Only 100 days left in life

Chapter 55 The Moment of Destruction

Shiratori Mariko looked at herself.

"Me?" She knelt down and said to the little girl, "Indeed, I have brown hair and brown eyes just like her."

Takumi Harue shook his head.

"No," she said, "it was that tender feeling, that familiar wave that I felt."

The little girl stretched out her hand on tiptoe and made a gesture, "That's right, it's probably like this."

Seemingly unable to express it, she pointed to the position of her heart in frustration, "I'm sorry, I can't express it. After becoming a curse spirit, it seems that something has blocked this place."

It's like hollowing out the place and putting in a handful of new soil.

Takumi Harue is a bit hazy about everything now, she was like this when she was stared at by that strange big brother before, and when she was beaten later, she also instinctively felt that this was wrong, but she didn't know why.

Mariko Shiratori froze for a moment, then looked at Megumi Fukuro.

She remembered that what Fu Heihui said earlier was "Jade Dog said she was alive"?why is that?

"It's because everyone is in my dream, and my brother's dog can't feel it," Takumi Harue seemed to know what Shiratori Mariko was thinking.

She replied obediently, "It's very cute, and it will comfort me, thank you brother."

Fu Heihui still pursed his lips and did not speak.

But Takumi Harue didn't seem to pay attention to Fu Heihui for too long.

She tilted her head naively, and looked at Shiratori Mariko, "Sister, what are you going to do next? It's safe here."

The four members of Gaozhuan became tense, Kizaki Yaqiangwei held the nail in her hand, and prepared to get rid of the little girl in front of her if there was any abnormal movement.

Never let Shiratori get hurt.

Shiratori Mariko thought about it.

"Can you answer me a question?" She asked cautiously, "Chun E, why are you here?"

She didn't believe it was a coincidence, the appearance of the bulge showed that this must be a deliberate arrangement.

What's more, the humanoid curse spirit directly called out her name.

"A brother who had his head stitched a few times asked me to be here," Harue nodded, "I don't really want to come, but he wants me to come here to meet a person named 'Shiratori Mariko', who is my sister you."

"He said he said," the little girl showed a slightly confused expression, "said, 'If you meet Miss Shiratori, say hello to her for me, and ask her by the way, being a curse spirit is also wise and will protect your compatriots, the so-called Is there really a difference between the curse spirit and human beings for her', it seems that I can't remember this sentence."

Shiratori Mariko froze for a moment.

But without hesitating for too long, she asked the next sentence, "Do you know how we can get out, Chun E?"

Chun E didn't answer quickly this time, it seemed a little difficult for her to answer this.

She thought for a while, "Collect all the pieces of paper, and then 'eliminate' me, it seems that I can go out. So sister wants the last piece of paper, right?"

Shiratori Mariko nodded.

She hesitated for a moment, then asked gently, "Will you give it to me?"

Takumi Harue nodded.

She put out the last piece of paper in her hand, "Even if my sister doesn't tell me, I will give it to you."

Other pieces of paper in Shiratori Mariko's pocket also flew out.

They were like butterflies, flapping their wings and rushing towards Takumi Harue, and then fell into her body.

The fog in front of me is getting bigger.

Mariko Shiratori's hand was held by Kagezaki Haruka.

Several people from Gaozhuan entered into a fighting state one after another, but the golden beach, blue sky and endless sea in front of them had nothing to do with the curse spirit.

Whether it's the one holding the knife, the hammer, or the jellyfish, they all looked at the scene in front of them, a little at a loss.

Only the bulging phase that has been staying close to the knotweed seems to be no stranger here.

"This is her memory," Bao Xiang put away the things in his hands, "Just read these."

His expression was a bit complicated, "She didn't treat bad looks and blood smears like this before."

"Mr. Real!" blurted out Yoshino Junpei, who released the jellyfish god, with a rather shocked expression, "This, here is"

Following his line of sight, in one of the corners covered by the white mist, a real person was slowly painting his nails on the beach chair.

Beside him sat a guy in a heavy black robe with a suture around his forehead, holding a glass of drink and drinking slowly.

As if realizing that someone was watching, "he" smiled in the direction of Shiratori Mariko and raised his glass.

"Welcome," he said.

On one side, a guy with a jug-like head and a human body squatted on the other side, looking drowsy.

"This is the place where the curse spirit temporarily lives," Bao Xiang said with an uneasy expression, "one of them."

He pointed to Hua Yu who was hiding under the shade of the tree on the other side, "Her name is Hua Yu, and she was born from the curse of humans on the forest. Did the guy in the water see it? It was born from the ocean, called Tuo Gen. The nozzle next to it is 'Leaking Hu', the curse of human beings on the earth, and these three people belong to the curse of nature."

Hua Yu was holding a piece of paper in his hand, he found a cattail fan from nowhere, and gently fanned the thin piece of paper.

"It was Hanayu and the others at first," Harue Takumi, who was standing next to Shiratori Mariko at some point, said, "Thought I was their companion."

Then there is training.

"I'm weak," Takumi said. "At first they said I could only curse people with paper."

At that time, she had just woken up not long ago, and she had just passed away not long ago, and she was not very good at mastering spell power, and it was difficult for her to reach the level of opening the illusion.

So the real person asked her to try to kill those who had treated her badly through the roster curse.

His rhetoric was beautiful, "It's time to take revenge on those who cursed you, you are our companion now, aren't you?"

The real person smiled and said, "I don't mind a few more toys."

He opened his hand, "But—some hurdles have to be crossed by yourself, right, Xiaochunhui?"

On one side, Hana nodded.

"In some places," she said, "only you know how to go down. As a companion, don't be behind from the beginning."

"They're wrong, I'm not their partner," Takumi Harue's voice suddenly became lively, "It's the first time I lied to someone. Although grandma thinks cheating is a bad thing, I think it's okay."

She said happily, "I didn't kill them! I used the curse to make those people have nightmares for more than a month—although they were discovered by 'he' soon."

The man with the stitches on his head told her to curse and kill three designated people before returning to the elementary school.

If she can't finish it, she has no value in existence.They don't need waste.

"Did you do that?" Shiratori Mariko asked.

The four people from the high school also looked over.

Under the gaze of so many eyes, Takumi Harue shook his head.

"No," she said calmly, "I didn't do anything. Then Hua Yu killed them and slapped me."

Hua Yu killed those people, pretending to commit suicide, so as to meet the request of 'him'.

Then he rushed over, slapped her hard, reminded her not to be stupid again, and left in a hurry.

"They are no longer your kind," Hua Yu said with a cold expression at the time, "If you can't wake up again, you will die. Do you want to die?"

After that, she covered her face and squatted in the corner, and was seen by Shiratori Mariko.

"I don't want to die," said Takumi Harue, "but, rather than dying, I want to be a good boy."

The pieces of paper surrounding her slowly gathered together, finally forming a piece of paper exuding a soft luster.

As a result, Takumi Harue's body seemed to become faintly visible.

"I made an agreement with the teacher," she said, "I'm going to see her, and I'm going to be a top student. I promised her, and I'm going to work hard."

That's why she doesn't want to kill people, she would rather just use a little prank, and then let go of these guys who inflicted pain on her——

I am also unwilling to violate the previous agreement with the teacher.

Takumi Harue smiled at Shiratori Mariko.

"Sister," she said, "don't cry."

Shiratori Mariko shook her head.

"My sister didn't cry," she said in a steady voice.

"I heard it," Takumi Harue pointed to her ears, "This is an illusion. I can hear my sister's mental fluctuations."

She said softly, "Don't cry for me, because I'm already dead."

Shiratori Mariko took a deep breath.

"I won't cry," she said, "I promise you. What else do you—"

Shiratori Mariko originally wanted to say "unfulfilled wish", but moved her lips, but the second half of the sentence was still stuck in her throat.

Like a sharp fishbone, it is difficult to spit out and swallow.

"Yes," Takumi Harue said, "Sister, am I a top student?"

She asks, "Am I great? I work hard, right?"

Shiratori Mariko nodded, "You worked very hard. You are a top student."

Fu Heihui also looked at the girl in front of him.

"Pretty good," he said.

"Of course it's a super top student!" Kibonashi Yuhito gave a thumbs up, "Excellent ones!"

"Barely, it's beyond the extraordinary level," Nagasaki Wild Rose muttered, "Extraordinary? Of course it's one level higher than excellent!"

"You are amazing," Yoshino Junpei looked at the little girl, "You are far stronger than me."

In the end, only the bulging phase remained in the audience without speaking.

Yuzu Yujin poked him, and he came back to his senses, "Oh, oh, excellent! My brother is the best!"

After getting this answer, Takumi Harue couldn't help laughing.

She turned to Shiratori Mariko again, walked in front of her, and asked a little playfully, "Can I have a hug?"

Saying that, she opened her arms towards Shiratori Mariko.

Shiratori Mariko took a few steps back hesitantly.

"No, Chun E," she still couldn't hold back, and reminded, "When you touch me, you will—"

"It disappeared, right?" Takumi Harue said, "That's okay. The only way to get out of here is to destroy the 'Thousand Paper', which is in my body."

Looking at Shiratori Mariko who seemed to be trembling even in her soul, she blinked, "Don't be sad for me. A good person like my sister shouldn't stay here."

Just like a good person like the teacher should not be trapped here because of her, a good person like Sister Shiratori should not be bound here forever.

Shiratori Mariko squatted down with tears shining, and opened her arms.

Takumi Harue jumped into Shiratori Mariko's arms like a moth to a flame, and rushed there without hesitation even knowing her end.

"If possible," Takumi Harue asked, "Can you call the teacher for me?"

She said briskly, "Just say 'she's doing fine' and—"

At the moment of contact, the reappeared huge monster belonging to the curse body and the combined curse object "Thousand Papers" were reduced to ashes in Shiratori's arms.

Until the moment when it finally dissipated, Takumi Harue was smiling.

The accounts were gradually withdrawn.

Shiratori Mariko raised her head and looked at the reappeared sky.

The stars are dotted with faint light together with the moon around them, bright and dark, composing a quiet and infinite song.

It is this world that brings warmth and releases light, and it is also this world that brings coldness and filth. It is full of brilliance and boundless darkness. This is the world, and it is guarded by people. line of the world.

In the darkest place, you can always see some extremely fine scars that were dug open by something, through which, maybe you can see the light.

Shiratori Mariko chatted with the assistant supervisor for a few words, and stood at the waiting place with the others.

The car when they came was borrowed, and more logistics personnel were transported to clean up the follow-up. Now a new car is deployed, so it will take a while.

"White Bird," Fu Heihui asked suddenly, "Do you think it's wrong to use violence to control violence?"

He seems to just ask casually, "Use violence to stop violence, logically speaking"

"In the final analysis," Shiratori Mariko shook her head, "whether it is violence or other methods, it is not too different. Of course, it is useless to call on the abused to resist."

She looked at the sky, "It is a minority who can muster up the courage to resist in this situation. Only by providing them with an environment where they can resist, and if they resist, will they not take the rest of their lives, can they be truly encouraged. Of course, personal What can be done, what needs to be done, rather than telling these abused people what to do, it is better to beat up other people, let this kind of people learn a lesson, Fu Hei thinks so?"

"You are right, but not quite right," Shiratori Mariko said, "Let the perpetrators be punished fairly and severely, deter them, make them pay enough for their actions, and make them dare not commit crimes , You can’t do evil, that’s right. But it shouldn’t be your job.”

These things should be left to adults, to the law, to more serious, objective and fair institutions, not to an immature child.No one is born with these burdens.

"We must use a bottom line to restrain them, whether it is to condemn them morally or legally, and let them repent and do good. People who see this will also be afraid of doing bad things. This is not just you It is the responsibility of people, it is the responsibility of society as a whole."

Seeing that both Megumi Fuguro and Junpei Yoshino looked thoughtful, Mariko Shiratori exhaled lightly and laughed, "Did I say it too seriously? I'm so sleepy——"

She yawned, "I'm probably going to fall asleep in the car later. Please, shake me up when I get out of the car."

Several people talked about breakfast and other topics, clutching their hungry stomachs, feeling hungry and sleepy.

It was too hard for them to go straight from morning to night after they came out.

Mariko Shiratori turned on the phone and glanced at the time.

If it's past eleven o'clock, if it's the teacher, maybe he didn't sleep because he was still preparing lessons?

"Wait for me," said Mariko Shiratori, "I'll make a call."

After several people agreed, she turned around and dialed the phone number in her memory.

"Excuse me, who is it?" A gentle female voice came from the opposite side, "This is Fog Wild Dream."

She seemed a little tired because she didn't sleep late at night, "Is there something wrong?"

Shiratori Mariko gripped the phone tightly.

"It's like this," she asked, "I was entrusted by someone. Do you remember Takumi Harue? A student you once took care of, a girl."

Wu Yemeng, who had a sore back and backache due to staying up late writing lesson plans and sitting on a chair for more than an hour, moved her stiff shoulders a little.

"Oh! I remember," she said, "Harue, she is a very cute girl. I was teaching near Saitama at the time. I like her very much. How has she been recently?"

Shiratori Mariko pursed her lips and stabilized her trembling voice.

"...well. She asked me to tell you that she's doing well. Very well."

On the other side, in an unknown hidden corner.

The fake "Xia Youjie" looked at Mariko Shiratori standing in the crowd, smiled and pressed his trembling left hand.

"Even if it is subconscious, will it react to such words? Oh, this is really difficult for me..."

"If it's a dead person, it's better not to trouble me, right?"

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