The shape of this female corpse is very disproportionate. The head is still the size of a normal woman. Except for the torn bloody mouth, there are no proportional problems in other parts of the head, neck and shoulders, but her torso is very strange. From a distance, it looked like a woman's head had been artificially sewn onto a man's body.

Jin Wenling squatted down to check around the female corpse, and immediately discovered the mechanism. There was a very inconspicuous knife edge on the female corpse's side, which seemed to be cut by a very sharp blade.

He was obsessed with cleanliness, and he didn't want to reach out to touch it, and he didn't want Wan Baylor to touch it, so he stood up and tapped his toes lightly, according to the position of the wound, and the woman's body was opened by this insignificant force.

like a door.

The female corpse was artificially cut in half, just like the human-shaped coffin containing mummies in ancient Egypt. The difference is that the coffin itself is a person.

Wan Baylor reached out and grabbed Jin Wenling immediately, put him in his arms, and covered his eyes with his hands.

"What are you doing?"

Jin Wenling's voice was quite calm. After all, although he was the ruler of a generation, that's a good way to say it. To put it a bit harshly, he was a young tyrant. Such a scene was a piece of cake for him.

"I'm not a woman, let go."

Jin Wenling was a little angry at Wan Baylor's behavior, he felt that he was underestimated.

"I know……"

The voice of the man behind him said in a suppressed voice.

"I just don't want you to watch it, who wants to let his lover watch these..."

Hearing the young man's words, Jin Wenling stopped struggling immediately. This man thought exactly as she did, always wanting the other party to only see the beautiful things in the world.

"What about you, aren't you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of? I wrote the Purgatory Code, alas..."

Wan Baylor rubbed Jin Wenling's hair and kissed her.

Daoshan Oil Pan is his masterpiece.

Jin Wenling really didn't think of this. This young man who sometimes blushes and heart beats is such a ruthless character.


He laughed a little self-deprecatingly, whether it is true that the whole family does not enter the house.

"Okay, let me go."

"Then, get ready, that still alive."

After Wan Baylor finished speaking, he slowly let go of the hand that was blocking Jin Wenling's eyes.


Jin Wenling repeated incomprehensibly, and then lowered her head to take a closer look. Even though he had seen the world, he still couldn't help feeling sick.

I saw that in the body of the woman whose cavity was opened, none of the five internal organs had been removed. What was even more astonishing was that her heart was still beating vigorously. In the woman's body, there was an obvious supine There are traces of passing, as if someone once slept deeply in this living coffin.

"It's Earth Mother!?"

Jin Wenling suddenly remembered something, and said in a broken voice.

It was a story he told with his companion who came to the imperial capital as a hostage.

The boy's name was Wuzhu, and he was the youngest but most beloved little prince in the royal family.Jin Wenling's father specially sent a secret agent to find out clearly, and asked Prince Wuzhu to come to the imperial capital as a hostage. Although King Fanbang felt sorry for him, he dared not refuse because of the prestige of the suzerain country. From then on, this spoiled little prince entered Jin Wenling The East Palace, as his companion reading.

At the beginning, the palace people took strict precautions, for fear that the little prince would be disadvantageous to the prince if his master lost his temper. Who knew that from the first day he lived in the East Palace, he was determined to be Jin Wenling's pony.

At night, like those old eunuchs, he lay on the floor outside the Bisha closet where Jin Wenling slept, and talked to him in unfamiliar official language in the middle of the night. drop him.

Jin Wenling thought this little boy was very funny. He had no playmates of the right age since he was a child, so we hit it off right away.

"Then why didn't you kill me again?"

Jin Wenling asked him quietly.


Wuzhu stammered and couldn't explain why, and then they chatted all night, the little prince didn't want to go home at all, and stayed in the inner palace with all his heart, guarding the young prince like all loyal shadow guards , They didn't part with tears until he was sent back to the desert after his hostage period expired.

And the story of Mother Earth is one of the various bizarre stories that Wuzhu tells Jin Wenling every night.

According to legend, in the depths of the remote desert, there is a strange burial ceremony, which was brought from the ground by a mysterious witch clan.

After they pick pregnant women to death with corpse poles, they use the spirituality of Populus euphratica to complete the purification ceremony of the female body. The life that should have come to the world loses the chance of surviving because of this horrible ceremony, and the deep resentment will haunt the mother's body. Let them be in a half-dead state, and these so-called living dead become human coffins after being meticulously carved by skilled craftsmen. This kind of thing is called "earth mother".

Like all pregnant mothers, the Earth Mother will use her own body to provide nourishment for the corpse buried in it. Sufficient nutrition and maternal love will produce a power of resurrection, making the corpse buried for a period of time. , Gradually get rid of the old and decayed state, slowly return to youth, and grow back to the young and middle-aged, just like a newborn baby, it is ripe, it is torn from the inside of the mother, and returns to the world.

Jin Wenling still remembers that after hearing this story, he felt deeply sad. He doesn't remember his mother very much, but he can be sure that a woman will have that kind of deep expectation and love for the child in her womb. I mean, this kind of power endows the newborn with a very healthy living state, but now it is being artificially used to do such an act that goes against the laws of nature and human ethics.

"His Royal Highness, are you afraid?"

Jin Wenling still remembered that in the darkness, Wu Zhu's eyes were shining faintly, like a lone wolf lost in the desert.

He looked at him, resting his chin, shaking his head.

"That means you miss the former empress."

Wuzhu yawned, said firmly, turned over and fell asleep.

At that time, Jin Wenling suddenly felt that it would be nice to have a companion to read.


"Wen Ling, Wen Ling..."

As soon as Jin Wenling regained consciousness, she saw Wan Baylor reaching out and gesticulating in front of his eyes.

"What are you thinking about? So lost in thought."


Jin Wenling looked up at him in a daze, and suddenly, his eyes sparkled, and he scolded coquettishly.


He stretched out his hand to grab Wan Baylor's collar, stretched his arms, lifted him up, and threw him backwards with all his strength, and rolled over himself, but his back fell down. Empty door.


Wan Baylor was suddenly dumped by him, and fell headlong into the sand beside him. When he raised his head again, he saw Jin Wenling's body being entangled by the female corpse who had been lying silently on her back just now. The woman's internal organs all protruded from the cavity, and the constantly cut and messy intestines squirmed as if they had self-awareness, and entangled Jin Wenling's body.

"It happened!"

The female corpse has been abandoned by the owner of the tomb, and she would not wake up again, but just now Wan Baylor's finger was cut a small hole by the tree trunk of Populus euphratica, and a trace of blood dripped into the female corpse's mouth along the trunk, which caused the accident. Pick up the corpse.

How terrible is a woman who has lost her child. Jin Wenling had seen his concubine's mother-in-law's series of almost crazy actions after Lin'er's death. Of course he knew that this woman who was like a living dead was relying on her own instinct to make her closest to her. Only when one of the living creatures was reincorporated into his own body was he willing to give up.


Just when Jin Wenling twisted her body and wanted to perform soft kung fu, he suddenly heard a sneer, which escaped from Wan Baylor's mouth.

"Stop joking, the one who robbed me!?"

As soon as Jin Wenling's body struggled, he stopped struggling for a short time. What was he talking about, why did he have such a self-proclaimed name?

Before he had time to think about it, he saw Qian Belle leaning forward at a speed that was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye, reaching out and grabbing the neck of the female corpse.

Jin Wenling heard the sound of his neck breaking through his body. He turned to Wan Baylor and saw the flames of purgatory burning in his eyes. The mournful flames of war made his expression look very strange. , The entire underground palace began to tremble violently.

Suddenly, many pairs of withered and rotten arms suddenly stretched out from under the female corpse's feet, tightly gripping the woman's ankles. Even Jin Wenling who was entangled by her could feel the irresistible strength.

The woman's body was gripped by countless arms that emerged from the ground to grab her limbs, torso and head. The huge force tore her apart. There was a gurgling sound from the female corpse's throat, and suddenly there was a sharp cry, and the entire body emerged from the ground. The Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara that came out was torn into pieces!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wan Belle tightly hugged Jin Wenling's body and pulled him out of the battle group.

The dust has settled.

Jin Wenling tentatively broke free from Wan Baylor's arms, and looked back at the bloody battlefield. The arms protruding from the ground withered as the female corpse was crushed, and shrank back under the sandpit like rotten branches.The female corpse just entangled his intestines and was still wriggling on the ground, like a snake that was still dying after being dismembered, it jumped back and forth twice, and stopped moving.

He turned his head to look at Wan Baylor, the flames in his eyes had been extinguished and became clear.

"Wen Ling, are you okay?"

The boy's tone was still so innocent, and he could hear that he was concerned but confused.


Jin Wenling nodded, hesitated for a moment, and looked into his eyes.

"what did you just say?"

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