Tantai Liuguang glanced at the coffin very repulsively, but didn't respond at all. He turned his head and saw Wan Baylor standing next to him, without thinking, he stretched out the hand with the power device installed, and grabbed Yuliang Wan's hand. He picked it up and threw it into the coffin.

This scene was beyond everyone's expectations, even Jin Wenling didn't have time to react, but Wan Baylor reacted extremely quickly, twisting his body in the parabola of being thrown into the coffin, he turned over, and saw the two female corpses facing towards him like vicious dogs scrambling for food. I rushed over by myself, and had no choice but to raise my hand and slap the beautiful corpse closest to me, turned over in the air and supported the edge of the coffin with one hand, turned over from the top of the coffin, and pointed at Tantai as soon as I turned around Liu Guang: "I'll fuck you! There's no end to this!"

The whole body of the slapped corpse burned quickly, without any cover, the skin that could be broken by blows like a baby was instantly covered with traces of the real fire of Samadhi.

That Qianqing Gege was obviously frightened by the true fire of samadhi, and the corpse instinctively clung to the edge of the coffin and wanted to crawl out. Suddenly, the corpse baby's shrill cry came from behind: "Emiang! Emiang!"

The female corpse stopped her climbing movements, turned around slowly, hesitated for a moment, and reached out to grab her daughter. The moment she touched her, flames shot up her skin along withered fingers. body, the female corpse did not dodge, but stretched her arms to embrace the burning corpse, the two of them maintained this posture, and turned into a ball of ashes in the coffin, there is me in you, and you in me , can no longer be separated.

Tantai Liuguang looked at all this expressionlessly, ignored Wan Baylor's scolding, and turned his head to look at Jin Wenling: "You can't expose your family ugliness. I will borrow your ghost seal."

Except for acting, Jin Wenling is basically expressionless. This time, he showed anger rarely. He is a martial arts practitioner. When he is angry, his blood pulses, and his white cheeks are slightly red, which is different. beauty.

"The important weapon of the country, how can it be faked by others?"

Tantai Liuguang seemed to be angry too, and said with a sneer, "Jin Wenling, what's wrong with me using your little lover, haven't you used mine?"

Jin Wenling clenched her fists tightly, as if someone had caught her, she didn't say anything, she turned her head to look at Yu Liangwan, if Yunluo hadn't stopped him, she seemed to pounce on her desperately at any moment, she stretched out her hand and rubbed the Qingming acupoint , sighed: "Let's go out first, the oxygen here is almost exhausted."

After the tombstone was sealed, Jin Wenling got into Wan Baylor's car without hesitation at all. Yu Liangwan's Hades temper really had to be controlled by his family's Mimi. Seeing Jin Wenling got into her car, she put on a pose Fan Buhe, with a caring attitude of biting the defeated quail and fighting the defeated chicken, greeted Yunluo: "Brother, you come up too, I will see you off first."

Instead, Yunluo shook her head: "I still have something to say to Young Master Tantai, you go first, he can just send me off." Wan Baylor was not happy, and to say more, Jin Wenling pressed his wrist: "They just want to see you off." I'm afraid I want to talk about the friendship between the two families, so don't worry, take me home, I have something to tell you."

Unapologetically, Wan Beile was homosexual and inhumane, and greeted Yunluo from the car window, without even looking at Tantai Liuguang, he drove away in his own Aurora.

When they arrived at the high-end apartment where Jin Wenling lived, Xiao Jinzi was waiting in full battle. When he saw the young master came back, he hurried up to meet him and wanted to help him, but he was stunned when he saw Yu Liangwan.

"My lord, why did you bring him back?"

"I don't need you here today, go home and rest for a day." Jin Wenling obviously didn't want to explain more, and waved her hands wearily.

"How can this be done? You still have to take a bath..." Xiao Jinzi suddenly understood something in the middle of speaking, and looked at Qian Baylor with wide eyes. There were surprise and confusion in his eyes, and there was also a little admiration. After reading a Faint Chapter No.11, I don't understand what is going on in this little white rabbit's head.

Taking his own small backpack, the little white rabbit quickly disappeared into the entrance. Before leaving, he still didn't forget to glance back. Jin Wenling had already entered the room, and Wan Baylor was still standing there, hesitating whether to follow. He poked his head in again, stared and made a gesture of spreading his hands, wanting to ask for his opinion.

Xiao Jinzi stretched out his thumb silently, nodded to him, and disappeared into the hallway again, this time hearing the anti-theft door slammed shut.

The second monk Wan Bei Le was puzzled, so he had to follow Mimi into the house. He entered the master bedroom on the second floor, but there was no one there. The sound of water came from inside.

Yu Liangwan's face turned red all of a sudden, and she said in her heart, no, this is the rhythm of going to base?Subconsciously touched his butt pocket, took out Kidney Six and threw it on the bed, touched it again, let out a long breath, it's okay, thanks to his good personal hygiene habits, the basic measures are still in place of.

While YYing, I heard Jin Wenling's voice from the bathroom: "Come in."

Although Wan Baylor behaved quite violently on weekdays, he was actually a young man who had never seen the world much. Among the younger generation of princes and brothers in the imperial capital, he regarded himself as a very clean and self-sufficient type. He played very well, but he was quite disciplined.

After dawdling into the bathroom, I saw Jin Wenling slumped in the bathtub tiredly. Seeing him come in, she was generous and beckoned: "Please help me wash my hair, I can't take it anymore today."

Wan Belle swallowed, lifted his trousers, tied the waistband of his trousers a little tighter, rolled up his trousers, not knowing how to control his little yellow chicken, blushing and rubbing against the head of the bathtub, He took a bench and sat down, stretched out his hand to support Jin Wenling's head, pressed the shampoo a few times, and began to wash gently, while asking him how his strength was.

Jin Wenling narrowed her peach blossom eyes to enjoy it, and would moan comfortably from time to time. A young man like Wanbeile had never seen such a row of noodles before. He gnawed it down.

Jin Wenling was a little surprised, turned her face away, and stretched out her hand to catch the foam in the bathtub and smeared it on Wan Baylor's face, and the latter turned into a veritable black blind man, shouting "Mimi, please forgive me".

When he was washed clean by the shower in Jin Wenling's hand, he squinted his eyes slightly, dimly saw that Mimi had climbed out of the bathtub, and was sitting on the steps of the bathtub with her back to him, coiling her long hair with one hand. Fat, turned to him and said, "Help me back."

Wan Baylor's eyes had just been stung, and they were as red as a rabbit. He didn't dare to move his feet for the time being, so he came up to take the shower in a proper manner, squatted down to flush Jin Wenling, and as the foam slipped, A horrifying picture appeared before his eyes.

The back that should be fair was covered with scars, and the spots were speckled with the luster of mercury.

Wan Baylor felt as if his heart had been pinched, and his whole body was tangled up, so he couldn't help reaching out and gently touching Jin Wenling's back.

"This is corpse spot..." Jin Wenling's voice was devoid of emotion, reflecting the steam in the bathroom, it was so hollow that it seemed to come from another world.

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