Only 100 days left in life

Chapter 40 Thank You For Rejection

But talking about this kind of thing now makes no sense at all.It's just a normal thing.

On the other hand, those who dare not even touch are cowards.What's wrong with this?baffling.

Seeing Osamu Dazai who couldn't stop laughing because of his words, Gojo Satoru snapped off the branch in his hand with a snap.

"Okay, this is just a waste of food because of choking. I didn't invite you here to discuss the matter of planting flowers. Let's talk about something serious."

"Okay, let's talk about the business first. Curse of human form, possessing human thinking," Dazai Osamu knocked on the table, "Does Gojo-kun think this is their advantage?"

He looked at "the strongest in the magic world" in front of him, and occasionally marveled a little.

The world that has never been polished by tactics and is completely wild and grown up seems to be a student who has been discarded casually and has never learned tactics.

The teacher who is extremely egotistical, and the upper management who are so stupid and stupid that they are easy to figure out.

It is obviously a similar world and a similar foundation, but it can develop into this.If some people come over, they may be very happy.

It is a miracle that the world of conjuration is not destroyed, no, it is a miracle that this world is not destroyed.

"Isn't it?" Wujo Wu asked back, "People's hearts are hard to fathom."

"Nothing will go wrong. I can only ensure that everything is prepared in advance, but I can't accurately control everyone's actions. Everyone is just guessing, isn't it?"

"People's hearts are easy to move, but people can be manipulated," Dazai Osamu spread his hands, "like a marionette—what can influence people is nothing but power and wealth."

"Spell spirits with human nature will lose their original tyranny and become less like beasts because of their humanity. They can use their thinking to infer their next actions. This is precisely the weakness of human nature—"

"Beasts that lose their minds are the most terrifying existence."

Summer is always so hot, even today when there is no sun, there is a bit of muggy heat.

Shiratori Mariko looked at the few people who were sweating on the field, yawned, and planned to get up and buy some soda to refresh herself.

After "waking up" Fukurotsu Miki, Gojo Satoru brought in a bunch of people and asked her to touch them one by one.

Finally, these people all came to their senses.

Then they—whether they were taking care of it at the side, or relatives and friends who rushed over in a hurry, all held the hand of Mariko Shiratori with a look of gratitude.

Especially in the later stage, more and more people came rushing over, blocking up the corridor.

Shiratori Mariko was at a loss for this "supernatural phenomenon", and was a little embarrassed to thank other people.

She really doesn't know anything.It was Gojo Satoru who asked her to touch it, and she only touched it a little bit, really only a little bit.

Fortunately, the curse has indeed disappeared.

It is not difficult for me to be able to help so many people with a little insignificant favor, so a little tiredness can also be overcome.

When Shiratori Mariko stood up, even the white jade dog squatting at her feet moved.

Yugou obediently rubbed over to Fu Heihui, Fu Heihui stretched out his hand and rubbed it twice, then raised his eyes to look at her.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I'm going to buy a drink from the self-service vending machine. I'm a little thirsty," Shiratori Mariko explained, "Do you want a drink? I can bring you a bottle."

In these two days of exchange meetings, whether it is the magicians stationed in the school or the auxiliary supervisors who came to organize related matters, there are only a small number.

"I'll go with you," Fu Heihui said.

"Okay," Shiratori Mariko agreed.

Coins were thrown into the vending machine, making a crisp sound.

The chilled drink rolled down the channel to the bottom, lifted the baffle, and Fukuroe took out two bottles of drinks and handed one to Shiratori Mariko.

"Thank you," said Mariko Shiratori.

She opened a drink, walked back while drinking, "I feel like I'll catch you on stage later."

"Almost," Fu Heihui replied.

He didn't open it directly, but simply held it in his hand, and the cool feeling of the drink can was transmitted from his fingertips to his mind, with a little aftertaste.

"The Tsumiki thing...thank you," he said.

Shiratori Mariko looked at Fukuroe strangely, a little surprised that he said this.

After all, Fu Heihui knew her details, and she was just brought over by Gojo Satoru.

But looking at Fu Heihui's appearance, it didn't look like he was joking.

The way he looked at himself was really grateful to her.

"Ah, you're welcome?" Shiratori Mariko took another sip of her drink and explained with a guilty conscience, "Actually, I just touched her, and then I didn't do anything. Gojo Satoru also told me that if I touch her, I might be hurt." Disappeared, it was Gojo Satoru who was messing around with his command..."

"Maybe God can't bear to see her lying on the bed. There's no need to thank me."

Now she has forgotten what mood she felt when she reached out to touch Fukurotsu Miki.

Tsumiki's skin is very good and smooth?She is very beautiful, and she is so gentle when you touch her?If you speak out, you will be beaten.

"But thank you anyway," Fu Heihui, who had no idea what she was thinking, said seriously, "Shiratori, thank you very much."

To him, Tsumiki is not only the elder sister Giri who was brought back by that unreliable bastard, but also his very important and only family member.

It is true that Shiratori Mariko finally made Tsumiki sober again, whether it was intentional or not.

Seeing him thank you so earnestly, Mariko Shiratori became a little more serious.

"You're welcome," she said, "don't thank me... Like you said last time, we're friends, so don't worry about it. Really."

Seeing that Fuguro Megumi shook her head, as if she wanted to say something, Shiratori Mariko made a "shh" gesture.

"If you have to be thankful, thank yourself," she said.

The two walked side by side, the wind gently blew across the avenue in midsummer, and the leaves rustled.

Mariko Shiratori stretched out her hand to put away the bangs that blocked her view, and showed a very gentle smile to Megumi Fukuro, who was stunned.

"It was you who broke into my house in the first place. You were the one who told me that we could be friends, didn't you? If you have to thank me, the bottom line is that you should be most grateful to yourself who encouraged me."

For Shiratori Mariko, Fugurohui is a good friend to her, taciturn, but has always been calm and reliable.

Whether it was subconsciously protecting her when she broke in before, or persistently comforting her when she was down, or coming to help her without even thinking about it when Fukuzawa Yukichi appeared, he was always there. He worked hard and earnestly helped and protected her.

Regardless, he deserves better from the world.

And Mariko Shiratori just did what she could, didn't she?

Fu Heihui was stunned for a while, then replied softly.


Tokyo Metropolitan Higher Vocational School of Magic, basement.

In a small narrow room, there is only one door with a strange pattern painted on it, densely packed charms are all over the walls, and dark red patterns extend from the floor to the ceiling.

For the curse spirit, living in this kind of room is undoubtedly a torment.

The chains on his feet firmly controlled his movements, and once he planned to transform to break free from the chains, the runes in the room would all light up, making his human-shaped curse made of malice as if being boiled by a raging fire pain.

Daoist has been locked here for more than a week, and during this period, he has not seen any people or spirits.

Gojo Satoru originally wanted to exterminate him on the spot, but it seemed that Gojo Satoru locked him here in order to use him to catch other special curse spirits.

But today, the strict real person who was tied up by the magic tool heard the sound of footsteps.

He looked up with a smile, and as expected, he saw a pair of shiny leather shoes.

"How's your stay here?" Wujo Satoru squatted down, "Isn't it very comfortable~"

He smiled and snapped his fingers, "Do you remember me? I brought someone to see you."

The real person raised his eyebrows, and the scars on his face stretched out.

"Shiratori Mariko?" He loosened his hands and feet slightly, and the chains on his ankles made a tinkling sound, "I really didn't think about it."

From behind that door, came in a young man with brown-black hair and wearing a windbreaker that he had never seen on the list.

He looked at the real person, "Oh, it's the first time we meet, hello."

When he slowly moved over, the real person shrank back subconsciously.

Peeping into the youth's soul through the walking skin, what real people can see is a rich, hard-to-melt black——

Where did Wujo Satoru find the special curse?No, would he actually cooperate with the curse?

This guy's level is probably on par with Su Nuo.

Gojo Satoru patted Zhenren's head with a smile, almost pushing him to the floor.

"Well, isn't it surprising?" He said, "Do you feel anything about what happened in the morning?"

This sentence pulled Masato out of the fear of seeing Osamu Dazai.

"Introduction," he murmured, "you did it?"

"It's Shiratori. Oh, that's right," Gojo Satoru stood up, "Now they are clean and have magic power. Thank you and that 'guy', Masato."

He said happily, "It's the first time I've received such a big gift, it really makes me happy."

According to Junpei, the real person should have performed some kind of spell on him, making him a conjurer.

He still vaguely remembered some movements, and after that, they guessed the usage of this spell.

A real person's spells can attack the soul, so his spells must also be aimed at transforming and restraining the soul.

And it just so happened that when the real person was attacking him, he called out the name of the technique, "Wuwei Transformation".

So Gojo Satoru took a gamble and asked Shiratori Mariko to directly touch these people who had fallen asleep due to the curse.

After Fugurotsu Miki and others woke up, they were not only transformed into "sorcerers", but also filled with magic power in their bodies, which was similar to Yoshino Junpei's situation.

Well, now he has a batch of conjurer reserves, and many of them have achieved a rating of three or more in the test after waking up.

This is undoubtedly good news for the conjuration world, which is seriously depleted in combat power and continues to be in a state of shortage.Even the most stubborn principal of Leyan Temple can't say that the "guest from another world" is a danger.

What a great gift.

"Have you finished chatting with him?" Osamu Dazai opened the bag, "Let's go out after chatting."

"Can't I just watch?" Gojo Satoru asked, "Are you going to do something indescribable to him?"

"That's not true," Osamu Dazai shook his head, looking at the trembling mantra in front of him, obviously showing fear, he became more and more interested.

What did it just recognize itself as?Same kind?


It was as if watching a strange kind of trial fall on a real person, and the brain constructed by him instinctively shouted "run away", but he couldn't take a step at all.

Dazai laughed lightly.

He put on his gloves slowly, "I haven't done this kind of thing for a long time, it's a bit rusty. I'm embarrassed to be seen by you."

"Okay," Gojo Satoru walked to the door in a long tone, "then hurry up. If it's too late, you won't have the meal."

He closed the door and said, "Have fun."

And Masato froze when he saw Osamu Dazai's blood-like eyes under the light.

"Hush," Osamu Dazai put his index finger on his lips, and said softly, "The next thing is, it's time to be an adult."

Kunikida stood alone at the intersection, looking left and right, but he didn't see Osamu Dazai after waiting for a long time.

The partner, who was usually not very in tune, ran to the toilet somewhere, and he searched around but didn't see anyone.

He frowned and muttered in a low voice, "This guy... Did he fall into the toilet?"

If you think about it carefully, it's not impossible.

After all, this guy keeps yelling about committing suicide, so he might try it in another world.

Should he borrow a tool to pull him up?

...This person is unfamiliar with the place.

Damn it, Dazai, you are the only one who can cause trouble! ! !

Kunikida stood there alone, planning to ask someone for directions.

But maybe it's because it's a bit out of the way, and 10 minutes passed without a single person passing by.

But the time reserved in advance because Mariko Shiratori thought it would be troublesome is almost wasted.

Kunikida Doppo heaved a sigh of relief when he saw a young man with blond hair and three-quarter-length hair in a suit walking towards him with a tired face.

Finally someone came.Time really can't be wasted any longer.

He immediately stepped forward to talk, "Hello, I am Doppo Kunikida, a member of the Armed Detective Agency who was invited here. May I ask who you are, are you familiar with this place?"

Jianren Qihai who was stopped slowly let out a sigh of relief.

He's out looking for that idiot who just left everyone in the meeting and went somewhere.

After looking at the young man in front of him a few times, he remembered.

The so-called "Armed Detective Agency" seems to be invited by Gojo Satoru.

"Qihai Jianren, a conjurer," Qihai Jianren replied casually.

He rubbed the center of his brows, and felt that there was trouble coming to him again, "Let's be considered familiar. What's the matter?"

After all, it is my alma mater, so I still remember the approximate location.

"Oh, it's like this, my partner Osamu Dazai has gone somewhere," Kunikida Doppo said, "I want to ask if there is any in the nearest toilet—"

His words were interrupted.


Kunikida heard the prestige and looked over, the person who came from the other side of the fork with his hands behind his head was not Osamu Dazai, who else could it be?

Beside him was a tall white-haired young man wearing a blindfold, walking towards this side with a relaxed expression on his face.

"Osamu Dazai!"

"Five Enlightenments!"

Kunikida Doppo and Nanami Taketo, who called out their names at the same time, looked at each other.

After confirming the eyes, it was someone who also had an unreliable companion.

A moment later, Kunikida Doppo was the first to rush forward waving the notebook.

"Where did you go, do you know that this is someone else's territory, you should give me peace of mind!" He growled, "If you get lost, how should I explain to the president!"

A member who was halfway through a mission, he accepted the trust of the president before he left!

Absolutely cannot live up to the trust of the president!

"Ah—don't be so impatient, Kunikida-kun," Osamu Dazai dodged the onslaught of his notebook, "I know."

He introduced Kunikida Doppo in a rare and serious manner, "Mr. Gojo, here is, uh,... the person? Anyway, he is the guy who invited us here, the teacher of the high school of conjuration."

On the other side, Gojo Satoru was jokingly hooking shoulders with Jianren Qihai.

"Oh, Qihai, don't be angry," he rubbed against Jianren Qihai, "I just went out for a while. It's just a casual errand~ It's not a big deal, they must be used to it, used to it Understand."

"I'm not angry." Jianren Qihai stated calmly.

Even though he does not agree with the practices of the upper echelons, he agrees that "rules" should exist.

As a result, at such a serious meeting to discuss changing the rules, Gojo Satoru actually ran out to desert, leaving others alone for an hour and a half and causing him to work overtime temporarily.

"Do it yourself."

This is completely angry! ! !

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