"Sacrifice?" Wan Baylor stared curiously at the cows, sheep, chickens and ducks brought up by the villagers, there were about twenty of them, big and small, and scratched their curly hair a little embarrassedly.

"Hey, third brother, you also know that I have a big appetite, but these seem to be a bit too much."

Zhang San frowned and said, "Emma, ​​big brother, are you going to eat it yourself? I really want to blind a pair of titanium alloy dog ​​eyes. This is for Grandpa River God, here..."

He stretched out his finger and pointed to the deep pool of deep water that made people short of breath, and Wanbeile probed into it, but found nothing.That stagnant pool of water is beautiful, but there is a sadness like Wen Yiduo rippling in his heart.

I remember that when I was young, my grandfather took me to Tantai's house as a guest. At that time, Liu Guang seemed to be still studying abroad, and it was their old man who lived in the large compound located in the second ring road of the imperial capital.

Grandpa took him to play under the grape arbor for a while, and pointed to him, "Look, the pomegranate tree in the canopy fish tank, Mr. Fat Dog and Fat Girl, this is the house of the children of the old family in the imperial capital. You look at the fish tank, and it is full of flowers. The tea leaves are dark in color, and you can’t find them in ordinary places.”

The ink color of tea leaves has been soaked in water for many years before it becomes such an intoxicating tea color. If the color cannot be mixed or fired, it is the ups and downs of generations. The superimposed colors are like the pond today, which records how many vicissitudes of life have changed.

The concubine was playing the story of the pink writer, when she heard Zhang San's out-of-the-way accent and said: "I've asked the fellow villagers nearby, and it's said that the thing doesn't come out during the day, but only at night. Digestive food, oh, the scientific name is Baiyue."

"Yo ho, I dare to say that this big fish is quite provocative, not to mention digestive food, but also worshiping the moon. If you want me to say that the whole stomach must be cured, 1234, the stomach must be cured!"

Zhang San looked at him, glanced blankly, pointed to the fresh animals all over the ground and smiled, "Its stomach must be cured here, don't worry, give it a pot tonight." He said with a smile. He smiled darkly, and stretched out his hand to make a killing look.

Wan Baylor was terrified when he saw it, and he didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.I thought that this big brother co-authored is honest on the outside and treacherous on the inside?Can't complain that Zhang Tingshu is the kind of virtue in his ancestors, dare to feel that this thing is still inherited.

At this moment, the sun was shining brightly, and the water in the pool was quiet. Seeing that there was nothing to look forward to during the day, and the group of people were a little tired after the journey for the past few days. Hang emerged from the tent and ordered the assistant to unpack the bag and find something. It turned out that the Holy One had already stopped.

He looked back at Zhang San, with a piece of withered grass root dangling from his mouth, he was playing with an old yellow ox. The ox must have been used by nearby farmers for plowing, with a ring on its nose, lowered eyebrows, He looks very docile, but his reaction is slow, and he has already shown his old age.

Zhang San was not too dirty, he hugged the cow's neck very affectionately, took out a few pieces of fruit candies from his pocket and put them in his hands. The old cow smelled the sweetness, bent his head, and slowly Licking Zhang San's palm.

Wan Baylor looked at the harmonious pastoral scenery and felt warm in his heart. When he stabilized in the future, he also wanted to take his wife to find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to live in seclusion. From then on, the prince and the prince lived a shameless life.

As soon as he felt hot, he burrowed into Jin Wenling's tent.As soon as I opened the curtain, I saw Jin Wenling leaning on the sleeping bag in the posture of an Arabian oil prince, looking down at the iPad, while Suhang Wai on the side served tea and water, squeezed his shoulders and beat his legs.

Wan Baylor winked, Su Hang nodded cleverly, and went out in a hurry, only Jin Wenling and Wan Concubine were left in the tent.

Wan Baylor approached him and sat down next to Jin Wenling, but Mimi didn't even look at him, she was still staring at the iPad screen, as if she was looking at some information carefully. I was recruiting, and suddenly remembered a movie I watched with my grandfather when I was a child - "Burning the Old Summer Palace".

In the movie, how did that old lady Cixi hook up with Shengshang when she was not favored?Have!Wan Belle coughed lightly, cleared his throat, and sang angrily: In that distant place,

There is a nice girl.

People passed her tent,

They all have to look back and look nostalgic.

I would like to be a lamb,

Follow her.

I wish she had a thin whip,

Keep hitting me lightly.

This time, she really succeeded in attracting the attention of the Holy Majesty. Jin Wenling dropped the iPad and looked up at Wan Baylor: "What, do you want to be whipped?"

The concubine was agitated, she waved her hands quickly, and rolled into Jin Wenling's arms: "Hey, my concubine has delicate skin and tender flesh, how can the majesty be willing?"

Jin Wenling laughed, and didn't avoid him, he reached out and touched Wan Baylor's waist, the latter was like a big dog whose neck was touched by its owner, its whole body softened from comfort, lying on the sleeping bag very relaxed Ask for petting.

Jin Wenling's fingers drew a circle on Wan Baylor's waist, pressed a place and said, "I used to use the whip a lot in the inner palace, and the waists of the servants are this place..." He pressed hard He pressed Qianbaile's waist, causing him to bounce.

"...you have to prepare a whip yourself, and it must be the kind that will bruise your skin if you whip it down." Jin Wenling narrowed her eyes and said, as if those severe punishments had nothing to do with her.

"They are specially used to spread rafts for me. When they don't care about it, if they meet any servant, they will whip the whip on his waist a few times. If there is no blood, he will die."

When Jin Wenling told this story, she looked at the concubine playfully: "How about it, do you still want to be whipped?"

Wan Baylor swallowed her saliva, and said in her heart that she didn't expect her mimi to be a shiver...

"Think about it, but..." The boy's face flushed red: "Everything else is easy to discuss, I'm not from the palace!"


As the moon rose and the sun set, Wan Baylor finished his bedtime service and woke up. Seeing that Mimi was still asleep beside him, he couldn't help kissing him on the face a few times, then reached into his sleeping bag and rubbed. Jin Wenling hummed a few times, but still didn't wake up, it seemed that she was really exhausted.

The concubine stretched contentedly and crawled out of the sleeping bag, remembering what Zhang San said during the day, and guessing that she would do it in a while, Yigulu got up from the ground, gently opened the sleeping bag and went out, On the other hand, the door curtain was drawn from the outside.

The cows and sheep were still scattered freely on the withered grass by the bank of Tianchi Lake. It was almost night now, and they were huddling together in twos and threes to keep warm. Zhang San, the farmer brother, did not go into the tent to rest like the others. Just sitting by the old scalper that was fed at noon, like an ancient shepherd boy, leisurely and leisurely.

Wan Belle walked towards him, and in the darkness, he couldn't tell whether he was asleep or awake. Suddenly, in the hazy night, Zhang San grinned, revealing a mouthful of small white teeth.

Wan Beile thought that the teeth are really white, could it be that this big brother has Zambian blood?He walked up to him and laughed, "Why don't you go into the tent? Isn't it cold outside?"

Zhang San touched the old scalper beside him, and let out a slight sigh: "Stay with this old man." The old scalper was lying on the nest dejectedly, but now he seemed to feel Zhang San's touch, "Moo Moo " cried a few times, and arched Zhang San's arm with his head.

Wan Baylor looked at the harmony between man and nature in front of him, and said in his heart that he really deserves to be a farmer brother who has such love for animals.Just thinking about it, I saw Zhang San jumping up from the old scalper with a carp, grabbed the horns of the scalper as soon as he turned around, and with the strength of his arms, he turned the whole scalper over at once height.

The old scalper seemed to be stunned by the sudden change, with its hooves pointing up and not daring to struggle, its hooves shrunk back as if showing weakness, presenting a funny and sad state.

Wan Baylor's reaction at this time was similar to that of the old scalper, looking at Zhang San in a daze, wondering why the young man who was still tender and affectionate just now became fierce and fierce in a blink of an eye.

"What are you doing in a daze, come up and help!" Zhang San looked at Wan Baylor who was standing there, and shook his jaw.

"Oh..." Wan Baylor came back to his senses now, and walked forward a few steps, but couldn't make a move, so he could only ask, "Gaha?"

Zhang San was obviously impatient, so he asked Wan Baylor to take over and hold down the horn, his hands were free, and he bent down and took out a sharp knife from the waist of his engineering boots!Under the cover of the hazy moonlight, the blade shone with a sharp luster, obviously very sharp.

Unambiguously, he grasped the two hind hooves of the old scalper with one hand, and swiped from bottom to top. Wherever the blade passed, the entire cavity of the scalper was cut open alive!

The old scalper's body paused for a moment, and immediately twitched in pain, writhing violently, and almost threw Wan Baylor, who hadn't recovered, from the horns.

Fortunately, he has the power of the ghost seal, not to mention an old scalper, even a section of the EMU can't beat him. Now that he realized it, he quickly pressed down the bull's head, it's not that he is cruel by nature It's just that if he relaxes now, he may be picked to death by the bull's horns.

When Zhang San saw this, he let out a very relaxed laugh: "Okay, big brother, talk so hard." Wan Baylor cursed inwardly. home buddy.

Under the moonlight, the silly, sweet and kind expression on Zhang San's face disappeared, replaced by an almost animal indifference. He watched the old scalper's painful struggle from the sidelines, without any trace of compassion color.

Suddenly, Zhang San conjured a bag of powder-like things out of nowhere. He stretched out his hand and tore off the sealing strip on the pocket, and sprinkled the bag of lime-like substances into the old scalper separated by the blade. inside the wound.

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