The door of the guest room was ajar, and the two people on the carpet in the hallway faced each other in an ambiguous posture. If a waiter passed by at this moment, he would definitely cover his face and run away shyly.

Jin Wenling straddled Yu Liangwan's body, and the boy took the opportunity to wrap his arms around her slender waist, his face was as heavy as water, and he couldn't see his thoughts.

On the other hand, Wan Baylor didn't care, and was still smiling: "I said, should we close the door first..." Before he finished speaking, the door closed itself with a "bang" without any external force.

Jin Wenling cursed in a low voice, there was too much anger in the room, she was afraid that the master was coming, she raised her eyes to look at the wall, and sure enough, the hanging rope was swinging, as if the upper body had stopped. It's like hanging a person's body.

Looking down, Yu Liangwan stared straight at the hanging rope, then at Jin Wenling, and suddenly realized: "There is a ghost!"

Jin Wenling's eyes froze, and she stretched out her hand in this posture and grabbed Yu Liangwan's neck. He was just a little hooligan who hadn't experienced much in the world, and he would break it if he broke it. He couldn't let him know his secret, otherwise he would always be in trouble in the future. There is a handle in the hands of others, how can there be room for others beside the couch?

Unexpectedly, Wan Baylor was not soft, seeing his strength, he pulled out his hand and grabbed Jin Wenling's wrist, screaming vigorously twice, Jin Wenling was surprised, this man dares to be a stubborn stubble, his skills don't know How about it, the physical strength is really great, my current body is not his opponent in terms of brute strength.

In a stalemate for a second or two, Jin Wenling's wrist was told to break away, and Yu Liangwan threw Jin Wenling off his body with a carp-like posture.Rolled on the spot and landed on one knee, looked up at him with piercing eyes, still cynical: "Why, murdered your husband?"

Meeting Jin Wenling's eyes, Yu Liangwan's eyes were radiant, this beauty really had murderous intentions just now, their Yu family came from thieves, and they all have a murderous look in their bones, such eyes will definitely not be unfamiliar.

Jin Wenling sneered: "Why kill you?" She stretched out her hand to touch her waist, and a soft sword came out of its sheath in response. Yu Liangwan didn't expect that he still had a weapon with him, and turned slightly backwards, passing the kingsize She hid on the other side of the honeymoon bed, with a smile still on her face: "If you have something to discuss, you can't be popular during the honeymoon."

Jin Wenling ignored his teasing, leaped forward, and stabbed at Yuliangwan with a sword flower in the air.That Wanbeile sideways avoided the sword light, clasped Jin Wenling's wrist holding the sword hilt with one hand, and clenched the other hand into a fist, saying "offend!" He stretched out his hand to attack his waist and abdomen.

Unexpectedly, Jin Wenling's body was as soft as boneless, and it suddenly softened along Yu Liangwan's arm. Yu Liangwan used eight parts of her punch, and missed a hit, her body was dragged by inertia and staggered. When she turned around, she suddenly felt a numbness in her chest, but saw Jin Wenling's index finger and middle finger pointing at her big Tanzhong acupoint.

This acupressure technique has been lost as early as the late Qing Dynasty. Yu Liangwan's parents did not have that unrestrained wildness. Who would have thought that in his generation, such a treasure was born among the boys of the third brother, Mr. Yu Seeing that the child's temper was too much like his own, I couldn't help but teach him some boxing skills since he was a child, and taught him all the skills he saw when he was a gangster. Yu Liangwan preferred to read martial arts novels when he was a child, and he fantasized about I can fly over the walls by myself, fall in love with the big girl and young wife of which family, learn how to tap acupuncture points, and even cosplay a little whore who picks flowers and steals willows.

Placing grandpa to learn Kungfu from the inner family, Old Man Yu amused him: "My master's generation will be lost. If we know all of them, we can still ask the Eight-Power Allied Forces to run like a grandson?"

Unexpectedly, today I encountered a hard stubble, but fell on this secret technique that I had wanted to learn for a long time.Jin Wenling stopped him, and the sword was placed on Yu Liangwan's neck. If it was someone else, the sword flower would be finished. Seeing that this kid has no face at all, I feel that I have misread it. he. "What else do you have to say?"

Yu Liangwan smiled frivolously: "Girl, I, Wan Baylor, always ask for help on the bed, and now I'm not as skilled as others, so I'm willing to gamble and lose." Jin Wenling spat: "Dirty!" As soon as he handed his wrist forward, it would kill him At this moment, suddenly the cloud breaks through the moon and sprinkles the ground with clear brilliance.

Yu Liangwan's motorcycle leather jacket had been scratched a lot when he was fighting just now, but now the clothes are hanging on his body in a mess, revealing a red rope around his neck, and a small irregular-shaped gold nugget hanging underneath.

Seeing this, Jin Wenling quickly withdrew her hand, and the sword edge had already left a bloodstain on Yu Liangwan's neck.He stretched out his hand and opened the collar to take a closer look. This time, Yu Liangwan didn't want to do anything: "I said young man, I'm just a showman, not a person."

"Shut up, where did this gold inlaid jade come from?"

"My grandfather gave it to me."

Jin Wenling looked at Yu Liangwan in the moonlight: "Your family's ancestor is the Jinling Yu family, where is the prefecture, and what is the hall name?"

Yu Liangwan really often heard his grandfather tell him about the old days, he thought for a while and said: "Jingzhao County, Dietang, why, do you have relatives with our family?"

Jin Wenling asked instead: "Have you ever worshiped the seven leaves on the hairpin tassels in your family's ancestral hall?" Yu Liangwan's family didn't follow these old customs, and he was the only one who accompanied the old man when they went back to their hometown to worship their ancestors every year. He heard Jin Wenling say From the ancestral hall couplet, I answered it without thinking: "Jiangzuo Qingcai."

Jin Wenling sighed, took back the soft sword and put it in her waist, stretched out her hand to touch the middle of the sandalwood, unlocked the acupuncture point and said: "You are the Jinling Yu clan, after Zhongliang, I will not kill you, get out."

Yuliangwan suffered a secret loss, and was sent out like a third grandson, what else could he do in his heart?Just as he was about to ask what happened, he suddenly heard the sound of a sobbing woman crying from inside the wall. Now that the room was not lit, the two fought again. Guessing that the night was dark and everything was silent, they heard this sound , the scalp will explode!

Jin Wenling cursed in a low voice, ignored Yu Liangwan, stretched out her hand and pulled him aside, and walked to the wall without any fear.

Although Wan Baylor had never experienced this before, he was not afraid of seeing other people's beauties blooming like flowers across the clouds, so how could he show his timidity?Xiong Jiu followed as if crossing the Yalu River with high spirits, standing upright behind Jin Wenling, not daring to go any further...

The woman's cries became more and more terribly, and the hanging rope was swinging, and a woman's face appeared indistinctly inside the noose!

Yu Liangwan shuddered all over, and looked at Jin Wenling again, not only was not afraid, but instead stared at the woman's face that appeared on the wall, as if staring at a prey, lest she run away.

While talking, the woman's head had already passed through the wall, her tongue was sticking out long and thick, dripping down with mucus and pus blood, a pair of eyes without pupils suddenly lifted up, staring straight at Jin Wenling .

Jin Wenling also stared firmly into the woman's eyes, and her soft voice revealed an irresistible majesty: "The majesty of the emperor, all ghosts will change."

The woman suddenly let out a scream, and shrank her head back into the wall. How could Jin Wenling allow her to escape, she reached out and grabbed the woman's pink neck, stretched her strength, and pulled her out of the wall. Rolling at Yuliangwan's feet.

Wan Beile only felt his scalp go numb, and he used the boy's kung fu to clamp his crotch tightly. If he urinates in front of his sweetheart, it will be a lifetime of trouble in the future...

The woman got up and took a long kneeling posture, sighed a long time, stretched out her hand to support her long tongue, and kneaded and kneaded... Seeing Yu Liangwan swallowing, it was really amazing She rubbed it all in, and raised her head again, hey, she is really a big girl like a flower and a jade.

Yu Liangwan said in his heart that if he held a class to give lectures, the little girl in our imperial capital would not have to travel across the ocean to go to Korea, and she would be able to Smect at home...

Just as I was thinking wildly, I heard the woman's mournful voice say: "My family sees the nobleman, but the slave's face is ugly, so I dare not confront you, please forgive me."

Jin Wenling grabbed a chair casually, sat upright, accepted her gift, nodded and said: "You are a wronged ghost who died unmarried, jumped out of the Three Realms, and are not in the Five Elements, so the courtesy will be avoided. "

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yu Liangwan had already silently rubbed against the back of Jin Wenling's chair, took another step back, and said with a little understanding: "My friend, let me ask weakly, who is the ghost between the two of you?" ..."

Jin Wenling rolled her peachy eyes: "Shut up." Then she said to the woman: "You have played tricks so many times, I think there must be grievances."

The woman cried pear blossoms with rain: "The slave's family is the third concubine daughter of the former Jinxi Pinghou's mansion, named Zhenniang. Because the daughter-in-law's husband's family chose the slave's family to live in, she was jealous of her sister, and sent her confidant maid to lure the slave's family here. The ambush gangster intends to force rape, ruining the reputation of the slave family.

The slave family refused to obey, and after being strangled to death, it was made into a throwing shape. Now the ropes on the beams of the house are still there, tying the soul of the slave family, preventing them from being free, and asking the nobleman to be reborn.The slave family is willing to guide the nobleman to the tomb, and is willing to donate the burial objects. The gift is light and the affection is heavy. If you ask the nobleman for help..."

Jin Wenling listened, and fell silent for a moment, and Yu Liangwan was puzzled by the monk Zhang Er. He had all the benefits, but he was not good at studying, so he chatted up and asked with a smile: "Mr. Can translate Caicai's words into modern Chinese..."

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