Take the buns to hunt ghosts

Chapter 13 Preparations

I heard Xiao Qian talk about what he personally experienced, and during the few days waiting for the camera to be installed, Qin Xiao and Xu Zihao both had different and complicated emotions, both excited and apprehensive, but in the end they were both of good quality. Excitement accounted for more than half of the young people, but after all, it was something they had never seen before. Apart from the excitement, the two of them could not help but make more preparations for themselves.On the contrary, with Di Hao's guarantee, Xiao Qian no longer feels uneasy like before.

The worker Qin Zhi hired to install the camera naturally didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, so the camera was quickly installed in Ms. He's room, and the cameras used were all of the best quality.

Looking at the high-quality camera in front of him, Di Hao curled his lips inwardly—he really is a black-hearted exploiting capitalist.

"Mr. Di, according to what you said, the camera has been installed, so now, you should also ensure that the camera is 'normally running'." Qiu Yuan looked at Di Hao and joked.At this time, apart from Qiu Yuan, Qin Zhi, Qin Xiao, Xu Zihao, Xiao Qian and others were all in the room, even Peng Yu came to join in the fun with Qiqi in his arms.On the contrary, the owner of Ms. He's room was detained in other rooms by the police.

For Qiu Yuan's joke, Di Hao didn't pay much attention to it, just took a step forward, the fingertips of the five fingers of the left hand were all facing upwards, the middle finger and ring finger were bent into the palm of the hand, the thumb, index finger and little finger were stretched upwards, forming three Clear finger fingering, this fingering method is used to hold clean water or amulet water, and now it can also be used to show water ghosts.Gather the aura with your fingertips, swipe it around the camera, go back and forth several times, and cover all the cameras in the room with aura.

During this process, only Qiqi saw the aura gathered in his father's hands, and the others saw the shape, not the god, except that it was the first time for everyone except Peng Yu, who was accustomed to seeing this kind of aura. In fact, you don't believe in the mysterious things, but Di Hao's figure is extremely elegant, solemn and happy, and there is a faint dao aura coming from him. Even if he can't tell the truth clearly, he can't see it, but he can make people feel the dao in a hazy state. The aura is solemn, so even if you can't see the aura gathered in Di Hao's hands, a few people don't think that Di Hao is really putting on an act. Only now did they really feel the truth of the matter.

In fact, it was also because of Qin Zhi and the others themselves. If they were ordinary people, they would not feel anything wrong when they saw Di Hao's deeds, but let alone Qin Zhi and Qin Xiao, just Qiu Yuan, Xu Zihao, and Xiao Qian. , both of them are policemen, and they carry a strong aura. They are very sensitive to this kind of dao aura, and Qin Zhi and Qin Xiao are also like the favored sons of heaven. Qin Zhi is even more sensitive to everything else around him. , so he could also detect the Dao Qi on Di Hao.And Peng Yu, who grew up with Di Hao since he was a child, knows everything about Di Hao in detail, so he can naturally perceive the Dao Qi in Di Hao.

After doing all this, Di Hao took away the spiritual energy in his hand, then looked at Qin Zhi and Qiu Yuan, and said, "Now that everything is ready, choosing a day is worse than hitting the day, let's collect ghosts tonight."

All of a sudden, the three people who were going to hunt ghosts with Di Hao were startled.

Qin Xiao patted his chest, "What? Tonight? I'm not ready for what to do. Oh my God, I'm not mentally prepared at all." That's what he said, but Qin Xiao didn't show any fear on his face. It's full of excitement.

Xu Zihao's eyes were also bright, obviously looking forward to what happened at night, only Xiao Qian showed the reaction that a normal person should have, even so, Xiao Qian only turned pale for a moment.

Seeing Xu Zihao's reaction, Qiu Yuan helped his forehead and sighed helplessly—what kind of thing is this? It turned out that something happened here at Ah Zhi's place, so he brought his capable men over to take a look. The most disdainful and most disbelieving magic sticks were mixed together, and he seemed to follow along without any objection. If it was the past, he would never believe that he would be involved in this kind of thing. However, he looked at Qin who was standing aside. Zhi, Qiu Yuan let go of his entangled heart, even Qin Zhi followed his younger brother to mess around, so what does it matter if he follows now.Thinking that the calm talent that his old man has always admired is now acting like this, Qiu Yuan finds it funny when he thinks about it.But jokes are jokes, and laughs are snickers. Qiu Yuan also knows that Qin Zhi is not a person who is arrogant, and he is also vaguely aware of the weirdness of this matter, not to mention Di Hao's previous actions. It's as simple as a magic stick.All in all, just wait and see.

Seeing that the three of them had no objection, Di Hao asked Qiu Yuan to have Miss He brought over. However, since this Miss He woke up, she was still in a daze. In order to avoid being misled by her at night, Di Hao still did nothing. The hesitant pinching of hands made her fall into a coma, the method was the same as the one that made Miss He pass out for the first time before, but after that, Di Hao untied the aura mask on Miss He, and put The aura was withdrawn, but they couldn't just wait for the water ghost to patrol, so they didn't know when the water ghost would come and how long they would have to wait, so Di Hao planned to wait until midnight. If you notice it, just use some means to summon her over.

As the sky gradually darkened, Qiu Yuan and Qin Zhi went to the monitoring room that had been set up, intending to monitor the progress of the matter there, while Qin Xiao and the others followed Di Hao and guarded Ms. He's room, and Ms. He placed it against the wall. On a sofa, there is a magic talisman drawn by Di Hao on the back wall, which can prevent the water ghost from entering from there. This magic talisman cannot be seen by ordinary people, and it is just to prevent the water ghost from sneaking from behind Ms. He, making them hard to guard against. The rest A few people sat on the opposite sofa, Qiqi sat in Di Hao's arms, and gradually became sleepy, and Di Hao coaxed her to sleep. Qin Xiao and the three of them were holding something, and when they looked carefully, there was everything, peach wood Swords, peace charms, etc., and even flashlights. I am afraid that after the ghosts come, let the lights in this room go out, and they will not be able to see. I'm afraid that I won't be able to see the true face of the water ghost after dark.Looking at the things in the hands of several people, Di Hao couldn't help curling his lips—they were all things that hadn't been opened before, and they didn't have any spiritual energy, so they were of no use.But Di Hao didn't remind them. As for the reason, Di Hao looked at Qin Xiao and smiled secretly.As for Peng Yu, he ran away after watching the fun, lest Di Hao would hold him back. He was used to such things with Di Hao since he was a child, and he had long since lost interest, and he didn't want to let these things pollute his self. Eyes, to avoid nightmares, so it is obligatory to go back to my room to sleep.

Looking at the clock on the wall, the hour hand has reached 11 o'clock, and the minute hand has also reached 6, which is almost 11:[-], but there is no movement at all.

In the monitoring room, Qin Zhi and Qiu Yuan didn't stay there all the time. They were not idlers, so they naturally had other things to do. He was full of patience in his heart, but he gradually felt that this matter was not worth continuing. However, Di Hao also said that he would only take action after asking them to wait patiently past midnight, so although Qin Zhi and Qiu Yuan didn't take it seriously, they continued I waited patiently.

On the contrary, the few people in the room couldn't be idle, and they couldn't just sit and wait. They simply turned on the TV and played a few channels. There was really nothing to see. They didn't turn off the TV, and left some voices to say hello. Playing bridge, this kind of thing requires brains and requires brains. It is Qin Xiao's specialty, but after playing this way, he found that Xu Zihao and Xiao Qian are also very good at playing, and they are also very good at playing, so the three of them played It's very enjoyable.

For the rest, Ms. He was still in a coma, while Di Hao sat quietly on the sofa and hugged Qiqi all the time. He was very patient and calm, and he didn't have the feeling of jumping off before, which made Qin Zhi and Qiu Yuan Some admire.

Di Hao abandoned the sounds of playing cards and TV around him, and was meditating with his eyes closed, when he suddenly felt kicked, opened his eyes and saw that it was Qi Qi who was kicking her legs, then woke up slowly, looking around in a daze , as if he sensed something and was looking for it, Di Hao sank his mind, let go of his spiritual sense to check, and knew that the thing had come, and lowered his eyelids——Di Hao raised the corners of his mouth, not intending to tell everyone, At this moment, Qi Qi was lying in Di Hao's arms, and happened to see her father lowering his head, with a narrow smile on the corner of his mouth, Qi Qi suddenly realized that whenever his father smiled like this, it was usually the godfather who fell down. When he was in trouble, his godfather is not here now, and he doesn't know who his father is trying to punish, so he showed such a smile. It's not a good thing anyway.

Finding that Qiqi was looking at him curiously, Di Hao stretched out his index finger to his lips with curved eyes, and whispered "shh" at Qiqi, which meant to tell him to keep quiet, and Qiqi looked helplessly. Looking at his own father, well, he has always spoiled his father to play pranks, anyway, his father will not let those uncles have anything to do, so he should follow his own father and leave it alone.Silently sighing in her heart, Qi Qi felt that it was really not easy for her to spoil his father.

The first floor of the hotel has the best view, and Ms. He is not short of money, so she naturally chose the room on the first floor of the hotel. The windows are built to be relatively open, and it is also for the convenience of viewing the scenery outside. At this time, except for Di Hao, No one noticed that dense water drops appeared on the tightly closed window, which condensed but did not disperse, neither flowing down nor gathering together, which was really strange.

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