"So, the kidnapping this time was ordered by Rum?"

In the recording, the young man slowly spoke about the unknown inside story, and his tone was calm about the fact that he was kidnapped and threatened without any discomfort.

"He took it too far."

Regarding the news that made the two people who listened to the recording turn pale, another low-pitched male voice in the recording was also too calm.However, under this calmness, there was an unbearable anger.

"The gentleman let go of his hand in the past two years, and he couldn't wait to jump out. It seems that he didn't like the gift I gave him."

None of the two people present here would think that the "gift" in the mouth of the sinister male voice would be a good thing. They looked at each other, and each could clearly see the depression in each other's eyes.

Obviously, the boy in the recording also thought so.

"You chopped off all the claws that he put in, and he will like it. But I really didn't expect that he would find a way to come and kidnap me this time."

"So, you just push the boat along the way and want to see what's wrong for me? You are too bold!"

"It's just a Belmode, I can still deal with it. Besides, instead of waiting for the other party to send people over in a steady stream, it's better to take the initiative and control the rhythm in your own hands, isn't it?"

After a while, the man's half-compromising words sounded.

"With me here, it's not your turn to worry about it."

"Believe me, I wouldn't be so stupid as to go with a woman who pointed a gun at me if I wasn't sure I could get out of it unscathed."

The boy's voice also carried disapproval, just like the BAU profiler's analysis of the two characters that Akai Shuichi once showed Conan. The man was full of protective and controlling desires for the boy, but similarly, the boy also I am using my best efforts to protect this dangerous man.

This is really not a good thing, especially when this young man is about to master astonishing capital and power.

During the recording, the 'dry goods are full' chat is still going on.

"Speaking of which, Belmode, Rum, Vodka, Kiel, Chianti, Cohen, and Gin... Brother Zhen, do you think this organization runs a winery!"

"It's just a code name, but the organization really has a liquor industry."

There is a clear but brief pouring sound, followed by the sound of glassware hitting the table.In the recording, the low-pitched male voice, which clearly belongs to gin, is unbelievably peaceful, and it completely lacks the unambiguous posture that Akai Shuichi is used to listening to.

"Today's event..."

The cool young voice paused for a moment, obviously having doubts about the fact that Qin Jiu came to pick him up in person, and there was worry in his words.

"Brother Zhen, is it really okay for you to run away and pick me up in such a big way? That should be Belmode's task, right?"

"Bermod knows too well what to say and what not to say. She won't have the guts to offend me."

"Hey, it's just an exchange of benefits, and it's not that much of a disadvantage... As long as I have my identity, Brother Zhen, your organization won't do anything to me, but you..."

"I'm worried."

The short four words blocked all the boy's next words, and there was only the boy's long sigh in the recording for a while.

The tape recorder was running quietly, making a rustling electric sound. After a long time, the man's voice sounded again.

"You should have no other itinerary besides returning to Kyoto, right?"

"Well, because you have to go to school tomorrow, what's the matter?"

"Then don't be in a hurry to go back. Tomorrow I have a mission to send you back to the old house in person."

"...a mission..."

"...Don't worry, nothing will happen."

There was a rustling sound, the sound of clothes being rubbed.

"Which time you didn't say that, want me to count for you, the number of times you were injured? Just right, my memory is very good."

"Hmph, are you trying to make me regret giving you memory training?"

"Brother, you have too many regrets!"

Accompanied by the man's deep hum, was the youth's crisp laughter.Afterwards, it was the young man who calmly asked the question with helplessness, as if he had asked it thousands of times.

"Didn't it mean that you don't have to work so hard in the future? After the mission, there is a new mission. I am always worried that one day you will die in a corner I don't know."

On such a topic, the man was surprisingly calm, and he didn't say anything to appease the young man. He seemed to have realized his future destiny.So, instead, I asked with great interest.

"Then what are you going to do then?"

"...to collect the corpse for you."

The boy's voice was very calm and persevering. After a short silence, he gave such an answer that was completely different from what people imagined.

The man was obviously amused, and a low-pitched but much louder laughter burst out from the recording device. It seemed that the whole person was getting closer to the boy who was closer to the monitoring device.

After laughing, he read a sentence in a low voice with a hoarse magnetic voice.

"Oui, mareine Margot." (Oui, my queen Margot.)

"...Brother Zhen!"

With a click, Conan, who had drooped dead fish eyes since the beginning of the recording playback, touched the bristling hair with one hand, and pushed down the recording device with the other.The look of being hit is like a salted fish that has completely lost hope.

Akai Hideichi, who knew a little bit of French, coughed lightly, twitched the corners of his mouth and didn't know what to say for a while.After standing there for a while, he walked to the window, drew the curtains and opened the window, allowing the cool wind from the outside to blow into the room, and only then did he blow away the inexplicable smell that made people blush from the recorder.

"Because of the pursuit of quality, the monitoring device made by Dr. Ali can't last long, and the recording will end here."

Conan who left such a small thing was not prepared to get any useful content, but it was like a person who had been poor for a long time entered Baoshan, even if someone around him was staring at him, he was absolutely unwilling to return empty-handed.

Kudo Shinichi is such a person who has been 'poor' for a long time.

Obviously, he has infinitely approached Qinjiu, the secret core of the high-level organization, but due to various reasons, he dare not investigate. Although he comforted himself because he was thinking of the people around him, he still couldn't help but take a gamble.

After thinking about it, he still left such an inconspicuous monitor.

But as he said, due to the consideration of miniature, the short life of such monitors is almost predictable.When leaving this little thing behind, he had already planned not to get any information.

It was a pleasant surprise to actually record such a conversation.

It should be hi... right?

In other words, this reine Margot is Queen Margot, right? The French Queen Margot who holds up her lover's head, right? !Is there really a pure brotherhood between them?Although he was shocked when he heard the phrase 'collect your body', is it necessary to compare him to Queen Margot?

Conan, who had that cheek kiss once again reappeared in his mind, twisted his buttocks on the stool uncomfortably, and couldn't help wondering if he was thinking too much about everything.

However, he was desperate to find out, even if he explained it to himself.However, his brain still honestly played the absolutely pure and beautiful cheek kiss to himself just by looking at the picture.

Also automatically marked with soft light.

Thinking of this, Kudo Shinichi covered his face with his hands.

It must be frightening, it must be frightening.

Akai Hideo, who was blowing the wind by the window for a while, looked at it and didn't know what to think. His whole body was about to turn into a desperate gray-white little boy, and his heavy heart was a little lighter.

"At least, you can be sure that Usami Tsukimi is only related to Gin, isn't it?"

Although, this relationship is worth... discussing.

Having said that, the child is not yet an adult, so Gin Jiu has practiced it... The Tale of Genji?

I really can't see it!

Akai Hideichi touched his chin, the gin that was rumored to be like a ghost in the organization, and never approached women's sex, unexpectedly tasted like this.In this way, Belmode can also be regarded as a 'death in peace'.

After all, are genders different?

"But, no, it seems that the organization still doesn't know about the brotherhood between Usami Tsukimi and Gin, Belmode..."

After thinking about the glamorous actress who had put water on him many times, Conan frowned, considered his vocabulary before continuing.

"Her position is very vague, but just like what Gin said, she probably won't be willing to offend Gin."

Looking at the little detective who has received so much shocking news with pity that he is still deceiving himself, Akai Hideichi did not try to wake up the person who pretended to be asleep, but chose to blur the topic.

"This woman is good at discovering and using all useful information to keep herself alive. She can't believe it completely or too much, but one thing is for sure, unless there is no way out, she will never switch her position to our side. , not even secretly."

"The deterrent power of gin..."

The little detective smacked his lips with a complicated expression.Especially after seeing the other party's appearance in front of Usa Mitsuki, Kudo Shinichi, who has personally realized how terrifying this person is, is almost split by the huge contrast.

He will never forget that for a while, he once thought that Gin Jiu and Usa Jianzhen were two completely unconnected people.

Now, with the evidence in front of him, Kudo Shinichi still finds it incredible.

This Belmode would never have any soft feelings in his mouth, but he was willing to risk his secret being discovered because of a young man.

Akai Shuichi shook his head.

"It's not just gin, you underestimate the organization too much. However, it is undeniable that his cold blood does intimidate everyone in the organization."

"Then tell me, if there is a conflict between Usami and the organization—such as Rum this time. Then, is it possible for Gin to fall to our side for him?"

After pondering for a long time, the little boy suddenly spoke extremely innocent words with a calm accent. This thought was so good that Akai Shuichi wanted to reach out and knock his head to see if he was asleep.

What are you daydreaming about in broad daylight?

"It's more likely that he will kill the person who threatened the boy—like Rum this time."

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