Everyone followed the prestige, and in the three-story Gothic-style small western-style building deep in the courtyard, there was indeed a single lamp lit in a room on the right hand side of the third floor. It is said that a nearby agency once arranged for someone to be on duty here, but now it is dark and desolate all around, and the flickering lamp is even more strange.

Wang Caiyuan was half acting and half sincere, her body was trembling in Jin Wenling's arms, and she regretted that she had to come here to record the show.

Jin Wenling smelled the strong perfume on her body and felt a little uncomfortable, so she pushed her arm suggestively, but she didn't expect this girl to be an octopus, so she refused to let go.

It was the Yuliangwan hero at the side who saved the beauty, hugged Jin Wenling in his arms, escaped from the clutches of the firewood girl, and whispered in his ear, "You already knew?"

Jin Wenling shook her head: "I don't want to come here, the company arranges, there is no way..."

Yu Liangwan and him have done many archaeological investigations, and know that Mimi of his family often pays attention to these legendary places. When he went back to Sanya last time, he also entrusted him to sell the half-frame crocodile tent, even though it was all handed over to Jin Wenling. , I have dealt with a deal by myself, this amount is really not small, and it is indeed worth the risk.

This time, since Mimi said that she didn't want to come, could it be that the lonely lamp is just a gimmick, or maybe it was arranged by the program group? She was about to walk in arrogantly with Jin Wenling in her arms, when she suddenly pulled the back of the other party secretly Son.

"I heard people say that this place is not soft, don't be smart, just follow me."

Yu Liangwan had the illusion of being righted for a moment, and when everyone really wanted to kiss her, she was hugged by Xiao Jinzi behind her, and dragged aside violently.

On the other hand, the program group also opened for a while. The director of the producer and some staff members held mineral water bottles in their hands, but although they felt their mouths were dry, no one was in the mood to take a sip.

"Confirm again, it wasn't arranged by someone from our program team?"

"It's really not. I stepped on it a few times a few times ago, but it was broad daylight. In fact, there is really nothing special in it, but it is reasonable to say that this place has not been powered on for a long time, so why is there still light..."

"Could it be a kerosene lamp lit by the night watchman?"

"Impossible. When we came here a few times before, we asked the person in charge of the local cultural department. Because of the haunting, there were one or two missing cases, so now it is an embarrassing situation. Some of the mansions around the Republic of China The township fought for it, but no one cares about it here..."

Speaking of the people in the program group here, they are all excited, and even the director is a little bit backed down, but looking at the current weather, the smog is getting heavier, and I am afraid that even if you go back the same way, the highway will be closed long ago , just when the program group was in a dilemma and disputes continued, the weather was getting worse and worse, and there was still a slight breeze in the evening, and by this time it was already level four or five.

This Shuai Mansion Garden is located on the outskirts of the northwestern part of the imperial capital, and there are some small Gobi deserts when you walk outside. Because the construction of the imperial capital was carried out in those days, all the taller vegetation in a radius of tens of miles was exploited. The ancient people had no awareness of environmental protection, so they It has created a relatively special landform environment today.

Now there is a strong wind, blowing directly from the northwest with sand and dust, overwhelming the convoy of the program group. The director and crew feel that this kind of bad weather cannot take the risk of driving back. Not to mention the closure, maybe something will happen during this part of the journey.

Since Yu Liangwan came out of the Hongbin Tower last time, he was almost blinded by the flashlight. Since then, Rayban has never left his body. Now he took out his glasses and put them on immediately, reminding Jin Wenling to put on the prince's glasses , and took off his coat and put it on him: "The wind is strong, don't blow your little face."

Jin Wenling's skin can be said to be shattered by blows and bullets, only a gust of wind blew, and she really felt a tingling pain in her cheeks, and she was not polite to him, and she really put a denim jacket on her head.

Miss Wang on one side was not so lucky. When she put on heavy makeup, she could barely be regarded as the upper-middle class. Of course, if she stood with Jin Wenling, she would not be worthy of carrying shoes. Now she is facing the northwest. With a big mouth, she blows like a terracotta warrior in no time, and now she is covered with a pair of cotton-padded jackets with tight crotch pants, which is definitely uglier than Qiu Ju.

She really took herself for a role, and she immediately acted like a baby, yelling to go into the house to avoid the limelight. She took the lead in acting like a baby, and the rest of the third- and fourth-tier small coffees also complained, assistants Afraid of blowing up these eternal flowers of the motherland, they also raised their opinions with the program group, hoping to enter the house to escape the extreme weather.

The program team was also afraid of taking responsibility for something that happened, so they had to agree with everyone to enter the building to take shelter. Since they had already applied to the relevant local departments for approval to do programs here, the seal on the big iron gate outside had already been removed. Yes, the original iron lock weighing several kilograms has also been taken off, but when they passed the dilapidated garden and came to the three-story small western-style building, the group of people were dumbfounded.

The door is closed tightly, and it is still the kind of door lock in the Republic of China, with a bit of Western style, which should be mechanical, with a simple keyhole and round buttons on the front and back.

Yu Liangwan was a foolish and bold guy, even though Jin Wenling warned him not to act recklessly, he was the first to go forward and twist the door lock, then turned around and shrugged his shoulders, making a powerless gesture.

A few fresh meats suggested kicking the door in. Jin Wenling waved her hand towards the crowd and unbuttoned the first button of her shirt. When she was about to undo the second button, Yu Liangwan rushed forward to hold it down. took his hand: "We don't show our things to others!"

Jin Wenling didn't bother to pay attention to him, so she reached into her neckline and took off a pair of red thread from her fair neck. There were two keys attached to it, one was commonly used in modern houses, and the other was very mottled and old. It looks like an old thing.

Under the bewildered eyes of everyone, Jin Wenling inserted the key into the door lock, and with a click, the door opened...

A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, and Yu Liangwan couldn't believe the transformation in front of her eyes: "I said Mimi, why aren't you afraid, I dare say this is your home..."

Jin Wenling shook her head expressionlessly: "It's my friend's house, he won't come back to live."

Yu Liangwan quickly thought of someone, and turned around and gave Xiao Jinzi a sharp look. The little white rabbit was very clever, and had long been hiding in the crowd and was not caught out.

With a push, the door creaked and opened, and everyone rushed in. Fortunately, the program group had prepared searchlights and flashlights because it was an adventure, and it worked at this time. Everyone received one or two. Peeping into the empty haunted house under the dim light.

Yu Liangwan's eyes couldn't adapt to the dark and deep environment for a while, and he was impatient, he squinted his eyes and couldn't see clearly, so he stretched out his hand and patted his nose a few times, and followed him closely, waiting for the opportunity to take advantage of it When Ms. Wang saw it, she didn't forget to have fun and brush up her sense of existence: "Why, do you want to summon the real fire of Samadhi like a red boy?"

One sentence reminded Jin Wenling, she gave Yu Liangwan a playful look, sighed and shook her head before walking forward, Yu Liangwan saw that her douchebag was rejected by her sweetheart, so she glanced at Miss Wang resentfully: "Are you the reinforcements sent by the monkey?"

Everyone laughed to relieve the tense and exciting atmosphere a little bit. At this time, everyone's eyes gradually adapted to the dark environment, and they began to look around curiously.

As soon as you enter the door, there is a very wide hall, which is very common in the history of modern Western architecture. Anyone who has seen Pride and Prejudice will be familiar with it. The hall is covered with thick and beautiful Persian carpets, but because of disrepair, it has long been eaten by moths. Unrecognizable.

There was a western-style leather sofa on the carpet, and there was a chaise longue on each side. Yu Liangwan remembered that there was also a chaise longue in grandma's room. His grandfather said it was a dowry bought back then. It is fashionable for girls and daughter-in-laws to put a chaise longue in their boudoirs. Legend has it that it is the favorite piece of furniture for the Empress Dowager of France.

It’s not worth it now, but there were no cargo planes back then, and foreign goods traveled across the ocean on ships and traveled thousands of miles to China. The freight itself was even more expensive than the goods, and there were no three. Months of ocean shipping plus inland water transportation will not be able to reach the Imperial Capital Wharf.

Yu Liangwan took out his men's handkerchief, wiped the dust off the sofa, and beckoned Jin Wenling to sit down. This habit was taught by his grandfather, who said that boys should carry handkerchiefs with them and dust off girls at any time. The heart is quite handsome, and I thought that my pigs could dig out a cabbage field, but I didn't expect his pigs to eat meat...

Jin Wenling was not polite to him either, she sat down generously, how could Miss Wang miss this opportunity, she sat down next to Jin Wenling without waiting for Yu Liangwan's greeting, while pretending to be naively flipping up and down : "The sofa in our house is really soft. It turns out that the stories my grandpa told before are not deceptive~"

Wan Baylor blinked his eyes, thought for a while, and still told the cruel truth: "Miss Wang, I haven't had time to wipe the place where you sit..."

Wang Caiyuan was wearing a small white wedding dress today, she jumped up when she heard this, turned around and looked back at her skirt, and annoyed her assistant to help her, but there were already two big prints on her buttocks. There was a lot of smudges, from a distance, it looked as if someone had kicked him both left and right.

Seeing the scene of Gongdou being staged in front of her, Jin Wenling showed a rare smile. Seeing that her little trick had amused her sweetheart, Wan Baylor was so elated, she couldn't help laughing up to the sky, just laughed twice, like the sun The smile froze on his face.

When I just entered the door, my eyes hadn't fully adapted to the darkness in the room, but now my vision gradually became clearer. On the wall above the fireplace behind the sofa, there was an oil painting the size of a movie poster hanging impressively. The handsome young man looked down at all beings expressionlessly.

"Fuck, Tantai Liuguang!?"

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