Take the buns to hunt ghosts

Chapter 44 Yin Yang Mirror

It's a pity that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. After breakfast, Qin Zhi not only had to deal with documents, but also took care of Qi Qi who was thrown to him by Di Hao. Go out to eat.Qin Zhi and Qi Qi looked at each other, Qin Zhi sighed helplessly, took out the jigsaw puzzle he put under the tea table last night, put it in front of Qi Qi, and asked, "Uncle, will you do the puzzle with you?"

Di Hao walked out of the office, looked around, and frowned—the bit of yin that appeared last night, after checking today, it was actually gone.Turning around and looking at the ground at the door, the water droplets at the door evaporated last night, Di Hao touched his chin in doubt, he always felt a little strange, ordinary sneaky people can stay in the world, it is nothing more than some kind of obsession, Or there is a lot of resentment, and wherever he passes by, there will inevitably be yin energy, and he can also notice it, but the yin energy last night was too small to be a climate at all, but it still exists , and according to Qin Zhi's experience, it appeared twice, and Di Hao remembered the small cloud of gas he saw on the projection last time—couldn't that sneakiness be a big deal?Or is it another reason?

Walking back and forth along this floor, Di Hao didn't find anything unusual, not even a bit dark, touched his chin, thought of someone, Di Hao picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hello? Hehe, Di Haohao, why are you calling me? Do you have something to ask me, hahaha..."

An arrogant voice came from the phone, Di Hao rolled his eyes, "You must be in the office."

"Hey? How do you know?" The person on the phone asked in surprise.

"If you are on a mission outside, can you be so shameless and not pay attention to your image?" Di Hao curled his lips. Although he didn't stay in the special department for a long time, thanks to Qi Qi, he got along very well with this group of people. Not bad, especially the person on the phone. Although he was out of tune, he was in tune with him.

"Amitabha, Di Haohao, how can you talk like that. My wounded heart..."

"Come on, stop! I have something to do with you." Di Hao said.

"whats the matter?"

"Don't you have a yin and yang mirror in your hand? Use it for me, and I'll go get it." Di Hao asked, "You don't have any tasks to do these two days, do you?"

"Huh? There is no task to do, but you need my yin and yang mirror, that's really strange, you don't need to use foreign objects to find yin and yang, haha, let's talk, this time I met What's the problem?" The person on the phone gloated.

"I don't need to rely on external objects, there must be traces to find out, but this time after the yin thing appeared, it disappeared completely. Of course, it may not disappear completely, or it may be its own yin. Qi is not heavy, what is going on, I am not sure why, your yin and yang mirror can illuminate the sneaky deeds of the world's yin and yang, and find the right direction, so I want to use your yin and yang mirror to take a look, Save me the trouble of finding it.”

"Tsk tsk tsk, is there any pay, the mirror is not for nothing."

Di Hao gritted his teeth and wanted to hang up the phone. Hearing the smug tone, one could imagine that this person must be crossing his legs and grinning for cheap. Taking a deep breath, Di Hao asked, "Do you want What."

"Uh um... I don't have a lot of Taoist spells, so give me a few."

"Okay! Wait for me to pass! Hand over the talisman with one hand and the mirror with the other." Di Hao hung up the phone with a snap.

Shen Chonghuan hung up the phone, swayed his legs with a smile on his face, Lin You was sitting opposite him, and shook his head seeing this, "I really don't know why you, a Buddhist family member, are so greedy for petty gain, why don't you just lend it to him?"

Shen Chonghuan raised a finger and shook it, "That's not okay, do you know how many good things he took from me."

Lin You supported his forehead, "It's not because you pinch Qi Qi's face all the time and make other children cry, that's why Di Hao took it from you."

"Hmph, then I don't care. The Yin-Yang mirror is very precious anyway, and it's cheaper for him to exchange a few charms." Shen Chonghuan looked like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

Lin You curled his lips and knocked on the table, "Okay, hurry up and report on the last mission."

At this time, in the office, Qiqi pouted and looked at Qin Zhi's jigsaw puzzle. When he was still thinking about which direction was coming, Qin Zhi had already put together several pieces.

Qin Zhi put together a few pieces, only to realize that Qiqi hadn't moved, raised his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qiqi said depressedly, "Uncle, did you often play puzzles before?"

"Uh... no? This is my first time playing." Qin Zhi said, he had never played before, but it is quite fun to play now.

"Ah?...Hey." Qiqi put down the jigsaw piece in her hands lonely, "But uncle is so good, this big piece is all put together by you, uncle."

Qin Zhi smiled, and patted Qi Qi's head, "You are also very good. When my uncle was your age, he didn't know how to do puzzles." If you haven't played it before, it's not bad.

Reassuring Qiqi, Qin Zhi slowed down, and took Qiqi to do the puzzle together, only to realize that taking care of children is also a technical job.

Huading has many talents, and management should not be underestimated. As the manager of the planning department, although Liu Yan is a woman, she is capable and independent. If she is not married, I believe many men are willing to pursue her.

Standing in the bathroom washing her hands, Liu Yan looked in the mirror to see if her makeup was flawless, and reached out to wet her hair to smooth her hair, but when she lifted it up, she found that her hand in the mirror was blood red, covered with blood, Liu Yan Startled for a while, he looked at his hand reflexively, and found that there was no blood, just water droplets, and looked in the mirror, everything was normal, as if everything he saw just now was an illusion.

While wondering, "Bang!", the bathroom door closed.Liu Yan was taken aback, and just about to go to the door to open it, the faucet above the sink was turned on all of a sudden, Liu Yan covered her mouth in horror and backed away, "Bang bang", there was a knocking sound from the toilet door behind her , Liu Yan turned around in an instant, almost fell, and asked in a trembling voice, "In...inside... yes, is there anyone?"

No one answered, Liu Yan opened the door with trembling hands, what she saw broke her heart.Before he passed out with a scream, he only saw a head flying towards him, with a strange smile on the disheveled face, and blood dripping down from the severed neck, as if it had stained himself.

When he got the yin and yang mirror, Di Hao paid out several spells. The spells in his hand did not end with just two strokes. Each stroke was formed by the convergence of spiritual power, and his blood was in the ground cinnabar. , The power is even greater, just to borrow the yin and yang mirror, he handed over his "painful and painstaking" spell to others, this deal is really not worthwhile-because the yin and yang mirror is not his in the end!

Seeing the satisfied smile on Shen Chonghuan's face, Di Hao twitched his eyes, and had nothing to do except curse inwardly.

Returning to Huading in a depressed mood, he was bumped by a person who was going out as soon as he walked into the hall. Di Hao frowned and looked over, and found that it was a pale woman who bumped into him without apologizing, looking flustered and hasty He ran out of the gate of Huading.Di Hao frowned, and stood still. It wasn't that he was unhappy when he was bumped by a woman and didn't apologize, but because of that moment just now, he vaguely noticed that there was a sinister energy in that woman—whether he got it unintentionally or something else was wrong. Well, judging by the woman's expression, it is most likely the latter.

It's just that the yin and yang mirror in the pocket didn't respond. It can be seen that the sneaky man was not on the woman. Di Hao looked outside, and the woman's figure had long since disappeared. He shook his head and said that the disappearance was quite fast. Go up the special elevator and leave.Anyway, the woman is not in danger at the moment, it is better to find Qin Zhi to investigate her identity first.

Liu Yan was woken up by someone who went to the toilet, who asked with a worried face, "Sister Yan, why did you faint in the toilet? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

Liu Yan looked at the person in a daze, then straightened up suddenly, looked around, all the faucets were turned off, and there was nothing in the toilet, looking at her body, there was no blood at all, Liu Yan stood up with the help of the visitor — Doubt that everything I saw before was an illusion?Suddenly turning her head to look at the sink, the faucet she had turned on before was obviously left open, Liu Yan asked dryly, "Before I fainted, were you the first person to find me?"

"Yes, Sister Yan, I found you lying on the ground as soon as I came in. Fortunately, I called you a few times and you woke up, otherwise I would have to go out to find someone."

"You called me when you came in?"

"Yes... Sister Yan, let me take you to the hospital. Otherwise, why would you faint for no reason?"

"No...no need." Liu Yan shook her head, "You go and ask me for a vacation, I want to go home." Liu Yan pushed away the person who was supporting her in a trance, turned around and left, ignoring the people behind her. people shouting.

Walking home in a trance, only to realize that she didn't bring anything with her, and squatted down at the door of the house with her arms folded. Liu Yan couldn't help shivering when she thought of the face she saw before she passed out. cold.She took out her mobile phone and dialed, but no one answered, Liu Yan hung up the phone with a silent face, buried her head in front of her knees, and hugged her arms tightly.

When Di Hao returned to Qin Zhi's office, he only needed one phone call, and the journey went smoothly, but he encountered no one's eyes.Pushing open the door, she found Qi Qi sitting in front of Qin Zhi behind the desk, fiddling with the Rubik's Cube, Qin Zhi was holding Qi Qi in one hand, correcting documents with the other hand, and the completed puzzle was placed on the coffee table. On it is a pile of sheep.Seeing Di Hao come back, Qi Qi yelled happily, slipped off Qin Zhi's lap, and ran into Di Hao's arms, "Father!"

"Well, good boy." Di Hao kissed Qi Qi.

Qi Qi pulled Di Hao over and pointed at the puzzle, "It's all done! I did it with my uncle."

"Oh, not bad." Di Hao praised with a nod.

At this time, Qin Zhi also came over, "What did you do?"

Di Hao raised his eyebrows, "Of course it's work, I went back and found someone to borrow a mirror."

"Dad, which colleague uncle are you looking for?" Qiqi asked curiously.

Di Hao smiled, "It's the one you hate the most."

"Oh, so it's Uncle Chonghuan." Qi Qi touched her little face with lingering fear.

Qin Zhi frowned, and found that there were quite a lot of people around Di Hao.

Di Hao took out the yin and yang mirror and said to Qin Zhi, "This is the yin and yang mirror. It cost me a lot of spells to exchange for it. It's just for borrowing. You have to pay me more when the time comes."

Qin Zhi nodded noncommittally, and looked at the Yin-Yang Mirror—a small mirror, the size of a palm, with a very simple and simple appearance, and the surface of the mirror was a bit rough, far from the point where the light could tell others.

"How to use this?" Qin Zhi looked at the shape of the mirror, but couldn't figure out how to use it.

"The Yin-Yang Mirror can take the initiative to look for ghosts, just turn on the aura." Di Hao put the Yin-Yang Mirror in the palms of his hands, gathered the spiritual energy in his palms, penetrated into the mirror, said "Open!", opened his hands, and the Yin-Yang Mirror stood in the middle of his hands , Twirling around, the surface of the mirror was radiant, but Qin Zhi noticed that nothing in his office was reflected in the mirror.

The speed of the yin-yang mirror's rotation became slower and slower, and finally, it stopped in one direction.

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