Seeing that Di Hao's expression was a bit grim, Qiu Yuan couldn't help asking, "What's the problem?"

"The Taoist mysticism is so profound that ordinary people can't use it easily overnight, and this kind of power that can manipulate objects and change the shape of objects is even more possessed by people. On the surface, it is Liu Yu's soul that controls this puppet. In fact, this is not the case, the soul that has just died and separated from the body does not have such great power, not to mention that the resentment carried by Liu Yu is not so deep that it can change the form of the puppet." Di Hao pointed at the stump of the puppet and said .

"So... you mean, the manipulator behind this scene must be very capable?" Qiu Yuan asked.

Di Hao nodded, "At the beginning, the soul-searching technique in this puppet was a sorcery that was expressly forbidden in the Taoist art, and people who were not of extraordinary ability could not use it. Now, looking at it again, the power contained in it has such an effect , it can be seen that the person behind this is indeed an extraordinary person."

"Then... compared to you?" Qiu Yuan couldn't help asking.So far, they have not come into contact with many people with this kind of transcendent ability. Among them, Di Hao is the most familiar and has the most contacts. It seems that he can do anything with ease, and his strength should be very strong.

Di Hao glanced at Qiu Yuan, "What do you think? I haven't seen anyone, can I know who is better between the two of us? But..." Di Hao leaned on the back of the chair and pointed The puppet on the table continued, "I don't pay attention to his tricks."

"Well, I think brother Di is also very strong." Qin Xiao said with a smile.

"It seems that we have to act faster." Qiu Yuan looked at the things on the table and said, "Since the people behind are not weak, the sooner they are caught, the fewer people will be victimized."

"Then let's find that Yu Feng earlier." Di Hao said, "Maybe he knows something."

"Well, let's go now." Qiu Yuan nodded in agreement.

"That..." Qin Xiao pointed to Yanming's glasses on the table, "What about Liu Yu inside?"

Di Hao reached out to pick it up, and said to Yanming, "Put the glasses here with me first, and I'll return them to you after sending Liu Yu to reincarnate."

Yanming nodded, "As soon as possible, I've been in the hospital recently, it doesn't feel good not to wear glasses."

"Qin Xiao, you follow us to school today, and then ask Qin Xiao to bring you the glasses. If there is no accident, I can return them to you today." Di Hao nodded and said.

"Okay, leave it to me." Qin Xiao replied, "However, Brother Di, don't you want to torture Liu Yu? This time, one of the puppet's souls was brought back."

Di Hao shook his head, "Didn't you find that these dead people died in their sleep? I guess even if I ask them, they don't know how they died, but you can ask the source of these dolls, no Know exactly where they got this doll from.”

"When will you ask?" Qiu Yuan asked.

"Let's wait a little later, the yang energy is too strong now, Liu Yu's soul has been hurt before, so it's not good to let it out now." Di Hao thought for a while and said, "Now let's go to Beijing University first, find Yu Feng and ask about the puppet's identity." The source, and I will ask Liu Yu later, comparing the two, it is more assured."

"Okay, let's go now."

Because Yanming is an intern, it is not easy to leave the post without authorization, so after explaining to Di Hao and others, he went back to the hospital.Qin Xiao followed a few people to Beijing University.

It is very difficult to find someone on the Peking University campus of Nuo University. They don't know Yu Feng's major, nor do they know where to find Yu Feng, but Di Hao has a premonition that he can find Yu Feng beside Xue Ziyao traces.So they discussed it and decided to go to Xue Ziyao first. If they were lucky, they might meet Yu Feng around Xue Ziyao.

Let Qin Xiao call to ask first, and found that Xue Ziyao is working in the student union center, so a group of people went to Xue Ziyao's office in a mighty way.

Before pointing at Yu Feng on the playground, I asked Xue Ziyao if he knew him. Although I got a negative answer, I thought that Xue Ziyao might have never met Yu Feng, but maybe he had heard of his name, otherwise Yu Feng would definitely know him. In some aspects, it has overlapped with Xue Ziyao.

"Do you know Yu Feng?" Di Hao asked.

Xue Ziyao looked at Di Hao in surprise and nodded, "I know him."

The people who got the answer looked at each other in unison, and Qin Xiao asked strangely, "Then why didn't you know him last time on the playground?"

"What?" Xue Ziyao asked suspiciously, "Who is on the playground?"

"It's the boy we mentioned who kept looking at you and ran away at the end." Xu Zihao said.

"Do you think he is Yu Feng?" Xue Ziyao asked eagerly.

"Haven't you seen him before?" Di Hao asked.

Xue Ziyao slowed down and nodded, "Well, we've never met, I just know his name."

"Then how did you meet?" Qin Xiao asked curiously.

"It's on the Internet. Specifically, I signed up for a computer science and technology competition before, requiring two people to form a team. Because it is an online competition, the requirements for reality are not high, so the combination can be in various forms. I am in I found Yu Feng among the contestants on the Internet, and his ideas and ideas coincided with mine, so I found him to form a team with me, and after that, the two of us communicated on the Internet." Xue Ziyao Open your mouth and say.

"Have you two never said anything about meeting?" Qiu Yuan asked.

Xue Ziyao frowned, and said, "Yes, I asked for a meeting, and he agreed at first, but then I don't know what happened, we didn't see each other, and after that, he didn't want to Come out and meet."

"You never asked why?" Qin Xiao couldn't help asking.

Xue Ziyao shook his head, "I didn't ask, I think he wouldn't want to talk about it." Thinking of what they said just now, Xue Ziyao couldn't help sighing, "I didn't expect that the boy I saw on the playground last time was Yu Feng Ah, it's a pity that I didn't look carefully... Are you here just looking for him?"

"Yes, as for Yu Feng, we only know his name. Apart from your contact, we don't know where to find him, so we want to come and ask you." Qiu Yuan said, "You Know other information about him."

Xue Ziyao nodded, "I know, we all had information about Tian Academy during the competition. I can take you there to find him."

Di Hao raised his eyebrows and looked at Xue Ziyao, "You have to go there too."

Xue Ziyao said helplessly, "He can be regarded as my friend no matter what, so it shouldn't be too much for me to care about it."

"Okay, come with us to find him." Di Hao nodded in agreement, "It seems that we are bad people, just go and ask."

In the School of Computer Science, Xue Ziyao took a few people to find Yu Feng's class.

Standing at the door of the class, Qin Xiao stretched his neck and looked inside. It was get out of class time and there were many people walking around, but there were also many people sitting in their seats, either talking or chatting, but Qin Xiao soon discovered that the person who was sitting alone reading a book Yu Feng.

He turned his head to look at Di Hao and the others, and pointed to Yu Feng's position inside. "Just right there, call him out, you can't chat in other people's classrooms."

Di Hao immediately turned to look at Xue Ziyao, "I leave it to you, you call him out, let's go to the playground to chat."

Xue Ziyao nodded and walked in.

Yu Feng was reading a book alone in his seat, suddenly there was silence around him, and then several people were whispering, he didn't take it seriously, and he didn't look up, until a pair of slender hands appeared in his vision, knock knocked on his desk.

Yu Feng raised his head strangely, and when he saw who was coming, he stood up in a hurry, his leg was knocked, and he rubbed his leg, not daring to look up again.

Xue Ziyao looked at the boy who was half a head shorter than himself and looked like a frightened rabbit, and asked hesitantly, "You are Yu Feng?"

"Ah... ah... yes, I am... Yu Feng." Yu Feng raised his head and glanced at Xue Ziyao, then quickly lowered his head and stammered.

Xue Ziyao looked at Yu Feng with some doubts, and couldn't believe that the very embarrassed person in front of him was the very insightful Yu Feng who talked with him on the Internet.Realizing that he was a little distracted, Xue Ziyao quickly cleared his throat and said, "Well, I have something to ask you, can we go to the playground and talk?"

"Ah... oh, yes." Yu Feng nodded, and then wanted to get out of the seat, but he almost tripped over the chair.

Seeing Yu Feng's movements, Xue Ziyao couldn't help but said, " don't have to panic, aren't we already familiar with each other on the Internet?"

Yu Feng lowered his head and said "um", and finally couldn't help but look up at Xue Ziyao, a pair of black eyes were exposed, a little embarrassed and uneasy.

Xue Ziyao was stunned for a moment, saw Yu Feng's face clearly, and couldn't help saying, "Baby face..."

Yu Feng heard Xue Ziyao's words clearly, his mouth was a little sad, and he was depressed.

"Uh..." Xue Ziyao was a little embarrassed. Seeing Yu Feng's reaction, he realized that he seemed to have said something wrong. Just as he was about to explain, Qin Xiao shouted outside.

"Hey, class is about to start! You guys are coming out. What are you talking about?"

Hearing the sound, Yu Feng raised his head to see the people outside, he turned his head and looked at Xue Ziyao in surprise, a little at a loss, his eyes were full of panic.

Seeing Yu Feng's eyes, Xue Ziyao couldn't help but pat Yu Feng's head, "Don't be afraid, they just want to ask you some questions, there's nothing wrong with it."

Yu Feng nodded blankly.

Xue Ziyao added, "I'll accompany you, let's go." Then he walked out towards the door.

Yu Feng followed behind Xue Ziyao, couldn't help touching his head that had been touched, and a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

When the class bell rang, they had already walked to the gate of the School of Computer Science.After walking for a short time, he came to the playground on the rubber track and found a place where no one was there. Di Hao took out the doll in his pocket and asked Yu Feng, "You should know this one, right?"

Yu Feng looked at the puppet in Di Hao's hand in surprise, couldn't help but took it, looked back and forth in his hand, then nodded and said, "I know, I was in... er, when I came back, I found it was gone. gone."

Di Hao and Qiu Yuan looked at each other and continued to ask, "You lost it at the time and I picked it up. I think this doll is exquisitely made. Where did you buy it?"

Yu Feng scratched his head, "I didn't buy this one, it should be said that I picked it up too. I think this doll is pretty, so I keep it. If you like it, I can give it to you." Yu Feng Reach out and pass it over.

"Uh... well, anyway, if you keep it in your hands, you may not know what will happen." Di Hao took it over and whispered, "By the way, where did you pick up this doll?"

"Well, I picked it up in the book bar... oh, it's the book bar opened by the school library, where I work part-time. I asked the people in the book bar, and they all said it wasn't theirs. I haven't seen anyone come to look for it, and if no one comes to look for this kind of thing, the boss will treat it like garbage, so I'm coming here." Yu Feng said.

Di Hao frowned, "If there is such a lost thing in the book bar, and no one comes to look for it, besides being disposed of as garbage, is it you who want to go there?"

Yu Feng pursed his lips and nodded, "That's right... Well, I'm not greedy for cheap things, but if these things are thrown away, it would be too wasteful."

"Oh, I don't mean anything else. I mean, have you always been so frugal?" Di Hao smiled and said soothingly.

Yu Feng said embarrassedly, "I'm used to this."

Di Hao and Qiu Yuan looked at each other——finally grasped the key point.

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