Only 100 days left in life

Chapter 150 Gentle Romance

The beef was wrapped in golden egg liquid, Shiratori Mariko glanced at it with her chopsticks, and hesitated between dipping it in the sauce and eating it directly.

After thinking for a moment, she still chose to stuff the piece of cooked beef into her mouth.

Accompanied by the aroma of butter, the smell of the bottom of the pot mixed with the unique smooth taste of raw eggs was drawn into the mouth, Shiratori Mariko blinked.

"It's delicious," she said, "I think it's pretty good. And it's not too sweet."

"Of course," Gojo Satoru said with a smile, "The strongest part-time job and the most handsome eyes are sure to be right~"

He took a bite of the cabbage next to him, "Well, this one tastes good too—as expected of me!"

"I didn't expect this restaurant to be Kansai-style," Nagasaki Yarosui said, holding a meatball, "I thought you were more of a Kanto style."

She took a bite of the juicy meatballs, "After all, you took us out to eat, and you were all ordering Kanto dishes."

Just like cooking a hot pot, the Kanto-style sukiyaki is first made with broth, and the ingredients are mixed with the soup and cooked. Before the fire is turned on, common ingredients such as cabbage, tofu, and meatballs are stuffed into the pot. The beef slices are then boiled, the taste is more refreshing, and the way of eating is also convenient, which is suitable for the fast-paced life in Tokyo.

But this time Gojo Satoru brought the high school quartet and Shiratori Mariko to eat at a restaurant of Kansai style, under the banner of "authentic Kyoto store franchise", and the way of cooking is completely Kyoto style , obviously did not improve the taste slightly because the store opened in Tokyo.

The hot sukiyaki pot that was placed in front of them was first made with butter, and a few slices of beef were fried. After the fragrance came out, the sauce and side dishes were poured into it, and it was simmered slowly, waiting for the soup to boil. It is more complex and cumbersome than its concise Kanto style.

"I'm also used to eating Kanto cuisine," Shiratori Mariko said with a smile, "I grew up here in Tokyo, and this is the preference."

She grabbed a napkin and wiped her hands, "People's habits are like this, once formed, it's hard to get rid of."

"No, no, no, this guy is a Kansai person through and through," Kizaki Wild Rose muttered vaguely while chewing on the meatballs, "It's different from people like me who came from the countryside. He is a nobleman who grew up in Kyoto. ——The Gojo family, the Yusan family in the magic world, super rich."

She gestured, "It is said that there were more than ten servants who served him for dinner when he was a child! Exaggerating?"

Fu Heihui: "No, there is no such thing at all."

"Ten people?!" Knotabagi Yujin wowed, "How long does it take to eat a bowl of rice?"

He thought seriously, "It's so slow, one person feeds Mr. Wutiao one bite, can one person share five mouthfuls of food?"

"Ah," Yoshino Junpei was taken aback for a moment, "No, I think—"

This is completely making up nonsense.Why would Knotweed believe such words! !

Gojo Satoru nodded solemnly, "Student Polygonum cuspidatum is right! It's true!"

"Not only do I have ten servants to eat," he followed Nagasaki's words, "I also have twenty people to help me with my clothes! Isn't it very powerful--I can't help it, I have cultivated my handsomeness since I was a child~"

"That's right," Nagasaki Ye Qiangwei rolled her eyes, "It's really wronged the Patriarch Wujo to eat common dishes with us."

"It's good to have a change of taste once in a while," Wujo Satoru said casually, "Okay, let's get back to the topic. As for what kind of pie I am—Kagizaki-san, they are 'I'll eat everything delicious' handsome pie! There is no other family for this one person!"

Under the disdainful eyes of Nagasaki Ye Qianwei, he calmly pointed to the pot on the side, "Oh, if you don't eat the meatballs, they will be gone."

Nagasaki Wild Rose: "What!!!"

She stared dumbfounded at the pot with few meatballs left, "Why do you eat so fast? Is there a curse spirit chasing after you?!"

Yuzu Yuhito blinked innocently, "Ah, it's actually okay?"

He scratched his head, "I think the portion is super small! And I didn't see any annoying ingredients, so I ate it a little faster."

"You guys are really not picky eaters," Fu Heihui complained, "Are there really any ingredients you hate?"

"How can a guy who dares to eat Su Nuo's fingers be a picky eater?" Nagasaki Ye Qiangwei put down her chopsticks casually, "Forget it, I'm full anyway."

She ordered a soupless dan dan noodles before, and she was full with the subsequent food.

"Oh," Su Nuo, who usually doesn't come out very often, popped out from the arm of the knotweed Youren, "he doesn't eat women and children."

Thinking of this, he even recalled, "Actually, I think the meat quality—"

Like swatting a mosquito, Knotthu Zhang Youren quickly covered the mouth of Su Nuo on both sides.

"He's been a little too lively recently," he said apologetically, "I can't help it."

The two-faced Su Nuo's mouth disappeared the moment the tiger stick Youren photographed it, swimming up his arm to his cheek like a fish, "Don't interrupt me, brat."

"Did someone talk just now?" Gojo Satoru said intentionally, "Why didn't I hear it? Oh, it's a defeat, so it's okay."

He encouraged with a smile, "Oh right! Shiratori, you can touch him and feel the texture."

Shiratori Mariko: "No, I'm afraid he will bite me."

She knew that Su Nuo's fingers were dirty, but she didn't know if she had brushed her teeth after all these years.She was a little disgusted.

Two-faced Su Nuo: He is still here!Moreover, how could the majestic king of curses bite people!

"Ah, that's right," Knotabagi Yuhito said thoughtfully, "I'll get a rabies vaccine next time."

Two-faced Su Nuo: "Smelly brat, do you want to die again?"

Gojo Satoru looked at Kaginizaki Wild Rose and quickly followed up.

He even imitated the tone ten to ten: "Smelly brat, do you want to die again?"

Nagasaki Wild Rose also said cooperatively, "Oh, I'm so scared!!!"

In order to tease Su Nuo, she even put on an exaggerated tone that she would never have, "Teacher Wutiao, do I still have hope?"

Gojo Satoru pretended to have a spotlight on him, and snapped his fingers as well.

"Of course!" He said with a smile, "After all, Mr. Wutiao can easily take care of his defeated opponents! Gently~songsong~"

Yuzuhito and Junpei Yoshino immediately began to applaud, and the audience applauded thunderously for a while, and the atmosphere was very warm, creating a joyous atmosphere.

Yuzu Yujin even said cooperatively, "Wow, you are indeed Mr. Wujo! Teacher Wujo is so amazing!"

Yoshino Junpei nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes. It's amazing."

Fu Heihui:

While the group of people were playing, he silently picked up the serving chopsticks and picked up a piece of meat for Mariko Shiratori.

"Then—let's go first, Megumin, Shiratori," Gojo Satoru said, "After all, these are Yoshino's first solo missions. As a good teacher who is responsible and conscientious, it is his duty to stay by the side!"

"Oh," Fu Heihui said calmly, "Go."

"That," Yoshino Junpei, who was held by Gojo Satoru by the collar, struggled a bit, "Gojo-sensei, my clothes—"

It's going to be broken!It's a new dress!

"Oh," Gojo Satoru snapped his fingers, "Yes, let's go now!"

In just a blink of an eye, he left with Yoshino Junpei who was taken away.

Mariko Shiratori looked at Gojo Satoru who disappeared in place in surprise, very surprised, "He is so serious and responsible all of a sudden? I was surprised. Was he stimulated by something?"

She had never seen this guy so responsible.

"No," Fu Heihui said, "There is a dessert shop near Yoshino's mission that opens at midnight and only accepts regular customers."

Shiratori Mariko: Understood.Still rushing to eat.

She exhaled, turned to look at Fu Heihui, "The magician is really busy, and you are the only one left."

Nagasaki Wild Rose and Knotaba Yuhito also took the subway along the way and went to a place not far away to perform tasks.

Fu Heihui glanced at her.

He paused before saying, "You and me."

Hearing Fukuroe's words, Shiratori Mariko laughed.

"Yes," she said gently, "shall we go back then?"

Fu Heihui nodded.

The two of them walked out of the gate of the commercial center side by side, and the cool autumn wind blowing towards them carried a little damp smell.

The sky is already dark, compared to the sky over the Ghost Slayer, Tokyo's sky is almost invisible, but the artificial lights are like stars that have fallen to the ground, converging into a river in such a dark night .

A drop of rain hit Shiratori Mariko's face unexpectedly, and she let out a soft "ah".

"It's raining?" She said in surprise, "I thought it would be sunny all the time."

Fu Heihui followed her, carrying a bunch of things.

He looked sideways at Mariko Shiratori beside him, "Today's weather forecast says it will rain."

Shiratori Mariko frowned, "But when I went out, I asked Shier-kun and he clearly said it was sunny today."

Could it be that the weather forecast at her home is different from that here?It shouldn't be, normally this kind of problem won't happen.

Fu Heihui moved his lips, "Just make it up."

It's not uncommon for that kind of guy to do anything.

Shiratori Mariko who was awakened by a word: "Ah, that's right."

She simply didn't bother with this matter anymore, and walked towards the car with the bag in her hand, "Fortunately, Mr. Yidizhi is here, otherwise, I don't think I can carry it at all. I really trouble you, Mr. Yidizhi."

Kizaki Wild Rose dragged her to buy a lot of things, from cosmetics to clothes, hats and shoes, almost sweeping up the shops on that floor.

Yidichi Jiegao, who was following behind them with both hands full of things, said, "No, it's fine."

Anyway, it's better than following Wutiao to realize the mission, just to help carry some daily necessities, he comforted himself.

Pile the things on the ground for the time being, Yidizhi Jiegao took out the car keys, opened the trunk first, stuffed the things in orderly, then opened the driver's door and sat in.

After tidying up the trunk, Mariko Shiratori and Megumi Fukuro also sat in.

The car drove smoothly around the road, but the rain was getting heavier and heavier.

Dense raindrops scoured the car windows and fell down again, winding and leaving traces on the windows, which were covered by subsequent rainwater.

The lights in the car were dim, and Mariko Shiratori, who was a little tired, closed her eyes and took a nap for a while. When she woke up, she hadn't arrived at the high school yet.

"Haven't you arrived yet?" She exhaled after struggling to wake up from her dream, and looked sideways out of the window again.

The sound of raindrops seemed to be much quieter, and the speed also slowed down a lot.

"Well," Fu Heihui said, "There is still about half an hour."

He looked at Shiratori Mariko, and keenly noticed that her expression seemed a little wrong, "Motion sickness?"

Shiratori Mariko froze for a moment before realizing what he meant, "No, there isn't."

She smiled and said, "I just had a terrible dream, forget it, let's not talk about it."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Yidizhi Jiegao hesitated for a moment, and lowered the car window, "Let's get some air."

He stared straight ahead, holding the steering wheel, and said slowly, "I sometimes feel that dreams are scary. However, fresh air can always make people wake up."

Following his movements, the air from the outside rushed in instantly, sweeping away the dull atmosphere in the car.

Shiratori Mariko smiled and thanked Yizhijie.

She looked sideways out of the window, and didn't know what to say for a moment. Her messy hair was draped over her shoulders, and it floated up gently with the wind, and then fell down again.

The dream just now was actually not bad, but Mariko Shiratori was hard to describe.

Memories seemed to be like balls of wool that were pulled apart and rolled up by the balls, messy, flying towards her with fluttering fluff, but couldn't catch a single word.

In such a rainy autumn night, it seems that everything is superfluous.

A nearby car sped past their car, as if there was a small splash of water on the ground.

The voice was not obvious, rustling, with a little dampness, like the dull life she was living now.

Shiratori Mariko exhaled slowly, and just about to reach out to cover her eyes, a flower floated in from the car window and landed on her lap without warning.

Shiratori Mariko blinked unexpectedly.

She stretched out her hand to pick up the flower, said to Fu Heihui who was beside her a little unexpectedly, and then handed the flower to him, "Mr. Hui, it seems that a flower fell in just now. It's a bit pretty. "

Fu Heihui let out a "hmm".

He glanced at the flower, "It's really beautiful."

Shiratori Mariko laughed, "That's great."

She carefully stuffed the flower into the wallet, and looked at it through the transparent plastic film, "Actually, I have always thought that I am very lucky. Whether it is good to know you or become friends, I feel very lucky." ah."

When she was in a panic, she would always fall into the mood of cranky thoughts, like a pedestrian who fell into the mud, struggling hard to try to float up.

Even though Mariko Shiratori knew very well that she could finally get out of this chaotic situation, she still struggled a lot, and when she landed, her clothes were all wet and she was in a mess.

However, there is always unexpected luck falling in front of her.

Like the hand extended by others, like the new young leaves winding out from the vines by the wall, and like this flower that fell randomly for no reason, it reveals romance in gentle tenderness.

Kei Fukuro stared at Mariko Shiratori, the dim light shone on his eyes, with a depth like a river.

"My luck too," he said softly.

"Indeed," Mariko Shiratori gently closed the wallet, smiling frankly and sincerely, "it's our luck."

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