Qin Zhi didn't tell Qin Xiao the reason until later, as far as he is concerned, he didn't even have his wife and son in order, so it's better not to tell his family, so as to save them from making trouble for him.

The case of the Yin-Yang ghost child has come to an end. Suddenly, almost a month has passed, and finally the long holiday of October, which is celebrated nationwide, no matter whether it is Qin Xiao's university or Qiqi's kindergarten, there is no exception. vacation, vacation.Even the special departments have to have a holiday. As for why, in fact, as I said earlier, the special departments do not have special working hours. As long as you accept the task and complete the task, it will be fine. So Di Hao thought and investigated a few cases. During this national holiday, I also take Qiqi out to play, and relieve my troubled mood by the way.Having said this, most people in the special department agreed, and Qiu Yuan and others said that they would follow suit.

Just when Di Hao was arguing with a few people and wanted to get rid of them, Lin You passed by the office of Di Hao and the others, heard what Di Hao and the others were talking about, then looked down at the documents in his hand, raised his eyebrows, Lin You stroked his chin with a smile, walked into the office of Di Hao and the others.

Putting the materials in his hand on the table, Lin You sat down on the chair leisurely, looked at a few people, and asked cheerfully, "Want to go out on vacation?"

Di Hao and the others looked at Lin You warily.

"Oh hehe, why are you looking at me like that?" Lin You smiled and waved his hands, "I didn't want to deprive you of your vacation, but I wanted to recommend a fun place for you."

Qiu Yuan twitched his lips and pointed to the document on the desktop, "Could that fun place have something to do with this?"

"Tsk tsk, why are you so smart? It's so boring." Lin You said regretfully, shaking his fingers.

Di Hao and the others glared at him—the intention is obvious, okay?

Di Hao slapped the table and said angrily, "No! I'm out to play, don't do missions! Don't investigate the case! Definitely don't!"

Lin You blinked, and said in a calm tone, "If you investigate the case while you are on vacation, the department will compensate you, double the bonus, and, because of the progress of the investigation, you can extend the vacation at will."

When they heard that the bonus was doubled, everyone wanted to stop Di Hao, but Di Hao was too quick to pick up the information on the table, and everyone sighed.

"That's about the same. Anyway, when you are traveling, you are free, so let's investigate the case by the way." Di Hao said while flipping through the documents in his hand, "Eh? Huailing, that place is full of outstanding people."

Lin You nodded, "Indeed, this case happened in the place where Shen Chonghuan practiced before, and he is familiar with it, so he will be with you on this mission."

Di Hao and the others nodded—it's easier to do things with more people.

"Why did this happen?" Di Hao put down the information in his hand in doubt, "Didn't it mean that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, animals were not allowed to become spirits? Those monsters who practice Taoism have been hidden for a long time, why are they coming out again now?" gone?"

"Monster?" Xu Zihao and Xiao Qian said at the same time, but Xu Zihao's eyes were shining.

Qiu Yuan was also very surprised, "Are there really monsters in this world?"

"Nonsense, the world is so big, there are all kinds of wonders." Di Hao lay down on the table, "Now you bachelors are blessed, there are rumors of demon foxes appearing in the Huai Ling area, tsk tsk, all of them are beauties .”

Qiu Yuan curled his lips, "It seems that you are not a bachelor, oh, that's right, you have Ah Zhi chasing after you... Ugh!"

Qiu Yuan tore off the information that was slapped on his face, and looked at Di Hao who was furious, "Hehe, did you become angry from embarrassment?"

Xu Zihao and Xiao Gan kept their eyes on their noses, their noses and their hearts, and kept silent.

"All right, all right." Lin You clapped his hands, "Since the matter has been decided, you should prepare to leave early. Huai Ridge is quite close to here, so you can drive there yourself."

"Hey." Di Hao held back Lin You who got up to leave.

"What else is there?" Lin You turned his head to look at Di Hao.

"It's fine to go by car, and you will be reimbursed for the postage." Di Hao said boldly.

"Hiss!" Lin You gritted his teeth, pinched Di Hao's cheeks and pulled them from side to side, "Why don't you ask for gasoline when you go on a trip by yourself!"

"Hmph, if you don't get reimbursed, you won't investigate the case!" Di Hao broke away from Lin You's hand, and said while rubbing, his expression was really hateful.

Lin You rolled his eyes, turned and left helplessly.

Di Hao was still waving from behind, "Don't forget it!"

"Understood!" Lin You's irritated voice came from a distance.

Xu Zihao put his face in his hands and exclaimed, "Ah, with Brother Di, I believe we can save a lot of money along the way."

Qiu Yuan hated Xu Zihao's filming of iron and steel, "I didn't ask you to spend money!"

"Oh, by the way, remember to pull Yanming on." Di Hao sat on a chair, looked at a few people and said, "For the sake of helping me investigate the case, I allow you to follow me and Qiqi to play." gone."

Qiu Yuan twitched the corners of his mouth, "Are you asking Yanming to help you with the autopsy? That kid has been driving himself crazy these days, and you're still squeezing him."

"Aiya." Di Hao quickly waved his hands, "What do you call squeezing him? Didn't I let him take a vacation and take him to play?"

"By the way, let's call Qin Xiao too. He and Yan Ming also know each other. Besides, he's on vacation anyway, so let's form a group to have fun together." Xu Zihao said excitedly, and Xiao Gan also nodded at the same time. The three of them had been friends for a long time when they were in trouble together to catch water ghosts.

"No!" Di Hao firmly disagreed, joking, if Qin Xiao is called, then Qin Zhi must know it too.

"Why?" Qiu Yuan asked with a smile, vividly explaining what it means to ask questions knowingly.

Di Hao glared at Qiu Yuan, "Anyway, it's not okay!" After finishing speaking, Di Hao pointed at Qiu Yuan threateningly, "I'm warning you, be safe."

Qiu Yuan spread his hands, "I have always been a decent person who enforces the law impartially."

"You know what I mean!"

Qiu Yuan blinked, pretending to be naive, "What do you mean? I'm stupid, please explain more clearly?"

"You! It's so simple!" Di Hao gave Qiu Yuan a thumbs up, and he couldn't continue speaking angrily.

Sure enough, on the day of departure, Di Hao held Qiqi in his arms at the agreed place, looked at the scene in front of him, and was full of emotions, "Damn it..."

A lot of people came, Qin Zhi and Qin Xiao also came, but this is not the point of Di Hao's shit, the point is that there is a car parked in front of him that is bigger than a van and smaller than a bus, which can fill all of them. A car that doesn't look tacky - a RV!Who the hell is such a local tyrant? It's simply annoying!

Qiqi was excitedly observing the RV in front of her, when she heard Di Hao say this, she quickly squeezed Di Hao's mouth and said seriously, "Dad, don't allow swearing."

Di Hao put Qiqi down and patted his little butt, "Zhou Yao is there, go and play with him."

"Oh yeah." Qiqi cheered, and wanted to run over, but suddenly saw Qin Zhi beside Zhou Yao, so she stopped, her face was red, and her small hands were nervously holding the hem of her jacket.

Seeing this, Qin Zhi heaved a sigh of relief, walked up to Qi Qi and knelt down, kissed Qi Qi's forehead, "Baby, you have to believe it, I'm sorry to miss these five years between you and your father, if you I can't adapt, I can wait, but can I call myself dad?"

Qi Qi whispered, "But I already have a father."

Qin Zhi was startled, feeling a momentary loss in his heart, and he also understood that this kind of thing should not be rushed.

But Qi Qi immediately said again, "If I call you like that, won't you be reunited with my father, and then I won't be able to tell who is who."

Ecstasy flashed across Qin Zhi's eyes, and he said calmly, "Then, can you call me big daddy?"

Qi Qi's eyes suddenly turned red, she pursed her mouth and was speechless.

Qin Zhi also felt sore eyes, he sighed, and hugged Qiqi, "From now on, Big Daddy will work very hard to make up for Qiqi's five years when I was not around."

"Hmm." Qi Qi responded in a muffled voice.

After the father and son hugged each other warmly for a long time, Qin Zhi kissed Qiqi's little cheek and said with a smile, "Go and play with your brother Yaoyao, he is really your brother now."

Qi Qi nodded with a blushing face, and ran away embarrassedly.

Qin Zhi stood up, looking at Qiqi and Zhou Yao happily embracing each other with gentle eyes.

Standing beside Di Hao, Peng Yu yawned and bumped his arm on Di Hao's shoulder, "Hey, our family Qiqi has fallen, I think it will be you soon."

Di Hao glared at Peng Yu and didn't say anything, but he was still glad that he didn't hide it from Qi Qi, the child finally felt complete in his heart.

Qin Xiao rushed to Yanming's side, "Wow, your dark circles are so heavy."

Yanming took a leisurely look at Qin Xiao, "That's why I chose to wear black-rimmed glasses, and I asked Di Hao to prepare them for me."

Qin Xiao:. . . . . .

Qiu Yuan walked to Qin Zhi's side, "Hey, why didn't you say earlier that you prepared a caravan, what about the car we drive?"

Qin Zhi raised his eyebrows, "You didn't tell me earlier, I just prepared to come out yesterday."

"You should thank me for telling you, and you still hate the time." Qiu Yuan pouted.

Qin Zhi smiled, "Don't worry, I'll ask someone to take care of your car, and when you get back, you can drive home directly, that's fine."

"Wow." Qiu Yuan gave Qin Zhi a thumbs up, "You are really willing to spend money to chase someone."

Qin Zhi looked at Di Hao, who was bickering with Peng Yu not far away, with tender eyes, "He deserves it."

Qiu Yuan rubbed his arms, just about to tease Qin Zhi, when he suddenly saw two people coming from the opposite side, "Eh? Who are those two people, they seem to be looking for Di Hao."

At this time, not only Qiu Yuan noticed, but everyone also noticed the two people who came over. It was because the aura of these two people was too strong.Who are these two people? They are the man in black and the little boy who helped Qiqi take in the ghost baby.

Qi Qi obviously noticed it too, so she immediately ran to Di Hao's side and explained their identities.

At this time, the man in black had brought the little boy to Di Hao, and Qin Zhi and others also surrounded him.

Seeing so many people surrounding him, the man in black just smiled slightly, and then looked at Di Hao, "I did your son a favor earlier, saying that I want you to thank me later, I didn't expect to trouble you so soon thing."

Di Hao frowned, "Who are you?"

"Oh, I forgot that you don't know me yet." The man in black touched his nose, "My name is Feng You, this is my young master, Xiao Yan, I will trouble you to take care of me in the future, Di Hao."

Di Hao glanced at Xiao Yan, and then asked, "You know me? Let me... look after the child?"

Feng You smiled and nodded, "I know you now, I believe we will cooperate in many places in the future, and I also helped your son before, I believe you will not repay your kindness, right?"

Di Hao twitched the corner of his mouth, "...I always feel that you are not telling the truth."

"Ahem." Feng You changed the subject, "I'm going to Kunlun Mountain to deal with some matters. It's an emergency and I can't take the young master with me, so I ask you to take care of it. Of course, I will also take care of all the young master's expenses. For Mr. Di."

Di Hao nodded in satisfaction, "Alright then, it's okay to have one more child anyway."

It was Qin Zhi who frowned and looked at Feng You - how did he know to use money to make Di Hao let go?He seemed to know Di Hao very well.

At this time, Feng You didn't know if he felt Qin Zhi's gaze, but Feng You gave Qin Zhi a meaningful look.

"Then I'm leaving." Feng You retracted his gaze and said, looking at Xiao Yan, "Young Master, you have to be obedient and wait for me to come back."

Xiao Yan frowned, nodded silently for a while.

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