Hecate knew he couldn't delay this any longer.After a lot of physical exertion, the chances of winning will only become less and less, and she will only lose even worse without seeing any possibility of a comeback, but if she muster up the courage to give it a go now, she may find a chance of winning instead.

So she made everyone else stand back, and challenged Hussein alone to end Hussein's idle state,

Hussein is not the kind of person who is so cautious that he can ignore the other party's provocations with reason. On the contrary, Hussein is already proud and arrogant. After absorbing so much power, he is even more conceited about his own strength. Slowly exhausting Hecate's stamina is such a safe method, he prefers to use absolute strength to crush his opponents.He may not have done this before for the sake of safety, but when Hecate offered it, he would not continue to insist on this method that was inconsistent with his style.

"Okay, I accept your invitation. I also think it's more reasonable to have a decent battle before our respective physical strength is exhausted. If it's just to see who can survive until the end , It’s too boring.” Hussein slowly walked down the steps of the throne, the black fog around him has not completely dissipated, but it is much thinner than the state just now, he did not take a weapon, I just moved my two hands that have become the claws of the beast, "Then let me see how strong you are."

He must have noticed that from the moment Hecate entered the basement until now, except for the one time when he went up to cut Hussein's cocoon, he had never attacked with real force.She has also been holding back, waiting for the moment when she needs to release her power.

All the attacks just now hovered outside Hussein's black mist protective layer, and Hecate has not yet been able to accurately understand the characteristics of Hussein's current body.Hussain was much taller than he had appeared before, and Hecate suspected that his body structure was also different from ordinary humans—for example, his heart was not necessarily in that position, and he might have feathers on his body as well as his arms. Protected by the shaped scales, or the skin on the vital parts has become as hard as his sharp claws.

Hecate always hits the nail on the head right from the start.So she noticed Hussein's neck, which was also protected by scales, but the scales did not completely spread to the chin. As long as it was cut from a suitable angle, Hecate could decapitate him.

Not to mention Hussein, maybe even Selene has forgotten that Hecate is not only a warrior who can kill the enemy on the frontal battlefield, but also an assassin who looks like a ghost at night. The things she is best at are other than In addition to head-on combat, there are also sharp knives stretched out from the shadows to kill enemies stronger than themselves.

As long as she catches a moment when Hussein shows his weakness, she can win.

"I do like my basement, though, and this castle over my head. If we fight here, they're going to suffer."

Hussein's voice gradually dropped, and the black mist on his body slowly receded to his feet, and spread close to the ground until it reached Hecate's feet.

"It's okay, I'm fine." Hecate turned and explained to Selene, "He just wanted to take me to a battlefield that wouldn't affect here."

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Hecate fell onto a grassland.

The sun was very strong.Because of the black fog of the Nagrand Empire, Hecate felt that she hadn't been exposed to such refreshing sunshine for a long time. She looked around and found that this was the most extensive grassland in the Nagrand Empire, full of pastures. The army of the Gran Empire contributed countless excellent horses.

Because of his greed and unscrupulous methods, Hussein lost his status as the ruler of the Nagrand Empire.Maybe he still loves this land deep in his heart, but when he oppresses the people on this land because of his own selfish desires, taking their strength and even their lives, he is not qualified to talk about his love for this country.

This is not a real kingdom of God, just like the spiritual world that exists in Hecate's mind. The difference is that this is a world that Hussein erected outside his body, not attached to anyone's spirit Otherwise, just the battle between Hecate and Hussein would be enough to completely collapse a spiritual world.

But all their actions here will not affect the outside world.Only their respective wounds and fatigue will follow them back to reality.

"Don't stand there in a daze, Hecate, I believe this is nothing unusual for you and me. You'd better keep your eyes open, take a good look at my legion, and think about how you can deal with it. .”

In the illusion, Hussein resumed his normal posture as a human being, and all the black mist disappeared, but Hecate quickly saw where the black mist was going.

They were first laid flat on the ground, and then condensed into groups in the air, showing their shapes.

Soldiers in heavy armor holding weapons, priests holding scepters expressionlessly, and civilians looking around dully, as if they don't know why they are here...

After a while, Hecate came to his senses.It was all the soul inside Hussain.

She also understood how Hussein would fight in this illusion. She tried to sort out the souls in her spiritual world, extract those assimilated souls, and let them gain temporary freedom and independence in the illusion. Existence—it is said to be free, but in fact the assimilated soul cannot be truly separated. They are still composed of the power of Hecate's belief in essence, and the right to control the body can also be taken back or controlled by Hecate at any time.

Hussein's legions kept pouring out of the black mist, new ones kept appearing, and the old ones stood in formation under Hussein's command. When the black mist finally couldn't condense the human form, Hussein looked up With Hecate's soul differentiated from the body.

"Let me see... there are less than forty? As your Northlanders' army, isn't it too shabby? Or, with such a number, can your behavior be more noble than mine?"

Hecate didn't contradict him.She knew in her heart that the monarchs of the Nord Kingdom, not everyone of her ancestors voluntarily, or they were forced to voluntarily, in front of the country, in front of the family, in front of the glory of the so-called Northlanders , They let go of their personal gains and losses, calmly faced the path Toynby had arranged for them, and walked toward destruction quietly.

"Just because I did the same thing as you, it doesn't mean that I will lose my qualification to judge you." Hecate stood at the forefront of the team and raised the blade in his hand, "At least I know this is wrong."

"Sorry, whoever wins today is correct."

Most of the souls that were forcibly plundered by Hussein were not truly assimilated in its body. They were forced to become Hussein's puppets, obeying Hussein's command, and exerting little strength before they were born. The superiority gained in numbers seems to make individual strength less important.

In the empty field in the spiritual world, there are densely packed soldiers surrounded by black mist. Some of them look like ordinary people, and some seem to be priests or ministers. Hecate also recognized several Northlanders among them— —They are the ministers and officers of the Nord kingdom who were killed by Hussein in Frostcovered City.

Hecate's power of faith is too pure. After being assimilated, her Nord ancestors still retain a large part of their strength in life, but the difference in number is too huge, and it is impossible to see the direction of victory or defeat for a while. Come.

If you want to talk about the living people, then Hecate can be called the number one in the Nord Kingdom.But when you count the dead, it's not so simple.Compared with combat skills, Selene's talent is more manifested in other aspects. However, among the kings of the Nord Kingdom, there are many heroes like Toynby the Conqueror who can stand up to a hundred on the battlefield.

"Hecate, this is not going to work."

Hecate's movements paused for a moment, barely dodging the ax blade that was coming from behind, she quickly dodged it, stopped the fierce offensive just now, and cast a magic spell similar to that used by the God of Light on the crescent blade , allowing myself to be slightly distracted in the battle to answer Selene.

"Selene? Can you hear me? Can you see what's going on here?"

"The voice can be heard, and it's very clear. I can barely see your vision, it's a bit blurry, but it's enough for me to make a judgment. It seems that as long as you don't take the initiative to cut it off, the connection between the gods and the believers is indeed very strong. "After the initial fuzzy trembling, Selene's voice gradually became clearer. Hecate withdrew part of the power of faith into his body, for fear that this connection would suddenly be broken due to the lack of power of faith." Next You concentrate on fighting, and I will be in charge of the command. Although it seems that we are not in the wind, those powerful people in Hussein's army have been staying behind to watch the battle. Once Hussein orders them to attack, the balance will tilt gone."

"Unfortunately, if you want to command, then I can't concentrate on fighting." Hecate was not sure if Hussein could detect her abnormality, and she tried to pretend that she was just saving energy, "They can't hear you Instructions, your orders must be conveyed by me."

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