Since she won't be exposed, Chu Yao doesn't plan to stay in this town anymore.Let’s not say that Xie Yi is here, she can’t do anything to those people, secondly, after these people have experienced these things, they are more vigilant towards zombies, understand the points of attention when becoming zombies, and then want to let zombies in this town It is impossible to develop and grow here.The rampant zombies in the last days lie in their suddenness and large scale, which makes people not strong enough to fight against so many zombies.Now the situation is completely reversed. I am afraid that at most one or two zombies will be killed by people collectively as soon as they appear, and there is no possibility of spreading.The only way is for Chu Yao to go to other places to expand the scale of zombies, and then slowly eat away at humans.Even someone as powerful as Xie Yi would be outnumbered and slowly consumed to death.

Moreover, in order not to cause similar things to happen again, Chu Yao planned to transform wild animals such as tigers and wild leopards into zombies first.Although this type of zombie will not evolve into an advanced zombie, it is much better than ordinary human zombies who can only walk slowly like a tortoise and have stiff limbs in the early stage.Moreover, their lethality is generally higher than that of human zombies, and their speed is fast, which is a powerful boost.Moreover, animals don't 'leave secrets', they don't tell others who bit their partners, so the almost exposed identity won't happen this time.

So, Chu Yao didn't care about those rioting humans anymore, turned around and walked towards the forest.She's hungry, she's going to eat.Human beings can't eat anymore, so she goes to eat some animals.Although the quality of the meat is definitely not as delicious as that of humans, but now she can only make do with it. She really can't expose it until the scale of the zombies expands.

Stop and go along the way, catch some rabbits to eat by the way.Chu Yao originally wanted to be a zombie, but seeing the small and cute rabbit in her hand, she gave up.It's not that I can't bear it, but looking at the rabbit's small teeth and such short limbs, even if it becomes a zombie, it will not have any attack power.And if you expose yourself because of the zombie rabbit, it will really be worth the loss.Chu Yao thought about it, put the rabbit to her mouth, and swallowed it bit by bit.As for why Chu Yao didn't catch some lions and wild leopards as she had imagined before, first, she didn't see them for the time being.Second, catching a rabbit is enough to run away, but she can also catch a lion and a wild leopard?The fastest speed of a zombie is just the speed of an ordinary human running. Can you expect a person to outrun a beast?

etc!Look what she thinks of!Lions and wild leopards, why are there no such zombies at the end of the day, only zombie dogs and zombie birds at most?Where did these animals that didn't turn into zombies go?If there were these zombies, humans would have been conquered by them long ago.For the crowd hiding behind the iron fence, use zombie elephants to knock them away.For the crowd hiding on tall buildings, use zombie giraffes to directly attack.For the fleeing crowd by car, use zombie leopards to chase and intercept them directly.For those hiding in impenetrable fortresses, use zombie moles to dig passages directly.If it could be done like this, humans would be extinct long ago.But the problem is that there are no such zombies at all. Why?This is a serious question!

Chu Yao lowered her head and thought, could it be that these animals have relatively strong resistance, and the virus of zombies is useless to them?Or were they aware of it early in the morning and fled to some safe place?Chu Yao thinks that the second situation is more likely. After all, she has never seen other animal zombies except zombie dogs and zombie birds, nor have they seen their corpses.And if it was the first type, it would have dealt a huge blow to her.Could it be that she was an animal zombie and went out of her way to catch a bird and steal a dog?She can't catch the former, and the latter is easy to expose.It is too much trouble.

In order to prove her guess, Chu Yao caught a few more rabbits, killed them cruelly, and then quietly waited for their changes.

A while passed, and the dead rabbit did not change...

Another moment passed, and the dead rabbit still remained unchanged...

After a while, the dead rabbit still hasn't changed...

Could it be that she was really asked to catch birds and steal dogs?Chu Yao angrily threw the rabbit to the ground, but she didn't believe it, she couldn't turn these animals into zombies!If the rabbit doesn't work, then do something else.Since you can't catch those who run fast, let them throw themselves into the trap.

Chu Yao grabbed several rabbits again, killed them all, and then let out the blood.With such a strong smell of blood, she couldn't believe that it couldn't attract a carnivore!To be on the safe side, Chu Yao cut her own hand and poured blood full of zombie poison on it.As long as those carnivorous animals dare to eat them, she doesn't believe that they can't turn into zombies!

To be on the safe side, Chu Yao ran to a distant place and did not come back until the evening of the next day.However, looking at the unchanged 'crime scene', Chu Yao became a little irritable.Why are these not eaten by animals!Are those animals so sensitive?Chu Yao didn't believe in evil, so she killed a few more animals and bled them, and when she came back to see them the next day, there were still no animals to eat.Still doing the same thing on the third day, still no animal ate those rabbits.

Looking at the rabbit carcasses and blood all over the floor, Chu Yao had a strange idea—could it be that the carnivorous animals here still eat cooked food?

Bing tried every method, Chu Yao hastily cleaned up the blood-stained ground, picked up some branches and dry firewood, carried the mutilated rabbits, and prepared to have a barbecue.There was no lighter, no matches, and Chu Yao didn't know how to start a fire.Originally, she wanted to go to a human place to get some fire, but looking at her clothes stained with blood from killing rabbits in the past few days, Chu Yao gave up.

Finally, Chu Yao decided to use the method of drilling wood to make fire. Put a piece of wood on the ground, spread some hay on it, and use the sharper part of another piece of wood to rotate and rub on it.However, I don’t know if the method is wrong or for other reasons. The piece of wood placed on the ground was almost cut through and no sparks came out. Just when Chu Yao was about to give up lighting a fire to roast the rabbit, a bone joint , a slender white hand appeared in front of her.

"If you want to start a fire, flint and steel are more convenient."

Chu Yao raised her head abruptly, and saw the spotless man still wearing a wooden mask and wearing a white armor suit.Isn't this the Xie Yi who made her so painful that she almost committed suicide by cutting off her head!

The author has something to say:

I forgot where I saw it, the last number of a mobile phone number reflects a person's personality, mine is 6, and it says 6 is 'against humanity'.What do you think?

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