The morning light is dim.

Wanbeile vaguely heard birds singing outside the window.

"The birds on the tree are in pairs..." He hummed and sang along, and instinctively stretched out his hand to fish for it. It was empty, without anyone's body temperature.

"Hmm..." He rolled his eyelids, the room was spotless, what color was his room?Although I can't remember it at all, it is obvious that this is not an ordinary residence, but rather a hospital ward.

He looked at the tube inserted into his body, stretched out his hand to pull out the needle, pressed the eye of the needle with alcohol cotton, and found that there was a wedding ring on the ring finger of his left hand.

Am I married?Wan Belle felt his head was a little foggy, he squinted his eyes and looked at the room with only one color of white, everything was so dazzling.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows obliquely facing the hospital bed, there was a woman curled up on the sofa. Her demeanor was a little tired, but she was in good condition. At first glance, she looked about 30 years old. After thinking about it for a while, Wan Belle yelled: "Mom? "

The woman woke up suddenly, sat up from the sofa and took a few quick steps, stepped forward, stretched out her hands to hold Qianbaile's face, looked at him, then put her arms around his shoulders, and hugged him in her arms In the picture, she was very petite and couldn't hug him at all, but she still held him tightly in her arms, as if he was still a little boy.

"Mom, what's wrong with me?" Wan Baylor twisted in her arms a little embarrassedly, the woman let him go, wiped the wet corners of her eyes and sighed: "I told you How many times has it happened, our family is not short of money, in the future you will do an internship in your father's unit, you will be a professional manager in the future or you can live on dividends, stop filming, ah."

The woman's thin white hand gently touched his forehead, where gauze was wrapped, and the blood was no longer oozing.She turned around and went out to ask the doctor to come and have a look, but when she got to the door, she turned back.

"Hey, call your daughter-in-law. He has been guarding you for several days. I can't see it and let him go home to take a shower and change clothes. You can tell him that he is safe, which is better than what we said." The woman said Finished, and left without looking back.

Wan Baylor touched his body, only to realize that he had changed into a hospital gown, and when he looked around, he saw that Kidney [-] was on the bedside table. He reached out and opened the screen, pressed the speed dial, and it was in the first place. Remarks With the word daughter-in-law.

Wan Baylor didn't know why his heart was beating so hard, he was vaguely looking forward to something.

The busy signal rang once, and the phone was quickly answered: "Maomao, is that you? Are you awake?" The voice on the other end of the phone was familiar, but he suddenly felt that he couldn't remember it for a while.


"Oh... Wuzheng?"

"Well, are you awake? I'll be there right away." On the other end of the phone, Xia Wuzheng's voice sounded very excited, and he must be very worried about himself.Yu Liangwan wanted to say something, but the phone was hung up. He was stunned for a while, looked down at his Kidney Six, and checked the call records from top to bottom. communication news.

At the very bottom, there is a red reminder that there is no caller ID. It may be a call from a computer terminal, or an advertising number blocked by a telecommunications company.Wan Baylor swallowed his saliva and pressed the callback button, but there was always a busy signal on the other end, and no one responded to him until the phone was automatically hung up.

Wan Baylor felt a sense of loss in his heart. He couldn't explain why, but he always felt that everything around him was a bit out of order. He looked down at the wedding ring on his ring finger, turned it tentatively, thought for a while, and then tentatively took it off again. , but the size of the ring is very delicate, it is tightly bound to the joint of the ring finger, and it cannot be taken off no matter what.

Just when he was fighting with the ring, Xuehua pushed the door in with the doctor on duty, glanced at him, and said with some reproach: "You child, what's the name of the ring when you just woke up?" Asking the doctor to come over Give him a full checkup.

Wan Baylor fiddled with others for a while, the doctor said that there was nothing serious, as long as he stayed in the hospital for observation for another day, he could go home.Xuehua acted very satisfied, sent the doctor away, and kept babbling that Wan Baylor's life is good, and the Chinese New Year is only a few days away, so what if it keeps delaying, this year is his first Spring Festival after marriage, It would be inauspicious if we didn't have a happy New Year's Eve.

Yu Liangwan felt that his brain hurt from being quarreled by her, but he didn't know why, he seemed a little sorry for Xuehua, embarrassed to interrupt her, so he had to suppress his temper and listen to her non-stop nagging, He kept saying how virtuous and virtuous his wife was.

When he was bored, the door of the ward was opened, and Xia Wuzheng stood at the door, his eyes were still a little red and swollen, his fair cheeks were flushed with cold, and he was holding several thermos cups in his hands, staring blankly. Holding Wan Baylor, it seems like a lifetime away.

Wan Belle can't say this feeling well, it seems a bit sensational, like filming a movie, he knows that he and Xia Wuzheng are a couple, but he feels that his current appearance is very similar to the Korean drama he hates. Exceeded, thunder billowed.

Xuehua rushed to welcome Xia Wuzheng in, hesitantly asked for a while, then pushed the door open and went out, and closed the door from the outside.

This is a very high-end single ward. After Xuehua left, there were only two people left in the room, Wan Baylor and Xia Wuzheng. The boiled fish soup was pure white, and I tried it on my lips before serving it.

"You just woke up, so you may not have much appetite, but the doctor said that fish soup is for healing wounds. I will cook a pot every night, thinking that if you wake up early, it will be able to replenish your body."

The way he spoke was very natural, really like a newlywed wife taking care of her injured husband.

Wan Baylor nodded, took a sip of the fish soup, it tasted very delicious, it should have been boiled for several hours to get this pure white color, the fish meat was melted in it, and it was delicious and rich.

He finished the fish soup and looked at Xia Wuzheng with a confused expression.

"What's the matter?" He stretched out his hand to lightly touch the bandage on his head, and then touched his self-roll.Wan Baylor seemed to like this action very much, and immediately became a little intimate, and rubbed his hand with his hair.

"Look at you, like a child."

Xia Wuzheng hugged his shoulders, just like the way Cai Xuehua hugged him just now, he leaned over and kissed his hair.

"Maomao, you scared the hell out of me." His voice was a little choked up, "Stop filming in the future, we both have to be in the same group, it's not good to be separated for a long time after we get married."

By the way, Xia Wuzheng is a new movie star, a national male god, but he married his little fan last year - the [-]th-line fresh meat Yu Liangwan. He followed the tide and barely got married within a year Sit on the throne of the quasi-second line.

Wan Baylor shook his head vigorously, feeling that he was so lucky that it was like a dream, but he found it a little strange that most people would wake up laughing after having such a beautiful dream, but he felt that something was wrong, and the style of painting was not consistent.

He struggled slightly, got rid of Xia Wuzheng's embrace, and looked up at him. His face was indeed beautiful, and his personality was as gentle as jade. He knew that he loved this person deeply, but he couldn't think of such a deep love. And why does the strong love happen to me.

Xia Wuzheng touched his face affectionately, he bent down to kiss him, but Qian Baylor subconsciously avoided him.While the boy was avoiding, the expression on his face was very vague, with a sense of apology at a loss.

"I, I just woke up and haven't washed in days."

He suppressed it for a while, and gave a barely plausible reason, Xia Wuzheng smiled knowingly and did not complain.

He stayed with him all day in the hospital, and after dinner, the doctor came to check again, and this time all indicators returned to the normal level, announcing that Wan Baylor could be discharged from the hospital.

It was Wan Baylor's elder brother Yu Liangchen who drove to pick them up, and his sister-in-law followed with the child in her arms. The couple greeted the younger brother along the way. Xia Wuzheng liked their little nephew very much, so he hugged him in the back seat , bobbing in her arms, teasing him to play, Wan Baylor's sister-in-law also joked that they would have a child sometime, Xia Wuzheng's face was flushed slightly, holding the child in one hand, and holding the child in the other hand The following took Wan Belle's hand.

Wan Belle knew that his sister-in-law had gone to the United States to give birth to a child, and that his nephew had no real name yet, but his nickname was Maotou, who was somewhat similar to himself. He also likes children quite a lot. Seeing Xia Wuzheng hugging his little nephew, his whole body exudes a kind of light of the Virgin.

Wan Baylor felt that Xia Wuzheng was a bit dazzling, as dazzling as the sun that the naked eye could not look directly at. Although beautiful, it was too dazzling for ordinary people. He lowered his eyes, and sweat began to ooze from his palms. He felt embarrassed and wanted to He wanted to take his own hand out of Xia Wuzheng's, and tried a little, but he held it even tighter.

The car drove into Yu's old house, and Wan Baylor's parents and grandparents came out to welcome him. Wan Bayle's grandparents married early and had children early, and his grandmother was only 15 years old when his father was born. But in her 60s, she was one of the earliest batches of government-sponsored overseas students in China, and she is still working as a visiting professor at a well-known comprehensive university in the United States, so she often travels on business and rarely returns to China.

Wan Baylor felt that he hadn't seen his grandma for a long time, so it was inevitable that he would feel close when he saw her. He took Xia Wuzheng by one hand and went to report to his grandparents that he was safe. reunion dinner.


The ICU ward of the Third Hospital of Imperial University.

Jin Wenling sat beside the hospital bed expressionlessly. He hadn't closed his eyes for two days and two nights, and his eyes were already slightly red. In the ward, there were only the cold ticking sounds of various instruments and his seemingly absent breathing.

The door of the ward was pushed open, and Jin Wenling turned her head mechanically, and saw a cute little boy carrying a schoolbag, looking at him with a sinking face.

"Teacher, save him, I can't bring back his soul..."

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