The prince told the sixth and seventh princes to wait first.He asked Liufu to greet the fourth prince, and said to the sixth and seventh princes: "If you two really know that you are wrong, after a while, your fourth brother will come over and pour wine for your fourth brother. Your fourth brother forgives you, I will take your wine, and Gu here will no longer insist, and I will ask you to kneel and worship the first hall every day. The punishment is also to make you realize your mistakes."

The sixth prince and the seventh prince hurriedly saluted and said in unison: "Thank you, prince."

When the little servant behind the prince heard this, he hurried to fetch sweet wine and wine cups.At this time, the fifth prince also dragged the third prince over by pulling his sleeves.Both of them were very embarrassed.After the two saluted the prince, they tweaked this and said: "Prince, we were wrong, and we will never bully the fourth brother/fourth brother again."

The prince nodded and said what he said again.

Liufu went to invite the fourth prince, and as soon as he told the prince what he wanted, the fourth prince immediately followed Liufu.When he came over, he gave a big gift to the prince, and the prince was so panicked that he hurried to help him.

He helped the fourth prince up, and said gently: "Fourth brother, we are all brothers, you don't have to do this, and do such a great gift to Gu Gu every time."

The fourth prince said gratefully: "My brother, thank you, His Royal Highness."

The crown prince shook his head, "You don't need to thank Gu, thank you father. It was the father who asked Gu to go to the study to see how you have learned." The prince pointed to the four brothers standing there and said, "They want to pour wine for you and admit your mistakes. , I promise I won’t do anything wrong in the future. Fourth brother, can you forgive them?”

The sixth child has grown a lot in the past six months.He took the lead in saluting to the fourth prince, and admitted his mistake very sincerely: "Fourth brother, my younger brother used to be young and ignorant, please forgive me. If my younger brother commits a mess again, he will double kneel down to worship the first hall."

He picked up a wine cup from the plate held by the waiter at the side, and gave it to the Fourth Prince with both hands.

The fourth prince looked at the prince with a smile, and his heart was clear, and he understood what the prince meant, that he wanted to forgive these brothers.He pursed his lips, nodded, took the liqueur from the sixth prince's hand, and drank it down.

Someone took the lead, and the three princes also readily admitted their mistakes, toasted, and asked the fourth prince to forgive.The fourth prince took all the sweet wines and drank them all.

Seeing that the fourth prince drank so much sweet wine, the prince immediately ordered Liu Fu, "Liu Fu, you support the fourth prince and sit here for a while. You guys, since you have been forgiven by the fourth prince, you must always remember that brothers and sisters are respectful and respectful." , there is no need to go to Fengxian Hall again. If you make a mess in the future, you will be punished twice."

The four hurriedly expressed that they would never mess up again, and the prince sent Liu Fu to accompany them to the saint's place.

The sage, Prince Fu, and Prince Ning watched as the prince sent someone to invite the fourth prince to come over.

Prince Fu said: "The sage taught well, and the prince is thorough in his work."

Prince Ning also echoed a few words, the saint was overjoyed, but his mouth was still humble.

"The prince is still young and still needs to be experienced."

When he saw those princes toasting the four princes respectively, the sage praised: "Well, this is a good way for the prince to toast and apologize. This kind of admission is decent."

I also received a few words of flattery from Prince Fu and Prince Ning.

Liufu sent several princes over and told what the prince wanted.The sage first put on a straight face and said: "Your brother is kind-hearted and soft-hearted. As long as you admit your mistakes, you will be spared. But you must not ignore this matter just because the crown prince spared you. You must remember the crown prince My friendship to you. I will not do it again in the future.”

The four quickly agreed.

Only then did the sage relax his face, and then said: "With your uncle and uncle interceding, the crown prince also forgives you, and the fourth child also forgives you. From now on, you don't have to kneel in Fengxian Hall."

The four of them were overjoyed, finally they didn't have to go to Fengxian Hall to kneel for an hour every day.If it weren't for the presence of the saint, these princes would have cheered.

The four saluted the sage, Prince Fu and Prince Ning again, happily led and dragged each other, and went back to their seats.

The sage looked at the happy sons, sat together, respected each other with sweet wine, and said in his heart, "This is just like the Chinese New Year."

The fourth prince sat down behind the crown prince. Prince Fu's son and Prince Ning's son are both more than ten years older than him, and they had nothing to do with the fourth prince in the past; and these two are still the eldest sons, and they don't pay attention to the concubines. .After the two saluted the fourth prince, they ignored the transparent prince in this clan.The two turned around and continued chatting and laughing with the prince, appearing very affectionate.

The crown prince said a few words to the two princes and sons, and then turned around to greet the fourth prince, so that Liu Fu could take care of his service, and then turned back to continue chatting with the two cousins.

Many years later, the fourth prince remembered his past, and what he remembered most was the few words the prince said to him when he turned around.What I remember most is the eyebrows and expressions of the prince when he spoke.

It was not too late for the palace banquet to end, the sage only left the prince to keep watch with him, and sent everyone else back.I have to get up early tomorrow morning to celebrate the New Year.

"Chengxian, the fourth child looks okay now?"

"pretty good."

The crown prince knew where the saint's heart lies. If this father was really cold-hearted, he would be fine if he knew that his son was being bullied by others.The problem is that this is a saint who wants to be a high-ranking saint. If something like this happens, if I dare to say that the fourth prince has any shadows, it's not because of the New Year, and it will not be fun for the saint.

"Father, the fourth child is still young, without the guidance and care of the mother and concubine, and the servants around him are not capable, so they will inevitably shrink back. After a few years, they will be able to help the father with errands. It will get better naturally."

"Hey, it's said that the fourth child has no concubine to take care of her, isn't it the same for the sixth child now?!"

The prince was very upset when he was blocked by the sage's far-fetched association.Why did the sixth prince lose his concubine mother and the second prince to take care of him? Didn't concubine Hui, mother and son, commit suicide by themselves? !

"Should I ask my eldest sister to take care of her?"

"No, your eldest sister is also out of her mind. The second child can do whatever she is asked to do. Hmph, I will drop to the Zheng family and change to another family. They don't need her."

The question on the prince's face clearly showed his thoughts.Now that the Zheng family is relying on the Queen Mother, they dare not refuse the Princess' descent. Could it be that there is something hidden in this? !

The saint hesitated for a long time, looking at the prince with clear eyes, he wanted to be the empress dowager—the elder, the deceased, the venerable, and hide the old things of the year, but think about the prince's character, pure benevolence, alas , these private things, the Taifu will not teach, then Jia Amnesty probably has the same temperament as him.

Teach yourself!

Otherwise, you will suffer in the future, and you don’t know how you fell.

The sage told the prince in detail about the past events between the empress dowager and the holy grandfather.

Then, he looked at the prince's mouth that couldn't close, and taught him a lesson: "Chengxian, this matter should have been hidden by the empress dowager. You shouldn't have told it to you. But you always think of people in a good way." Let me tell you, I don't want you to have the idea of ​​harming others, but you have to be defensive. As for the situation at that time, if the empress dowager did not fight, and the emperor Daxing was the son of the empress of the Yuan Dynasty, as long as the courtiers were slightly righteous A little bit, I am afraid that everyone will support the son of the empress of the Yuan Dynasty as the prince. Therefore, when the holy ancestor wanted to abolish the empress, the empress dowager knew about it, so she took action first."

The prince nodded, indicating that he understood.As long as the Holy Grandpa moved his mind and the servants below grasped the Holy Will, no matter how strict the Empress Dowager looked at it, no matter how old the Emperor Daxing was at that time, there really might not be a chance to become an adult.I'm not afraid that the empress dowager will lose her only son-in-law, so she won't make foolish or wrong moves.After that, the matter of abolishing the queen will be much easier.Even if the empress dowager did not make mistakes, the emperor Daxing died first, and the empress dowager had no obstacles.

But on the other hand, the Empress Dowager struck first, killing Concubine Chen's youngest son—the Holy Grandpa lost the driving force to establish a prince and depose a queen.

The empress dowager used this method of drawing salary from the bottom of the pot really cleverly.The prince admired it very much!

Concubine Chen has no children, so what can Concubine Chong do?

The prince was thinking darkly - the empress dowager saw the holy grandfather, smothered the concubine Chen to death, and then followed the concubine Chen...Maybe, she would be secretly happy in her heart.

But he thought about this in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it.

"The Empress Dowager is also trying to protect herself. Now, there is no trace of Nanny Xin who provoked Concubine Hui. I just wonder if Nanny Xin is old with Concubine Chen."

"At Nanny Xin's age? Shouldn't she be old with Concubine Chen?"

"It's the best if you have an old relationship with Concubine Chen. If you don't have an old relationship with Concubine Chen, you can't find a single person, and you don't know who is behind the scenes, that's the most terrible thing."

On New Year's Eve, the royal father and son were talking about the old things in the court that should have been forgotten. The prince got up and changed the saint for a cup of hot water.

"Father, I understand what you mean. Don't worry, I will be more careful."

"You let the Shi family take care of the grandson. This time it is the ancestors' blessing. Fortunately, the little suckling pig is safe. Don't give it to others in the future, and save it to take advantage of it. Everyone in the palace, except me, you Husband and wife should not trust others and hand over their children to anyone."

"Yes." The prince felt the sage's love for his grandson, he stood with his hands tied, and respectfully agreed.

"It's time to pay the time, you go back, you have to get up early tomorrow."

The prince bowed to the saint, and first congratulated the saint on good luck this spring.

The sage said with a smile, "Only at dawn can you get rewards. Go back quickly, and you can still squint for a while."

Then the sage ordered Wei Jiu to send the prince out.

The prince hurried back to the East Palace with his people, washed up a bit, and fell asleep in the study.

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