God!Didn't Mr White faint in class yesterday?I hope TutorXie can take a few more lessons, Amen. "As he spoke, he drew a sign of the cross on his chest.

◆◇Lesson [-]

In the face of the noise and noise in the classroom, the students talked a lot.

Xie Yuchen ignored it and went straight to the podium, took out the lesson plans and experiment records left by MrWhite from the folder, and carefully flipped through two pages to check the teaching progress of this class.

Then, Xie Yuchen bent down and reached out to take out a pair of disposable plastic white gloves from the drawer of the podium.First rolled up the sleeves of the coat twice to the elbows, and then put on the gloves.The gloves are made of rubber, and it is inevitable that they will be sticky when you put them on. Xie Yuchen put the gloves on one by one in order, gently slipping them between the fingers, and pulling them tightly without leaving any gaps.

Then Xie Yuchen asked two male students who were already in his class to carry the experimental textbooks into the classroom and move them to the iron table below.Before leaving, the two boys smiled and said to the juniors and juniors in the classroom, "Goodlucky."

This move made the students in the classroom feel a little panicked.good luck?What luck.What was brought in? It was quite large. The previous experimental textbooks were all models of pig hearts, pig livers, or human body parts.Could it be the whole pig this time?I don't know what big moves Xie Yuchen is going to make.

Xie Yuchen closed the door of the classroom, walked to the iron table below, clapped his hands, and asked the students to gather around. "MrWhite asked for leave today, and I will take over the class. After talking on paper for so long, it's time to go for a walk. Let's have breakfast. Otherwise, there may be nothing to vomit later." Li Hua, who was standing next to him, was shocked when he heard this. Withdrew the heart that wanted to show off in front of him.Li Hua glanced back half a step, lowered his sense of existence, and smiled stiffly, the thick powder on his face kept falling down, sticking to the dark coat, which was particularly obvious.

"Well, class is starting now. Let's test your level in 15 minutes first. The girl in the back, the one with the ponytail. Don't lower your head, come up!" Xie Yuchen raised his eyebrows, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and stretched out his hand' Swipe and pull' to remove the white cloth on the teaching material neatly.Obviously it is a very handsome movement, with the addition of white cloth, white gloves, and slender fingers, it is a bit like the feeling of a magician performing his latest work, so it should look surprisingly beautiful.But there was a discordant voice. A boy turned pale and stood leaning against the wall. The sound of vomiting followed.

"I can't take it like this? This corpse is very complete." Xie Yuchen glanced at the retching boy without changing his face, probably because he was used to seeing these students vomit, and then put a new pair of gloves and a measuring tape Pass it to the girl who gossips about him. "Go and tell me the basic information."

The girl took a deep breath, and muttered in a low voice, "The wind is rustling and the water is cold, I'm leaving..." Then she bit her lip and walked forward to pick up the things, tidy up, and put the last layer of plastic on the corpse The membrane is uncovered.

The time of death, the length of the body, the estimated age, the area of ​​the wound... After measuring each item, the girl was orderly and did not embarrass the students of the hospital, and Xie Yuchen's eyes of appreciation also increased.This made Li Hua, who had always had a crush on Xie Yuchen, grieve his teeth with hatred, but he didn't have the strength and courage to recommend himself to the stage and comment on the corpse.

At the end, Xie Yuchen pointed out a few mistakes in a timely manner, and added a comment if he pointed out, "If you focus more on your studies, you will achieve something."

Afterwards, the class officially started. Combining the theoretical knowledge in the book with this rare experimental textbook, Xie Yuchen taught vividly, and the students vomited enough.

The course of more than three hours made the students feel as if they had spent three lifetimes and walked three reincarnations in heaven and hell. This day is destined to be unforgettable for them all their lives.

At the end of the show, everyone thought it was over, and planned to watch Xie Yuchen go out. No matter what, we had to wait for MrWhite to come back tomorrow, and it would be another happy day.Unexpectedly, just before closing the door, Xie Yuchen turned around and said something that made the whole class shudder. "You guys are so poor in psychology, don't go to the library to study on your own tonight, I'll take you to the morgue of the hospital."

After listening to this passage, some students could no longer control their collapsed emotions, foaming at the mouth, tears streaming from the corners of their eyes, unable to speak of their suffering.When I was admitted to this major, I had already expected the compulsory anatomy, and I knew the bloody or disgusting anatomy.But it just didn't count that there was Xie Yuchen in the forensic hospital, and I didn't expect Xie Yuchen, a teacher, to teach so vividly, so vividly that people felt that he was the defenseless corpse under his knife. Cut you open mercilessly, and tell you that the yellow part is subcutaneous fat, this one is an artery and that one is a vein.

Allowing students to be on the scene can learn quickly and absorb more knowledge in a short period of time, but it does not seem to be applicable in this anatomy class.If you don't pay attention, you will scare some timid students to death.If something really happened that day, and someone died suddenly from fright, there might be another teaching material in the laboratory.

After repairing the group of little shrimps whose heads just leaned into the door and didn't fully step in.Xie Yuchen was thinking about how to torture them tonight.

Xie Yuchen took out the phone from his coat pocket, found the phone number of the familiar hospital, and dialed it, "Hi, I want to make an appointment for the morgue tonight. There should be a corpse... Yes, take the students there to watch the night. I hope you can Arrange as soon as possible."

You really have no jokes.The squad leader vomited half to death in class, rubbed his limp legs and went into the men's room to wash his face. As soon as he came out, he listened to the phone call between Xie Yuchen and the hospital. In a short while, he even booked a few corpses for the schedule.Thinking of dancing with corpses tonight, the squad leader's legs began to feel weak again, and finally he was half-dragged by his classmates into the toilet and continued to vomit. He probably vomited up all the supper last night.

"Squad leader, the seniors came here in the same way. I remember when I first entered the school, the substitute senior told me their stories." In the toilet, the students patted the monitor on the back to make him feel less disgusted. Talking about the jokes that the brothers said to divert the squad leader's attention. "Brother was also like this in the first practical class at that time. It was exaggerated to see the network cables tied together in the dormitory. It could be associated with the intestines stuffed back into the stomach by the teacher, and he could vomit when facing the network cables. Then he was alive and kicking Yes, oh, this is what that senior brother told me in China while eating radish and beef offal, and he poked the large intestine of the beef when he said it, and it tasted delicious."

"The major I chose, I have to finish it even if I vomit." The class leader stood up and nodded firmly to his embarrassed self in the mirror.

◆◇Potato chips, do you want some?

After repairing the group of newcomers, thinking that he would continue to torture them tonight, Xie Yuchen didn't even go to the office, and drove back to the apartment directly.

It sounds like an apartment, but it's actually just a small rented attic.The landlord is an old lady in her 70s. When Xie Yuchen came back, she was half lying on the fabric sofa in the living room, knitting a sweater, with warm black tea in her hand, "Hey, you are back, my child! Put on some clothes." The old lady raised her reading glasses on the bridge of her nose, and pinned her loose white hair behind her ears.

"GoodafternoonMrsSwite, I'm going back to my room first." Xie Yuchen nodded, changed his boots, and went up the stairs.Xie Yuchen walked very lightly, walking on the old-fashioned wooden stairs that creaked almost without sound, only a thin layer of wall dust was scraped off.

Xie Yuchen mixed the disinfectant solution and took a hot bath comfortably. He felt comfortable all over his body, and he never felt the sticky feeling after touching the corpse again.I dried my hair with a hair dryer, and it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.Xie Yuchen was too lazy to find something to eat, so he unpacked a box of chocolate biscuits sent by some Taohua, and solved his lunch problem just because he caught a cold.After eating, I cleaned up the rubbish, dragged a black box out from under the bed, and pasted the soundproof sponge on it before opening the NoteBook.The script that the screenwriter had just revised and sent was obediently lying in the mailbox waiting for favor.

The script is about an old-fashioned time-traveling danmei drama, rogue Gong x Xiaobai Shou, and little girls nowadays love to eat this set.The little Gong played by Xie Yuchen is called Zhen Baifeng in modern times, a name that looks literary and artistic, fresh and funny.Zhen Baifeng is a rich second generation, bullying men and women is not uncommon in modern times. One day, RP is not good, and he died of myocardial infarction on the bed.Then he went to the ancient brothel with his body and soul, and was forced by the bustard to dress up as a woman to pick up customers, and let the guest officials molested him.From the flamboyant young lady Zhen Baifeng to the charming oiran Begonia.This contrast is not so easy to play, and it is no wonder that no suitable dubbing has been found.There are also many scenes on the stage interspersed in the middle, such as Wu Nong's soft language and Beijing singing, which can test the cv skills.Of course, there are also many plots that Jie Yuhua, the Zihong CV, added after confirming the script. It seems that the screenwriter has put a lot of effort into this script.

Click on Wai Wai, and enter the Wai Wai channel given by the crew.Xie Yuchen was surprised to find that there were still people inside.

The one on the wheat is a purple horse, muttering there □□: "Why is it swollen? Why is it swollen? Are you kidding me, blind man? It's been 6 hours." There is another one on the public screen Typing.

[BG: You are summoning souls~]

[BG: Hey, Youhun has been recruited for you.Please soul speak up. 】

Xie Yuchen pressed F2 on the keyboard, "Why are you still here? It should be early morning over there

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