For Hecate, it doesn't make much difference who the opponent is.Whether it's human beings, gods or beasts, it's nothing more than using different methods to deal with them, and the ultimate goal is the same - to defeat the opponent.

The giant snake's first attack didn't have any skills. It was the same as a common snake when it preyed on the prey. The tail stayed on the ground, and the upper body suddenly rushed forward.If this was an ordinary snake, it would have been pinched by Hecate at this moment and lost the ability to resist. However, the size of this giant snake made all methods of dealing with ordinary snakes ineffective.

At least Hecate only needs to be careful not to be bitten by the snake's teeth, but now he has to be careful not to be swallowed whole by the snake.

She easily dodged the giant snake's first attack, and the power of faith was injected into the scimitar again, and the suddenly extended blade pierced the giant snake's body, but the scales were not damaged, but broke He The blade in Carter's hand.

Hecate rolled away on the spot for a long distance before he dared to stand up again, no longer attacking rashly, but cautiously observed the giant snake in front of him.Like a wild animal observing its prey before preying.

Hussein has been a snake since he chose this way to gain power.Take the lives of innocents with sharp fangs, and then devour them completely, digesting the external power into its own parts in the body.

Hecate had to admit that the methods used by the ancestors of the Nord Kingdom were to some extent the same as that used by Hussein.She could tell herself that Hussein was forcibly plundering other people's lives, and that the plans of the Nord Kingdom were all based on voluntary—but would they really want to?Even Hecate, the direct beneficiary of this plan, is not really willing to get these "benefits".

Maybe they really do.

When the ancestors learned of this secret, they had many completely different reactions. Some people were willing to die for the prosperity of the Nord Kingdom without hesitation, and some people faced their fate after the initial hesitation and confusion. , Some people hate why they were born in the royal family, but they still became part of the plan...

There is nothing wrong with being selfish.Selfishness is human nature.Human beings are inherently egoists, but to what extent is this "self-interest" allowed?The Hindley Continent is only this big in total. Instead of equal distribution, it relies on its own strength to expand and rob resources. The struggle between countries is itself the "selfishness" of human beings. Otherwise, why don't you take everything out? What about the average score?

The God of Light has been thinking about these issues since he was born, and even thinking about them now has no results.Such problems and contradictions exist not only in Hindley Continent, but also in the Kingdom of God.The God of Light obliterated the existence of all other gods in order to obtain his own eternity. This kind of detriment to others is actually more cruel than Hussein's forced plunder.

Hecate didn't expect to think clearly either.

But at least she dared to face the mistakes she made.She wants to defeat Hussein, and the God of Light wants to defeat Hussein. The primary purpose is not to devour his power to consolidate her position, but for the peace of Hindley Continent, and for the people she wants to protect to be able to live in peace in this land. Live on the mainland.

Hecate also didn't want to use words such as repentance and atonement to describe her behavior. In fact, everything she did was selfish, to save Selene and herself who was also trapped in this whirlpool.

"After I go back, I must ask Selene to write this sentence into my holy book."

If a person stipulates that only a saint can punish a sinner, then lock him up-he is probably planning his own crime and trying to excuse himself.

The scimitar condensed by the power of faith is sharp enough, but it is far from the crescent blade cast by the God of Light. As long as this blade cannot cut into Hussein's scales, then all Hecate's efforts from the beginning to the present will be in vain. It was in vain.

Compared with ordinary beasts, the snake is still very flexible after its body has been enlarged several times. It can completely maintain the lower body that supports the body, which is completely different. It uses the flexible upper body to try to bite Hecate.As long as Hecate wants to hurt the giant snake, he must enter its attack range.

Why not give it a go.

When the giant snake attacked again, Hecate didn't dodge. She quickly turned the handle of the knife, held the scimitar in her hand, and concentrated on staring at the giant snake that was almost straight towards her.At the most opportune time, Hecate dodged it, raised the scimitar in his hand, and pierced the giant snake's eyes.

Fortunately, it was a knife condensed by the power of faith. Hecate didn't have to think about picking it up again. She blinded one of Hussein's eyes. It hit the wall of a building not far away.

When Hecate stood up from the ground, she realized that she had made a fatal mistake—the price was too high.

Hecate forgot that this is Selene's body, which does not have the healing ability that can almost ignore all flesh wounds, nor does it have the power to explode instantly. It is only because her soul resides in it that she can use divine arts and be in the kingdom of God. Get some perks.

It is impossible to fight as usual, that would just kill yourself before killing Hussain.

In the past, Hecate was more like a beast than a human being, because she seemed to live in the wild where the strong preyed on the weak, and her instinct allowed her to prioritize her own survival over others.Before doing anything, beasts will first fill their stomachs and sharpen their minions so that they can survive in the cruel environment.

From any point of view, the bodies of these predators are more suitable for fighting than humans. Without the power of weapons, very few humans can defeat them.As for Hindley Continent, there used to be a show where gladiators fought empty-handed with lions and tigers in front of the audience. Some people died tragically, but some people survived. These survivors did not have weapons in their hands, but they had human weapons. wisdom.

The wisdom of human beings not only allows them to use strategies and tools to hunt and kill wild animals, but also allows them to know how to use their bodies better.

Those gladiators were the original "warriors" of the Hindley Continent. Instead of holding standard weapons and charging towards the enemy in formation, they fought one-on-one with ferocious beasts, using their trained and thoughtful skills to defeat them. opponent.

A beast is not a concept without combat skills.They have learned skills through constant hunting and fighting, but almost all of these skills are based on instinct and habit. As long as they are placed in a completely unfamiliar environment, they will lose their original combat effectiveness.

Black mist gushed out of the giant snake's wound, which was obviously a loss of its power, but Hussein did not waste this power. After the black mist fell on the ground, it began to turn into a snake—a real snake, each of which The bright colors mean that their fangs can inject highly toxic bodily fluids into their prey.

Just like Hussein wrapped his body with scales to protect his vitals when he still had a human body, Hecate gently covered the wound with the power of faith, which could not relieve the pain at all, but at least it could stop the pain. Blood from the wound, and prevent the injured part from being hurt more in the next strenuous exercise.

Hecate couldn't help but hope that at this moment, her power of faith can naturally have the ability to heal and repair like the power of faith of the God of Light. Even if the power of faith is only covered on the wound, the wound can slowly start to heal.

Hussein has lost human intelligence, but animals are apparently not that stupid either.It stayed in place for a moment, and the snakes on the ground hissing and spitting out snake letters also stopped, as if they were seriously planning their next attack.

Hecate didn't dare to relax for a moment, maybe just for a moment of distraction, one of these snakes would pounce on it at an extremely fast speed, and even if it only bites once, the venom would be enough to kill her.

The unhealed wound on her body brought more than just pain, which inevitably slowed down Hecate's reaction speed. She looked around and only found a suitable place to avoid dealing with.

Frostfall Castle.

With a wry smile, Hecate rushed to the castle—this was the second time she would destroy it in battle, although this time it wasn't real.

It is difficult for you to prevent a group of snakes from entering any building, unless there are a few priests of light standing here, using their magic to cover the entire castle.However, this is not a real castle, but Hecate's Kingdom of God. As long as she disappears from the sight of the giant snake, she can order the entire Kingdom of God to completely hide her aura and power of faith, giving herself a breathing space time.

Hecate, who entered the castle, did not dare to neglect for a moment. She knew that she had copied it directly from Selene's mind, and hadn't had time to modify and perfect it. In other words, the furnishings in the castle were still in Selene's memory. look.

The room in the corner where Selene used to study the magic of light must still be there.

Thank goodness Selene has a good memory, she even remembers exactly what potions are on the shelf.

At that time, the way Selene could get the power of faith was too limited, so her research direction was different from that of ordinary priests of the God of Light. The potion was not as effective and practical as magic, but compared Under the circumstances, the power of faith required is also much less.

There is no doubt that the golden bottle of powder in the corner is a simplified version of the healing spell.

Hecate frantically opened the lid and applied the powder to the wound.

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