"Has there been any progress in the source of the dolls?" Seeing Xiao Qian and Xu Zihao enter the office, Qiu Yuan asked, and Di Hao was sitting beside him studying the dolls.

Xiao Gan shook his head and said, "Captain, we have asked everyone we know around these girls, but they either don't know where these girls bought their dolls, or they haven't even seen them." seen."

Xu Zihao also said, "And I also looked at the shops around the school, and they didn't sell these wooden dolls, but apart from the stores around the school, the shops in other areas are too big and too numerous to do anything about it." locking."

Di Hao put the dolls in his hands on the table, "These girls don't know each other, but they have the same dolls, and the shops around the school don't sell them. There is only one explanation, these dolls may be bought by the murderer. It may have come here, or it may not have been done by the murderer himself, and then sent to these girls through some channels."

Xu Zihao nodded, "We thought the same way, so we first checked who these girls knew, but it turned out that, except for Xue Ziyao, none of the people they knew was the same, so we thought, The murderer and these girls don’t all know each other, or maybe they don’t know each other, but in this way, the scope is wider, so Xiao Gan and I came back first.”

"Then we can only start with Xue Ziyao. Since these girls all like Xue Ziyao, the murderer must also have something to do with Xue Ziyao." Qiu Yuan knocked on the table and said.

"Not necessarily." Di Hao said.

"Huh?" Qiu Yuan looked at Di Hao, then at the puppet on the table, "You found a clue."

Di Hao pointed to the puppets on the table, "These puppets are exquisite in workmanship, they must not be small things sold in the small shops outside, and since they can imprison people's souls, these puppets must be engraved with spells. I took a look at these dolls, and they are indeed hollow inside, so the spell must be carved inside."

Qiu Yuan's eyes lit up, "You mean, the murderer might be the person who made these puppets?"

"Well, this possibility is not ruled out, and the possibility is very high. In addition, if these exquisite dolls are sold, the store where they are sold must also be very exquisite, otherwise the value of these dolls will depreciate... But there is still a One possibility is that these dolls are not for sale." Di Hao touched the dolls on the table and said.

"Anyway, it's good to have such clues. How about it, what Di Hao said just now, you go and check to see if anyone knows this kind of skill, or they do it at home." Qiu Yuan said to Xu Zihao and Xiao Gan.

The two nodded and left again.

Qiu Yuan turned his head and saw that Di Hao was still looking at the puppet on the table and didn't know what to think, so he knocked on the table, Di Hao raised his head and looked at Qiu Yuan, "What are you doing?"

"What are you still thinking about?"

"I'm worried, who carved the spells inside these dolls? Could it be that the murderers who made these things also know Taoist magic? And as far as I know, this kind of Taoism, which can be called sorcery, is forbidden , and this kind of thing is something that Taoists disdain to do the most, but in order to eradicate the girls Xue Ziyao loves, why imprison their souls? No, it should not be said to be imprisoned. Where did it go. Moreover, whether it is killing people to collect souls, or killing the girl whom Xue Ziyao loves, this method is a bit superfluous."

Qiu Yuan frowned, and asked, "You mean, there may be more than one murderer behind this?"

Di Hao nodded solemnly, "Maybe it's one person who intends to kill someone, and another person who wants to kill someone. They each get what they want. That's why they need to cover up their eyes and ears and use this complicated method of killing."

"However, if there are two people, is the doll made by one person or two people? If it is made by two people, should one person do it well and let the other person attach a spell? If it is In this case, these two people must also know each other." Qiu Yuan said.

Di Hao shook his head, "Even if two people made this doll together, they might not know each other." After finishing speaking, Di Hao picked up a doll on the table, gathered spiritual power with both hands, and broke it hard. It broke in two, Di Hao narrowed his eyes, and took out a rolled up yellow paper from inside.

"This is?" Qiu Yuan leaned over to look.

"The talisman." Di Hao said in a deep voice, opened the talisman and took a look, "It really is a sorcery." Di Hao patted the talisman on the table, "This case must be investigated quickly, otherwise it may happen again What's the matter?"

Qiu Yuan sat back on the stool and sighed, "It seems that love killing may not be the worst outcome."

"The worst result may be that someone wants to use magic to collect people's souls." Di Hao said, rubbing the talisman paper on the table.

At the gate of Chenxing Kindergarten, Di Hao stared at the person in front of him, and said very depressed, "How do you know this kindergarten that Qi Qi attends? Also, why are you here?"

Qin Zhi leaned against the car door, attracting many people's attention. He looked at Di Hao and said, "Oh, the little guy called me and told me to come pick him up. He said he missed me."

Di Hao frowned, "Impossible, Qiqi asked me to pick him up, but he didn't mention you."

"Maybe I forgot. If you don't believe me, you can ask him later." Qin Zhi raised the corner of his mouth, "Should we go in and pick up Qiqi?"

"Hmph." Di Hao glared at Qin Zhi, and walked in first.

Walking to the door of Qiqi's classroom, Di Hao didn't go in in a hurry, but looked in through the window. Qiqi was making handicrafts with a few children, talking and laughing, Di Hao smiled—he I know that my baby is attractive.

Walking into the door, Di Hao called out with a smile, "Baby."

Qiqi raised her head immediately, saw that it was Di Hao, dropped the origami in her hand and rushed over, "Dad~"

Throwing into Di Hao's arms, Di Hao stretched out his arms to hug Qi Qi, Qi Qi rubbed against Di Hao's neck, "Dad, I miss you so much."

Di Hao patted Qi Qi's butt with one hand, "How long have we been separated?" But hearing Qi Qi say this, Di Hao felt so sweet that he didn't want to.

Qiqi raised her head, and suddenly saw Qin Zhi behind Di Hao, her eyes lit up, she stretched out her arms, and leaned towards Qin Zhi, "Uncle, you're really here! Qiqi also Miss you so much, hug~"

Qin Zhi glanced at Di Hao, who was full of displeasure, but his subordinates took Qiqi over without slowing down, and hugged her in his arms, "Uncle misses you too."

"Hey." Qi Qi scratched her head with a smile, said goodbye to the children, and left with Qin Zhi and Di Hao.

"Baby, come down, Dad will take you home." At the gate of Chenxing Kindergarten, Di Hao stretched out his hand and said to Qiqi.

"Hmm..." Qiqi pouted, looked at Qin Zhi in embarrassment, twisted her hands together, and didn't speak.

"Huh?" Di Hao narrowed his eyes and looked at Qiqi.

"How about it, it's rare to come to see Qiqi, so I'll treat you to dinner." Qin Zhi said.


"All right."

The two voices sounded at the same time, but their meanings were completely opposite.

Qin Zhi smiled and said, "Go to heaven and earth to eat..."

"Then go." Di Hao changed his words immediately.

The food in heaven and earth is amazing, but it is super expensive. Di Hao only took Qiqi to eat a few times, the food is small, and it is very expensive. Di Hao's flesh hurts from eating, but now that there are people treating guests, it is not free do not eat.

"Okay, let's go in my car." Qin Zhi nodded.

"Then what about my car?" Di Hao glanced at his car.

"I'll make a phone call and ask someone to drive over for you. You can go in my car." Qin Zhi held Qi Qi in one hand, took out the phone with the other hand and called.

Di Hao curled his lips and muttered softly, "The action is quite fast."

When he came to Heaven and Earth, Di Hao unceremoniously ordered a table full of food, and even groaned provocatively at Qin Zhi, "Although I can't eat it, I want to take it home with me."

Qin Zhi nodded in a good-tempered manner, took a sip of the red wine, and then said, "Actually, you can order another one after you finish eating, and have it packed for you, or you can order it now, and it will be cold after you finish eating." .”

Di Hao paused with his chopsticks and glared at Qin Zhi, "I am willing, I just like cold food."

"Oh, well, at that time I asked someone to pack hot food for Qi Qi, he is still young, so he can't eat cold food." Qin Zhi said while patting Qi Qi's head.

"up to you."

The environment in Heaven and Earth is very good. Due to the good location, the surrounding environment is fresh and natural, so there is a large floor-to-ceiling window on the first floor of the restaurant, where you can see the scenery outside. The three of Di Hao sat next to the floor-to-ceiling window.

Qin Zhi was not in a hurry to eat. While tasting the red wine, he watched Di Hao and Qi Qi eat. Di Hao was not eating fast, but his food was quite elegant, but before he finished chewing, his eyes were already on him. There are other things on the plate, if there is something you like to eat, your eyes light up, or you smile, you must reach out and put it in your own bowl, or Qiqi's bowl, and then wait until the food in your mouth is finished chewing, Just eat the food in the bowl, and then attack the food in other plates, and don't repeat it.Qi Qi has short hands and cannot reach the plates on the table even when he is sitting on the children's chair, so Di Hao and Qin Zhi took turns picking up food for him, and he just ate the food in his own bowl wholeheartedly, using a small spoon to serve it one by one. After filling the space in his mouth, he chewed slowly. At this time, Di Hao would always helplessly tell him to stuff less, and he would never tire of talking, but after a while, he would come back again. Forgot, still stuffed mouth as always.Kindergarten is out of school early, at this time the sun has not completely set, and it will never set on the horizon. The soft light passes through the horizon, through the glass window, and sprinkles on the faces of the two people opposite, casting a layer of soft and bright halo , Qin Zhi sipped the red wine, and suddenly felt a little moved. This scene seemed to cater to his deepest expectations, and his heart that had been floating for many years seemed to have found a home.He never knew why he was interested in Di Hao, because Di Hao's appearance was not what he liked at all, but he just couldn't bear to look away, even if Di Hao had a child with him, no, it should be said, even if Having a child like Qiqi didn't affect anything at all, and it was even because of the interaction between the two of them that it made him greedy for this feeling even more.At this moment, Qin Zhi clearly realized that this kind of people, this kind of life, and this kind of feeling are what he really wants deep down in his heart. Even if he quietly watches them do nothing, he is still very satisfied. Even happiness, the momentary throbbing in the heart cannot be deceived, as if being guided away, as if attracted uncontrollably, as if the vacancy in the heart was filled at once. . . . . .Qin Zhi smiled, his eyes softened, and exhaled slowly, Qin Zhi leaned on the back of the chair relaxedly, turned his head to look at the sunset outside - since he is reluctant to let go, then never let go, No matter what, he must hold such a picture tightly in his palm.

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