"Father, are we leaving?" Qiqi sat on the sofa with Huomiao and Xiaobai in her arms, kicking her feet at the same time.

"Well, I'm ready to go back to China." When Di Hao turned his head, he saw Qi Qi pouted with a depressed face, and immediately smiled, "Yo, what's the matter?"

"I haven't even gone out to play." Qiqi squeezed Huomiao's neck, "Huoyun Huomiao hasn't gone out to play, Xiaobai hasn't gone out to play, neither has brother Xiao Yan, we are unhappy."

Xiao Yan who was reading at the side looked up at Qi Qi, then shook his head helplessly.

"Where does Qiqi want to go?" Qin Zhi came over and sat beside Qiqi, and grabbed Di Hao with one hand to hug her.

Qi Qi touched Huo Miao's ear, and said hesitantly, "I just...just want to hang out with everyone... Daddy and Daddy."

Qin Zhi and Di Hao looked at each other, and smiled at the same time—they have been busy with the case since they came here, and usually put the little ones to play with Grandpa Zhou Yao, ignoring them, even though they had a little friend with them , but Qiqi is also accompanied by her fathers, after all, it is not easy to come out once.

Thinking of this, Qin Zhi patted Qiqi's head, "Then how about we go out to play tomorrow?"

Qiqi raised her head embarrassedly and said, "Will it not delay your affairs?"

"No." Di Hao replied, not perfunctory, but they do have a lot of time, after all, during this period, Feng You has to prepare some things, and Wan Si will definitely not come out to harm anyone , then they have time to spend with their children.

Di Hao squeezed Qi Qi's chubby face, "You and Xiao Yan have a discussion and decide where to go. Your eldest dad and I will take you there tomorrow."

"Yeah." Qiqi pounced on the two of them, and kissed one of them, "Thank you daddy, thank you big daddy!"

The next day, a group of people came to Disneyland...

Sure enough, the place you must go here is of course a playground that is popular with children and adults.

Looking at the Mickey Mouse ears that can be seen everywhere in the store, Di Hao finally bought several, one for Qiqi, one for Zhou Yao, and even Xiao Yan brought one under the eyes of Qiqi Xingxing, and finally brought it in through his relationship The three small ones were also tied with ribbons and bows on their tails, without the slightest sense of being a male animal. In the end, there were only two left. Di Hao looked at Qin Zhi with a smile, "Do you want to wear it or not?"

Qin Zhi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "You can take me with you."

"There's nothing wrong with that." After saying that, Di Hao put on one of the Mickey Mouse ears, and then handed the only one left over to Qin Zhi with a suppressed smile.

Qin Zhi took it over and took a look—there was actually a bow above the ear, which was for women...

Speechless, he looked at the young man covering his stomach and laughing happily. The bright sunshine was shining on the young man's face, and the sunshine was beautiful.Qin Zhi was in a trance for a moment, as if he saw the heartless and desireless person ten thousand years ago, with only a white tiger around him, standing quietly on the top of the mountain, with the cold moonlight hanging above his head, he looked so lonely, which made people feel distressed for no reason. .

"Hey! You don't want to renege on your debt, do you?" Di Hao approached Qin Zhi and poked him in the face.

Qin Zhi came back to his senses, looked at Di Hao's sparkling eyes, filled with countless rejoicing and joy, lowered his head, let nature take its course, kissed Di Hao's lips, touched Di Hao's lips lightly, and then raised his lips.

Di Hao was taken aback, and just about to scold Qin Zhi for not paying attention to the influence, he saw the smile and satisfaction overflowing from his eyes.

Di Hao blinked, his heart skipped a beat, he wrinkled his nose and said nothing.

Qin Zhi put on the Mickey Mouse ears indifferently, then took Di Hao's hand, greeted the children, and continued to move forward.

Two big men, wearing lovers' headgear, are accompanied by three children, each holding a "pet" in his hand, which is self-evident.

Foreign countries have always been open to same-sex love, not to mention the two men who are so eye-catching, but the obvious oriental faces of the two still attract many foreigners, plus three exquisite and lovely children, cute pets, It is inevitable to be watched all the way.In addition, Qin Zhi is a tall man who is not inferior to a beauty, with a handsome face and cute hair accessories, holding Di Hao who is also outstanding, but there is no sense of disobedience, probably because the atmosphere around the two people is too compatible , There will be no sense of disobedience even with what kind of hair accessories you wear.

Having played on the children's jumping machine, Zhou Yao patted his chest and looked at the two younger brothers who had just come down in doubt, "What are you looking at?"

Qiqi rubbed her fleshy chin, "I found a strange thing." Qiqi pointed to a man sitting in the rest area in front of him, "Why didn't that brother give the thing in his hand to the brother next to him? Obviously he bought it It's double."

Zhou Yao looked up, followed the direction of Qiqi's fingers, and obviously saw a handsome blond man sitting in the rest area, holding two marshmallows in his hand, but the man didn't eat it, and his expression He didn't look very happy either, but... "I only saw him, where is the other brother you mentioned?"

Qiqi opened her mouth in surprise, and looked at Xiao Yan again. It was obvious that Xiao Yan was a little puzzled after hearing Zhou Yao's words, so Qiqi ran to the rest area, not looking for that man of course, but sitting and resting The two fathers in the district, Xiao Yan and Zhou Yao, also followed.

"Father, look there." Qiqi ran to Di Hao and Qin Zhi, immediately cut to the point, and pointed at the man diagonally in front.

"What's the matter...huh?" Di Hao raised his eyebrows, then looked at Qiqi again, "What do you want to say."

Sitting next to the blond man was a Chinese man with a very classic taste and a sad look on his face. The two of them didn't look at each other or speak.

"Father, that brother doesn't look like a ghost? Why can't brother Zhou Yao see him?" Qi Qi asked strangely, he had never encountered such a situation before.

"That's the soul, that is to say, the person is not dead, but the soul has left the body." Speaking of this, Di Hao said in surprise, "I don't know what kind of fetters there are between those two people. Appeared."

"Oh, no wonder that brother didn't give the cotton candy to the brother next to him, because he couldn't see him."

"Baby, you should call him uncle."

When Di Hao and Qi Qi said this, they didn't see that man suddenly turned around and looked at them in surprise.

Qin Zhi and that man looked at each other, he heard what Di Hao and Qi Qi said just now—no wonder, since this foreign man has a Chinese beside him, he probably can understand Chinese, let alone because he is abroad, The conversation between Di Hao and Qiqi didn't hide it either.

The man stood up and walked to them, and asked in awkward Chinese with an excited expression, "Excuse me, is the cotton candy you mentioned just me?"

The question was a bit strange, but everyone present understood it.

Di Hao took a look at the soul of the man who was following the man step by step. Obviously, he was also very surprised and surprised, with a hint of anticipation in his expression.

Just when Di Hao was hesitating between telling the truth and avoiding it, Qiqi raised her hand in a foolish manner, "Uncle, did you understand what we just said?"

The man squatted down with a soft expression, "Little friend, my name is Ackerman, did you just say that there is someone beside me?"

At this time, the man behind Ackerman also squatted down, "Hello, my name is Shen Shuqi."

"Shen Shuqi..." Since Shen Shuqi said it later, Qi Qi read it out.

Ackerman held Qiqi's shoulders excitedly, "Book Flag! You said Book Flag! Is the person next to me a Book Flag?"

Qi Qi wrinkled his little nose, he felt a little hurt from being pinched.

Xiao Yan's eyes sharpened, and he took a step forward and knocked off Ackerman's hand holding Qiqi's shoulder. Although he was small, Xiao Yan knew how to use his spiritual power, so Ackerman's hand was easily knocked off .

Ackerman was surprised for a moment, but he put it away immediately. Realizing his behavior, he said sorry with guilt, "Can you forgive my rudeness just now? I was just too excited." Ackerman smiled wryly for a moment.

Qi Qi shook her head, looked at Shen Shuqi, he also had a guilty expression on his face.

"I think it's better for us to sit down and talk." Di Hao sighed, stepped forward and said, "Find a quieter place."

Ackerman's eyes lit up, and he said, "I have a residence here, not far away. If you don't mind, can you go there with me? I will treat everyone well."

Qin Zhi and Di Hao looked at each other, Di Hao knelt down and asked the six little guys, "Are you going?"

"Dad, go ahead, help brother, we can play later." Qiqi blinked, then looked at Zhou Yao and Xiao Yan, and there were three more.

Zhou Yao and Xiao Yan seemed to be listening to Qi Qi, Huo Miao and Xiao Bai were also very obedient, but Huo Yun was a little jumpy and wanted to speak out to object, Xiao Yan looked at it, and then died down.

So everyone followed Ackerman to the place where he lived.

Being able to have a decent villa in such a prosperous area shows that Ackerman is definitely a rich man, but this is not what they should care about. Watch them, hoping for an answer.

Qin Zhi took a sip of black tea and said slowly, "Sir, you seem to believe what we said without being too surprised."

Ackerman nodded, "To tell you the truth, I can actually feel that Shuqi is by my side, but I'm not sure. After all, such a thing is too unbelievable, but I am surprised to hear you say this today. For me, there are fewer surprises." Speaking of this, Ackerman asked with some uncertainty, "You can see the book flag, can you let me meet him too?"

Zhou Yao grabbed Di Hao's sleeve - he wanted to see it too.

Di Hao wanted to help his forehead. Could it be because he was young and full of curiosity about this kind of thing, but luckily it wasn't a scary picture.

So Di Hao satisfied the only two people present who couldn't see, Zhou Yao and Ackerman. As for Qin Zhi, since he opened the memory, his abilities have already appeared a lot, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

Ackerman looked at Shen Shuqi with excitement, his eyes were a little wet, and Shen Shuqi was the same, but the two people who were looking at each other could not hug each other, they could only look at each other excitedly.

Di Hao and the others didn't bother, they could see now that Ackerman and Shen Shuqi were definitely lovers, and they were still homosexuals like them.

After Ackerman and Shen Shuqi calmed down, Ackerman asked a little later, "Could they be Chinese Taoist priests?"

Di Hao raised his eyebrows in surprise, even Taoist priests know, this foreigner knows a lot, but he is not a Taoist priest, Di Hao shrugged, "Not really."

Ackerman had a look of disappointment on his face.

"Even if I'm not a Taoist priest, I may not be able to solve your problems." Di Hao said slowly, "Tell me, what happened to him, and since it happened, I'll help you to the end. Good luck to you. Otherwise, we will be returning home in two days.”

Ackerman's eyes lit up, he exchanged a glance with Shen Shuqi, and then talked about what happened to them.

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