'Altin Gourmet Store officially opens today.The recipes are changed every three days since the opening. After one month, all the dishes can be purchased and tasted at will, and new dishes will be added from time to time...'

'Anyone who meets the conditions can enjoy a free tasting event within one month of the store's opening...'

'Today's recipe, beef sandwich, ramen, hot and sour noodles, omurice, octopus balls, it's better to eat with the new products from the drink shop next door...'

'This opportunity is not to be missed, and it will never come again. Residents of Altin City, hurry up and buy it! (Note: The drink shop next door does not participate in the free tasting event, please pay the fee yourself)'

A week later, there was a spectacular 'skill display' of the water mage on the central square of Altin, which was served as a bulletin board by Xia Heng.

Of course, the most important purpose is to engage in publicity.There is no so-called LED advertising screen in this world. After Xia Heng thought about several advertising plans and felt unsatisfied, he decided on the water mage.

Their elementary skill Water Wall is a perfect water screen!

Water mage is not a rare profession, and the skill of water wall is even more common for adventurers.

But playing with the water wall like this is really the first time for a big girl to get on a sedan chair.

"Can you still try it for free?" Eddie, who was resting in the central square and waiting for other members who went to resupply, was attracted by the advertisement on the water wall, and became very interested in this gourmet restaurant that suddenly appeared.

But...he will never admit that he was bought by the word 'free'!

"Captain, it's still early, should we go and have a look?" Eddie approached Luke, who was grooming the storm wolf, the beast of their mercenary regiment, and enthusiastically suggested.

Luke turned his head and glanced at him, "Don't do unnecessary things, we're in a hurry. And what do you think can be eaten in this crappy place like Altin?"

When Luke had just finished speaking, Hart and Al from the gourmet restaurant passed by him together, and Al was holding a half-eaten beef sandwich in his hand.

"Ah~~ It's delicious! I really didn't expect that our Lord City Lord is so young. I declare that from now on, I will be the most loyal follower of Lord City Lord!"

"Tsk, you are not a firm willed guy. But I also really like the new city lord. Fortunately, we came here on the first day. It is said that the city lord is here to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the new store, otherwise we would have no chance to see the city lord. Honor...it's delicious..."

"We're on each other~~ Oh, by the way, have you gone to drink the drink from the shop next door? I heard that drinking a drink will refresh you!"

"No, it costs money over there. I'm relatively poor recently. Let's talk about it in a few days."


The two walked away talking and laughing, and then Luke and Eddie watched helplessly the Stormwolf, who was known for being aloof in their mercenary regiment. He and Al, then squatted on the ground and wagged their tails, and the two of them, who were almost scared away by Hehun, begged for food.

Luke & Eddie: ...

shame!What a shame!

Seeing his war pet change from the majestic lone wolf to the cute puppy Gou, Luke's heart was broken.

"Sorry to scare you, we will take him away."

Luke came to the terrified Hart and Al in embarrassment, reached out and grabbed the battle armor on the Storm Wolf, trying to drag it away so as not to embarrass himself here.

However, how could the storm wolf who was tempted by delicious food be obedient.

It turned around and slapped its master's tail, shook its body, and continued to squat on the ground and wag its tail.

After all, he often went hunting in the Misty Mountains. Al reacted much faster than Hart when faced with such emergencies.

Seeing that the storm wolf (dog) in front of him had been staring at the beef sandwich that was only half left in his hand, Al suddenly understood something.

"Do you want to eat this?"

Storm Wolf: Crazy Nod.jpg

"Then give it to you."

Al was generous enough to bend down to put the sandwich on the ground, but the Storm Wolf squatting in front of him jumped up suddenly, and took it directly into his mouth as if he was afraid of his repentance.

Luke: ...

This storm wolf who eats other people's leftovers... is really his picky eater who can starve himself to death?

Thinking of Luke, who used to work hard to eat all kinds of good things for his pets, but was ruthlessly disgusted by his pets, his weak heart was smashed to pieces.

"Hurricane!" Luke looked at the Storm Wolf who was still lingering after finishing the leftovers, his face darkened, and he said in a low voice.

However, he failed to call back his pet, which attracted Al's attention.

"Is it a hurricane?!"

Al opened his eyes wide and looked down reflexively.

Hurricane, who was in the center of attention, tilted his head, showing off to Al very obediently.

"You are from the Hurricane Mercenary Corps!" Al's eyes shone brightly, his face full of excitement.

"Yes." Luke nodded, and Eddie continued to reach out to pull the armor on Hurricane, trying to drag it away.

The two were in a stalemate for a long time, and it was Luke who was the master who was the first to lose in the end.

"Cough—excuse me, where did you buy the food you fed to Hurricane?"

Luke coughed lightly, and asked Al about the source of the sandwich with some embarrassment.

Al and Hart looked at each other, and then moved in unison, pointing to the changing water screen in the center of the square.


Today's commercial street is extremely lively, and even the New Year can't keep up with today's grand occasion.

The scale of the gourmet restaurant is small, but there are quite a few city residents flocking here.The shop couldn't fit, and those who didn't squeeze in had to hang around to pass the time. For other shops, these people were potential customers.

Luke stood in front of the gourmet store with a hurricane - he didn't even need to look for it, the place with the most people must be his destination.

He just had a disdainful attitude towards the delicious food in Altin City just now, but he didn't expect that less than 10 minutes later, he tasted the feeling of being slapped in the face.

Tsk, my face hurts.

The appearance of the hurricane caused some local residents with low occupation levels to take a few steps back.

For a moment, a vacuum zone with a radius of one meter was vacated at the entrance of the originally crowded shop with Luke as the center.

"Why are they all crowded together again? Line up the queue. Those who are qualified to try food stand to the left, and those who don't have the right to stand, and leave the middle for the customers inside to pass through."

Gris's low voice came from the gourmet shop.

The white-feathered snowy owl, who looked fatter again, stood on his right shoulder, maintaining order with him.

As soon as the words fell, the entrance of the gourmet restaurant, which was still in chaos, suddenly became orderly.That's the team...it's a bit long...

Luke, who was in the crowd with the hurricane, seemed to stand out from the crowd at first glance, but he reacted quickly enough. After a little observation, he decisively stood in the right side of the team with few people.

As for the qualifications for the tasting, Luke didn't bother to care about it.

Anyway, a person like him who leads a whole mercenary group will not be short of money.He didn't need to waste too long time for a tasting qualification that he didn't know how to get.

"All those on the right can go in, and those on the left can wait, there are no empty seats."

After another group of customers chatted and laughed and walked out, Gris turned his head and forgot a few glances, then waved his hand, signaling the team on the right to follow him in.

"My lord, do we have to limit the flow of people? If so many people come every day, we won't be able to do any work this month."

Greese, who brought people in, took advantage of the gap and came to Xia Heng. Thinking of the team that still had no end in sight outside, Greese exuded an air of lovelessness all over his body.

"It's true that I didn't think carefully."

Xia Heng groaned, even he himself discovered the disadvantages of this decision when it was actually implemented.

"In this way, you ask Xiaobai to send a letter to Corey, asking him to send an announcement. All residents who are eligible for free meals for one month can instead eat 90 times in gourmet restaurants for free, and other conditions remain the same."

While Xia Heng used her mental power to engrave today's special recipes on the card, she slightly modified the shortcomings in the decision-making.

It seems that he is indeed lacking in ability in management. After the busy period, in addition to catching up with Xia Feng to help him with government affairs, he has to find an experienced manager.

"Okay sir." Gris responded, took a large stack of cards carved by Xia Heng and sent them to the front desk, then tilted his head and talked to his white-feathered snowy owl in a language that ordinary people could not understand.

The two busy clerks at the front desk were employees specially hired by Xia Heng for the gourmet restaurant, with food and lodging included, and a monthly salary of 1 gold coin.

Such a salary is considered extremely generous in Altin City. In order to apply for this super-high-paying job, the residents of Altin are overwhelmed.

This is still written in the recruitment advertisement as a rigid requirement that the occupation is a card player, otherwise I am afraid that more people will compete for this job.

The last two lucky ones are Janice and Kelly who are busy right now.

The mental power of the two of them is not very high, but their control over mental power is very precise.

Xia Heng recruited with the idea of ​​looking for the manager and chef of a gourmet restaurant. As the city lord, it is impossible for him to just guard this gourmet restaurant and not do other things.

The most important thing for a card master is to control the spiritual power and understand the essence of things.He chose for a long time among hundreds of applicants, and finally selected two successors who he thought were the most suitable to inherit the gourmet restaurant.

Of course, he kept several reserve players in his mind, but they were not selected because the development direction of their thinking was not suitable for a gourmet restaurant.

However, if he wants to officially take over the gourmet restaurant and the new product store next door, he still has to go through a crucial step-stage assessment.

Xia Heng finished carving the last card with his mental strength, touched his chin and looked at Janice and Kelly, who were busy at the front desk, with a solemn look in their turquoise eyes.

It seems that the questions he made for Xia Feng will be released with derivative and advanced versions.

"Use of Supernatural Power Basics 660" does not seem to cover a wide range at present. He has to get another set of "Elementary Life Skills Training 1800".

After all, I don’t have enough talent, so let’s make up for it~~

Xia Heng was thinking, and there was a little devil-like danger on the corner of his mouth.

As for Greis, who came back from delivering the letter to Corey, the first thing he saw was Xia Heng's smile full of infinite malice.

Gris had a sense of seeing the devil's horns and tail on Xia Heng's body, which made him shiver uncontrollably.

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