Who is crying so sad?Jin Wenling couldn't help thinking about it.

He is actually not a sensitive and thoughtful person. Even when he sees news releases about natural disasters and humanistic wars, he naturally feels that these are just a very common part of human history and are not worthy of his own attention. To hurt spring and autumn.

But the crying sound now spreads in the deep and quiet night sky. The sound is intermittent, mottled and wronged. Although it is hoarse, it looks like a child lost in the rainy night.

Jin Wenling suddenly remembered that Wan Baylor was once taken to the puppet festival. At that time, he often watched his every move through the mirror, and his expression was so helpless, as if calling him deep in his heart, seeking his help .

What kind of child is this?Why did he cry so sadly, why didn't his parents go to comfort him?

Jin Wenling couldn't help but opened the window and listened carefully to the sounds outside.

"Well, my lord, why haven't you slept yet? What are you doing with the windows open in the cold weather? What if you get frozen?"

Xiao Jinzi's drowsy voice came from behind him, he seemed to be woken up by the cold wind, rubbed his eyes and got out of bed, wrapped his pajamas tightly and came to Jin Wenling's side.


Jin Wenling pointed to the wilderness outside the window.

"Is there a baby crying?"

Little Jinzi was a little puzzled by his question, so Monk Zhang Er tilted his head out of the window and listened carefully for a while.

"No, the wind is whistling outside."

Xiao Jinzi stretched out his hand to tuck the nightgown on Jin Wenling's body.

"By the way, my lord, you rarely come to this kind of wilderness and outskirts, so I don't know. The old man in my family was sent to the Daxing'an Mountains before. They told me that this is called the wind through the forest. It is a strong wind blowing through the forest. The sound produced, from a distance, really sounds like a child crying."

"Crossing forest wind?"

It was really the first time Jin Wenling had heard such rumors, so she asked casually.

"Yeah, some educated youths heard about it and thought that someone had abandoned their children in the woods, so they went looking for them in groups, but they were found frozen to death in the mountains by fellow villagers the next day. The local people said that it was In the past, because they gave birth to girls and the family refused to raise them, they were thrown in the jungle, and those children became spirits, and came to confuse the newcomers, and they were dead ghosts for them."

Xiao Jinzi thought of the bizarre stories his hometown told him in the courtyard in Xia Ye, and couldn't help shivering all over, and wrapped himself in the pajamas.

"Is that right?"

Jin Wenling said with some doubts.

He was not very afraid of the cold, so he just stood by the window wearing very thin clothes, listening to the whistling wind outside the window and the seemingly invisible baby crying.

"A child's mind is so simple, even if he has resentment, he will not do such a thing."

Hearing this legend, he suddenly felt worthless for the children in those stories, and interrupted Xiao Jinzi's words.

"Oh, it's just a legend, so why should you be serious about it. It's so late, you should go to bed early, or if you catch a cold tomorrow, Lord Baylor will take my skin off!"

Xiao Jinzi shuddered when he remembered that Wan Baylor often asked him to swear to take good care of Jin Wenling, otherwise he would be served by the ten torturers.

"Well, go to bed first, I'm not sleepy yet."

Jin Wenling sent Xiao Jinjin back to the bed to sleep, and stood by the window for a while before closing the window and lying on the bed with all her clothes on.

It was also very strange to say that just when he was feeling upset, the sound of the wind outside the window, like a baby crying, gradually disappeared.


In the public dressing room.

"Hey, hurry up, the moisturizing essence will dry out in a while, so hurry up and apply powder on your face after steaming."

A female celebrity who was half popular in the entertainment industry impatiently pushed away her makeup assistant, and angrily called the makeup artist to come over to touch up her makeup.

"It's not liquid foundation, just put vermicelli on it!"

The female star knocked off the powder on the assistant's hand, and asked the makeup artist to use a powder with strong covering power to apply it layer by layer on the face like a shave.

"Sister Wen, you can't do that, your skin is so good, you can appear on the screen with light makeup." Another girl with a low status on the side said flatteringly.

"Hey, you don't know, the TVs are all high-definition now. Didn't you watch the reruns of the TV series made by those big guys a few years ago? Emma, ​​it's really horrible. Those pores, those wrinkles, I'm ashamed to be a sister ? What a hehe."

"Oh, so that's the case... But Boss Jin's film can stand up to scrutiny, and it's also ceramic skin with zero pores when viewed on a high-definition TV."

"Hey, who can compare with the golden actor? Hey, have you heard any rumors? It seems that Boss Jin is coming to visit the class."

"Visit the class? Whose class are you talking about? I didn't hear that he paid a female ticket." Women are naturally curious about gossip. They all gathered together to watch the scandal.

"Hey, you newbies, don't tell me I haven't taught you my sister. Now who in the circle doesn't know that Boss Jin and Wan Baylor are a couple. I heard that on the next plane, there is an eighteenth-line girl The star didn't know about this, and asked President Jin to introduce her to Wan Baylor, but in the end, she was directly put on Jin Dapai's gun, and the company was fired."

The slightly higher-ranking female star poked her neck and said, as if she knew more about the inside story herself.

"Wow, is there such a thing? Boss Jin is really a domineering president."

"Isn't that right? Let me tell you, try to avoid interacting with Wan Baylor in the camera, and be careful not to be caught by the film king. You will never want to stand up for the rest of your life."

"Oh, I got it."

"Wow, I really said Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here."

A girl listened to their chat, bored and scrolled through Weibo in her hand, and saw a gossip push, saying that actor Jin Wenling might be the secret guest of this outdoor survival show.

"No way? If the news is accurate, then it's a drama about finding a husband from thousands of miles away. No wonder Jin Dapai has ignored countless female stars who want to hug him on his thigh for so many years. Is it a crooked thing?"

"Hush! If he's really here, wouldn't we be dying to talk about the husband and wife like that?"

"Hey, what are you afraid of? People's male gods don't take us seriously. The last thing that can fight a lion is a Tibetan mastiff. We people are just a mix of Shih Tzu and Pomeranian."


The exaggerated silver bell-like laughter of the girls filled the public dressing room.

"Cough cough..."

These little sisters were talking happily when they suddenly heard someone coughing at the door, and it was a handsome young man.

"Who are you?"

Some people don't know him yet, and said with a bit of dog eyes.


The person next to her quickly gave her a hand, and hurried up to smooth things over.

"Boss Jin, I'm sorry, she just debuted and is not sensible."

"It's easy to talk about. Let me tell you, my little masters, pack up and go back to your tent. Our little master will use this place to stay."

Although Xiao Jinzi is more professional than Su Peisheng in front of Jin Wenling and his wife, he is still very powerful in front of ordinary small coffees. After all, he is the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister. Besides, his arrogance is also meant to show Jin Wenling his status.

"Oh, yes, we'll make room here."

In the public dressing room where Yingyingyan was still talking just now, there was not a single kitten left in the blink of an eye.

"My lord, it's cleared up."


Jin Wenling walked in slowly from the back door. Although there were no more Yingyingyanyans in the dressing room, there were still all kinds of very strong perfume smells, which made him frowned, and took out a men's handkerchief to cover his face. on the lips.

"Go ask Yu Liangwan to come here to meet me."



Little Jinzi wandered around the station twice, and didn't even see Wan Baylor's figure, not only him, but even Taifu Yu who had been sitting in the town had gone to nowhere.

"My little master, this slave is not doing well, please punish me, my little master."

Xiao Jinzi returned to the dressing room with a sad face and reported back.

Jin Wenling seemed to have never heard of Xiao Jinjin's disadvantages in handling affairs. He stood by the window, holding his breath, not the cold and calm look of the past, with a trace of Xiao Jinjin in his eyes. It is rare to see a look of compassion in daily life.


Jin Wenling didn't seem to care too much. Regardless of the cold weather here, he opened the window and looked at the snow-capped mountains outside.

"Is there someone crying in this mountain?"


Xiao Jinzi thinks that Jin Wenling may be a bit of a demon, why is she always hallucinating recently.


"Oh...forget it, where is Yuliang Wan?"

"Hey, I didn't find anyone after running for two laps. Later, I met the production coordinator and said that he went into the mountain after recording the video early in the morning. It seems that Mr. Zhang went with him."

"Do you know the line?"

"I know, I know, but this mountain road is very difficult to walk. It is said that it leads to Xuefeng. Generally, except for the local aborigines who will go on pilgrimage on specific festivals, even tourists rarely set foot there. It is not a familiar terrain. I'm afraid there will be danger, but you are beautiful and beautiful, young master, so don't go."

"It's okay, you stay here to watch the house, Suhang will accompany me."

"Suhang? That guy didn't receive this notice, so he probably didn't come."

Xiao Jinzi didn't know why Jin Wenling suddenly brought up Suzhou and Hangzhou again. He should be recording a military training program in the imperial capital at the moment, and he probably wouldn't have come if he didn't have an errand here.

"Isn't it?"

Jin Wenling casually pointed behind Xiao Jinzi.

"Hi, Mr. Kim."

As soon as Xiao Jinzi turned his head, he saw Suhang standing behind him, who came forward very warmly and gave him a warm bear hug.

"you you you!"

Xiao Jinzi pointed at Su Hang's face and said "you" for a long time, but "you" didn't come up with a reason.

"It's getting late, let's go."

Jin Wenling didn't even give them time to greet, and took the mirror demon away by her collar.


The sky was getting darker, and the muddy mountain road became more difficult to walk. Suhang wanted to carry Jin Wenling on his back several times, but he refused.

"I am fine."

Jin Wenling wrapped her field coat tightly. What kind of secret did Yu Liangwan have? He insisted on coming to this deserted place in such a harsh climate. What surprised him most was that the Tai Tuo actually stood on the side of Wan Baylor this time. party.

"what sound!?"

A loud cry broke Jin Wenling's thoughts, and Su Hang was still stunned, not knowing why he stopped.

"What's the matter, my lord?"

"Didn't you hear... Be careful!"

In the middle of Jin Wenling's speech, suddenly a large amount of gravel was shattered on the winding mountain road, and fell head-on towards the two people.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Jin Wenling grabbed Suhang's clothes and led him into the narrow gap above the rock wall.

"It happened!"

The rubble piled up more and more, blocking the gap where they hid, and it became a dilemma. If they didn't go out, they would be trapped inside sooner or later. If they went out now, they would be hit on the head by the rubble falling from top to bottom. Bloodshed, and even fell into the mountain stream forever.

"My lord, what should I do?"


It is definitely not possible to stay inside. If you go out, it is not impossible to avoid the gravel with your own lightness, but Suhang... Just when Jin Wenling was about to make up her mind, suddenly, the mountain stopped shaking.

"Wen Ling."

Outside the cave, where there was still a slight gap, Wan Baylor's voice sounded.

"It's you!"

Jin Wenling ran over in great surprise, pushing away the rocks blocking the gap with both internal and external forces, but at the moment when he saw the sun again, he saw Wan Baylor's face covered with scars.

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