Take the buns to hunt ghosts

Chapter 32 Xue Ziyao

The special case investigation department established by the government is affiliated to the police station and is a secret agency. Not many people know about it. There are many strange people and strangers in it, even Feng Shui masters. It's called a liar. After all, it's a scientific society now, and everything pays attention to science. Few people will believe in these mystic arts.It's just that, what I believe people don't expect is that although the government often advocates science, they have an anti-science department.

Lin You is the captain of the special department, born with a pair of yin and yang eyes, able to see through the black and white of the world, and he is an orthodox descendant of the Maoshan sect, who has learned the orthodox Maoshan techniques, and has countless capable people under his command, but these people are often assigned secretly , To deal with the weird incidents that occur in various places. Although such incidents rarely occur in society, people don't know that the probability of these incidents happening in private is very high, so Lin You always has a shortage of manpower.Therefore, people in the special department often recruit talents anytime and anywhere.But under normal circumstances, these capable people are unwilling to be attached to government agencies. On the one hand, they are too restricted and do not have too much freedom to speak of. Arrogant and unwilling to take orders from others.So so far, most of Lin You's subordinates are single idlers and strangers.For Lin You, Di Hao is simply a rare talent. However, Di Hao always remembered that Qi Qi was still young, so he rejected Lin You's invitation many times. He never invited Di Hao again, but he kept this matter in his heart all the time. Unexpectedly, when he was chatting with the new external contact person who appeared this time, he discovered that he knew Di Hao, so he hooked him up again. It broke Lin You's mind.Who would have thought that within a few days, the person in charge of liaison would invite Di Hao here.

After inviting the three of them to a meal, Lin You asked about Di Hao's address and contact information, rushed to Di Hao's house without stopping, and finally managed to put Di Hao under his command. Except for the unequal treaty that You want to forget, other feelings are still very good.

"Then I will leave this matter to you." Lin You said.

"Well... By the way, will there be a reward after I finish this matter?" Di Hao asked, poking his chin.

"...Uh, yes, there will be a salary increase in your salary this month." Lin You nodded.

"Yeah, it's not bad. Are the three people beside me Qiu Yuan and the others?"

"Yes, our external liaison officers here are the three of them. In fact, they are liaison officers, but in fact they are to cover up the existence of us. It is not convenient for us to appear in front of the public. Their existence is to cover up our ability. So if you have any inconvenience, just leave it to them." Lin You explained, "You all know each other, and you should be able to cooperate with each other when you do things. It's more handy, so if there are still tasks , I will try my best to deploy you together."

"Well, okay." Di Hao nodded and patted Qiqi's head in his arms, "Remember to give me a higher salary, there are two of us here." As he said, he grabbed Qiqi's chubby paws He waved at Lin You.

Lin You wanted to cry but said without tears, "Can't you buy one and get one free?"

Di Hao grinned at Lin You, "You have a good idea."

Qi Qi stretched out her small hand, and grabbed Lin You, "Uncle, don't forget your salary. Hehe."


The office of the special department is independent of the police station. It is located on the highest floor of the police station and occupies a single floor. Below it is the police station's corpse freezer and autopsy room. Why is it so distributed?On the one hand, the reason was that the person in charge at the time believed that with these strange people suppressing the storage of corpses below at the highest level, ordinary people below the level of the freezer and dissection room could also be guaranteed to be safe. It is because of the existence of the freezer room and the dissecting room, ordinary people below rarely have the opportunity to come up, so the existence of the special department is hidden to a greater extent. Of course, even if someone comes up, they will not know about them. In addition, they have special channels for people from special departments to go through, which further avoids the opportunity to contact ordinary people below.

Lin You brought Di Hao and Qiqi to the door of the special department office, opened the door and went in, and found that Qiu Yuan and the others were already waiting there.

"Di Hao, here we come." Qiu Yuan greeted and waved at Qi Qi, "Hey, baby, did you miss me?"

"Hello, Uncle. I miss Uncle a little bit." Qiqi replied with a smile, Di Hao put Qiqi on the ground, and Qiqi ran to Qiu Yuan and stretched out his arms, begging for a hug, "Uncle Hug~"

"Haha, so cute." Qiu Yuan picked up Qiqi with a smile, put him on his lap, then pointed to the information on the table and said, "These are the dead girls we sorted out information, let’s take a look.”

Di Hao nodded and sat on the chair to look through the documents. After comparing several documents, Di Hao raised his head and said, "These girls were all students of Beijing University before they were alive? Isn't that the same school as Qin Xiao?"

"Well, they are in the same school as him, but not in the same department. I asked him before, and he said that he had no idea that these girls were in the same school as her, and he had never heard of these things in school." Qiu Yuan opened his mouth and replied, "Maybe this matter has not attracted the attention of the school, so not many people know about it."

"Although these girls are all students of Peking University, but...their departments are very complicated. What connects them together?" Di Hao flipped through the information on the table.

"Say, do they know each other?" Xiao Qian asked.

Xu Zihao shook his head, "It's not impossible, but if they all know each other but are not from the same department, then the thing that can bring them all together is..."

Several people raised their heads to look at each other, and Di Hao said, "The school's student union department? Or club activities?"

"Then we need to ask their parents again, do they know if they participated in any activities in school or held any positions before their death?" Lin You said.

"Leave it to us. After saying hello, we'd better go to Beijing University to investigate." Qiu Yuan replied.

"it is good."

The next day, Qiu Yuan put the investigation results on the projector, "This is the first deceased, that is, the female corpse that Qin Xiaoyanming and the others dissected, named Zhao Xing, who was a cadre of a department of the student union, and the rest The three deceased were members of the badminton club, but we are not sure whether they knew each other or if there was any connection between them, we still need to go to Beijing University to investigate."

"Then go." Di Hao nodded.

So Di Hao held Qiqi in his arms, Qiu Yuan brought Xu Zihao and Xiao Gan to the gate of Peking University, where Qin Xiao was waiting.

"You are here." Qin Xiao waved at them, "Come here... Brother Di, are you going to the student union?"

"Well, you can lead us the way." Di Hao nodded.

"Well, it happens that the president of the student union this year is my junior and friend, and he will help you well." Qin Xiao replied.

"Your junior?" Qiu Yuan asked.

"Brother Qiu is the youngest son of the Xue family—Xue Ziyao." Qin Xiao replied.

"Oh, it's him." Qiu Yuan nodded.

"Why, you know him too?" Di Hao asked curiously.

Qiu Yuan nodded, "I met him a few times at previous gatherings, he is the son of the Xue Group."

Di Hao curled his lips, "Another evil capitalist."

Qiu Yuan shook his head and smiled, "This Mr. Xue has a very good reputation, you'll know it when you see him."

It was only when Di Hao saw him that he realized what a gentleman is like jade, like a spring breeze. This Xue Ziyao fully interprets what a gentleman is. "You must have been born in the wrong era." Di Hao couldn't help but said.

Xue Ziyao smiled, "Many people have said that... Today the senior said he would bring someone over, but I didn't expect Big Brother Qiu to come too. Is there any case that needs my assistance?"

Qiu Yuan nodded and smiled, "I just want to investigate some things, and I need the records of your student union members."

"Okay, I'll bring it to you right away." Xue Ziyao nodded without asking what was the matter, and immediately found the file, "It's all here."

"Well, thank you." Qiu Yuan took the file, searched with several people, and found Zhao Xing's file.Qiu Yuan put Zhao Xing's file in front of Xue Ziyao, "Ziyao, do you know this girl?"

Xue Ziyao glanced at it, and said in surprise, "It's her?"

"You really know each other?" Di Hao asked.

Xue Ziyao's expression was a little embarrassed, "Well, I know you."

"What's going on?" Qiu Yuan asked, "What do you guys meet?"

"Actually, we have nothing to do with each other...that's... She confessed to me a few times, and I remember her." Xue Ziyao said a little embarrassedly, "Are you looking for her? She hasn't come for several days Past the student council."

"She is dead." Di Hao said.

"What?" Xue Ziyao said in surprise, "How could it be? What happened? You're not joking."

"No, I watched and dissected her body." Qin Xiao patted Xue Ziyao on the shoulder.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen...it's a pity." Xue Ziyao sighed.

Di Hao frowned and thought for a while, then took out the photos of the other three girls before they were alive, and put them in front of Xue Ziyao, "Do you know these three girls?"

Xue Ziyao took a look, then looked at Di Hao in surprise, "I know them all."

"You know them all?!" Qiu Yuan straightened up and said with a frown.

Hearing Xue Ziyao's reply, everyone present felt a little unbelievable, but they seemed to have grasped the key to the matter.

Xue Ziyao nodded, "The three of them are members of the badminton club, and I also joined that club."

"How did you meet the three of them in the club? Well, or, what do the three of them have in common with you?" Di Hao asked.

"Uh...the three of them...all confessed to me." Xue Ziyao touched his face in embarrassment.

Qin Xiao gave Xue Ziyao a thumbs up in admiration, "You are really good, the three of them have never been jealous in front of you?"

Xue Ziyao frowned and thought about it, "They don't seem to know each other, I haven't seen the three of them together before."

"They don't even know each other." Di Hao looked at the photos in his hand.

"What? Did something happen to these three girls?" Xue Ziyao frowned and asked.

Qiu Yuan and the others looked at each other, and fell silent in unison—it seems that the key point is actually Xue Ziyao, but if he knows that the cause of death of these four girls may be because of him, I don't know what Xue Ziyao will think .

Seeing the silence of several people, Xue Ziyao responded with a helpless sigh. Just as he was about to say something, he heard a knock on the door.

Xue Ziyao put away his thoughts about asking something, looked at a few people, and saw that there were no objections from them, so he said, "Come in."

The door was opened, and a girl walked in, "President, it's time for you to go to the meeting."

"Ji Ying, you are the vice president, please help me preside over it first, I have something to do..." Xue Ziyao replied, but was interrupted by Qiu Yuan.

"No, you go, we have nothing else to ask, as for what you want to ask, hey, ask Qin Xiao later."

"Me?!..." Qin Xiao pointed at himself—Brother Qiu, you will use me as a weapon, "Oh, okay."

On the way back, Qin Xiao still led the way for several people.There is no way, Beijing University is too big, people who just came here can't tell the direction.

While walking, Qin Xiao suddenly thought of a question.

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