[SD Doujin] Light Blue Summer

Chapter 46 vol.44 Hopeless Fall V

At six o'clock in the morning, the alarm clock rang on time.

The eardrums were still hurting, I sat up from the bed with difficulty, rubbed my head, and turned off the alarm clock, the room became quiet for a moment, maybe the repeated lyrics from last night fell into my mind, I jumped off the bed and looked at it , The breeze outside the window is warm, and the light of the distant sun slowly penetrates into the house.

Looking at the mess on the floor, I still feel that my heart is getting heavier and heavier, and the panic and fear in my heart have been multiplied countless times. When I put on my uniform and look at myself in front of the mirror, my eyes are dull and lifeless, and the whole person looks at me. Waking up in a daze, dragging my overwhelmed body and mood, I walked out the door slowly, and the moment I walked up to the door, I looked up and saw Rukawa leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.

It must have caused him a lot of trouble...

Thinking of this, I patted my face lightly, trying to make myself look the same as usual, and tried my best to pretend that I was safe and sound. The moment I walked forward, I found his eyes suddenly opened, as if implying With many emotions, he looked at me motionlessly.


"Told you many times! Don't say useless things to me, five points will be deducted for this point! Don't think about other things or sleep while waiting for me, this point will be deducted ten points! But it's rare for you to get up early to be with me For the sake of going to school, add [-] points! Okay, let's go there quickly, I haven't eaten since yesterday and I'm starving to death!"

I blurted out, and before he could react, I ran to the elevator and pressed the button, then turned around and waved at him with an infinitely enlarged smile, watching Rukawa walk by, from the moment we went downstairs until we separated Before going to the gym for training, I kept looking for topics, from the just-concluded Xiangyang game to my thoughts and predictions for the next finals week, I couldn't stop for a second.He didn't seem to notice my strangeness either, he just walked beside me, silently listening to my illogical nonsense.


He stood in front of the activity building and suddenly spoke.

"Yes, yes, then you go to training, I'm going to the restaurant, see you during lunch break!"

It wasn't until the moment I couldn't see Rukawa that I leaned my back against the wall and sighed. The air in the morning was thick like a layer of thick fog that couldn't be melted away. The peace of last night turned into a vain mirage. Looking back now, everything The relief is just my self-deception, this warm family relationship has nothing to do with me.I pushed open the back door of the classroom, went back to my seat and lay down on the table weakly, closed my eyes dejectedly, and fell asleep with my schoolbag on my head.

"Hey, Ayu! It's so early, you didn't even see Hanamichi at the school gate today..."

In just a few minutes, Yangping's voice came from my ears, and I slowly opened my eyes. He seemed to have noticed my strangeness, and sat on his seat and looked at me with his chin propped up.

"What happened? You don't seem to be in good spirits." She lowered her voice, but spoke directly.

I slowly woke up from the drowsiness, and shook my head at him, afraid of being seen more strange, so I simply buried my head between my arms. He saw that I really couldn't cheer up, so he didn't insist anymore. I stood up, and came back not long after, and put the convenience bag on my desk.

Seeing that I still didn't look up, Yohei simply walked up to me and asked, "Ayu, get up and have breakfast, I bought it for you."

"Thanks, I really have no appetite."

"No matter what happens, you must at least be responsible for your own body, you will soon be unable to bear it like this."

He was still kindly persuading in my ear, I raised my head and shook my head dejectedly, then lowered it again, all the senses in my body seemed to have lost consciousness, only the memories kept rolling back and forth. The scene of scratching my arm mercilessly turned into his earnest instruction when I got the postcard from my father, just like a person who died in the sea suddenly saw a floating plank, I slowly opened my eyes.

The air is stagnant, time stops, and in the silent time and space, I think of those few postcards. I have never noticed the contact information of my father's work unit on the back, the only contact information. Thinking of this, an inexplicable force Filling my whole body, the feeling of wanting to cry to my father immediately surged out countless times. I only have my father as a relative... Thinking about it this way, it seems like a star that has been covered by dark clouds for too long and has finally regained its brilliance When the curtain came up, I couldn't wait to raise my head, and stood up suddenly, startling Yohei who was sitting in front.

"Thank you Yohei!"

I took the convenience bag, took out the wallet from my schoolbag, and ran out of the school gate. I stopped for a moment, walked into the convenience store, looked at the phone on the counter, reached over to pick up the receiver, and regained my faith. Mo Mo slowly pressed out the number that he had memorized countless times, and when he heard the melodious "beep-beep-" sound coming from the phone, the other clenched hand seemed to be sweating, and there was a lot of pain in his heart. Many thoughts still wandering in my heart.

At this time in China, it should be the working time over there. I am full of anticipation. I am looking forward to the familiar voice, the voice I have been missing all the time.


"Um, classmate, the number you dialed seems to be an abandoned number."

"The bell for your class has already rung, why don't you go back to class?"

"It's not...it's the time difference. This number is definitely usable."

After a long time, I heard my cold and astringent voice slowly sounding. Facing the surprised and questioning eyes of the clerk, I yelled at her regardless of my image.

"It's not an obsolete number! It's your phone that has a problem!"

"Please!" She angrily pushed me to the ground and vented her anger, "Please don't hinder our work like this! What a madman!"

I glared at me fiercely with anger still, I stood up in a panic, and slowly exited the convenience store, with a flustered smile, talking to myself on the way home.

"It's not a discarded phone, definitely, it must be a problem with the phone itself! I'm going home, maybe I misremembered the number, it's on the postcard my dad sent me, I want to go home, call home..."

Mumbling to myself, I can no longer see the pedestrians in front of me clearly, but I just stubbornly walk towards the road I know well. In the misty morning, the pace is slow and difficult.


I don't know how many times it was the dry mechanical sound that sounded in my ear.

I became more and more confused, and knelt down in the hallway. There were postcards scattered all over the floor. No matter which number I dialed, I always got the same reply.

Fluent in English, he reminded me without emotion that it was not my father on the other side of the phone.

"It must be because the signal is not good, haha, that's why I can't make calls. I want, I want to go to a place where I can make calls."

Reaching out to pull out the phone line, I hugged it in my arms, comforting myself like a child who couldn't get candy, "I have to go a little farther to make a call."

"Ah, I remembered, the closest place, the closest place to Dad."


This is a day that is not too sunny. Looking at the haze in the distance through the car window, people don't want to say much.Such an environment will always make people lazy. When I got off the tram, I held on to the phone tightly, and my perception of time and space gradually became weak, so I just dragged my body and walked towards the beach.

The sea is no longer as gentle or grand as it used to be, but has become calm and indifferent. The bitter sea breeze mixed with the piercing seawater rushes towards us. I didn’t see anyone else on the beach. The sea and sky line in the distance seemed to me to finally see something. He sat down and carefully picked up the phone and put it on his lap.

"Ah, Dad, you finally answered the phone."

This time, finally, there were no more disturbing beeps and mechanical automatic replies, and there was a dead silence over there, but I was even happier. Looking at the red palms from pulling out the thread, my tone became gentler. few.

"Father and mother won't come back. They haven't come back for a long time. Ayu called you because she had no choice. It's not because she hasn't grown up... Hey, I left the forest a long time ago. Ayu joined me when I was in junior high school. Basketball club! Because I met a boy who is very good at playing basketball! I like it? I don’t like it, Ayu’s heart is not big enough to like a nasty guy! I hope to stay forever as a friend By his side...it's true, it's absolutely true! Right now, I've always had long hair, because Ayu participated in the selection of magazine models and was selected! Mom and Dad saw it! When will I come back? ? Now Ayu doesn’t fight, and she’s trying to learn English and wants to go find her father and mother!…”

"Dad, why is Ayu the only one talking, why should Dad say something too!"

I don't know how long I talked, the clenched fists loosened and clenched again, and my eyes gradually became dull, but I still stubbornly held the phone receiver firmly in my hand and didn't let go.

"Dad, please say something to Dad... Ayu, Ayu has been missing you all the time, Ayu doesn't want to continue to be serious... What is it to live seriously, it's really tiring..."

He closed his eyes, shook his head, his body became limp little by little, tears fell drop by drop on the golden sand, and flowed silently through the wound in his heart.

"A, Ayu..."

It seemed that someone was calling my name. I was stunned for a while, and silently raised the earpiece close to my ear. When the sun came down, it coated the black earpiece with layers of golden light, giving off a dazzling halo.


"it's me."

Turning back tremblingly, I seemed to have fallen into a cold silence, time frozen in mid-air, shattered into embarrassment.

"How could it be, how come you are the senior of Xiandao again..."

The person standing behind me against the light seemed to have lost that smile on his face, replaced by one who lowered his head in contemplation and seemed unable to get out no matter what.

"If you have anything to say, can you tell me?" He looked at my panic, and smiled slightly: "It's still hard to say it? For you, rejection is much harder than acceptance, isn't it?"

Seemingly flattered, disappointment crept up the corners of his mouth, and his smile became bitter: "I really hope it's my own random thoughts, but you are so good at hiding your expression, every time I see you, it will always turn into something I don't like. You seem to understand. Which one is the real Ayu?"

His shadow lies between us, witnessing the turbulent silence at this moment.

The author has something to say: The rest are all fairy tales, so don't be suspicious...

This chapter feels really bad when I write it... No. 1 said that I almost scratched my hair... On the contrary, the third person wrote it all at once--

If I have a chance in the future, I will revise this chapter wwww

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