"We are from Grandma."

The leading man in black was obviously still in shock from being burned, and said a little timidly.

"Then it's useless for you to look for me, I'm not a grandpa..." Wan Baylor was obviously not very familiar with the classical style of appellation, and asked with his head tilted.

It was Jin Wenling who pulled him aside, looked at the USB flash drive in his hand and said, "What's the business of your mistress sending someone to come here at night?"

The leader knew that this was the real master, so he quickly turned around and said to Jin Wenling, "It's not Grandma who sent us here, it's Uncle Tang, oh, it's the old man who your two masters inquired about during the day. He is Our grandma's companion, and our brothers are all under his old man's hands."

Jin Wenling nodded, the old gentleman I met today was not showing his face in real life, and he only showed a little bit of lightness kungfu when he was running away, if he was said to be the companion of Hancheng Yu's wife, it would not be surprising.

"What did Mr. Tang ask you to come here? Why did he look so frightened when he saw me today?"

"Yes, Tang Bo said, you are a noble man, I'm afraid you came here to avenge our eldest lady, but this is a brave act, and it depends on the righteousness of your two masters, you All the necessary information is stored in the USB flash drive, so you can see it at a glance, if the two of you still want to get in touch, get up early tomorrow and go to the restaurant of Dongxing Building, and Tang Bo will treat you two to have morning tea as the host."

Jin Wenling knew that they were just subordinates, and she couldn't find out why even if she asked again, she nodded and said, "Brothers have worked hard, let's sum up this matter again, let's listen to it tomorrow."

A few men in black went out shyly.

As soon as the person left, Wan Baylor lay down on the bed like a deflated ball, rolling his head on Jin Wenling's thigh: "We are all modern people, so can't we play well? There are so many grandparents, My brain hurts hearing that."

"This is the hinterland of the Central Plains, and the information is relatively closed, and the degree of westernization is definitely not as good as that of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou." Jin Wenling stretched out her hand and rubbed Wan Baylor's curly hair, pointed to the backpack on the sofa and said, "Turn on the computer and see what's in the USB drive. "

Wan Baylor jumped up, but didn't get out of bed. He cheekily pressed Jin Wenling on the bed and said, "Let's watch it later, let's continue...continued..." His Majesty stretched his legs and walked away from the bed. Kicked off the bed, he had no choice but to get up resignedly, opened the luggage and took out the computer.

After inserting the USB flash drive, I found that it was empty, only a small file, and the suffix was a video.

"Mimi, dare you say that these guys are selling porn, are you embarrassed to say that?"

Jin Wenling ignored him, reached out and clicked on the video, looked at the timeline, but was a little surprised, in this not-so-clear video, it actually contained several hours of time, what kind of content is there worth watching? People have gone to great pains to record such a long video...

At the beginning of the video, it is an empty house. It looks very well decorated, and the carved wallpaper is made of exquisite materials, but it is empty. There is no decent furniture on the four walls of the house. There is only a tatami mat in the corner, which is somewhat messy. Throwing a quilt, the furnishings of the entire room formed a sharp contrast with the elegant decoration.

The camera was blank for a long time, and when Jin Wenling and Wan Beile were getting a little impatient, the camera suddenly trembled, and a thin white finger appeared at the very edge, obviously someone was adjusting it. This lens should look like a detachable camera on a desktop computer.

Soon, a young girl's face appeared in the camera lens. There was still a little childishness in the sweetness. She looked like she was in her early 20s. It might be because of a woman's nature to love beauty. After she adjusted the camera, she still Facing the camera, he slightly raised his hand to touch the broken hair on his sideburns, making the high ponytail hairstyle look more clean and tidy.

"I've been at my uncle's house for several days, and the days are not what I imagined."

Without any warning, the girl started talking to the camera, her voice was as clean and sweet as her appearance, showing her youthful vigor everywhere.

"The people here are not as kind as they said on the phone, they are all cold, not bad for me, but everyone is a little hypocritical.

I agreed to take me to visit the university, but it has been several days, let alone going out, even when I walked out of the room, people stared at me. Am I a conspiracy theory?This house is really weird..."

Speaking of this, there was a knock on the door outside the camera, the girl was obviously taken aback, and quickly turned off the computer monitor.

Immediately afterwards, for a long period of time, there were only voices speaking, but no images.It was the voice of two women talking, one of them was a young girl just now, and the other, judging from the voice, should be a middle-aged woman.

"Auntie, why is the network still not fixed? I can't connect to the Internet all the time."

"Wait a minute, the United States is not as convenient as China. You can come to your door with just a phone call. This is your uncle's vacation villa. The land is sparsely populated. If you want someone to repair it, you have to make an appointment in advance and queue up. It should be the nearest OK."

"Oh...then when can I get my calling card?"

"It's all being processed. Your uncle is still trying to figure out your visa and nationality issues. Once you have a social security card, everything will be easy to handle."

"But I want to contact my mother. We haven't called since we arrived in the United States."

"Isn't there a time difference in China? Your mother has called several times, but you are sleeping. We have greeted you, and she is very relieved. Don't worry, all these things will be done in a few days." Well, you have just arrived here, you should rest enough to adjust the jet lag first, and after the formalities are completed, your uncle and I will take you to see the university."

The girl was silent for a while, and had no choice but to say "um", and then there was the sound of locking the door.The video didn't continue to be opened, maybe the girl had completely forgotten about it, and there was a rustling sound after a while, it should be that the girl was changing clothes and getting ready to rest.

The video file continued to run in the darkness, but only the slight breathing of the girl after she fell asleep could be heard. The gap in between was long, like several hours.

"Mimi, what is this little girl doing? I don't know how to turn off the video when I'm asleep. Let's go in and have a look. I'm so sleepy hearing her voice."

Wan Baylor didn't have the patience to wait, so he just pressed fast forward.

Fast-forward for about two or three hours, and suddenly there was a girl's sharp exclamation in the video, followed by a very nervous gasp, which lasted for a while, and gradually calmed down, and then came the sound of drinking. The sound of water, obviously the girl had a nightmare, woke up from her sleep, and got up to drink water again at night.

Soon, the video was restored, and the girl on the screen was sleepy with tears still remaining in the corners of her eyes. It should be the nightmare that made her cry.

"what happened……"

The girl's eyes were a little empty, and she looked straight at the camera: "I never have nightmares, it's so scary, woo, I want to go home..."

The girl's eye circles were red again, probably because she was afraid of being heard by relatives in other rooms, she lowered her voice, hugged her arms, buried her face in her arms and began to sob.

After a while, she raised her head again, and after venting just now, she obviously felt much better. She picked up the paper on the table, took out a facial tissue to wipe away her tears, and reached out to turn off the camera.

This entire video has been edited, apparently the first one has come to an end.

Jin Wenling pressed the pause button and looked at Wan Baylor, as if asking for his opinion.Wan Baylor himself is from a famous family, and he has always heard and seen this kind of dispute between his sons and daughters. He frowned and said: "Mimi, you are from a royal family. This kind of thing is more than I have experienced. It may be I'm a bit of a conspiracy theory, I always feel that this girl is likely to be put under house arrest?"

Jin Wenling nodded: "I have the same feeling. Did you notice just now that the girl said that she never had a nightmare, but she became in a trance when she arrived at a relative's house. What's going on?"

"She was drugged."

"Hey! I'm so obedient!" Wan Baylor was frightened by Su Hang who suddenly appeared, and said something in the local dialect.

"Hey, hello to the empress." Suhang walked forward with a playful smile, and after obtaining Jin Wenling's consent, he played back a short section of the video just now. There happened to be a close-up shot of a girl, and he pointed to the girl's pupils .

"Here, look, the area around her pupils where there should be babyblue is pale green with gold dust. This is a typical symptom of mercury poisoning."

Suhang is a mirror demon. Since modern times, he is very familiar with the substance of mercury, and his words can be regarded as authoritative in this regard.

"A young girl who doesn't seem to be able to carry a load on her shoulders or carry a bag in her hands, what kind of objects will she come into contact with that will cause her to be poisoned by mercury? Unless..."

Jin Wenling glanced at Wan Baylor, and immediately thought of a possibility: "Unless she was poisoned."

"Poison?" Wan Baylor asked a little surprised.

"Doesn't she live in a relative's house? Although I have a slight persecution paranoia, it's nothing more than being tricked by a top relative. I often hear about cheating money and sex. It's a matter of life and death. Their family Are the relatives really going to do it?"

"Oh, what is this?" Jin Wenlin felt that it was not enough. In the royal family, such things were not uncommon, but he did not expect that in the modern society after many years, there would be people who were so mad.

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