As a result, they were still staying overnight.

When he came, he walked through a special passage specially opened by the hell side for the ghost lamp.Originally, Ghost Lantern wanted to send him back by himself, but Yue Jian saw that he was suddenly surrounded by many jailers and couldn't get away for a while, so he naturally didn't want to trouble him.

Then, out of nowhere, he started to attack the opponent.

"Sure enough, it's because Guidengsang's tone of commanding people is so natural, unknowingly..."

Immediately afterwards, he was busy for most of the night, and he didn't even know when he fell asleep.

Yuejian rubbed his slightly aching head, thinking: Compared with falling asleep, his condition last night should be more accurately said to be in a coma.

I didn't get enough sleep yesterday, and then I was tired all day.I was originally invited to go to hell, but somehow I worked until midnight.Although snapdragon extract works, it is not a substitute for real rest.

In short, when he woke up, it was already the early morning of the next day.

And the ghost lamp next to him was still working. Although the lamp on the table was adjusted to a dim yellow mode that would not disturb people's sleep, it was undoubtedly on all the time, obviously staying up until the early morning.

Yuejian remembered that Ghost Lantern once said that he was investigating in this world during the day, and he had to deal with the affairs of hell when he returned at night.

So this night actually refers to the whole night?It is said that a general inspection takes about ten days... This person (ghost?) is really terrifying!

However, in such a situation, no one can stay awake.

It's just nice that the eyes look a little more sinister...

Inexplicably, I felt admiration.

Holding the elementary school textbook provided by the eggplant friendship in his hand, Yuejian walked out according to the instructions of the ghost lamp with a dazed expression.

"The passage is directly connected to your study, which is the location when you came here, so just go straight."

Indeed, you only need to go straight. The passage opened by hell has the characteristics of ghost lights. There are no forks, bare roads along the way, and there is nothing that will attract other people's attention.

"I'm still sleepy. Fortunately, there are still two days before the spring break ends." Reflexively planning today's itinerary, Yue Jian was pleasantly surprised to realize that when he went on vacation for a school trip, the teachers were all understanding Put the holiday directly until the end of the spring break.

There are only a few more days, but for him, it is already a rare rest outside the New Year.

There is no need to think about any plans, just go back to bed and sleep directly.

With a strong desire, Yue Jian stepped out of the dark passage and walked into the small study at home.

Sure enough, just like what the ghost lamp said, the positioning is exactly the same as before leaving...

As soon as he got home, he was faced with a black muzzle pointed directly at the center of his brow.

...In an instant, the whole person was awake.

No matter how beautiful the plan was before Yuejian, it all disappeared at this moment.

Very well, all the effort he spent on coaxing people the night before was in vain.

Moreover, looking at Brother Zhen's appearance, he is definitely very angry.

Turning a blind eye to the familiar muzzle of the gun right in front of him, Tsukimi's eyes fell on Gin who was sitting by the small round table.

That is where he usually drinks afternoon tea. When Brother Zhen is at home, he will sit there drinking, listening to music, and looking at the books on his bookshelf.

But now, there is no wine on the round table, and the record player is still in place, untouched.

Brother Zhen was wearing the black windbreaker he usually wears when he is out, and the black top hat tightly suppressed his silver bangs, making it impossible for people to peek into his heart.

The smell of gunpowder has not dissipated, and it is obvious that he came back from another place.

This is simply pissed off.

it's over...

"Why don't you explain?"

After not hearing the little ghost's voice for a long time, Qin Jiu sneered and raised his cold dark green eyes.

No, seriously.He would rather face all of Usami than face an angry brother.

Yue Jian gently pushed the muzzle of the gun away, but the other party did not insist, but took advantage of the situation and put the pistol with the safety catch on the table.

Just, opened the mouth again.

"This is the third time, see you."

"……I know."

Things in Karakura Town were caught, and he was discovered again when he met a monster during a school trip. Tsukimi probably already knows that his future kendo teacher's identity is not simple.

As a result, not a day after the incident, he was found disappearing in his home again.

Yue Jian couldn't guess at this time that Brother Zhen had installed a locator on him, so he would be in vain for his good brains that can keep pace with Akashi.

I couldn't help rubbing my head again, so how should I explain it?

So far, is there any other way besides telling the truth?

"What, headache?"

The sound of gin seemed to be wrapped in a sarcasm, and the tone was still calm.It is completely impossible to see how he used the fastest and most brutal way to solve the tasks in the organization last night.

It was obvious that his boss's mood could no longer be described as bad. Vodka was as quiet as a chicken the whole time, and he was still doing the finishing work of that task until now.

By the way, take pity on the unlucky task target, and thank him for not letting himself become the boss's target.

However, the next moment Gin's actions overturned Yuejian's illusion.

He didn't have time to react when he was tightly grasped by his wrist and pressed hard on the floor of the study.

...Brother Zhen usually releases water.

This was the first reaction in Yuejian's mind after a few seconds.

And, brother Zhen was really angry this time.

This is the fact that he finally recognized.

The books that Ghost Lantern gave him were thrown aside mercilessly, while he was lying on his back, his hands were held by Gin Jiu's left hand, and his back was under his waist.The terrifying force exerted on his wrists and the weight of the two of them did not give him the slightest chance to break free.

Very uncomfortable position.

"The man took you to hell."

Gin's silver hair slipped from his shoulders, intertwined with Yue Jian's long hair that he had grown for more than half a year on the ground, and gradually became indistinguishable from each other.

"So, not only is there a locator, but there are also monitors at home?"

Hearing Brother Zhen speak in such an affirmative and irrefutable tone, Yuejian instantly understood why he was able to wait in the small study so accurately.

After all, the locator has no eavesdropping function.

That is to say, last night Brother Zhen watched him disappear suddenly in his home where he should be safe and reassuring...

Imagine what you would think if you saw such a scene happen to someone he cared about.

Yue Jian, who was already irrational and weak at first, felt even more guilty in an instant when she thought about it.

Hearing the gin on the top of his head chuckle, he stretched out his right hand and gently touched the back of his neck.

"It's pretty easy to guess, isn't it?"

At this time, even the rough-natured Yuejian could feel that something was wrong with Gin's tone.

"Serial killers, grim reaper, this time it's hell again.

Before you came back, I even thought, since you are so easy to cause trouble, I might as well tie you up. "

In an awkward posture, Yuejian lowered her eyes and listened quietly.

"But I know it can't be tied.

You said, did I teach you too well? "

Qin Jiu's right hand moved gently on the edge of Yue Jian's cervical vertebrae. From a distance, it was a tall man hugging the slender boy around his waist and holding his neck tightly in his arms.

Intimate, cherished.

However, he lowered his head and pressed against the young man's ear, but the words he spoke were filled with ferocious cruelty.

"Since you are in such a hurry to go to hell, instead of letting others take you, why don't I take you there with my own hands, okay?"

Yuejian could clearly feel the coolness of the big hands that were pressed against her neck, which was the temperature that would only be felt after a whole night of freezing.

Moreover, it seemed that at any moment, his thin neck would be pinched as he said in his mouth.

...if there wasn't that slight tremor in those hands.

Even during the period of serious injury, as long as he picked up a weapon, his hands would be steady and unshakable, and now he trembled slightly beside his pulse.

The trembling was so subtle that it couldn't be noticed unless it got close to feel it.But Yuejian sincerely felt that this small movement was like a huge thunder, which was transmitted to his heart through the body through the whole body through the gurgling blood.

This is his brother who is always strong and omnipotent.

He should have looked fearless.

Yuejian moved lightly, and the left hand that imprisoned him tightened for a moment, and then loosened.

It looks tough, but it is actually vulnerable.

Regardless of the right hand still resting on the side of his cervical vertebrae, Yue Jian raised his arm and wrapped it around Gin's back from bottom to top.


"I'm alive."

My heart is still beating.

Along the long silver hair, he gently stroked it twice.

"I won't die."

I am not a dead dead body that can still reach out and hug you.

Resting her head on the man's shoulder, she rubbed her left cheek against the cool neck.

"I'm sorry for disappearing at home without authorization, I will tell you all the facts."

My body temperature is still warm.

My mouth can still say things you don't like to hear.

He didn't ask for forgiveness, but he could feel the tiny tremor finally go away.

The two leaned on each other like this, lying quietly on the floor of the study.

Like the nights around the time his mother died.

The tall young man sat cross-legged in a dark corner, wearing the same black windbreaker, with the same lingering smell of gunpowder smoke and a touch of blood, holding the little child leaning on his lap tightly in his arms .

The silver hair that hadn't grown up rubbed against the ear, mixed with the child's soft hair.

The child, who was still busy with the funeral during the day, fell asleep in his arms in an uncomfortable position. The young man touched his small face, which had lost weight in a few days, and moved him to the bed until the next day. Leave in the early morning.

"Live well."

"You can't die."

"Only seeing you on the moon, you must never die."

Did all these words that he could only say when he fell asleep have been heard?

Qin Jiu closed his eyes, restrained his hostility, and briefly leaned on the young man's not so thin shoulders.

Six years ago, the little child could barely wrap his arms around his back.

During that time, I went into his room every night, with the intention of giving this strong child a place to rely on later.But thinking about it later, in fact, the one who was comforted was always himself.

As it is now...

just now……

Gin raised his body slightly, and the arms that were loosely on his shoulders slid down softly.Leaning against his neck, the young man's shallow and regular breathing can be clearly heard.

... fell asleep again?

Staring sideways at the young boy's sleepy face for a while, Qin Jiu hummed softly in his heart, and finally bent down in compromise to hug the boy up.

Just like when he was a child, he walked into Yuejian's room without hindrance, took off his coat, and stuffed him into the bed.

Standing by the bed, I sent a few emails to Vodka, after confirming that everything was going well with the end of the task.Qin Jiu threw the phone to the bedside table, took off the Yelu coat, lifted the quilt and lay down.

Suddenly received an email from the boss, trembling vodka: storm, storm is over now? !

Because it was so familiar and felt so safe, Yue Jianzai, who fell asleep accidentally, after a long sleep, finally near noon, because of a slight voice, there was a sign of waking up.

With his upper body open, Qin Jiu, who was sitting on the bedside to answer the phone, glanced sideways, opened his eyes and closed them again, Yue Jian, who was half awake, stretched out his hand to tuck him in the quilt, and even patted him back.

Surrounded by the warm blanket and familiar smell, the already dazed teenager was photographed closing his eyes and falling asleep again.

After half an hour.

Yuejian who finally woke up this time: "..."

So hot.

I dreamed that a few years ago, he had a cold and fever, and the fever made it difficult to sleep, and then he was sweating under the pressure of Brother Zhen.

Because I live alone, it is inevitable that there will be situations where I am sick and I don’t pay attention to it.Several times, brother Zhen came to take care of him for one night...

Thinking about it carefully, the monitor was already installed at that time, why didn't he notice it before?

Sure enough, it was all burnt out by then.

Yuejian sat up from the quilt, raised her arms to look at the crumpled shirt on her body, and touched the side of her side, the quilt was still steaming.

Hmm, wasn't it a dream to see Brother Zhen talking on the phone with someone in a trance?

Throwing off the quilt, Tsukimi stepped on the floor barefoot.He bent down to pick up the coat that was thrown on the ground, and hung Brother Zhen's black windbreaker on the hanger in the cloakroom by the way.

His own clothes have always been put in the laundry basket, and the housekeeper mother-in-law collected them together.

But Brother Zhen either wears one piece and throws the other away, or puts it in a washing machine that integrates washing and drying.

This is also one of the reasons why he lived in Teruhashi House for so long, and no one except Akashi noticed the difference.

Even Akashi guessed a little bit based on what he knew about Yotsuran.

"Still thinking about how to explain it to me?"

Just after taking a shower, Gin appeared at the door of Yuejian's room wearing a bathrobe and holding his head and long wet hair, with a sarcasm in his voice.

I didn't naively think that the matter is over like this, but when I first came up with this proposition, it really is...

"...I'm not going to lie."

Tsukimi, who had already thought about explaining everything, sighed, took out two dry towels from the bathroom attached to the room, and patted the edge of the bed.

"I've read all of that book."

Not long after sitting down, Gin let out a big thunder.

Tsukimi, who was carefully drying off the excess water from his hair, gave a meal.

"General Knowledge Encyclopedia of Hell (Primary Edition)?"

Commonly known as primary school textbooks.

"There is nothing to say about the existence of the other world. You might as well explain why you went to hell with others. Or, what is the identity of that man named Jia Jiazhi?"

Then the biggest crisis has passed, and the atmosphere is good, from the very beginning until last night.

"So, the other party just wants me to go to work in hell after I die."

Moreover, last night he helped deal with the work for most of the night inexplicably, which shows how sincere the other party is.

Qin Jiu was noncommittal, and turned to the road.

"I remember you just disappeared..." He swallowed the word "disappeared" at the exit, and Gin continued calmly, "When I left, there was no signal on the mobile phone, and then there was again after a while, Did the other party do something?"

That's because hell also has technology departments, and some aspects of technology are more powerful than those in this world.

After getting the explanation, Gin looked at the mobile phone that Yue Jian handed him thoughtfully. Of course he had checked it, but he was not in charge of the information technology department in the organization after all, so he didn't know something very well.

However, one thing is certain, according to the other party's technology, even if Yue Jian went to a deep mountain forest without a signal tower in the future, he would already be able to contact the other party.

From another point of view, it is also a good thing.

It is enough to understand this.

Returning the phone to Yuejian, Gin didn't say anything about it, nor did he intend to hand over this technology to the organization for research.

Now that it is certain that the hell with its strict system will not pose a threat to the living, Gin turns to understand the beyond that he never imagined.

"Only the souls of the dead will be managed by the next world. Is that what it means?"

He thought of the gentleman.

Having reached his current position in the organization at a young age, Qin Jiu lacks neither wisdom nor vision.He also knows a lot about the organization's secrets, and few people know that he knows.

He also had some guesses about the so-called secret with that gentleman that Bourbon used to threaten Belmott.

The reason why he never cared about it was because he thought it didn't matter.

What's the difference between living one more day and one less day, for a person like him?He can take the lives of others without sympathy, and he can face his own death without fear.

This was the first day he entered this dark world, and he was already very clear about a fact.

Zhaoqiao mother and son...

Tsukimi Teruhashi is the only exception.

Belmort once said that we are both god and devil.Because we're going to reverse the flow of time and bring the dead back to life.

Combined with the content of the other world that Yuejian told, this sentence becomes meaningless.

I'm afraid, that gentleman may have known the existence of hell through some channels, so he is so afraid of death, trying to extend his life in vain, and mastering the money and rights that living can bring him!

resurrection?People who dare not even die, how can they talk about resurrection?

It's just that he didn't dare to face the torture after death because of the many evil things he did during his lifetime.

Thinking of Belmott's unchanging face, and the biopharmaceutical aspect that gentleman has been paying attention to, Gin sneered.

"Is the world different in different countries?"

Yue Jian heard Brother Zhen say this in an affirmative tone, tilted his head and tried hard to think back.

"Indeed, I heard from Ghost Lantern-san that the ownership of the dead mainly depends on their nationality and belief. After the establishment of diplomatic relations, the dead who died in foreign countries will also be extradited. Well, it actually sounds similar to the extradition of criminals in this world."

"Establish diplomatic relations."

Gin repeated the word, and unexpectedly thought of the gentleman who had been hiding in an unknown place in America all year round, and had some guesses in his mind.

"Well, apart from the fact that the countries with a long history in Southeast Asia have always been dominated by China and have been in contact with each other for thousands of years. The establishment of diplomatic relations with the West is only a matter of recent years. These are common sense that jailers need to understand."

It was only one night, and so much knowledge was unknowingly stuffed.

"Ghost Lantern Sang is really powerful."

Yuejian couldn't help sighing, if Brother Zhen hadn't asked, he really wouldn't have noticed it.Asking him to help with the documents also has this purpose, and subtly made him familiar with this job.

He was indeed not an ordinary man, and he almost abducted the boy who had taught him for several years just like that.

However, hell is not bad, anyway, he will definitely go to hell in the end, and it will save time when Yuejian goes to the kingdom of heaven and can't see anyone.

"By the way, brother Zhen is of Japanese-American mixed race, this situation is very troublesome!"

"There is no diplomatic relationship?"

After combing the last strand of long hair, Yuejian put away the towel thrown aside, and prepared to take a bath by herself.

"It can't be built. Can you imagine that for more than 200 years, America's next world has been fighting among itself."

In the words of the ghost lamp, it is a state of chaos. The dead are clamoring for democracy, freedom and equality every day.Those who are capable simply stand up and become a living person is something that they dare not do, but it has made many people who were not famous in life become famous after death.

"I heard that Satan in Europe once wanted to subdue it, but for some reason, it failed anyway."

Ghost Lantern: What can you expect a person who loves to draw maid outfit designs to do?

"Hades in Greece is in charge of hell and heaven (Elysee), and already has a lot of power. He doesn't like dealing with people, and he rarely moves, and has no intention of intervening."

Yuejian snapped her fingers and calculated.

"In short, no one cares about it, or they don't want to care about it, so they just rotted like this. Fortunately, there are still basic reincarnation rules as the next life. At most, there are fewer newborns, isn't it unacceptable?"

Therefore, it is not impossible to extradite.Rather, America itself is a place born of ungovernment.

Indeed, compared to the harshness here.A place where no one cares can be regarded as paradise.

No wonder that gentleman stayed there and never moved a step closer to Asia.This is what it means to die in America.

Gin confirmed the guess, humming a sarcastic single note: "I see."

……What do you unserstand?

Facing Yue Jian's suspicious eyes, Qin Jiu didn't explain, but raised his chin.

"Don't think about things after death, you are still far away from that."

He gestured to the landline on the bedside table, and continued.

"I just answered a call for you. A man named Sato from the Metropolitan Police Department has something to consult. He should be on his way now."

After finishing speaking, the man turned around and left his room regardless of Yue Jian's surprised expression.

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