To sneak into Xueze Town without anyone noticing, this task made Hecate become more cautious. For the first time, he made a plan in advance for what he was going to do, and eliminated the unfavorable factors and the possibility of failure as much as possible.

And when she realized that she could directly take back the town from the enemy, she turned back to the usual reckless child.

"Gabriel, Rupert, are you two tired?"

"A little bit." Both of them answered honestly, "But it's mainly because I haven't slept all night, I'm too sleepy."

"Then get a good night's sleep. When we operate at dusk today... we need to take back Xueze Town directly."

Hecate tried to speak this decision in a tone that would not scare them, but both Rupert and Gabriel were stunned for a moment, and Rupert stammered to confirm: "Retake Xueze Town directly... But Your Highness? We Only three people?"

"If there is me among these three people, three of them will be enough." Hecate nodded confidently at him, "You two just preserve your energy and follow my instructions."

At dusk, when the sky began to darken, Hecate lifted the straw pile above his head and took Rupert and Gabriel to hide at the corner of the street.All three of them had drawn their scimitars from their sheaths and were just waiting for the next patrol to arrive and start the battle.

"Listen, you don't need to drill into the enemy pile, and you don't need to kill many enemies. These are my jobs. You just need to keep yourself alive. I don't really need your assistance in this regard. ——I'm serious." Hecate nodded earnestly, "Don't think I'm talking nonsense... I really don't need it. When the first patrols arrive in a while, don't do anything, just wait here for me .”

The footsteps were getting closer and closer to the corner where they were.With the friction of armor and the collision of metal, what is coming is the guards they are waiting for.

Under Rupert and Gabriel's amazed and amazed gazes, Hecate jumped out without hesitation, swinging the scimitar without any unnecessary movements. Before the patrol team could react and counterattack, three soldiers had already fallen on the ground. on the ground.

And the entire patrol team actually only has seven people.There was a spearman who seemed to be from the regular army. Without even looking at the corpse lying on the ground, he immediately pointed the spear towards Hecate. Hecate easily grabbed the barrel of the gun and twisted it off. The tip of the gun in his hand pierced his neck.

Rupert and Gabriel behind the corner also rushed out at this time. They were not very proficient in using the machete, but the advantages of the Northlander's physique and strength allowed them to kill without too much time. Two guards died.

"Everyone!" Hecate threw the body of the last guard aside and shouted at the people on the street, "Go home! Hide in the house! Don't go out until the sun rises tomorrow!"

Everyone chose to carry out Hecate's order immediately.Maybe it was the soldiers who saw her kill Nagrand, maybe she saw Rupert and Gabriel beside her, or maybe it was just her blonde hair and blue eyes that proved she was a Northlander.

This reason is enough for the residents of Xueze Town to trust Hecate.They hurriedly put away the things outside and ran to remind those who hadn't heard the news. After confirming that everyone around them was preparing to evacuate, they ran into their own homes and closed the door firmly.

On the streets of Xueze Town, only Hecate, Rupert and Gabriel were left in a blink of an eye, as well as Nagrand soldiers rushing towards them from all directions.

"Take back the scimitar, you two! There are spears and long-handled axes on the ground over there! Pick them up! Then follow me!" Rupert and Gabriel are not yet fully used to the use of the scimitar, since they no longer need it If they remained hidden, Hecate signaled them to give up the weapons prepared for stealth, "I'll get you bows and arrows!"

Rupert and Gabriel are recruits who have been in the army for less than a month, but they are both experienced old hunters. Compared with these weapons, they are undoubtedly better at using bows and arrows.

While hiding in the straw to observe, Hecate noticed the archers in the patrol team.What they carried were not signal arrows and crossbows? Bows, but well-made ordinary bows and arrows, which could be used as weapons for Rupert and Gabriel.

Hecate also realized that the preparations she made before she set off were to sneak in and obtain information, but now she was going to fight the enemy head-on, so all the preparations seemed to be very insufficient. She could only try to destroy the enemy at once to obtain Victory, lest the longer the delay, the worse the situation will be for them.

"Take it!" Hecate threw two sets of bows and arrows to Rupert and Gabriel, his heart sank, and he realized that he had forgotten one thing.They were different from her, and also different from the elite soldiers of the Guards Corps. A few days ago, they were two hunters in Xueze Town who relied on hunting to support their families, and they had no ability to stand out from the encirclement.

Hecate could fight hundreds of soldiers alone, but he couldn't guarantee the safety of others under the siege of more than 100 soldiers.

Divine spells, Taoist spells, magic... She knows many spells, and also knows their respective advantages and disadvantages, but she doesn't know how to use them.The power of faith can change infinitely in the hands of Phoebe and Selene, creating an effect that can change the situation of the battle, but with her, it can only become her personal food.

The current Hecate is actually no different from a human being.

Selene said that she is the patron saint of the Northlanders, but in fact she only has the ability to destroy, and all she can do is kill, not protect.

But the flow of the power of faith became more and more clear, and Hecate could feel them gathering in different places along with his movements, and when he wanted to consciously manipulate them, that feeling disappeared again.

In the midst of constant attempts and failures, Hecate yelled anxiously: "Stop!"

Even if the sound was loud enough to shatter the eardrums, it could not stop the footsteps of dozens of soldiers. It was the power of faith that could do this.For the first time, the power of faith followed Hecate's conscious guidance, and broke out at the right time.

This is not a spell with its own rules and regulations, and even its activation depends on Hecate's subtle feeling at that moment, but it is undeniable that it took effect at this moment, allowing Rupert and Gabriel to take The bows and arrows escaped to a safe distance, and the northerners who were hiding behind the door and clutching various sundries as weapons took advantage of this opportunity to rush out one after another.

The power of the Power of Faith explosion not only harmed the Nagrand soldiers, but also Hecate himself.It was the first time for her to try to use the power hidden in her body, and under the condition of extremely unstable emotions, too much overdraft of the power of faith was like an overdraft of vitality to Hecate, let alone just now, she It was the one who was closer to the center of the explosion and who was indeed defenseless.

Fortunately, there are these Northlanders who ran from the safety of their homes and fought with all their strength.

Most of them carried brooms, benches and other things, and some thought of kitchen knives and small knives for cutting vegetables and leather. Someone even brought out a pot of boiling water, knocked the Nagrand soldiers to the ground, and He took off his helmet and poured boiling water through the gaps in his armor.

These brave northerners gave Hecate a chance to recover his strength.

Without the power of faith in her body, her body was no longer as strong as a god. Hecate's speed slowed down and her strength became weaker, but for her, it was more than enough to deal with these ordinary soldiers.

Rupert and Gabriel's archery skills are excellent, and the Northlanders also seized this opportunity, almost fighting with the belief that they must die.Hecate didn't cause them too many casualties. She took a deep breath and ran out as if charging on the battlefield. After the second time, the streets were already filled with the corpses of Nagrand soldiers.

No more soldiers in Nagrand armor came out.

The Northlanders clapped and hugged each other, expressing their joy, and Rupert and Gabriel joined them.Panting, Hecate supported her body with the scimitar. For the first time since she received the soul of her ancestors in the Kingdom of Nord, she experienced the feeling of physical exhaustion.

"You are so stupid." The ancestor's voice sounded, "You are different from human beings... the power of faith represents your physical strength and vitality, and it is simply ridiculous to do this kind of action after exhausting the power of faith. Suicide."

Through the action just now, Hecate also realized that it was not that her body had undergone any essential changes after becoming a god, but that the power of faith helped her break through the limit of being a human being and was promoted to the realm of a god. For a person like her who is not yet a real god, losing the power of faith stored in her body is equivalent to being beaten back to her original shape immediately, becoming the same human being as before.

If Hecate didn't have that kind of strength before becoming a god, she would have died under the siege of the enemy just after exhausting the power of faith.

Just when she was thankful for her good luck tonight, and wanted to sit down on the ground to recover her body, a figure in black robe appeared in the void accompanied by weird creaking noises.

The explosion of the power of faith also seemed to make Hecate more sensitive to the power of faith. She immediately felt the breath of "heretics", but the person in front of her was obviously not a priest of the Light God Sect, nor a monk from Penglai. , then there is only one possibility left.

The black-robed mage loyal to the Nagrand Empire condensed a fireball and accurately threw it at Hecate.

Hecate struggled to avoid it, and the fireball hit the wall behind her. She looked back at the damage to the wall, and knew that the enemy she was facing was much stronger than before.

She gripped the crescent blade tightly, ready to face the bitter battle.

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