Raising the coffin to make a fortune [travel]

Chapter 135 The Truth Comes Out

"Liangwan, what's wrong with you!"

Jin Wenling grabbed his arm, and the scorching skin on his wrist made her palm ache, but she didn't want to let go at all.

"Wen Ling."

Yu Liangwan's voice was very deep, completely different from his previous tall and pure tone, as if there was another person living inside him, which made Jin Wenling feel very strange, but he still refused to let go of his hand, and kept talking Use your cool palm to relieve his scorching body temperature.

"I'm fine, my dragon veins are passing through the purgatory in the center of the earth, because what happened just now stimulated the dragon energy in my body."

As his anger was calmed down by Jin Wenling, the burning flames in Wan Baylor's eyes gradually extinguished, and his voice gradually became purer.

"Well, you can't go out in this state. The woman got on me, but she didn't hurt me. Instead, she targeted you. But this time she suffered a dark loss, and I'm afraid she has already fled away."

"Wen Ling."

Wan Belle looked into his anxious eyes, his wrist was bound by him, and it hurt a little, knowing that he couldn't get away for a while, so he simply sat down beside him.

"Such a small role is worth nothing, it's just me, the way I am..."

He had returned to the innocent and lovely look that Jin Wenling saw most often, and he couldn't help but want to hold him in his arms to soothe his restless mood.

"Once I become the Lord of Purgatory, my appearance, temperament and disposition, these... may all change accordingly. The environment that the Taifu arranged for me is too good, suppressing some of my characteristics, but in the future , I'm not sure..."

He was even at a loss, not knowing how to express himself, and looked at Jin Wenling helplessly.

Jin Wenling is very familiar with his attitude. She avoided him some time ago and went to find the Silkworm Horse Yinhun privately.

He suddenly smiled, held the boy's face in his hands, and looked into his somewhat confused eyes.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you? If the king doesn't see the king, either the east wind will overwhelm the west wind, or the west wind will overwhelm the east wind. It's not yet known who will die..."

Wan Baylor looked at his lover with almost adoring eyes. Although their current strengths are far apart, the arrogance in him has not been damaged in the slightest. The more he sees the glory, the king of a country is by no means in vain.


He called him intimately, buried his head in his chest, and rubbed it back and forth like a big dog acting coquettishly, then suddenly raised his head and looked into his eyes: "Even if I become the master of the whole world, it is still you." slave."


The shooting scene of the ancient palace.

"Brothers are quick, are the costumes and props in place? The young master will airborne the shooting scene within 5 minutes. Please evacuate non-combatants quickly. I repeat, this is not a drill! This is not a drill!"

Holding a tweeter in his hand, Little Jinzi was standing on top of a high grain pile, and was setting up work hoarsely with his drake voice.

"Xiao Jin smashed! Come down quickly, the little master's clothes are in a basket?"

Xiao Dong, the makeup artist in charge of costume props, jumped up and shouted from below.

"Fuck! God assists? Xiaodong, can you save me a little worry..." Xiao Jinzi turned off the tweeter, stepped forward and jumped down the jade steps, but accidentally bumped into the side to get on On the body of Su Hang in the play, the two rolled around on the ground with their balls in their arms.

"Hey, Aijia has heard of rolling beds, but I haven't heard of rolling the floor..."

As soon as the two looked up, they saw Wan Baylor looking at them mockingly, and the male god Jin Wenling standing next to him, expressionless, looking at the arrangement of the scene with nothing to do with himself.

"Liangliang, don't bring such a thing."

Suhang got up, pulled Xiao Jinzi up again, and snorted the dust off the two of them.

"It's something wrong with the Holy Majesty's dragon robe."

Seeing the mess at the scene, Xiao Dong quickly stepped forward to remove the fish head.

"Just now I went to the storeroom to pick up the clothes, and found that the Suzhou embroidered imitation dragon robe that the Holy Majesty has been wearing these few times has a big hole burned by something at the waist. To replace it, so I have to come here and ask Director Wang for instructions."

"Why do good clothes burn?"

When Jin Wenling heard this, she felt a little suspicious, but she didn't know whether her judgment was accurate.

"Take us to see."


Several people came to the conference room rented by the crew on the first floor of the guest house. All the costumes used for the interior scenes of the ancient palace are stored here. There has never been any problem. I don’t know why this time. One place on the waist showed signs of being burned, and other places, or even the entire studio, might have been burned.

"Well, here it is."

Makeup artist Xiao Dong pointed to the waist part of the dragon robe. Except for Jin Wenling, everyone else was half-baked at ancient costumes, so they all pretended to come up to take a closer look.

As soon as he took the whole dress in his hand, Jin Wenling understood a little bit. He raised his eyes to look at the crowd, and said to Xiao Jinzi: "Please go to the director's team with Xiao Dong and tell Director Wang that my costume Something went wrong, we can't shoot today, let them get rid of other people's scenes first."

Xiao Jinzi nodded, saying that the problem is not big, after all, after so many years of cooperation, the old Wang next door will still buy himself a face.

After dismissing the non-combatants, Wan Baylor said cleverly: "Mimi, have you found any clues?"

"You still have the nerve to say, isn't this your rhythm?"

Jin Wenling pointed to the burning hole on the dragon robe, and Wan Baylor lowered his head guiltily, and said with a groan, "I can't make mistakes in the technique, but how could I damage your clothes for no reason? ?”

Jin Wenling narrowed her peach blossom eyes, examined the scorched area carefully, stretched out her hand to stroke her waist, and found that it was the place where the old man wore the fan pendant sachet, and she soon became aware of it.

"Suhang, check the archives of the museum and see if there is an exquisite imperial sachet in this museum, which is the kind given to the elected women during the draft."

Such a piece of cake, of course, will not trouble Secretary-General Su. Anyway, in every room of the museum guest house, the catalog of cultural relics is placed there as a special gift. I reckon the Holy Majesty will definitely ask about it. After scanning it with my eyes It was recorded on the mirror of the main body, and I went through it in my mind at this moment, and immediately projected it on the wall, restoring the original appearance of the sachet.

Introduction to cultural relics:

The four-cornered gold sachet was used in the beauty pageant in the previous week to enrich the harem, and the sachet was given to keep the harem, and it was regarded as a royal wife, and her appearance was sealed later.

The site of the excavation is the accompanying tomb of Emperor Shang's Mausoleum of the former Zhou Dynasty, the tomb of concubines, and the owner of the tomb, Qin Shi, a palace maid in the western suburbs. It was seconded from the Museum of Emperor Shang's Mausoleum to the Ancient Palace Museum in 2000 and has been on display until now.

"Okay Suhang, is it still a 3D version?"

Wan Baylor looked at the sachet projected on the wall, and immediately got it.

"So it was this object that summoned the little maid?"

"This thing, I vaguely remember, was originally hung on this dragon robe. The fake dragon robe matches the real cultural relic, and no one will be suspicious."

Jin Wenling originally had a memory ability that was different from ordinary people, but she never cared about the performance costumes. Today, she suddenly saw the traces of the real fire of Samadhi, and guessed that the burned things must be the same as those that were scared away by the fire of purgatory last night. The little palace lady is related, and the point of overlap between the two things is obviously only the sachet.

Jin Wenling recalled the video played in Suhang that night. In the last scene, the old eunuch threw the sachet for the talent show in the face of the young lady in contempt, but this inadvertent action completed the cultural relic.

Goryeo paper is coated with anti-corrosion substances such as egg white. After the embroidery is contaminated, it will not rot, but it has been preserved to this day.

"Who kept this thing?"

Suhang rolled his eyes and checked all the information in the mirror he controlled.

"Oh, it's that poor and smelly Director Li!"

He has long been displeased with that old pedant, who disliked his own behavior, and almost pointed his nose at him and called him a rabbit master. Go into the mirror in his bathroom and scare the old guy to death.

"So that's the case, but I didn't expect that Li Haibo had such a trick in his mind. I saw through his Taoist stealing of cultural relics on behalf of Li Zong. In order to scare us away, he pretended to be a ghost and used the technique of disgusting victory."

The art of hating victory is a taboo in the royal family, Jin Wenling was furious this time, but before he could speak up, Wan Baylor couldn't wait, sneered, and raised his leg to leave.

Jin Wenling knew Wan Baylor's tricks, he looked like a husky on weekdays, once he got murderous intentions, he would be an evil ghost who would kill gods and gods, and Buddhas and Buddhas.

"Wait a minute, it's best to let this matter go to the end. Li Haibo resells cultural relics and plots against me. It's certainly hateful, but this kind of villain can't offend our dirty feathers. It's best to think of a way to make him confess his guilt. See It’s not just one or two pieces that he steals and resells the museum’s collections, he should be punished for the crime!”


Wan Baylor laughed helplessly.

"Wen Ling, you are such a living Bodhisattva, when did you become like this?"


Jin Wenling shook her head.

"After all, we are here to film a movie. There is no need to make it too ugly and cause extra problems. Besides, he didn't intend to kill, but he just wanted to scare us with the ghost of this little palace lady. Yesterday it was because you and I shared the same bed, which caused the little lady The palace lady thought you had lost the Sacred Heart, so she possessed my body and wanted to kill you. And that Director Li...doesn't have such a daughter after all."

Now Wan Baylor had nothing to say, so he shrugged his shoulders, stretched out his hand and picked up the remaining sachet on the dragon robe that was burnt to the point where only a silk sash remained, waved it in front of Jin Wenling's eyes and said:

"Then leave it to me. Sitting on the mountain to watch tigers fight, borrowing swords to kill people, and guiding wind and fire to stand on dry shores, I am capable of everything!"

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