Why didn't he remember that he had encountered a situation where the sword was broken.

Facing Gris' life-doubting gaze, Xia Heng took a sip of the refreshing Fat House Happy Water with ice, and calmly uttered a few words.

"Artistic processing, don't worry too much, I will code it for you."

Gris: "..."

Well, you're the Santo, and you're right.

Gries went to see the so-called 'art processing' again.

Then he just watched the sword he had tested, it grew wings and turned seven or eight times from the air "咻~~", and then flew to the place where he didn't know when it was vacant. in the right hand.

In the next second, a sudden change popped up.

Behind him on the screen, a layer of holy light that is about to blind rises, accompanied by his exaggerated bgm.

In the picture, 'Gries' raised his right hand high, and the sword in his hand slashed down like a rainbow, directly cutting the cloud-walking leopard in half.

Afterwards, 'he' stood with his sword back, his expression flat.

In Xia Heng's words, it is 'pretend to be full of force'.

Grace didn't know what to say at this time.

He looked at himself in the picture, there was a small halo and small wings growing on his head and behind him, and the small wings were still flapping...

Bah, that flamboyant thing is not him!

It looks so stupid!

The expression on Grace's face was indescribable.

He should really be thankful that the face on it was blurred so that his mother couldn't recognize him, otherwise he would definitely be laughed at by his own mother for a whole year.

The short video that made Gris so embarrassed that he could pick out three rooms and one living room with his toes is finally over.

The picture projected in the air was first closed into a very thin strip, and then opened again before everyone could react.

This time the protagonist has changed. Gris looked at the portrait of Corey who was completely unrecognizable except for his clothes. The corners of his mouth twitched, with a tangled expression of wanting to laugh at Corey but feeling pitiful, which made him look A little nervous.

There is no harm without comparison.

Gris suddenly felt that their city lord was kind enough to him.

This promotional video, which was "artistically processed" by Xia Heng, lasted about 5 minutes.

After each frame of image was shown, the auction house returned to its original bright state.

"I think everyone has already seen some basic function demonstrations of the weapons. Of course, in order to ensure that everyone present can better understand the 'Savior' series weapons, I will randomly select volunteers to conduct live demonstrations at the scene."

The auctioneer continued to tap the small hammer in his hand, signaling to those present at the auction to quiet down.

"Everyone should have the digital cards distributed to you when you enter the auction field. Friends who are interested in participating in the demo, please press the induction point on the card. Next, our staff will conduct a random selection among the participating crowd. Draw, the card in the hand of the selected person will be red, then please come to the stage to cooperate with our work."

"Friendly reminder, in order to better demonstrate the characteristics of the weapon, we will invite a few children who have not yet undergone professional awakening to cooperate with the demonstration. Please restrain your words and deeds when you come on stage, and don't scare our little guests."

As soon as the auctioneer finished speaking, a row of little Doudings who were only over one meter in size came onto the stage in a neat line.

They were wearing uniform dresses, looking soft and cute, making people want to reach out and rub their round little faces hard.

This kind of superficial engineering was, of course, the brainchild of Janice and Kelly, two terrified fellows.

It is said that the opening of the auction is such an important occasion, even these little beans cannot be ignored.So the two of them, after Heller determined the candidate, measured the size of this row of small beans and designed and processed a batch of uniform uniforms overnight.

Xia Heng suspected that their brains were all spent on such fancy things, so every time they handed in homework, they would be sent back and redone again and again.

It’s just...


Xia Heng was suddenly surrounded by strong resentment, and silently increased the assessment criteria for the latest wave of apprentices he had accepted in his heart.

He must have been too kind before, that's why those two guys, Janice and Kelly, committed such a crime.

However, Xia Heng, who made such a decision, didn't know that he had been secretly complained by his new students a few days ago that he was a devil.

These people are soaked in the ocean of knowledge every day, and they have to face the speed of life and death to get out when the deadline for homework is handed in.

Only two talented players, Alice and Lancelot, can easily complete the tasks assigned by Xia Heng, and then have a lot of time to play.

During the time when Xia Heng was distracted, the volunteers drawn from the field had already lined up with the group of little beans and stood at the designated positions.

After inquiring about the occupations of several people, the auctioneer thoughtfully handed over the "savior" series of weapons according to occupations to the little bean dings who stood in front of them one by one.

In the next second, a large protective shield rose around the field, and three rows of special weapon test props were transmitted from the ground in the center of the field.

"In order to prove that the auction house did not tamper with the test props, the selected volunteers gave priority to testing the walls."

When it came to the most critical step, Xia Heng also changed from his previous casual appearance.

He sat up straight, dragged the chair and moved forward, his turquoise eyes fixed on the test data and began to analyze the data like a brain reflex.

"Ordinary weapons are quantified as 1, and without supernatural power blessing, it is about 0.7 times the normal attack of a supernatural power owner using ordinary weapons..."

"The same attack is released under the same conditions, and the multiplier fluctuates between 1.2 and 1.9..."

"Considering energy fluctuations, user level gaps, errors in calling supernatural powers..."

"The upper limit of weapon enhancement is 2 times, and it fluctuates with the user's level in the bonus range of 20% - 100%. There are many directions for improvement. Currently, it is tentative..."

Xia Heng's brain is like a cpu running at high speed. The next second after the test session in the auction field is completed, the prototype of the improvement plan for the 'Savior' series of weapons has already appeared in the important data storage area of ​​his brain.

"What do you think is the name of the next batch of weapons, xx, I can't think of it."

After quickly constructing a few rough prototypes in her mind, Xia Heng got stuck on the step of naming again.

He thought for a while, and finally turned around to ask Gris for his opinion.

"Next... the next batch?!"

Gris was so startled that he almost bit off his tongue.

The first batch has not been sold yet, and the second batch is coming? ? ?

Their city lord is not a card master but a humanoid assembly line!

How long has it been?

And their city lord is not afraid that the weapons will not be sold...

Well, looking at the red-faced appearance of the group of people below the auction floor, there is no such thing as slow sales.

All the adventurers in the venue who participated in this auction went crazy.

Seeing that a few little Doudings were able to strike with weapons and the power of a lv43 fighter's normal attack, before the auctioneer announced the start of the auction, these people had already blushed and started bidding.

Even the auctioneer above was taken aback.

Fortunately, he has rich experience. Although he has never encountered such a sudden situation, he still has professional skills as a top auctioneer.

He first arranged for the children who were frightened by the excited reactions of these adventurers to step down first, and then began to deal with the mess.

The chaos didn't last too long. About seven or eight minutes later, order in the auction house was restored.But everyone present was in a state of excitement.

Like a hungry wolf that has been hungry all winter, staring at the set of 'Savior' series weapons on the field is like seeing a large piece of fat, with green lights shining in both eyes.

"My lord...the name depends on the function..."

Gris thought about it for half a second, and secretly explored the functions of the next batch of weapons with a little curiosity.

"The next batch will be heavy weapons, none of which you can use." Xia Heng glanced at him sideways, took out a small notebook and began to record how much money he made now.

The staff is 3000 gold coins, the heavy sword is 3280 gold coins, the assassination set is 5020 gold coins...

It's no wonder that even though the punishment for military, fire, smuggling, and smugglers was so heavy in the previous life, many people still took risks.

This is profiteering!

He felt that he could feed an entire city's residents just by selling weapons.

However, Xia Heng's idea was just a nod. Considering the law that rare things are more expensive, Xia Heng finally decided to release limited weapons on a monthly basis, a batch of ten, or auction them at the Aurora Auction House, and the highest price would win.

On the contrary, the defective products like those he made when researching high-energy weapons can be taken out to make up the number.

Although it didn't meet his standards at all, he compared the recently collected data and found that those 'scrap' could still have a 1% - 5% strength bonus.

It just so happens that his recently recruited apprentice, Lu Li, is extremely enthusiastic about high-energy weapons.

Then, by the way, he ran a weapon shop in the business district, which was specially used to sell defective experimental products and experimental homework made by his students.

"Heavy martial arts..." Gris' face collapsed, but he didn't say anything.

As a professional who focuses on combat power and supplements it with his own combat power, Gries actually doesn't have a strong demand for weapons.

But I can't stand the weapon that Xia Heng made is really handsome, and it also has the effect of attribute bonus.

Although his Xiaobai already has a 'defective experimental product' on him, but he also wants it, hey~

Gris was sad for a while, and then seriously began to listen to Xia Heng's description of the weapon, and racked his brains for a long time according to the provided 'xx' format.

Five minutes later, Gris tentatively said, "My lord, what do you think of 'The Destroyer'?"

"The Destroyer..."

Xia Heng stopped to settle accounts, repeating the name repeatedly.

"Okay, that's it." Xia Heng closed the small book with a snap, and made a quick decision, "I will open a custom seat for you, three months' salary, and bring your own cards. Come to me when you are ready. "

He stood up from his seat and adjusted his clothes a little, "I'm going back to the laboratory, you remember to send the proceeds from this auction to the City Lord's Mansion as soon as possible."

"You deduct the handling fee yourself, I'm too lazy to calculate it."

Xia Heng said lightly and walked out of the VIP room humming a little tune.

Turyugris stood there alone, not taking a cloud with him.

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