The ceremony seemed to last for a while, but he had already done what he was supposed to do as a city lord, and the next thing was the carnival of the whole people, so it was of no value for him to stay any longer.

Xia Heng greeted Kelly and Janice to prevent them from always thinking about the story of being kidnapped by a vicious adventurer, and then walked down from the high platform where the ceremony was held.

There were many people in the venue, but that person had very eye-catching black hair, and Xia Heng had been observing him, so it was not difficult to find him.

The man stood in front of a booth selling drinks, and while eating half a box of French fries, he listened to the food introduction of the booth.

Looks like a mess.

Xia Heng quietly used his mental strength to investigate, and after discovering various buffs on him, he came to a very certain conclusion.

After all, he has never seen anyone who can gather more than a dozen, nearly twenty kinds of buffs on his body at the same time.

After eating the things made by the cards, there is a real sense of fullness.Among the people he has met, Corey, who has the most training and can eat the most, can only hang 3 bonus buffs at the same time!

Just when Xia Heng was shocked at why this guy was so edible, the black-haired adventurer turned around holding a cup of poplar nectar and a bowl of yogurt and fruit.

In the next second, the two stared at each other, and were so scared by each other that they didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Xia Heng stared blankly at the man's ears, which were pointed and long sideways, and they trembled after being stared at for a long time... this fucking...

It's an elf!

That's right, in addition to humans, monsters, and monsters, there is another magical race in this world-the elves.

However, there are no species that are too mysterious, such as orcs, dwarves, angels and demons.

"Are you... a night elf?" The old-fashioned elf froze for a second, muttered a few words before denying himself, "No, you are a human..."

As he spoke, he took a sudden step forward, stood in front of Xia Heng to block his sunlight, and looked down at him.

Xia Heng: ...


Why is his body a dwarf?

Although he knows that he is still young and can grow up, but the feeling of being looked down upon by others is too bad!

The poor elf leaned over Xia Heng's head and sniffed it lightly, and then there was a clear look in his eyes, "So it's a hybrid of night elves and humans..."

Xia Heng was taken aback.

He really didn't expect that because he finally saw a black-haired man, he felt friendly and wanted to come up to say hello or something, but in the end he had a somewhat unclear relationship with him.

Xia Heng took a step back and opened the distance between him and the elf, "Let's go over there and talk."

There are a lot of people around, this is obviously not a good place to talk.

He is very curious now, why this idiot elf dared to appear in the human gathering place without any cover.

You must know that elves have always been the target of hunting by the powerful, regardless of gender.

According to what he learned, an elf, even a cub, can be sold for tens of millions.

As for the mixed blood with elf characteristics, it can be sold for several million.

Being identified by an orthodox elf this time, Xia Heng suddenly felt that it was really lucky that this body did not inherit the characteristics of an elf.

In fact, he had guessed the identity of the mother of this body before.

After all, he has been in this otherworldly continent for more than ten years, and he has seen many faces, both eastern and western, but he has never seen anyone with black hair.He suspected other races, but wasn't sure.

Besides, the hair colors of gold, brown, and linen are all uniform in the palace.It is self-evident who his black and beautiful hair came from.

The idiot elf looked in the direction of Xia Heng's finger, saw his cautious look, and suddenly understood what Xia Heng was worried about, "It's okay, this is a secret technique unique to night elves. Those without night elf blood will be blurred by the secret technique." If the key information is dropped, these people will not be able to see through my disguise."

After he finished speaking, he looked down at the palm of his hand, then very calmly stuffed Yangzhi Manlu into Xia Heng's hand, turned around and went to buy two skewers of roasted gluten.

Xia Heng: ...

This guy is quite right.

But why does he feel that this elf... is simply because it is convenient to eat while talking?

"Okay then." Xia Heng was quiet for two seconds, choosing to respect his decision, "My name is Xia Heng, a half-elf half-blood, and a professional card master."

"Star Soul, Night Elf, Professional Archer."

Xinghun ate a mouthful of fruit and a mouthful of roasted gluten with great enjoyment, and even introduced himself vaguely.But he didn't delay the business, and he was quite close to Xia Heng, a human being who suddenly appeared and was related to the night elves by blood.

The two walked side by side at the venue. As the host, Xia Heng did not forget to give Star Soul Amway something to eat while inquiring about the situation of the elves.

In short, the two got along very harmoniously, and in the end Xia Heng even invited Xinghun to visit the City Lord's Mansion.

"You are the lord of Ordin?!"

After Xia Heng blew himself up on his vest, Xinghun was shocked and couldn't control the force of his bite. He directly bit the pissing beef ball in his mouth in half, and was almost scalded by the rich soup inside so that he jumped up from the spot.

"Yes, don't you know?" Xia Heng was silent for a rare moment, and now he got a glass of ice water and handed it to Xinghun.

The city of Altin has recently been rumored in the outside world. Although it will not reach the situation that the entire continent knows, it has at least spread to several large cities that are relatively close to here.

He thought that all the adventurers who came to participate in the food carnival this time knew the current situation in Altin City...

"I don't know." Xinghun shook his head, "I haven't been out of the night elves for a long time, so I came here to see the excitement here."

Xia Heng: "That's fine..."

"You just said that the night elves are rejected by the elves as a whole, so do you have any plans to relocate the whole clan?" Thinking of Star Soul's description of the overall combat power of the night elves, Xia Heng instantly had the urge to poach people.

Even the children of the night elves are lv37's top elemental archers at worst. If they are all dug into Altin City, it will be a fighting power that cannot be ignored!

And all the night elves added up, there are only 300 at full count, and it's not like he can't afford it.

"Relocation..." Xinghun rubbed his chin, and rarely stopped his hand that had been buying, buying, buying, "You mean let's move to Altin?"

"That's right. We are mutually beneficial."

Xia Heng raised his hand, and a blank card floated in his palm, circling in the air, "I can create and provide a mimetic environment that is absolutely suitable for the night elves to live in. In exchange, you need to serve as the city of Altin. defender."

"This is a prototype of a sand table, you can take a look first. Altin City has a lot of open space. It is not difficult for me to create a mimetic environment where 300 night elves can live perfectly."

Star Soul didn't agree immediately.

Regarding the fate of the night elves, he has no right to make decisions.

But... if you look at it, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

With such an idea in mind, Xinghun tentatively let the natural force in his body touch the card.

He only felt a soft white light emerge, and then a miniature sand table model of the primitive elf forest lay quietly in the palm of his hand.


Xinghun's dark pupils shrank into a small dot due to extreme shock.

Although the natural environment in the palm of your hand is just a simple sand table.

But the elves with a natural affinity with nature, even the night elves with the lowest affinity, can feel the terrifying natural force flowing in it.

This is a closed area with a complete ecosystem and ecological cycle.

If it is really possible to build a real forest of elves as Xia Heng said.They can completely set up enchantments around them to create a territory not inferior to that occupied by natural elves.

Thinking of this, Xinghun's breath became short of breath.

He took several deep breaths before suppressing his urge to agree immediately.

Xinghun forcefully pressed the little heart that was about to jump out of his throat back into his stomach.

He rolled his Adam's apple up and down several times before he recovered his voice, "I want to inform the patriarch and elders, it may take some time before I can give you an answer."

Xia Heng squinted his eyes and smiled, spreading his hands to indicate that he could wait.

Elves are a deeply exclusive and cautious species.

The night elves are slightly better off, so they are repelled by other elves who value blood and the power of nature.

With half of his night elf blood, it was already very rare for him to gain the trust of Star Soul.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that he used all kinds of delicious food to invisibly bribe this idiot elf...


Altin Residential Area.

Dick, who came back with Alice, was a bit devastated when he saw the empty house and the empty residential streets with the ID documents forced into his hand.

Why is there no one in broad daylight? !

He also deliberately took Alice out of the team early, just to surprise Daisy.

As a result, the surprise was not sent out, but he received a big shock.

Could it be that the new city lord really didn't behave like a human being and forced all the few citizens of Altin City away?

Dick stroked his chin and began to brainstorm, and finally felt that his idea was extremely correct.

"Ah~~ It's so delicious~~ I don't know when the next time will be."

"Next year? I heard from the chairman that October will be designated as the harvest month. From next year, the food carnival will be held on the first Sunday of the harvest month."

"Wow~~ This is too happy!"

"Okay, okay, this year's game is not over yet, why are you thinking about the next one?"

"Isn't this the last day, and today there are small activities of various professions, am I not coming back to get weapons? Don't say you are not."

"Hehehe, although you may not be able to win the so-called mysterious prize, the most important thing is to participate~~"


When Dick was considering whether to move to Otto City next door with his whole family, two neighbors with whom he had a good relationship walked past him talking and laughing.

And all of them were slicked with oil, how could they be in the sluggish state before he left?

"Hey! Brian, Harrison!" Dick called out to them both.


Brian's eyes lit up, as if seeing a friend he hadn't seen for many years, he went up and gave Dick a big hug.

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