"Honey, do you want to stay in Otto City?"

On the way back to the temporary resting place of the mercenary team, Dick looked down at Alice, who was only up to his waist, and asked her opinion softly.

Although Altin City is not very good, but his ability is not bad, the pressure of life in Altin City is low, and the rich and powerful do not oppress the common people, he lives comfortably and does not really want to leave.

It is also true that he has no ambitions.

But if his daughter wants to come to see a wider world, he will naturally not break her wings that want to fly high.

Alice tilted her head and thought for a while, then shook her head, "Dad, I don't want to move, but..."

"But what?" Dick rubbed Alice's little head.

"Can I trouble Dad to buy me some blank cards?"

Feeling the power in her body that clearly belonged to her, Alice hesitated for a few seconds and tentatively made her request to Dick.

"Huh? What do you want this for?" Dick was a little puzzled.

"Emmmm, it's beautiful..."

Alice was quiet for a while, and finally choked out an explanation that she didn't even believe.

When she said this, Alice's little face was as red as an apple.This is the first time she has lied... I hope Dad will never get to the bottom of it...

Seeing Alice's reaction, how could Dick, such a shrewd person, fail to see that the little baby from home was not telling the truth.

And along the way, compared with the bear children of other team members, my daughter is as good as a little angel, which gives him a very good face.In addition, blank cards are not uncommon. Since his daughter wants it, of course he must satisfy her.

"Okay baby, Dad will take you to buy it, but you can't lie in the future."

Dick bent down to pick up Alice, and walked to the nearest 24-hour grocery store.

That's right, a grocery store!

The props of other professions can only be bought in special stores, only the blank cards necessary for card masters, and every grocery store will have a lot of them.

Because of its luminescence and low cost, many civilians even use it as a lighting appliance.

It can be said... a blank card can be a light bulb, it can be a child's toy.As for the status it should have... Forget it, don't mention this kind of heart-wrenching situation.

When the owner of the grocery store saw Dick bringing Alice to buy cards, he didn't ask any questions, and very calmly marked Dick with the character of "Come to buy toys for my daughter".

"Eleven white blank cards... Let's count you ten copper coins." The owner of the grocery store quoted a price very casually, and even gave Dick one for free.

Alice held the card in her hand, a little hesitant to speak.

"what happened, Babe?"

"Dad, are blank cards so cheap?" Alice looked at her father with distressed eyes, "Dad, don't go out with the mercenary group to run missions in the future, I will support you at home."

Dick was amused by Alice's "rhetoric words", but he did not dispel the idea that his daughter wanted to raise her old father, but followed her words, "Okay baby, when you grow up, Dad depends on you to support him, okay?"


Alice nodded, her eyes became crescents with a smile, and she opened her arms for Dick to hug.

The grocery store owner who stretched out his hand pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, showing an envious look.

Sure enough, good children belong to other people's families.As for that brat in his family, don't let him raise him, even if that brat raises himself, it's a problem. The boss is not young, and he has to ask the family for living expenses every month. It's really embarrassing!


"Dad! Eat candy!"

At dawn the next day, the captain of the mercenary team had already issued an order to assemble and prepare for the return journey. Dick was packing up his things in the room. Halfway through the packing, Alice rushed in with a jar full of candy.

Dick was taken aback for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, his precious daughter had already stuffed a candy into his mouth.

"Is it delicious, Dad?!"

Alice's eyes were shining brightly, and she even breathed lightly on purpose, hoping to get the feedback she was expecting from Dick.

The sweet taste melted on the tip of the tongue, and there was a strong milk scent, which was very different from the candy sold in the market, more like the one his own daughter stuffed into his mouth when he came home last time.

"Delicious." Dick gave an affirmative answer.

He actually doesn't like sweets, but he still likes this kind of candy with milk flavor.

After getting the answer she wanted, the smile on Alice's face became brighter, "That's great Dad, I'm going to share it with my friends!"

Hearing Alice say this, Dick noticed the candy jar in her arms.

"Alice, where did you get the candy?" Dick looked serious.

Although the candy in the market is not expensive, it is definitely not cheap.And Alice had no money at all, he really couldn't figure out why his daughter had such a big jar of candy in her hand.

So much, if you think about it roughly, I am afraid it will cost about one silver coin.

"I made it out of the card you gave me, Dad, last night." Alice tilted her head, not understanding why Dick was angry.

"Alice, didn't I say last night that you are not allowed to lie?" Dick's face darkened a few times, "Now, return the candy in your hand to the original owner, and then Dad will take you to apologize!"

The talent detected by my daughter is obviously a light knight, so how could she be able to use a card that only a card master can carve.

So after Alice said that these candies were made of cards by her, Dick's first reaction was that she had lied.

"I didn't steal anything!" Alice stomped her feet angrily, her little face flushed, she took out a card from her pocket, and then drew the void in front of Dick.

Soon, a handful of identical milk candies appeared in her palm.

Alice's big honey-colored eyes were covered with mist. She threw the handful of milk candy on Dick, turned around and ran out with the sugar bowl in her arms, "Daddy is a big villain! I don't want to talk to Daddy anymore !"


Dick, who was shocked by Alice's move, couldn't react immediately, and when he came back to his senses, he had long since lost sight of his daughter.

"Damn..." He scolded himself in a low voice, feeling deeply remorseful for his distrust of Alice.

At this moment, he didn't bother to clean up and salute, and hurriedly got up and chased out to find Alice.


It has been a month since Xia Heng came to Altin City to take office, and the first batch of new seeds has also entered the harvest stage.

Hart was one of the members who joined the harvest army. He looked at the turned upside-down field, with round and plump potatoes next to each other, and pinched himself in disbelief.

"Hey—it hurts..."

Hart wiped away the physiological tears that flowed out of his body unconsciously due to too much force, and finally believed in the fact that he had obtained a big harvest.

"Al, I can achieve financial freedom this year! Hahahahahaha, my treat, let's go to the gourmet shop and drink shop to have a meal!"

Hart happily jumped three feet high, threw the small hoe in his hand on the ground, and ran to Al, who was not far away from him, who was busy in his own field.

As for who will come to see it?

Of course it's his battle pet, the raccoon cat!

You must know that the things in the gourmet shop can permanently increase your own energy. After more than 20 days of feeding, not only has he been promoted from lv5 to lv8, but even his own battle pet has also been promoted from empty star to one star!

There are too many things that a one-star battle pet can do, and his battle pet is still a super energy system. Let alone harvesting potatoes, it is not a problem to let it grow the land.

It's not in vain that every time he goes to a gourmet restaurant to eat, he has to give half of it to his pet.

Although their free quota is limited for each meal, splitting half of it will prevent him from being able to fill his stomach.But now looking at the excellent performance of his pets, he feels that the half of the things he allocated is really worth it.

The only pity is that his free meals are almost used up.

Moreover, the food in the gourmet store is really expensive. It seems that for his better life in the future, he still can't relax.

But that didn't stop him from being unrestrained.

Just like losing weight, only when you are full can you have the strength to lose weight.

If he doesn't spend a lot of money to enjoy the thrill of throwing a lot of money, where is the motivation for him to continue to make money and buy it!

"Hey, you're quite generous." Al was weeding, and the seeds he had brought from Xia Heng were planted in his field, but they were planted late, and it's not the time to harvest.

But he wouldn't refuse someone's treat. His free quota was about to run out, and now someone offered him a treat for free, only a fool would refuse.

"Then let's go, it just so happens that it's almost noon now, if you don't hurry over, today's supply times will be snatched up again."

Al clapped his hands, washed his hands with the water bag he carried, and hurried out of the field, as if Hart would regret it.

"Tsk, you really can't do anything, Cengfan No.1." Hart rolled his eyes and complained to him softly.

With a big smile on his face, Al put his arm on Hart's shoulder and followed him to the city.

In the gourmet restaurant, apart from Xia Heng who came once on the day of the official opening, today is the second time to step here.

Janice and Kelly have almost learned the basics, and today just happened to catch up with him because he has nothing to do, so he just came over to inspect and teach them how to do preliminary carving during work breaks.

Of course, the initial hand training product is definitely not that difficult.

According to Xia Heng's words, at the current level of Janice and Kelly, they can barely carve a banana, apple, orange, egg or something.

Xia Heng didn't even let them try the slightly more complicated fried eggs because of the addition of fat.

Disliked Jenny and Kelly: ...

Okay, okay...they are not worthy...

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