Unexpectedly, the craftsmanship of Di Hao and others was really good. After the noisy meal, everyone took a rest and went to the local police station to accept the case.

Yanming lamented the sleep he could never get enough of, and followed everyone to the police station to make contact, the main duty - autopsy.

The three children, as well as Peng Yu and Qin Xiao, also followed. Anyway, they are here for vacation and leisure, and it is not bad to stop by to see the excitement.Even if Qin Zhi didn't want to join in the fun, he had to go.

The person in charge of this case is a police officer surnamed Zheng. He is chubby, about 30 years old, and looks very kind.

After a few introductions, Qiu Yuan directly cut to the point, "Officer Zheng, I want to meet the witness from before."

Officer Zheng nodded, "Of course, he lives near the police station. I'll ask someone to call over for you."

"Near the police station?" Di Hao asked curiously, "Why does he live near the police station?"

Officer Zheng’s expression was unspeakable for a moment, as if he felt dumbfounded, “Well, he felt that he might be in danger, so he lived near the police station after reporting the crime, probably because he felt safe.”

Di Hao and the others were speechless—this kind of abnormal thing is not safe anywhere.

At this time, Yanming said, "Where are those four corpses, I want to check again."

"Oh, I'll ask someone to take you there." Officer Zheng called a man and asked him to take Yan Ming away.

After waiting for a while, I saw the police officer who was sent to call someone just now came back, followed by a young man who was not bad, but he was of the ordinary type, and his face was a little pale. rest well.

Seeing Di Hao with a group of people, the young man was obviously taken aback, and then sat down in front of Di Hao and the others.

"What's your name?" Qiu Yuan asked.

"Li Cheng."

"Let's talk about what happened that day in detail." Qiu Yuan said, and asked Xiao Gan to take notes.

Li Chengcheng thought about the experience of that day again, with a frightened expression on his face, and then stumbled and recounted everything that happened that day. After that, Li Cheng asked, "Officer, what I said is the truth, really."

Di Hao said with interest, "Usually when encountering such a thing, it's too late for you to hide yourself. You still come here to report the case to the police, aren't you afraid of exposing yourself?"

Li Cheng scratched his head, "Well, that's what I thought. Firstly, I think that fox fairy must have great powers. He can find me wherever I hide, so it's better to take refuge in the police station. Secondly, I always You can’t hide what I saw, it’s all human life, I’ll have a bad conscience.”

Di Hao nodded—this man's heart is not bad, but, "You also said that the fox fairy has great powers. Even if you hide in the police station, these policemen will be able to compete with the fox fairy and protect you?"

"Uh..." Li Cheng obviously didn't expect this level. In his heart, he should call the police if there is anything, and then he asked nervously, "The fox fairy will come to me again."

"Probably not."

Li Cheng raised his head and found that the person who said this was a young man with black-rimmed glasses walking from the front.

"Hey, Yanming, you came back, the inspection is over?" Xu Zihao said.

"En." Yanming yawned, and sat next to Qin Xiao who was watching the fun, "Pour me a cup of tea."

"Oh." Qin Xiao hurriedly turned around and poured tea, only to realize after pouring - why is he so obedient?

"That... why do you say that the fox fairy will not come to me, I have seen it kill people." Li Cheng looked at Yanming and asked.

Yanming took a sip of tea, and cast a glance at Li Cheng, "Those four guys are all handsome."

"Pfft..." Qin Xiao covered her mouth.

The others also looked like they couldn't help laughing.

Li Cheng wondered, "What do you mean?"

Qiu Yuan waved his hand, "It's nothing, nothing, that, don't worry, we will take care of your safety."

"Then thank you very much." Li Cheng said gratefully.

After asking some more questions, Qiu Yuan asked someone to take Li Cheng away.

After Li Cheng left, Xiao Gan asked, "Is it really okay for Li Cheng to leave like this?"

Yanming pushed his glasses, "How many days have passed, if that fox really wanted his life, he would have done it long ago."

Shen Chonghuan laughed twice, "This ghost is either a face-controlling person or a bold person who doesn't care about being seen by others, but maybe it's both... Let's lure it out."

Yanming also agreed, "It's really possible to do this, the four victims are all good-looking people, you guys..." Yanming pointed to Qin Zhi and the others, "It's almost like you. People, of course, look better than those four victims, but they are of the same type, that is, they are very masculine, with a good figure, tall and handsome, and I think you can attract them."

"Then what about me." Xu Zihao looked at Yanming with sparkling glasses.

Yanming glanced at Xu Zihao in disgust, "I'm talking about a tall man, you have a small body... tsk tsk, you and Xiao Gan are not suitable... and Qin Xiao, um, Di Hao and Peng Yu are also You can try it."

"Hey, what's wrong with me!" Qin Xiao said dissatisfied, "I'm obviously similar to Brother Di."

Yanming said slowly, "Do you have the ability to protect yourself?"

"...No." Qin Xiao froze.

Qiu Yuan, Qin Zhi and others—we also seem to have no ability to protect ourselves.

"Then let's go to the bar in the east of Fengtai County at night and see if we find anything." Qiu Yuan said.

At this moment, Qi Qi and the three children were sitting in a group, eating the snacks brought by Police Officer Zheng. After hearing what Qiu Yuan said, Qi Qi raised her head, "What about us?"

"Uh..." Qiu Yuan thought for a while, "Let Qin Xiao and the others take you around for fun. I heard that there are many interesting things and snacks."

"Yeah." Qiqi nodded in satisfaction, and gave each of Zhou Yao and Xiao Yan a dried fruit.

In the evening, everyone prepared to split up. Those who should play took the children to play, and the rest went to investigate the case. Since only Shen Chonghuan and Di Hao were able to deal with the fox demon in the group, they both went to the bar. Along with them were Qin Zhi, Qiu Yuan, Peng Yu, Qin Xiao, Xu Zihao, Xiao Gan and others with their three children, while Yanming stayed in the courtyard to sleep.

First let’s talk about Di Hao and the others going to the bar, so of course they can’t wear suits. Among this group of people, Qin Zhi often wears suits. Even if they go out to play, they bring casual suits, which is almost like a business trip. In fact, because Qin Zhi has been in charge of the Qin family for too long, he has become used to wearing a suit, but he can't be so formal when he goes to the bar. They are obviously going out to have fun.So Qin Zhi had to change clothes. Fortunately, Qiu Yuan and Qin Zhi were about the same size, and the casual clothes were just right for Qin Zhi.When Qin Zhi came out after changing his clothes, everyone's expressions were like this: .Expressed in words, I was stunned, and at the same time I couldn’t get used to it. It’s not that it’s not good-looking. Qin Zhi looked a few years younger after wearing it, but the expression was so lifeless that he didn’t even smile. The overall feeling It's a little weird, but I just can't get used to seeing it. If you let a stranger come to see Qin Zhi, it's completely fine.

Di Hao stared blankly at Qin Zhi in front of him. At this time, Qin Zhi was also watching Di Hao. It should be said that most of the time, Qin Zhi's eyes were on Di Hao.

After a while, Di Hao touched his nose and muttered, "It's pretty pretty."

Qin Zhi raised the corner of his mouth.

They asked someone on the road which bar was the most popular, so a group of people went to the most popular bar. The name of the bar is quite charming - Dream Journey. Walk in and have a look, the inside of the bar is quite big , the layout is not tacky, the crowd gathers in twos and threes, and they all have a good time, but the bar is not so noisy. Generally speaking, it does have the most popular capital.Di Hao and the others inspected the circle and saw that many places were full, and the unoccupied space was too small for all of them to sit. Under the circumstances, there is no one sitting on the circular sofa in the middle. There is definitely a situation.

Maybe it was because Di Hao and the others stood for too long, a stylishly dressed man came over, "It's rare that there are so many handsome guys here tonight. It just so happens that there are no suitable seats for you, or you should sit in the middle."

Qin Zhi and the others looked at the expressions of the people around them. At this time, they had become the focus of many people's attention. When they heard the man say this, they all showed interest and expressions of watching the excitement.

Qiu Yuan showed an interested expression, "What will happen if we get there?"

The man smiled and said, "Nothing will happen, but one of you will perform a show for us all to see. This is the entertainment in our bar."

"It's that simple?" Di Hao asked suspiciously.

"Of course, this show must have the support of all of us present. As long as one person says no, otherwise we can't do this show, or we can continue to perform. But if the show is affirmed by everyone, not only can we do this show, There will be a [-]% discount in our shop.”

Di Hao immediately said, "Okay, let's put on a solo show."

Shen Chonghuan was speechless, "Which of us will go."

Di Hao patted Qin Zhi on the shoulder, "Go, you really can't use beauty."

Qin Zhi was stunned for a moment, he really couldn't laugh or cry, should he be glad that Di Hao took the initiative to talk to him, or should he be distressed that Di Hao is messing with him again.

But seeing Di Hao and the others sitting on the sofa with a relaxed face, as if they were watching the excitement, Qin Zhi looked at the small stage in the bar speechlessly, and said to the man, "You can perform anything? "

"Anything is fine." The man nodded.

So under everyone's gaze, Qin Zhi seemed to be the leader. . .Oh, no, walked to the stage calmly, picked up a saxophone on the stage, glanced at Di Hao, Qin Zhi smiled, leaned closer to the microphone, and said in a low voice, "This piece is for the one I love."

Thinking of the unique timbre of the saxophone, melodious in the bar, Di Hao looked at the man who performed brilliantly on the stage. Before, he could never have imagined that someone like Qin Zhi could play musical instruments, and he was so good, such a tall and solid man, Standing on a small stage, holding a saxophone, playing for only one person, I have to say that Qin Zhi at this time is simply extremely charming.

At the end of the song, no one said no, so Qin Zhi successfully walked down and sat beside Di Hao.

Qiu Yuan narrowed his eyes at Qin Zhi, "Oh, it's been a long time since I heard you play a saxophone, it's okay, your hands are not raw."

Qin Zhi raised his glass to Qiu Yuan, "Thank you."

At this time, a woman with an enchanting figure walked over, with gorgeous makeup, and boldly sat on the handle of the circular sofa. Because Qin Zhi was sitting on the edge of the sofa when he came down, it was obvious that the woman's goal was Qin Zhi.

The woman held two wine glasses in her hands, and handed one to Qin Zhi with a charming smile, "How about a glass of wine?"

Qin Zhi raised the wine glass in his hand to signal - already has it.

The woman smiled, "You drink it yourself, it's different from what I invite you to drink, maybe, we can..."

Qin Zhi had no expression on his face, "Didn't you hear what I said before the performance?"

The woman was stunned, obviously she didn't expect Qin Zhi to interrupt her directly, but she still didn't give up, "The person you love..." The woman looked around and found that they were all men.

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