"Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of our Northlanders used axes and iron bones to open up their own homes in the snow on the plains and mountains. From the beginning of subjugating the wolves in the snow field, we gradually became an incompetent The powerful ethnic group that was easily destroyed allowed the great reputation of the northern warriors to spread to every corner of the continent. The tenacity and indomitableness handed down from this bloodline is our pride and our reliance for thousands of years in the continent's disputes. but--"

But such tenacity is never all there is to it.

At the juncture of life and death, the Northlanders also had to bend their proud spines and bow their heads to compromise with their fate.

Roy wore the white armor that belonged to the monarch of the Nord Kingdom, and walked on the snow near the border with one deep foot and one shallow foot.And the little girl who seemed to be only three or four years old was wrapped in a black fur cloak by him, only poking out a pair of eyes to look around curiously.

The warmth of her father's embrace made Hecate drowsy. She brushed off the snowflakes from her hair, and pulled the fur cloak that wrapped her tightly: "Father, let me down."

It began to snow heavily at night. For a tall Northlander like Roy, the snow would not reach his calf even if he stepped on it, let alone Hecate, who was still a child.But Roy loosened Hecate's cloak without hesitation, and gently placed her on the snow.

Hecate fell into the snow almost instantly, giggling as she steadied herself in waist-deep snow, trying to keep up with her father.

The moon rose to the very center of the sky, illuminating the two figures slowly moving forward on the snow field, and Roy squinted his eyes, and finally saw a carriage appearing on the horizon in the distance.

Roy also couldn't tell whether he wanted the other party to come at the agreed time, or whether he hoped that they would break the appointment temporarily so that he would not have to hand over his three-year-old biological daughter with his own hands.

Except for the ponies of the Nord Kingdom, there is probably no horse that can adapt to long-distance running in this environment. Even the Nagrand Empire, which is famous for its elite cavalry, cannot change this. The carriage with the royal coat of arms on its body moved slowly on the snowy ground. The driver tightly grasped the reins and stopped the carriage in front of Roy and Hecate.

"Cough, cough!"

It seemed that he was disturbed by the bad weather. There was a violent coughing sound from the carriage. Then, the current emperor of the Nagrand Empire walked out of the carriage with a young man of about ten years old.

Roy is only 30 years old this year, and even if he looks at the entire continent, he can be considered a young monarch.And his old friend, Emperor Cole of the Nagrand Empire, looked more like a man in his fifties than when he last met.Roy reached out to help him to prevent him from falling headlong on the snow. He patted Roy's arm vigorously to express his gratitude, and then pushed the young man beside him forward: "This is Joshua, Hou Sein's brother."

"I'm Hecate!" Hecate tilted his head and thought for a while, "Selene's sister."

The northernmost Nord Kingdom on the mainland and its southern neighbor, the Nagrand Empire, have been endless enemies since the beginning of human history.However, after Roy, the current king of the Nord Kingdom came to the throne, he changed from the sharp and aggressive ruling style of his predecessors, and began to concentrate on development. Cole, the leader of the Nagrand Empire, was also peaceful by nature. The country and the two countries finally realized that this protracted struggle would only consume the national strength of both sides, so they happily shook hands and signed a peace agreement.

The variable that neither side anticipated was Cole's eldest son, Hussein, Crown Prince of Nagrand.

Hussein, who is 23 years old this year, has shown amazing talent and ambition in governing. Although he is still only a prince, in the eyes of Nagrand's officials and people, Hussein is their real king. Er is just a mediocre man wasting his time on the throne.

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that Cole's power was emptied step by step by Hussein.

"As long as I sit on the throne, I will ensure peace between Nord and Nagrand. We have no time to waste time and energy on these meaningless battles, which will only make the Talis Alliance organic But take advantage." Cole sighed for a long time, "I know Hussein. He may be ambitious, but he always pays attention to the integrity of his name and does not leave anyone with any excuses. Because of this, I am sure that he will not He will directly kick me off the throne. It is precisely because of his character that we have a way to stop him."

A peace agreement cannot completely smooth out the emotions in the hearts of the two peoples, but if coupled with the "exchange of protons", it can block Hussein's footsteps to a large extent-how can such a person who cares about "righteousness" Will he rashly send troops to the country where his biological brother is?

"Go, Joshua." Cole patted his son on the back lightly, "Mr. Roy is a trustworthy person, and he will not treat you badly."

"I had to make a choice between Selene and Hecate. This is the most helpless decision I've ever made in my life." Roy squatted down and rubbed Hecate's light-blond hair that just reached his shoulders, " This does not mean that I have given up on Hecate deep down in my heart, I hope you can help me take good care of her as much as you can."

Roy and Joshua standing beside him stood in the snow for a long time, watching the carriage carrying Cole and Hecate disappear into the vast white snow.

Finally, Roy took the thin shoulders of the young man beside him: "Okay, kid, say goodbye to your past life."

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