Take the buns to hunt ghosts

Chapter 76 Feminine Man

Xue Ziyao also looked at Di Hao in surprise, "Officer Di?"

Di Hao let go of Xue Ziyao, "Why are you here?"

"Uh..." Embarrassment flashed across Xue Ziyao's face, "I'm looking for someone."

Qiu Yuan and the others also rushed over at this time, it was very strange to see Xue Ziyao, Qiu Yuan asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Just as Xue Ziyao was about to answer, he heard an anxious voice behind him, "Senior!"

When Xue Ziyao turned his head, Yu Feng ran over from behind, panting, "Senior, are you okay?" He also observed Xue Ziyao carefully up and down.

Xue Ziyao said strangely, "I'm fine, Xiaofeng, I'm sorry, I..."

Yu Feng shook his head hastily, "It's my fault, I shouldn't run away willfully."

At this time, Xu Zihao had already explained to everyone that Yu Feng and Xue Ziyao came out of the City of Dreams, Di Hao looked at Xue Ziyao, "What do the women you have met look like?"

Xue Ziyao described the woman, "That woman is wearing a white dress, although she looks very delicate, but she always feels very... Well, it always feels a bit out of place to me, and I can't explain why, she He said he wanted to buy me a drink, but at that time Xiaofeng, uh... I gave a glass of wine to a lady and came out to look for Xiaofeng."

Shen Chonghuan thought for a while, and then said, "If that woman has a charming face, do you still think it's against the law?"

Xue Ziyao suddenly realized, "That's right, her face doesn't match her temperament at all, so there is no sense of disobedience at all when you think about it."

Qin Zhi suddenly said, "If you suspect this woman, then I think we have all been tricked by her."

"Why?" Qiu Yuan asked.

"When I entered the bar and when I came out, I scanned the people in the bar. That woman was in the bar from the beginning to the end." Qin Zhi said, "Sit in the corner."

Di Hao's eyes widened, "Is what you said true?"

Qin Zhi nodded, "I'm sure."

Qiu Yuan said, "Ah Zhi has a good memory, so he must be right... If that's the case, then if we go back to the bar now, do you think she's still there?"

"Anyway, I have to go back and have a look." Di Hao's expression was a little dignified, "If that woman is really...then she was able to hide her aura from me and Shen Chonghuan, then this matter will be tricky Already..."

As they were rushing back, they saw a laneway outside the City of Dreams surrounded by people, and they all had a bad feeling.

I heard people passing by say, "Oh my god, someone died again, what's going on here?"

"Yes, this is the fifth person."

Di Hao and the others rushed over, Qiu Yuan showed his gun, pushed aside the crowd, and asked Xu Zihao to contact the local police station to send people over.

Di Hao turned his head and greeted Qin Xiao, "Call Yanming and tell him to stay awake and go to the police station."

After seeing the corpse, Di Hao and the others had a bad expression on their faces. First, they didn't realize that something was wrong, and they were killed by the fox demon under their noses. Second, the person who died this time actually wanted to invite The woman Qin Zhi drank. . .This is for them to show off.

After transporting the body to the police station with a heavy heart, Yan Ming had already been waiting there without saying anything, and immediately went to the autopsy.Di Hao and the others sat in their temporary office, and the atmosphere was somewhat silent.

Qiu Yuan patted the table, "It's really disgusting."

Shen Chonghuan's face was also a little dignified, "It seems that the fox demon already knew about our arrival, and this meeting ceremony... Heh, it's really quite bold."

"It has always been men who have been harmed, but this time it has become a woman, a woman who has been in contact with us. In addition, it also made us shift our targets to Xue Ziyao and Yu Feng. This fox demon is definitely not a The one that is easy to deal with is indeed the fox, very cunning." Di Hao narrowed his eyes and said.

The little fox nestled in Qiqi's arms and moved its fat paws, trying to hide itself.

"Why did she choose Xue Ziyao and Yu Feng, have you ever thought about it?" Qin Zhi said, "There are so many people, but they chose two of them, and they happened to know us."

"When I mentioned this, I also found it strange." Qiu Yuan said, "So many of us didn't notice this game tonight. We followed the wrong path she laid out, and I always felt that she had arranged it long ago. Alright, and it’s just waiting for us to enter the game.”

Shen Chonghuan knocked on the table, "Li Cheng...Maybe that fox demon is indeed looking at the man's appearance, but if she wants to hide, she will never let Li Cheng go, and there are many ways to kill Li Cheng. But Li Cheng survived safely, tell me, is it because she deliberately let Li Cheng go, so as to lure us over?"

Di Hao thought for a moment, then shook his head, "It doesn't necessarily mean that we were brought here, because we were also sent here by Lin You on a whim."

Shen Chonghuan and the others nodded, and Qiu Yuan said, "No matter what the ultimate goal of that fox demon is, this matter is definitely not easy now, we have to act as soon as possible."

At this time, Yanming walked in yawning, and sat down on the chair, Qin Xiao hurriedly handed him a cup of tea.

Yanming took a sip of tea in satisfaction, and then said, "The corpse this time is indeed somewhat different from last time."

"What's the difference?" Xu Zihao asked.

"Genders are different."

Everyone: "..."

Qin Xiao patted Yanming, "Don't make trouble... tell us quickly."

Yanming then opened his mouth and said, "The first four corpses have all their bodily functions destroyed, and their five internal organs have failed. They are probably in a state of being sucked into Yang Qi, and their hearts were dug out and eaten. It is obvious that the fox demon is Tonic for yourself, and this woman is not."

Di Hao nodded, "The fox demon sucks yang energy, while women have yin constitutions. The purpose of her killing women should not be for nourishment. Of course, it is impossible to simply give us a blow."

"That's right, I took a look at the photos of the crime scene where the first few corpses were taken. There were blood droplets spreading on their chests. The blood droplets were probably eaten by the fox monster after being dug out. Yes, and there are no blood droplets spreading on this woman, and the heart-digging technique this time is much better than the previous four times." Yanming said.

Qiu Yuan took a deep breath, "There is someone behind that fox demon."

"It can only be for this reason." Di Hao said with a serious face.

"I just don't know what the person behind this is for." Shen Chonghuan said.

"The person behind the previous few times..." Qin Zhi looked at everyone, "If the incidents of these few times are really related, it is that the person behind always needs things related to yin energy, soul, and the baby's resentment , this time it’s a woman’s heart, maybe they’re the same person.”

"That's right." Di Hao nodded, suddenly seemed to think of something, Di Hao looked at Xiao Yan who was sitting next to Qi Qi, "Do you know anything?"

Xiao Yan shook his head, "Feng You probably knew something, but he never told me."

Di Hao understood, "It seems that after this incident, we need to go to Kunlun Mountain."

At the same time, in a villa in the suburbs, a feminine-looking man was sitting on a chair and swinging something. At his feet lay an overly enchanting-looking woman. Tail swaying, the woman crawled to the man's feet coquettishly, with a sticky voice, "Master, those people are here, do you want me..."

The man laughed, and the woman dared not speak for a moment.I saw the man lifted the woman's chin with his toes, and his voice was indistinguishable, "You shouldn't make any moves recently."

The woman was puzzled, and asked cautiously, "Why, master."

The corner of the man's mouth curled up, he raised his head and didn't know where to look, "I didn't expect them to come... Heh, that's not something you can deal with, don't think that you used the things I gave you to hide your breath, You can get away with them next time, and after what happened tonight, I can't believe they didn't notice anything."

The woman climbed up to the man's feet with a coquettish smile, "Even if those people sensed something, they probably couldn't do anything to the master. The master's ability is outstanding, and Bai Ji admires it."

The man snorted, "If Feng You hadn't intervened to destroy my plan in the incident last time, my current strength could have been improved..." With a sigh, the man played with the things in his hand and took a closer look. , It turned out to be a beating heart, still exuding a fresh breath, "Nowadays, I can only eat these useless things." Then the man sucked the things in his hand into his mouth like a whale After feeling it for a while, the man pinched the woman's chin with some satisfaction, "This woman's body is quite full of yin and blood, and she found it well. How can I reward you? Hmm?" I fished it into my arms, rubbed it too much~ pinched it.

The woman gasped tenderly, then smiled coquettishly and tried her best in the man's arms. . . . . .

It was dawn, and everyone in Shen Chonghuan's house was still sound asleep. They came back too late yesterday, and they were in a bad mood, so they all went to bed late, so they are all lying in bed now.

In Qiqi's room, the little fox was placed on a cushion, which was under the feet of Qiqi's three children. Anyway, the three children were not tall, so they didn't worry about kicking the little fox.

"Crack, crack."

The little fox's ears moved, and he raised his head in confusion, looking for the source of the sound.

A red figure suddenly flashed outside the window, the little fox tilted his head to look over, and saw that figure flashed up and down the window, jumped up to show his face, and then fell down - obviously there was a red fox jumping outside.

The little fox yawned. Qiqi slept very late yesterday. He was hugged by Qiqi all the time, and he didn't sleep much. Now he still doesn't have enough sleep. His head is nodding, and the little fox Fell asleep on the cushion.

The red fox outside the window jumped up again. After seeing this scene, he almost wanted to yell. Fortunately, he was a little rational, and was afraid of disturbing the people in the room. He continued to jump up and knock on the window with his tail, only hoping that the stupid fox inside could wake up, and after the stupid fox was picked up, it would come back again. . .hum.

Di Hao was tossing and turning on the bed. Peng Yu couldn't sleep because of Di Hao's noise, so he kicked him with his eyes closed, and said impatiently, "If you wake up, go out!"

Di Hao turned over and pulled Peng Yu, "Did my son hug something yesterday?"

Peng Yu opened one eye, "You didn't see clearly when you closed it."

Di Hao turned his head around, "There were too many things yesterday, I didn't pay much attention to it, I was only thinking about the case... Hey, I can't remember what it is."

Peng Yu turned over and uttered two words sleepily, "Fox."

Di Hao nodded, "Oh. It turned out to be a fox... what!!! a fox!!!?"

"Fuck!" Peng Yu was taken aback, and angrily drove Di Hao out of the door.

Di Hao was still in shock standing outside the door—his son brought back a fox, why did he bring him home!

Holding a water glass, Qin Zhi walked over in neat clothes, and asked, "Wake up? Do you want a drink?"

Di Hao blinked, then suddenly pushed open the door of the three children, and muttered, "No, I want to see that fox."

Opening the door quietly, Di Hao turned his head and put a finger on Qin Zhi's lips, "Hush."

Qin Zhi looked at Di Hao amusedly, then nodded, and followed Di Hao into the room.

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