will be held!

Why did the city lord go out and become a fool when he came back? !

This moment of life and death, is it time to hold a large-scale event for the whole people? !

At this time, the others were also like Greese, unable to understand what kind of medicine Xia Heng was selling in the gourd, and all looked at Xia Heng with strange eyes.

"My lord, why don't we solve the problem of monsters attacking the city first..."

Cory bit the bullet and spoke dryly.

"I'm just trying to solve the monster siege." Xia Heng rested his right elbow on the armrest of the seat, and put his fingers on the side of his head. "The fifth wave of monsters has arrived and was blocked by the Jiange. Originally, I planned to wipe them out directly." , but Oulding was a little seriously worn out, so it was changed to a fishing competition."

"As for whether it's a real fish..."

When Xia Heng said this, he showed a meaningful smile of "guess yourself".

He took a stick and stirred the spicy crayfish bowl in front of Greis, and after confirming that Xuan Bing was still sleeping in it, he stood up first amidst the psychedelic expressions of everyone.

"Come to the border with me and you will know."

Gris, Corey, and Xia Feng's think tanks were making eye contact with each other along the way, trying to discuss how to persuade Xia Heng to come back.

They also saw the film that appeared suddenly, and they received the notification, but they still felt that Xia Heng's decision this time was a bit unreliable.

But before they could think of an excuse, the scene at the border directly blocked their mouths.

Seeing that one is not only going crazy, but also about to go crazy because it still can't rush into Altin's territory, it's so satisfying!

"The Lord City Master wants the city residents to catch these monsters?!"

One of the think tanks was the first to react.

Xia Heng raised his eyebrows, he couldn't believe that the reflex arc of these people was so long, "Did I not let Xia Feng send out the notice? The monsters are all stopped outside the city, and you don't know?"

These people looked at each other and shook their heads together.

"When the chairman went to issue the announcement, we were just called by you, the city lord, so... I don't know what the announcement said..."

Another small man in the think tank explained weakly.

Xia Heng: "..."

Well, it's his fault that he failed to notify every thoughtful creature in the city of the news that Altin's crisis was resolved in the first place.

"Now that I have seen it, it is no problem to hold an event."

Xia Heng folded his arms around his chest, sat cross-legged on the flying carpet, and glanced around at the tool people kneeling in front of him.

"No problem, no problem!" Everyone answered in unison, afraid that they would be too late to answer such a good chance of survival.

Although the siege of monsters is terrifying, there are treasures everywhere on these monsters.

Meat can be eaten, fur can be made into clothes, and bones, horns, blood, and internal organs are excellent raw materials for refining weapons and potions.

Take it out and sell it for a lot of money!

And all of them are alive and kicking, and there are some young monsters who have just grown up.But this is the favorite of those Colosseums in large cities. If you are lucky, you can catch a gray hyena, and you will make a lot of money.

Those people in the think tank seem to have seen small money and various treasures beckoning to them.

So there was no need for Xia Heng to mention anything at all, and these people began to chatter about the form of reporting this event and the necessary procedures.


"Did you hear that the city lord has solved the crisis of the monster attacking the city?! This is true, why is there no movement at all?!"

"If it's true, it's too strong! Isn't the city owner a card master?

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