Yanming is a strange thing, why do you say that?Because he and Peng Yu are both high-achieving medical students with excellent skills, but compared to Peng Yu who is happy to perform surgery, he is more willing to dissect corpses, and he never tires of it. After graduation, his first choice is to become a forensic doctor. Therefore, this intern Activities, for Yanming, dissecting the corpse is a must for him.For this reason, the professors of the medical school all have the expression of a child who cannot be taught, but it is not a day or two for Yanming, they are all used to being helpless, so they can only let him choose to do what he likes , otherwise nothing may happen.

Of course, Peng Yu didn't discuss these things with Qin Xiao in detail, so when Qin Xiao saw Yan Ming in the anatomy room for the first time, he saw what it meant to be a person who vividly interpreted "demented and insane". Immediately, I felt that I was cheated.

Qin Xiao found Di Hao with extremely quick actions, and successfully got Di Hao to consecrate his bracelet. Of course, Qin Xiao also paid a lot of rewards for this.At that time, Qin Xiao hadn't met Yanming yet, so when he talked about this matter with Di Hao, Di Hao thought of the man he had met a few times, and couldn't help showing a meaningful smile. Xiao didn't understand either, and when he said goodbye at the end, Di Hao just patted Qin Xiao on the shoulder and said, "Fortunately, you asked me for consecration in advance, so that you can give yourself a psychological comfort. Well, come on."

Qin Xiao thought that Di Hao was trying to cheer him up, and waved goodbye with a smile—who would have thought that Di Hao was gloating.

After all kinds of hiding and hiding, but still can't escape, Qin Xiao still decided to walk into the door of the analysis room with the feeling of early death and early death.

I made an appointment with Peng Yu in advance, and it happened that Peng Yu also needed to observe an operation, so the two decided to meet in front of the dissection room, because Peng Yu said that Yan Ming must still be dissecting the corpse in the dissection room at that time, so it was convenient to introduce the two know.

At this time, Qin Xiao didn't know what kind of person Yan Ming was, so when Qin Xiao saw Yan Ming beside Peng Yu in front of the anatomy room, he secretly praised Yan Ming for being a man with a frameless Glasses, handsome facial features, with short hair, the whole person looks very neat and clean, tall and slender, Qin Xiao visually inspected it, it is almost as tall as his elder brother, with long legs and long arms, plus a pair of clothes hangers With a normal figure, she can be a model, and it's no wonder that she can wear a plain white coat with style.

But in the next minute, Qin Xiao resolutely thought that he was absolutely blind just now. This is obviously a person who is like a dog.

Seeing Qin Xiao approaching, Yanming pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, turned to Peng Yu and asked, "This is the person you told me to take with me? Why is he so stupid?"

Qin Xiao felt that his expression was cracked inch by inch, and he glared at Yanming, then looked at Peng Yu, pointed at Yanming and asked, "This is the person you asked me to follow? Doesn't his eyes look bad?"

"Heh..." Yanming sneered.

"You don't need to tell Peng Yu, I think your eyesight is not good, hum, otherwise why are you wearing glasses." Qin Xiao looked at Yanming with contempt, "But I advise you to go to the optical shop to have a look again, glasses The degree must not suit your current eyes."

"Uh...hahaha, look at the two of you, you're joking just now." Peng Yu smiled awkwardly, then grabbed Qin Xiao, stopped him from speaking, and leaned closer to Qin Xiao's ear Said, "Okay, okay, stop talking, Yanming glasses are not short-sighted."

"Ah?" Qin Xiao looked at Yanming inexplicably, "It's not myopia, why does this guy wear glasses, what kind of hobby is it?"

Peng Yu patted Qin Xiao on the shoulder, and said calmly, "Oh, in fact, Yanming has yin and yang eyes, and he can see strange things since he was a child. In fact, he has been used to it, but you also know that people in our industry , when performing surgery or dissecting a corpse, he is most afraid of being disturbed by something or something, so Yanming wants to cover it up, but he doesn't want to seal his yin and yang eyes, so Di Hao bought him a pair of glasses and put them on I can’t see those things anymore.” Seeing Qin Xiao’s unresponsive surprise, Peng Yu changed the subject in a timely manner, “Well, Yanming’s mouth is a bit poisonous, but his heart is not bad at all, don’t pay too much attention to what he said ah."

Qin Xiao came back to his senses, "No...well, you mean, what is there in the hospital?"

"It's normal. This is a hospital. There are dead people every day. There are more or less such things, but don't worry, they are not aggressive, and they don't stay for long. After a while The child will disappear. Besides, don’t you have something that Di Hao opened up in your hand, what are you afraid of. You have never been to the hospital before, so nothing strange happened.” Peng Yu comforted, Anyway, he's used to it, it's fine if he can't see it.

Qin Xiao felt his scalp tingling, thinking that there might be such a thing around him, he felt a little bad, "When I came to the hospital before, who knew there was such a thing here! Now I know, even if I know It’s hard to get close to that kind of thing.”

"Heh, coward." Yan Ming said while crossing his arms.

"What are you talking about!" Qin Xiao turned his head and glared at Yanming angrily, "You've been used to seeing it since you were a child, but I didn't know there was such a thing a while ago."

"No one is used to certain things from the beginning." Yanming said flatly, "Ghosts are not scary, some of them don't even have thinking, and they don't stay in the world for a long time, you don't need to make such a fuss. They won't disturb strangers for no reason...Sometimes, people may be scarier than ghosts." Yanming said the following words in a low voice, as if he was talking to himself. Listen to yourself.

Qin Xiao pouted, but did not speak.

"Okay, I'm going to the operating room to have a look." Peng Yu looked at his watch, "Then follow Yanming carefully, I'll go first."

"Okay." Qin Xiao nodded reluctantly, watching Peng Yu leave.

After Peng Yu left, Yanming turned around and entered the planing room. Qin Xiao stood outside the planing room, gritted his teeth, and followed in.

"Ugh..." Seeing the scene in the anatomy room, Qin Xiao covered his mouth, feeling his stomach churning.

Yanming had already picked up the scalpel at this time, focused his eyes on the corpse on the operating table, and said without turning his head, "If you can't get used to it, just stand aside and wait until you get used to it. "

"...What?" Qin Xiao asked in surprise while covering his mouth, "I still want to go up to contact...that?"

"Of course, aren't you a student of the Department of Archeology? What you need is not only to inspect the cultural relics buried with him, but also the ancient corpses in the coffin. Corpse, as far as I know, that kind of ancient corpse is less eye-catching than these corpses, you can't even get used to touching these corpses, how will you get used to that kind of ancient corpse?" Yan Ming said lightly.

Qin Xiao pulled the corner of his mouth with difficulty, "You understand quite clearly."

"Average." At this time, Yanming raised his head to look at Qin Xiao, "I'm just used to everything being in my hands and understanding clearly."


At this time, in a room in a residential building in the urban area, a beautiful figure was fiddling with a small object in the dim room, muttering to himself, "Why don't you like me? You How could you not like me... It must be those people, yes, it must be those people who prevented you from liking me... Hehe, don't worry, I will definitely not let those people do what they want."

After spending one day in the anatomy room like this, Qin Xiao fully realized the strength of Yanming's heart—everyone who has seen a meal can eat it in the anatomy room without changing his face!Especially when those dishes are like people who know a certain scene on the operating table in the planing room very well, and can still eat with relish like this, Qin Xiao said that this kind of person has simply reached a level that others can't match.Anyway, Qin Xiao couldn't do it, let alone go out to eat, now he couldn't even eat a bite of food.

It was noon on the second day, and Qin Xiao was able to stand aside and watch without changing his face. He is indeed a person with a strong heart since he was a child. The psychological quality has been trained to a strong point, but Qin Xiao is not like Qin Zhi, who uses layers of toughness to disguise his appearance.

"Tsk." Yanming clicked his tongue while chewing his food.

Qin Xiao was playing with his mobile phone, and when he heard the voice, he raised his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I found that there are a lot of corpses sent recently, and it seems that they are all female college students."

Qin Xiao looked at Yanming inexplicably, "Are you thinking about this kind of thing while eating?"

Yanming looked up at Qin Xiao, "What's wrong? Is it strange?"

Qin Xiao shook his head, "No, hehe, it's not surprising."

"You haven't eaten today, aren't you hungry?" Yanming raised his hands to eat the food inside.

Qin Xiao looked at the planing room and shook his head, "I won't be hungry when I see the planing room, and I've stuffed myself with a lot of food before I came here today, and I'm almost stuffed to death, and now I'm not hungry at all."

Yanming gave Qin Xiao a disgusted look, "No wonder you were bent when I saw you this morning. It turns out that you couldn't stand up straight."

"Who is to blame for this!" Qin Xiao glared at Yanming, "If you weren't willing to write comments on my project report, I wouldn't use it today!"

"I'm seeking truth from facts, I can't lie to you." Yanming raised his chin, "I'm an upright person."


"Bang bang..." There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in." Yanming said.

The door was opened, and a person walked in from outside the door—a young man, who should also be a medical student who came to practice.

"Brother Ming, I have something to ask of you." The young man said with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"whats the matter?"

"Today, a corpse came into our dissection room...but we couldn't dissect it anyway...you can go and help us take a look."

Yanming nodded, "Okay, after I finish eating, I'll go over and take a look for you."

"Great, then I'll go back and wait for you, Brother Ming, take your time."

Yanming nodded, and the young man left.

Qin Xiao turned his head to look at Yanming, and asked, "Um...why did that person say the corpse couldn't be dissected just now?... Was the scalpel blunt?"

Yanming glanced at Qin Xiao, and said in a normal tone, "No, it should be that the corpse is unwilling to be dissected."

"What?" Qin Xiao almost choked on his own saliva, "Is it true? Are you not afraid of this situation?"

Yanming shrugged, "There are very few people who choose our profession, but those who choose are basically people with a very strong heart, or people with a wide heart and a thick nerve. Generally speaking, they don't know about such trivial matters. Care."

"Huh... This kind of thing is still called trivial, you are really powerful." Qin Xiao shook his head and said.

"Do you want to follow me later?" Yanming raised his eyebrows and asked.

Qin Xiao thought for a while, touched the bracelet on his wrist, and said, "Go, you are not afraid, why should I be afraid."

"Who said yesterday..."

"I'm just not used to it! I'm not used to it! It doesn't mean I'm afraid!" Qin Xiao blocked what Yanming was about to say.

Yanming shrugged, "Okay."

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