Yanming shrugged his shoulders, "I would like to examine those two corpses, but there are still a few corpses that have not been examined before, and there must be one that comes first."

Qiu Yuan nodded, "Then take me there to have a look."

Yanming nodded, and led Qiu Yuan to walk ahead. The freezer room and dissection room are just below the special department, and the next floor is fine.Yanming walked in front of Qiu Yuan, and suddenly looked back at Qiu Yuan, "Are you sure you want to go with me to have a look? Then it's better to have a mental preparation first."

Qiu Yuan raised his eyebrows, "I am also someone who has seen many corpses."

Yanming smiled inexplicably, "I've seen those two corpses before, how should I put it...it feels a bit weird."

"Strange?..." Qiu Yuan asked suspiciously.

"You can see for yourself by looking at it yourself." While speaking, he had already reached the door of the freezer, Yanming pushed open the door and went in.

In order to preserve the corpses from corruption, the temperature in the freezer room has always been low. Although Qiu Yuan has worked in the police station for a long time, it is actually the first time he has come to the freezer room. Only then did he realize that the size of the freezer room is quite large. Rows of freezers, with two dissecting tables in the middle, a table filled with various tools, a sofa next to the door, and a bookshelf next to the sofa. There are a lot of materials inside, but there is nothing left, and the inside is still very empty.

Yanming walked to the shelf of the freezer on the left, checked the labels on the freezer, finally stopped in front of a freezer, and waved to Qiu Yuan, "These two corpses are here."

Qiu Yuan walked over, just as Yanming opened the freezer, the corpse in the freezer was not put directly in, there was a black bag wrapped around the body, Qiu Yuan looked at Yanming and opened the zipper on the black bag , revealing the face of a young woman.

"Huh?" Qiu Yuan raised his eyebrows and glanced at Yan Ming.

"You also found out, right?" Yanming pointed to the corpse in the freezer, "This corpse has a serene face, and the pain of being disemboweled can't be felt on her face at all... Look at the other corpse. "As Yanming said, he opened a freezer next to him, and then opened the zipper.

"This corpse is actually like this." Qiu Yuan looked at the other corpse in the freezer in surprise. It was also a woman with a peaceful face. The two corpses were lying side by side in the freezer. Qiu Yuan touched his chin, "They seem to be It's like not feeling any pain. It's strange..."


Yan Ming and Qiu Yuan were thinking about the problem when they suddenly heard such a voice in the empty and quiet freezer room, both of them were startled at the same time, and then looked towards the source of the voice.

Di Hao opened the door and came in, "Huh? Brother Qiu, you're here too."

Brother Qiu. . .Qiu Yuan twitched the corner of his mouth, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I have something to do with Yanming."

"What's the matter?" Yanming asked after closing the two freezers.

"I want to ask you, are there any pregnant women in the corpses you have collected here? And is it the kind of pregnant woman who has killed two people?"

Qiu Yuan and Yanming glanced at it strangely, and they both set their eyes on the two freezers that were opened just now.

Qiu Yuan asked, "What's wrong?"

"Peng Yu called me just now and said that something happened to a friend's pregnant wife in the hospital. Although the child was born smoothly, the woman was frightened into a daze. Peng Yu said that he went to visit two people. At that time, I found that something was wrong with the child. The Buddha beads responded, and the child seemed to have Yin Qi. According to Peng Yu’s friend, her wife was living with a pregnant woman at the time. Who dug it away in a cruel way, I thought it was a bit weird, so I wanted to ask Yanming if he had received such a corpse recently."

Yanming nodded, and pointed to the two freezers that were closed just now, "It's inside, a total of two corpses were received."

Di Hao looked at the two in surprise, "So, you were looking at these two corpses just now?"

Qiu Yuan nodded, "That's right, because the murder method was cruel, so this case was handed over to our serious crime team. I thought it was an ordinary case. Hearing what you said, I'm afraid this case will be handed over to a special department." Yes. Come up with me to look at the information."

Di Hao nodded.

Yanming said, "Then you two go up, anyway, I have read the information, I am here to examine the two corpses just now, to see if I can find any clues."

The two nodded and left.

In the Qin family's villa, after Qin Zhi picked up his parents, he went back to work after taking care of some things. Qin's younger brother was also dragged to the company by Qin Zhi because he had no class.

Zhou Wan sat on the sofa, hugged Zhou Yao and asked, "Yao Yao, your cousin has found a kindergarten for you, how about we go to school tomorrow? Or do you want to stay at home for a while to get used to it?" .”

Zhou Yao shook his head, "Go to kindergarten."

"Okay, our Yaoyao is really good." Zhou's mother took Zhou Yao's little hand, "When you go to kindergarten, if you make friends with children, you must tell the second grandma. When the time comes for grandpa's birthday, Yaoyao can also invite you Come and play, kids."

Zhou Yao thought for a while, but still nodded, although he didn't think those immature children in the kindergarten could make him make friends.

In the afternoon, Yanming finished the body examination, found Di Hao and Qiu Yuan, and wanted to tell them the results after the body examination.

"Is there any food, I'm hungry, I want to talk while eating." Yan Ming sat on his chair and knocked on the table, which means - if there is no food, I don't want to talk about it.

Qiu Yuan hurriedly asked Xu Zihao to buy a meal, and then put it in front of Yanming, "Eat."

Yanming picked up the chopsticks, and as he ate, he said, "When I inspected those two corpses, I found that those two corpses were really weird." After speaking, he took a big mouthful of rice.

"Where is the weirdness?" Di Hao asked.

After Yanming finished chewing, he continued, "The stomachs of those two corpses were ripped open from the inside." He continued to scoop up a spoonful of rice.

Qiu Yuan frowned, "It broke from the inside?...Could it be that the child in the belly ran out by itself?"

Yanming nodded while eating, then swallowed and continued, "I took a look at the stomachs of the two corpses, the outside is intact, but there are many small tooth marks inside."

"Tooth marks!..." Xu Zihao exclaimed in surprise, "How is it possible, how can an unborn child have teeth!"

Di Hao and the others glanced at Xu Zihao—is this the focus of attention?

Xiao Gan asked in disbelief, "Could it be that the child in the stomach ran out by itself and killed his mother?"

Yanming opened his mouth and said, "I don't know what's going on with this. But the middle of the belly of the two corpses has been bitten so that there is only a layer of skin left. If the child inside wants to come out, just gently scratch it with your fingers." Open it, and you can come out."

"Heh!..." Xu Zihao and Xiao took a deep breath, obviously this was the scariest and most unbelievable thing since they came into contact with supernatural events.

"What's going on? How could this happen to the children in the stomachs of the two pregnant women?" Qiu Yuan asked, frowning.

After Yanming took a mouthful of food, he continued, "And I checked the bodies of the two corpses, and found that there were no traces of struggle on their bodies, and their faces were peaceful, as if they died in a sleep, without any feeling at all."

Di Hao nodded, "It's quite strange. Peng Yu told me that his friend's wife was sleeping next to the dead woman at that time, and she didn't hear anything during the whole night."

"And don't you think it's strange." Xu Zihao touched his chin and said, "The pregnant woman who died the second time didn't live in a single room. Next to him was the wife of Peng Yu's friend that Brother Di mentioned."

Everyone looked at Xu Zihao - his words were so convoluted.

Xu Zihao patted the table, "Don't care about the obtrusiveness, the important point! Didn't you find it?"

Xiao Gan asked suspiciously, "What did you find?"

Xu Zihao sighed, "Captain, don't you know! You didn't even notice?"

Qiu Yuan rolled his eyes, and patted Xu Zihao on the head, "Okay, don't get too nervous, just say it quickly."

Xu Zihao cleared his throat, "I said, your eyes are all focused on the two deceased, but have you noticed that the two deceased did not know each other, which means that the murderer picked people randomly..."

"Isn't the murderer the child in their womb?" Xiao Qian asked strangely.

Xu Zihao shook his head, "You're stupid, even if it's a child in their womb, someone must have performed some kind of sorcery."


"Keep talking," Di Hao said.

"Since the murderer may have killed at random and wanted the child in the pregnant woman's womb, why didn't the woman who lived in the same room as the second deceased not die? And finally gave birth to the child smoothly."

Qiu Yuan nodded, "It's really strange that we have forgotten this matter. If the murderer's purpose is to get an unborn baby, then why didn't anything happen to Peng Yu's friend's wife?"

"It's not necessarily that nothing happened. Peng Yu's friend's wife may still be affected to a certain extent. At least Peng Yu found Yin Qi in his friend's child." Di Hao thought for a while, "We still need to find a time Go see that kid, look for clues."

"Well, it's better like this." Qiu Yuan nodded, "I'll investigate the identities of the two pregnant deceased, and I may find something else."


Afterwards everyone dispersed, Di Hao got off work early, and planned to pick up Qiqi, because there was no special time limit for special departments, and Di Hao had Qiqi to take care of, so every time Di Hao was about to leave school when Qiqi was about to leave Get off work right away.

When he walked to the parking lot and was about to open the car door, Di Hao paused for a moment, then looked behind him suspiciously—at the moment just now, he suddenly felt that someone was watching him.I don't know if it's an illusion.

Di Hao turned his head and looked for a long time, but found nothing, so he got in the car and left.

Arriving at Chenxing Kindergarten, Di Hao looked around——Qin Zhi’s car didn’t come, Di Hao breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still a little depressed. He closed the car door and got out of the car, and talked to the guard at the door. , Di Hao entered the kindergarten. At this time, many parents of the kindergarten had walked out of the school gate with their children. Seeing the children laughing or crying innocently, Di Hao smiled. To be honest, this incident made him a little nervous. It's uncomfortable, because the victims are not only pregnant women, but also fresh lives that have not yet been born. It is even possible that they are being tortured and used by others.

Sighing, Di Hao walked to the classroom of Class [-], and looked through the window, Qi Qi was building blocks with two children, her round face was full of smiles.

When he came to the door and knocked on the door frame, Qiqi found him and rushed over immediately. Di Hao and Mr. Wen said hello and left with Qiqi.

"Honey, did you have a good time today?"

"Happy." Qiqi smiled, "Mr. Wen even praised me today, because I cleaned my desk clean after lunch."

"Wow, our baby Qiqi is really amazing." Di Hao praised Qiqi with a smile.

Qiqiyi straightened out her small chest—that was a must.

"By the way, Dad, uncle came to see me at noon today." Qiqi raised her head and said to Di Hao.

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