"Yin soldiers? Who are they and who are they dispatched by?"

Jin Wenling looked at the ethereal helmets under the dome cave, and pointed her disembodied faces at the two of them. The friction between the heavy armors made the sound of metal collisions, as if with one order, the armored bodies would The wronged souls will rush up and tear themselves to pieces.

"I don't know. There have been Yin soldiers crossing the road since ancient times. They are often soldiers who died of cold and hunger on the way before the army moved food and grass. Able to go to the battlefield to die for the country. Our living figurines just happened to meet them, so it triggered a large-scale conflict."

"Then what do we do now, will they attack?"

As soon as Jin Wenling's words came out of her lips, she knew that she was asking for nothing, because the first few Yin soldiers who were the first to bear the brunt were already approaching the city, holding their long swords tightly in their incorporeal hands, and gathering more and more under the cave where they were hiding.

Suddenly, a Yin soldier jumped up, waved the weapon in his hand and slashed at Jin Wenling, but because the cave was still a long way from the ground, the Yin soldier hadn't even touched the edge of the cave, and the whole body The child's body fell down due to the gravity of the armor, and fell heavily on the ground.

His incorporeal body was scattered in all directions due to the impact, armor weapons were scattered all over the ground, and the other Yin soldiers were all scattered in an open space, their necks were slightly twisted and tilted to one side, as if they couldn't understand why their companions suddenly It became like this.

Jin Wenling looked at their confusion that was completely expressed through movements, and even gave a contemptuous smile for no reason, but soon, his smile froze on his lips.Because those armor fragments scattered on the ground were pulled by some unknown force, and they were reassembled in the blink of an eye.

"It can't be killed..." Jin Wenling heard Taifu Yu let out a long sigh, and now he understands why from the beginning, his face showed a stern and even desperate expression. No one can kill a dead person, but Their lives will be exhausted in this endless war!

Sure enough, the brains of those Yin soldiers were not stupid. Seeing that one of their companions couldn't jump up, after several adjustments, suddenly one of the Yin soldiers jumped at the waist and jumped onto the shoulder of another Yin soldier, curled up and squatted down. His hands gripped the rock walls on both sides of the plank road tightly, like a giant gecko.

The Yin soldiers below were inspired by him, and the other one also jumped up and hugged the second one's waist. Its limbs were desperately entangled and crawled, and it rode on the neck of the second echelon in a similar manner.

"Stacking Arhats..."

Jin Wenling obviously didn't expect the Yin soldiers to be so smart. It seems that the two of them have no time to starve to death here, and they might be torn to pieces by this resentful army in a very short period of time.

"Teacher, I'm sorry for you."

"Heh..." Taifu Yu stared warily at the Yin soldiers below who were eager to try, and said with a smile: "Qi'er, Master will always be with you."

Before the words fell, he waved his long sleeves, and there was already a puddle of autumn water in his hands. With the posture of the two of them staggered, he gently passed his wrist forward, and the head of the Yin soldier who had just climbed up was easily chopped off by him. broken.

"Wat sword?"

Jin Wenling looked at the weapon in Taifu Yu's hand, it was the wat tablet he used to go to court, because he was worried about Jin Wenling's safety and could not go to the palace with the sword, so he had to hide this sacrificial weapon in the Yuchang sword for later use. A rainy day.It seems that this time when he entered Longling, he also took his own saber with him.

Before he had time to think about it, Taifu Yu had already cut off the heads of many Yin soldiers with the wat sword in his hand. Unfortunately, this kind of useless work could not take advantage of them, because those severed helmets could not pass through. How long will it automatically climb back to the torso that has lost its ability to move, and start climbing again.

It didn't take long before the walls of the entire Eryan cave were covered with Yin soldiers who learned how to stack Arhats. Taifu Yu stood up and protected Jin Wenling in the inner part of the cave, while he kept waving the wat sword in his hand in vain , Killing those Yin soldiers who could not be killed.

Jin Wenling was stopped behind him and couldn't do anything. He stretched out his hand and pulled his clothes to prevent his body from being caught by the ghost hands that came from all directions. His back was soaked where the tentacles were, and it was obvious that he was physically weak. Already exhausted, he tentatively stepped forward, but Taifu Yu resolutely blocked him with his hand.


Jin Wenling yelled, Taifu Yu was slightly distracted by the anxiety in his tone, suddenly felt his feet sink, looked down, and saw that his engineering boots had been tightly grasped by a Yin soldier, he leaned over and took a look. Before he had time to stand up straight, he was grabbed by his belt by a dark soldier who jumped up from diagonally below. His body suddenly lost his balance and fell hard from the cave close to the dome!


"Qi'er, stay up there!"

When Taifu Yu was torn off by the Yin soldiers, he had reacted very quickly and flipped in the air, and landed firmly on the ground. However, what he was about to face was a thousand troops that would never end in wildfires and be reborn in the spring breeze.

Jin Wenling clung to the entrance of the cave, took a step, and hesitated for a while.

He touched the gold inlaid jade around his neck. This was the first time he cherished his life so much, and he had a very strong desire to survive from the bottom of his heart.

Just at the moment of hesitation, Jin Wenling vaguely heard the neighing of a war horse from a very far away place.

"Silkworm horse!"

He couldn't be sure whether he had a near-death experience in despair, or if he really heard the horn of hope, but that long neighing sound was something he was all too familiar with, the one who accompanied him day and night in the senior courtyard. friend and loyal servant.

Soon, Jin Wenling heard the clattering of horseshoes, and the horse stepped on the bell, carrying the red dust after a thousand years, broke through the broken armor of those Yin soldiers, and came with extremely fast speed and overwhelming thunder.

"Teacher, it was the silkworm horse that brought the cavalry!"

Jin Wenling saw her horse, Fengju, and leaped down from the dome cave in the posture of a kite turning over. He and Fengju were separated by thousands of years, but there was still a tacit understanding between master and servant. legs, and steadily caught Jin Wenling's jumping figure.

He held the saddle with one hand, and precisely grasped Taifu Yu's belt with the other, and lifted him onto the horse's back, with his legs clamping the horse's belly. , Horse stepping on the flying swallow's posture, leading a whole troop of cavalry and chariots, crushing the empty shells of those Yin soldiers.

The silkworm horse galloped wildly all the way, and the whole horse was wrapped in golden jade clothes. Although it was still walking like flying, it ran extremely heavy. It didn't look like a fine horse, but like a strange beast from the ancient prehistoric world. .

"Teacher, tell me, does it still recognize me?"

At this moment, Taifu Yu had adjusted his body posture and rode with Jin Wenling, but his hands had no place to rest, so he had to bend back to avoid suspicion, and grabbed the raised part of the rear end of the saddle.

"It depends on where it plans to take us."

The silkworm horse ran along the plank road for a long time, and even Taifu Yu, who designed the underground military camp, was a little lost, not understanding why it led its owner to this strange place.

"My lord, you must be on guard against others."

He clung to Jin Wenling's ear, reminding him with a barely audible voice, while reaching out and pressing the soft sword on his waist.Jin Wenling was trembling all over, and he was not sure, whether Fengju would still be as loyal to its owner as before after what he did.

The silkworm horse snorted, struggled to shake the armor covered in gold-threaded jade clothes, shook its head, slowed down, circled a few times, and finally stopped.

Jin Wenling and Taifu Yu jumped off their horses. He took the reins and stretched out his palms tentatively. That was the way he communicated with Fengju many years ago. Every time after riding and shooting, it would lick him affectionately. Hoarfrost on hands.

This time was the same, Fengju lowered her head docilely, trying to stick out her tongue to lick the palm of the owner's palm, but found that she had a bridle on her head, and her whole body had been entangled in silk. It has long been inseparable from the fusion of the gold-haired jade clothes on her body.

Jin Wenling reacted and gave up this intimate interaction. He put his arms around the horse's neck and smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Teacher, will Feng Ju hold grudges?"

"It is a great honor to die for the Holy One."

"If it doesn't attract my soul, how long will it take..."

Before Jin Wenling finished speaking, Feng Ju raised his front hooves without any warning. His body had no time to react, and he forgot to let go of the hand that was holding the rein. The whole person was led to stagger backwards like this. In mid-air.

Jin Wenling's reaction was extremely fast. She turned around in the air and turned half a circle in the air, but because there was no place to draw strength out of thin air, she still couldn't find her balance when she fell. She staggered and barely stabilized Keeping his figure, he had no choice but to squat down and support the ground with one hand, and was lucky not to be injured.


Before he could stand up, he felt the wind behind him was bad, so he instinctively protected his head and neck with one hand, rolled to the side on the spot, and jumped back a few steps in the air on his toes, only then did he see the situation behind him clearly.

The silkworm horse was volleying in the air, as if a horse was stepping on the Xiongnu. If Taifu Yu hadn't reminded him just now, he might have been trampled to pieces by Fengju's front hooves...

"Fengju, why..."

Just halfway through Jin Wenling's words, the suspicion in his heart was confirmed. He kept a guarded posture and stared at the silkworm horse, staring at its eyes. Those eyes were not like ordinary herbivores. So docile and pitch black, although the pupils are black and bright, there are still large whites of the eyes, they are a pair of human eyes!

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