Xia Heng walked all the way back to his bedroom with the remaining cards in his arms.

Although he has no sense of presence, his life is not too bad.It's just that the waiter is not very attentive, and he will always be forgotten when all kinds of supplies are distributed by the outside world. Only when he takes the initiative to get them can he get them.

"I heard that the seventeenth prince went to test today, but I don't know what it is?"

"I heard the news, it seems to be a card master."

"Card master?! Then he will be sent to the border when he becomes an adult! No, I have to find a way to clear up the relationship, so I don't want to go to the border with him, it is simply not a place for people!"

"Keep your voice down! So what if the card master is detected, he was still a prince before he was an adult!"


Come on, now he has another miserable situation, being despised and looked down upon by his servants.

Xia Heng heard the whispered conversation of several servants in his palace, and shrugged indifferently.

They are all irrelevant people, let them say what they want, the most urgent thing now is to figure out what to get out.

The barbecue was sent out, and the children's favorite fast food has also been tasted, and it has to be suitable for four or five people to eat together. It is best to play while eating...

Xia Heng quickly went through the recipes in his mind, and finally set his goal on hot pot.

There are meat and vegetables, you can play while cooking, and you can also make sauces according to different tastes of different people, and then match it with a four-grid shabu-shabu, with different pot bottoms in each grid...


Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

After deciding what to use to entertain (bribe) a few tool people, Xia Heng used the card he got from the Bright Priest to carve out the necessary tools for the hot pot.

In fact, there are some inconspicuous and dense lines on the transparent card, which cannot be seen with the naked eye and can only be perceived with mental power.

When Xia Heng was sculpting, he found that these lines could assist in carving.

During the engraving process, if the lines coincide with these lines, the mind will be clear for a moment, and even the next step of engraving will become clearer, a bit like the flash of inspiration that occurs when doing a problem.

However, these lines are very mottled. If you carve according to the distribution of the lines, nothing will come out in the end.

This little discovery made Xia Heng fall into a brief thought.

He took out another card, mobilized his mental power to completely wrap it, first perceived the distribution of the lines on it, constructed the object he wanted to carve in his mind, and then matched it on as many lines as possible , before starting further engraving work.

The efficiency increased by about 3%.

Xia Heng held the tableware in his hand, thoughtful.

A little mind-boggling, but it didn't bother him much.

Before his brain domain came to this world, its calculation speed had surpassed the fastest computer in the world at that time.

As for where the upper limit is, he himself doesn't know.

But now is not the time to do research, a big meal is still waiting for him.

Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu is here, he has to make way for him. No one can stop him from enjoying the delicious food!

He hasn't eaten any good food in the past three days. Although it has something to do with the fact that this body is not favored, he can still infer the level of culinary skills in today's world based on the food delivered.


It's just ridiculously bad!

Xia Heng wiped his face, feeling sincerely sad for what happened to him in the past three days.

After all the kitchen utensils were prepared, Xia Heng placed them in the small garden of the bedroom.

There is a set of marble tables and chairs specially used for afternoon tea. They are polished smooth and not too big, so they are very suitable for use as a dining table.

After doing this, there are only five pitiful blank cards left in Xia Heng's hand.

He looked at the cards in his hand and let out a long sigh like a clever woman can't cook without rice.

I hope those tool people can cheer up and get him more cards.


In Xia Feng's bedroom.

Little Fatty was going under the bed to dig out his waste bin.

Inside are all kinds of gadgets that he thought it was fun to collect at the beginning. He remembers that there seem to be shiny, transparent cards that flashed from time to time like those in Xia Heng's hand.

He thought it was very beautiful at the beginning, so he asked the servants who served him and his mother to help collect a lot.

Later, when he found out that these were props used by the card master, he sealed them all up that day and threw them into the box where he contained the toys he didn't want.

"Such a small card can make such delicious food?"

Xia Feng looked at the thick stack of cards on the ground, put his hands on his chubby face and let out an inconceivable exclamation.

There were at least a few hundred sheets in this pile, and the main colors were different. He divided them into five piles in the order of white, green, blue, purple, and orange.

Among them, white is the most, green is less, blue is more than a dozen, purple is five, and orange is one.

"These should be enough for a long time." Xia Feng scratched his head and muttered softly.

His big blue eyes stared at these cards for a few seconds, then he stretched out his chubby hand and grabbed a white one and placed it in front of his eyes.

"Spiritual power carving... Dou Qi should also work..."

As he said that, Xia Feng tentatively used his wind attribute grudge to touch the card.

After half a minute.

Xia Feng looked at the dark lump of delicate dishes exuding a strange smell in his hand, and burst into tears.

"Feng'er, what's wrong?"

Xia Feng's mother, who had just walked in, heard his cry, and quickly walked two steps to come to him and coax him softly.

"Mother concubine...the card...the card is broken! Wow——" Xia Feng raised the dark dish in his hand to his mother, his face wrinkled, and he cried even harder.

"Feng'er is a warrior. Cards are props that only card masters can use. You have different strengths. If you insist on using them, it's normal for the cards to be broken. It's the same reason that the concubine mother can't use Feng'er's future weapons. "


Xia Feng was not comforted, but felt even more uncomfortable.

How can he simply lose a card, what he lost is a delicacy, a big meal!

"Okay, okay, if Feng'er likes it, mother concubine will send someone to get you some more, okay?"

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Xia Feng stopped crying immediately.

He stood up, reached for the handkerchief in his mother's hand, and wiped two handfuls on his face indiscriminately.

"The concubine, I'm going to play first, and I won't come back for dinner today!" Suddenly realizing that he seemed to have been delayed for a long time, Xia Feng picked up the cards on the ground and ran away without a trace. He didn't even hear his mother telling him to be careful.

At the same time, similar scenes also took place in other bedrooms in the palace.

Several other snacks also found a lot of cards in their dormitory, and then gathered these blank cards to Xia Heng's dormitory.

Although the status of card masters in this world is low, blank cards are popular among children.

Who told it to look good!

Even if it is useless, it is very pleasing to the eye as a decoration outside!

Almost an hour later, those little Doudings gathered in Xia Heng's bedroom.

Xia Feng was the latest to come, and when he arrived, Xia Heng had already prepared almost all the ingredients using the cards brought by the other xiaodoudings.

"Xia Feng, come here quickly, I'll be waiting for you!"

Xia Lian, a little Douding with blond hair and golden eyes, waved his hand to signal Xia Feng to come over quickly. He was holding two chopsticks in his hand, and he was learning how to use this thing under Xia Heng's teaching.

He had never seen such cutlery.

It's amazing that two sticks can be used as tableware!

"You... what are you doing?" Xia Feng handed Xia Heng a stack of cards in his hand, and after being forced into two iron and wooden chopsticks, he followed a few other early arrivals and started the so-called teaching of using chopsticks.

"Preparation before eating." Xia Heng took out a card from Xia Feng very calmly, "Do you have any taste preference? Sweet, salty, spicy, numb or something?"

"What are spicy and hemp?"

Xia Feng's little head is not enough now.

He knows sweet and salty, but what is this spicy and numb? !

Xia Heng: emmmmm

Well, he forgot that seasonings in this world are still being used in potions, and so far no one has tried to integrate them into food production.

"That's how it feels, try it."

Xia Lian answered the question, unceremoniously dipped his chopsticks into the four grids prepared by Xia Heng, which was filled with the soup at the bottom of the spicy pot, and then poked his backhand into Xia Feng's mouth.

Xia Feng:! ! !

The culprit, Xia Lian, was looking at Xia Feng with a successful prank expression.

He was out of curiosity just now, so he went up to taste it cheaply.At that time, it felt like my mouth was being burned. Although there was a faint pain, after that effort, I could only describe it as sour.

Why didn't I find such a good thing before, and good things have to be shared with good brothers.

It's better to be alone than to be happy~~

Xia Heng covered her eyes, a little reluctant to see the next situation.

He actually wanted to stop it just now, but his body was too weak for him to react.

And this four-grid spicy pot bottom...it is really spicy.

For these little bean dices who have never eaten chili before... Hey, the picture is so beautiful, he can't imagine it.

Xia Feng was stunned for half a second, then his chubby face flushed red.

The expression on his face was distorted, he jumped up from his seat, and started running wildly around the yard.When passing by Xia Heng, the air flow was also used to blow his hair into a mess.

"Water! I want water!"

Although the little chubby is a little chubby, he is a flexible little chubby.

Knowing that such a situation would happen, Xia Heng thoughtfully prepared a glass of pure milk for Xia Feng.


Xia Feng is so good at running, he can't catch up at all, let alone hand him the things in his hand...

After Xia, the culprit, Lian laughed enough, he patted his chest and made a guarantee with Xia Heng, saying that he would solve Xia Feng's problem by himself.


Xia Heng watched helplessly as the two little Doudings started fighting in his yard.

Dou Qi is flying, soil is flying, flowers and trees are falling here and there...

Xia, holding a glass of milk, expressionless, unrequited love Heng: ...


He really hates brats the most!

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